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Into the Embrace of Fire
Into the Embrace of Fire
Into the Embrace of Fire
Ebook422 pages7 hours

Into the Embrace of Fire

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Often, people ask themselves if they used the right course or words towards other people or any problems related to social interaction. Does it matter if they do the right thing or not?
In this story, our hero, even though he is a bright mathematical genius, comes across the same problem that everyone can relate to. How he breaks down the problem to solve it? It made this story.
The story shows the three stages of his life. When he was a teenage boy, then when he went to college, and in the end, when he was at his middle age.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 14, 2021
Into the Embrace of Fire

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    Into the Embrace of Fire - Farshad Torkashvand


    Try to imagine a mathematician who has trained himself to think his whole life objectively. Now he wants to write his biography. He wants to tell the deranged story that he had, the things that changed him entirely to the last cell in his body.

    How boring would it be?

    What made me think I could do that was realizing that I had a common ground with other people. I have read novels, books, and magazines about human relationships and their suffering to the extent of madness and self-destruction. And in all, people tend to go to the same road. The road is called Love. People are still using it. Thousands of years have passed since we became Homo sapiens. We evolved as a being. We got smarter and taller and everything else about us—our belief, taste in food, affection, and even our choices of God. So did Love. It is a touchy subject for everyone. Aren’t we pursuing it every day of our lives? Is it our mistake or parental teaching that we never understood the meaning of it?

    The common ground tells me that I can do this biography since I have feelings like anybody else. I get hurt when I get rejected. It becomes a joy of my life to see the laugh of the person I am attracted to, and I get sad when I find out that the feeling she had isn’t the same way I had. These and many other things brought me to the conclusion that I am human like anybody else and capable of having feelings. I don’t know what kind of reader is going to read this book, but I am sure that my story, like anybody else’s, is going to be interesting. Since this is my story, I want to share it the way I like it.

    But before that, let me tell you an old story about the moth’s love and the candle.

    In the nighttime, an eclipse of moths gathered together, desiring to find the mystery behind the candle’s light. In unison, they said, One of us should go find the secret behind what we are looking for.

    One of the moths went afar, saw a candle in the castle, and observed how it shone through the darkness. He came back and told the others what he had seen as much as he could. But the wise moth, the leader of their assembly, perceived, That is not the secret of the candle.

    Another moth rose and visited the candle, and this time, he drew near it. He touched the flame by his wings. He whirled and twirled around it, but the heat of the candle drove him away.

    The candle was victorious, and the moth was defeated.

    He returned and told them his part of the story, but the sagacious moth said to him, Your explanation is no better than your comrade.

    A third moth rose, drunk and inebriated; he went and sat on the candle. Embracing the candle and its fire, he became one with the candle. His body became the same color as the light that it sought.

    The knowledgeable moth saw the whole thing from afar. He saw how the candle identified itself with that moth, and then he said, Only this moth knows the secret and no one else. Who could tell the mystery of the candle but he?

    The story usually starts with the childhood of the people, how they became the people who they are now. But I want to break the unwritten law and start writing the way I like. It is going to be chaotic, but it is going to be fun.

    My story starts with believing in love. Should I believe in it? Or should I try to find the truth about it?

    Well, let’s see. Do I believe in it?

    Many years ago, someone thought that I was the love of her life. She had this notion that if I were with her, she would be the happiest girl in the world—same old cliché. She didn’t see what was coming; neither did I.

    On the morning of my final exam, I finished my test and was waiting for my ride, then I saw a woman or, should I say, a mother. She had this motherly look all over her face, from wearing cheap dresses to not even trying to put so much effort into putting some makeup on her face. She didn’t care at all about her appearance. If it weren’t for her kid’s embarrassment, I believe, she wouldn’t put that effort either. It was interesting to look at her. It made me curious what she was thinking. Do all mothers do the same things? So I looked around, and I saw that most mothers had the same figures. It was like all of them came and went to the same lousy mall. They didn’t care about their appearance. Still, I could see the beauty they had. Some of them colored their hair to golden blond, and some hid their white hair in black or red. Their bellies puffed from the experience they had from giving birth. I could see the dust of life was heavy on their faces, and it pulled down some faces with it.

    I looked back to the woman who made my morning different. She was sitting on the chair and was looking far away. She wasn’t looking at anything. It was obvious. Anyone with good observational eyes could tell you the same. She was instead thinking. I don’t know what she was thinking. I wanted to give her at least this little privacy she got. She was drowning in her own thoughts. Maybe she was thinking about what she should do if her daughter or her son goes to college. Is it going to be okay? What’s going to happen to her baby kid then? She invested too much to let it be a failure. She wanted the best things for her youngster. She always does, doesn’t she? What would happen to her little one when she is GONE? Is it okay to leave them now? Are they going to be Okay? What if her kid met terrible people? Draw her teenage boy or girl to do the wrong things, to do drugs, to smoke, to be a parent without knowing it? What if her child became successful? Is it going to be okay then? What if people started abusing her baby? Someone marries her adolescent child since her youngster is a successful person, not because of how wonderful her young one is? Or people, because of their envies, put her sweet child in difficult situations? Her fine, loving tot must make long hours work to satisfy those people. Or because of the laziness of some people, her baby must endure all the responsibility? Oh, her sweet, loving child. The kid is too young to have that kind of hardship. She wished she could do something about it. Of course, still, her stripling is in need—in need of her guidance—so she had to be strong. As long as she lives, no soul can harm her sweet, loving child. She could still remember when she gave birth to this beautiful creature, and she is thankful to the universe for giving her this beautiful gift.

    The moment she saw her toddler, she fell in love with it. There was something that clouded her vision at the moment that wouldn’t let her see her child. Oh, that silly tears. What untimely moment it had to come. For God’s sake, even her nose was running. Droplets blinded her, so she wiped it out. She didn’t want to lose a second of not seeing her kiddie. She became deaf from hearing other voices. She only wanted to listen to her infant. A slight move to reach her child and a tremendous feeling of pain rushed to her body. She remembered the amount of pain she had to endure to give birth to this affectionate creature. In those moments, she made a commitment that she would never go through this again but look at her child. Her child was beautiful and perfect. She was aching to hold her babe. She moved again, and the rush of the pain immobilized her again. She was so disappointed in herself that she thought she was too weak to reach her adoring infant without other people’s help. She helplessly held her hands up in the sign of a request to have her ardent babe. The nurse understandably handed in her kid. Even though she said this sentence more than a thousand times, but she still said it with a smile on her face.

    Your child is beautiful.

    She looked up and understandably nodded. She was holding her adoring child. Her kid was so vulnerable and breakable. She was too afraid to move fast or do something stupid that would harm her minor. She could see the little face and the closed eyes and those little hands that were moving around aimlessly. Maybe those hands were trying to grab something, so she put her index finger slowly on one of those little hands. And those fingers, with no waste of time, held her finger. She could feel the warmth of the skin of that little hand. That hand wouldn’t let go of her. It just made her smile more to see how strong her kid was. She noticed the little head that was moving side by side.

    Does it want something else?

    Even though it hurt her feeling, she pulled out her finger from those little fingers to free her hand to pull out her breast. As soon as she did that, those little hands were wandering around to grab something.

    How vulnerable.

    She pulled out her breast successfully with one hand. Doing that made her proud of herself. She showed her motherhood skill to her child and made sure her youngster understood that THIS mother was skillful and reliable.

    The kid’s head was still wandering around from side to side, with the hands searching for something. Even those little feet were moving around.

    How sweet and vulnerable the tot was.

    She slowly turned the infant’s head toward her breast, where her nipple was to let the little love have it. It was the one and only mission the child had to do. Million years of evolution taught the fond one just to do that, to survive. The baby started suckling with excitement. She put her hand on the baby’s head kindly and traced back the line of hair. Those shaggy, wet from the womb, were a mess. This kid made a hell of an entrance into the world, and she whispered in the young one’s ear.


    I could see all that in her eyes. I saw the pain, joy, disappointment, pride, laugh, hope, disgust, anger, kindness, passion, and delight. I didn’t know what to do with this kind of self-revelation. Not two hours ago, I was mapping out how to take off so many panties from the girls and collect them as a badge of honor or trophies. I wanted to push out this strange feeling that I got from this woman. I didn’t need that in my life. I just wanted to get laid. Pathetic? Maybe. But who cares for this kind of bullshit? Where was that selfishness when I needed it?

    However, I was curious to see whose mother she was? At that time, my ride came, and I never found out who she was.


    What is this heat? I asked. My friend quietly walked beside me and didn’t bother to answer.

    Are we in hell? What the hell did you do? I asked again.

    Well, isn’t summer supposed to be like this, you idiot? Maybe your farts made this greenhouse. Congratulations for making these phenomena, my friend told me.

    Well, I couldn’t do it all by myself. I have to thank the sandwich I ate and the people who made it and the people who tirelessly worked so hard to make that shitty sausage, and let’s not forget our good fellow government who allowed those people to work. I couldn’t be here if it weren’t for all those people, I told my friend with a grin on my face. And my special thanks go to you who bought that fucking cheap sandwich.

    I didn’t hear any complaints when you devoured like a snake the whole fucking thing, my friend said without looking at me.

    Well, when I didn’t eat any shit all morning and add to that playing soccer, well, no surprises that it made me like a zombie, I told him and tried to walk a little faster.

    Is it my fault that your lazy ass can’t wake up early and make a fucking breakfast? he said it calmly. We were having fun, and we always enjoyed witty comeback conversations. We weren’t arguing. Well, we were just best friends. What is a best friend good for?

    Don’t give me that shit. Who came early in the morning and asked me, ‘Get your ass to the field’? I told him with ease.

    Well, how should I know that your lazy ass wants to sleep all day? my friend answered.

    Look, for your information, it is summer break. I believe it is my very right to sleep whenever I want or wake up whenever I desire to. I had enough crab in school ti— My glorious comeback got cut short because I saw heaven for a second. Are you seeing what I am seeing? I told my friend, and when I looked at him, I saw he was already drooling. He just nodded his head up and down. The bastard didn’t want to lose a second looking at those beautiful girls.

    What the fuck? my friend said loosely.

    Or should I say, where the fuck you bitches were in my whole life? I responded.

    What should we do? my friend asked me.

    How the fuck am I supposed to know?


    What? Do you expect me to go there and say, ‘Excuse me, which one of you wants to fuck on this beautiful summer day?’

    I knew that you didn’t have the balls for it.

    Okay, show me how it’s done, Mr. Having Balls.

    Forget about it. I should’ve known you haven’t had it in you.

    But seriously, look at them. Are those for real?

    If only I could.

    Well, dreams are made for young people.

    Fuck you.

    Youuuu fuuuuucker.

    After a moment of silence, I asked my friend, Can you at least make a plan?

    Here. He showed me his pocket, put his hand in it, and then pulled out his hand and showed me his middle finger.

    I shook my head from side to side with a smile on my face. At least go there and talk to them.

    Why don’t you do it yourself? he answered.

    What an idiot I am with, I said low enough as if I were talking to myself and loud enough to let him know about my disappointment.

    There were three girls who were playing with boys. As it happened, they had the same taste of sport as us. They were playing soccer. One of the girls had light-blond hair, and her height was almost 1.7 meters. She had a perfect butt by the eyes of humans and mathematics. If you are wondering if you—I mean, the girls and women (because this formula only works for women)—have a perfect butt, punch in the numbers, and voila, now you know that you have a perfect butt or not. The best part is that you don’t have to listen to your friends or plastic surgeon to know the answer. I’ll stop the suspense and give you that fantastic formula:

    (S + C) × (B + F) / T − V.

    S is for shape, C is for spherical, B is for wobble or bounce, F is for firmness, V is for hip-to-waist Ratio, and T is for skin texture.

    Before people start carrying pitchforks and a torch and put every mathematician in the crucifixion and put in a blaze to make sure there won’t be any resurrection, I should point out it wasn’t from a mathematician. It was from a psychologist named David Holmes.

    It is fun, isn’t it? Well, this happens when a member of the International Mathematical gold medal winner is too horny to think about other things. In the meantime, he put it in the concept of mathematics. My friend and I were two geeks, and everyone hated us for being too bright for our own good. I saw the world through the microscope of mathematics, and he liked to see things through the actual microscope. He was passionate about biology. We always had an argument about which field was more important. My opinion was that the language of nature is written in mathematics. Through those, we understand what nature is trying to say. My friend argued that it was horseshit talk because biology IS nature. I fired back to him that it is thanks to mathematics that he could observe any shit through a microscope. We always had this kind of argument.

    The first time my friend and I met was in the geek center where we were supposed to learn how to talk to important people, a bunch of political losers who didn’t know which hand was right or left, so we could have the honor of accepting the gratitude of a nation for being passionate about something we loved.

    What a loser, I said when I saw what a big deal they were making of everything. I was talking to myself.

    Excuse me? the guy right beside me said.

    I looked at him. I saw an average-looking guy with black hair and eyes, and he had this round white face. He gave me a look, which was saying, I dare you, say it again.

    Which one is your father? I responded.


    So what’s your problem then?

    I thought you were talking to me, he said.

    Don’t take yourself so seriously. Seriously, no one does. Trust me on that, I told him without looking at him.

    Are you looking for trouble? he answered furiously.

    I look for anything to get out of this shit show, I told him the way that showed him I didn’t care and wasn’t afraid of him.

    Me too, he responded with a smile on his face instead.

    Marshal, he said and stretched his hand for a handshake.

    Agustin, I said and accepted his handshake.

    I like you, Agustin, he said it casually.

    Thanks, but I like girls with big boobs, I responded.

    He giggled and put his hand in front of his mouth to hide his laugh from other people. After a while, when he got a little bit of control of himself, he looked at me and, with a grin on his face, then told me that if he were gay, he would have fallen for my charm.

    What a waste of time. Isn’t it, Agustin? Marshal said.

    Holy shit, don’t tell me you were actually listening to this moron? I went to a coma the second he opened his mouth, and all this time, I was calculating how I could kill him by throwing this pen or something else into his mouth, I responded.

    Shit, yeah, you are right. I should’ve done the same thing. You know what? I could’ve brought a virus that could only kill him, and no one else gets infected and saved us all this headache, he whispered.

    Look at us. They try to teach us the proper manner for those assholes, and now we are planning how to assassinate an idiot. For their safety, they should get rid of this shitty thing, I said.

    Is there something that you want to share, Mr. Adalbert? the asshole who was talking for the last two hours was asking.

    No, sir, I was memorizing your speech, and I have this bad habit of repeating it to myself to remember it. I didn’t notice I was too loud. Please continue, I said it the way that didn’t sound like sarcasm, but my friend now pressed his hand on his mouth and tried not to laugh.

    The other girl had midnight-black hair with a pixie-cut hairstyle, which showed her long and beautiful neck, and most importantly, she had this pointy breast that was huge for a girl of that age. She had long and beautiful legs, wearing casual black shorts for soccer, but it didn’t stop her from being cute, and she was wearing a blue shirt. She was slim and had the fragile body of a girl who could break at any moment, making her more appealing and desirable. She was 1.87 in height, as I am. Coincidence? I don’t think so; tell that to the universe. Her white and round face with blue eyes made her look like she was a doll in her past life.

    The other one had medium cool-blonde hair with a Hime cut; she had two beautiful green eyes. She also had a long, slim leg, wearing the same shirt and shorts. She was 1.75 meters in height.

    I don’t know what they are trying to show, I said to Marshal. Marshal gave me a look, as if to say, Explain yourself, you idiot.

    Well, look at them. Are they trying to kill every fucking male on Earth? Who can look at them and not have a serious incident or death? I explained myself. "Yeah, you are right. It made me wonder that if we came from the same ancestor, they are different species. I believe they are called Homo pulcher, he told me. I looked at him and gave him a puzzled look. Homo what? I asked him. There it was, the fucking smile on his fucking face. He usually enjoyed himself teaching me one or two things. There was always this competition between him and me. We were friends, but we always kept our swords sharp for each other. Homo pulcher, it means ‘beautiful men,’" he answered. I hated to admit it, but it was a good and proper one, so I gave him a thumbs-up. Then suddenly, something evolutionary happened inside me. Was it a thought? No. It was more like a plan. Now at least I had a plan to approach them and give them a geeky line.

    Hey, Marshal, I’ve got a plan. Follow my lead. At last, your fucking biology came in handy, I told him. He was happy about my acknowledgment, but he was also curious, so he asked, What the fuck are you talking about? What plan? Just follow my lead, I answered and walked away. Hey, pssst, wait a minute, he whispered and tried to catch my attention, but I showed him by my head that he should follow me.

    Hello there. May I have your attention? I said it formally with a trembling voice. My friend arrived and tried hard not to laugh about what I had just said. The girls looked at ME, and at that moment, my brain went blank. I questioned myself at that moment, What the fuck am I doing here? My first impression went straight to the toilet. In mathematics, when you realize that you aren’t using the right formula, you should stop the shit and you don’t continue. Go over it, analyze it, and if needed, use another formula. So by saying that, it would be the most stupid thing to continue hitting on the girls, but they were waiting for me to say something.

    Aaaaaaa . . . Ummm . . . well . . . I looked at my friend for help, but the son of bitch was busy trying not to laugh by putting his hand on his mouth, but I could hear his laughter through his fucking nostril. Thank you, you piece of shit, I thought.

    Then I found courage. I accepted my loss in battle; I threw the towel and left the ring like a true gentleman. Meantime, the girls were trying hard not to laugh like my stupid friend. I think they were thinking about not making me more embarrassed by putting their delicate finger on their lips, but still, I could see their smiles.

    Well? the girl with medium cool-blond hair asked me. My situation changed from shit to a position that was more like being in a shit pit trap. What the fuck was I thinking about coming here? And more importantly, what the fuck was I expecting?

    You see . . . I was . . . I mean, we were . . . Me and my friend . . . I showed them the stupid person right beside me by pointing at him. Well . . . you see . . . Uhmmm . . . me and him . . . ahhh . . . By saying that, I just wanted to die. What was wrong with me? And that was the last straw. My friend burst into a laugh, and with him, the girls were shaking from chuckling. I got pissed off from the situation that everyone was laughing at me that I didn’t care anymore. Also, I knew Marshal wouldn’t let go of this for eternity. Yes, he is that kind of best friend. You see, this is my wingman, and he was supposed to help me out, but instead of helping me out, he is busy pissing his pants from laughing. And by saying that, the girls started laughing too. Great, now all people were looking in our direction. I thought I could put some attention to Marshal, but the son of a bitch still kept laughing. I turned red from the shame and the anger. Can you just stop it? I know, I was an idiot, okay? People are looking at us and wondering what is going on in here. I looked at my friend and asked him if we could leave. Now he was coughing from all those laughs. I could see the pain he had in his chest from all those laughs. I took his hand to lead him out of the scene while he was bent and had his other hand on his chest since it was in pain.

    It hurt. It hurt so bad that I couldn’t breathe either. I was ashamed and humiliated. I should’ve known better that I could do well in mathematics, but not in social life. In mathematics, when I make a mistake, no one laughs at me, and when I come with victory, it would feel like I got a YES from those girls. I had a plan. What happened to it? It was a good plan that made me believe I could win those girls over—such a waste.

    Hey, wait a second! the girl with light-blond hair was shouting.

    Great, I just needed that. What else do you want from me? I thought to myself. She caught up with us.

    Sorry for laughing like that. It wasn’t our intention to do so, but you were cool and funny. Trust me, it was the bravest thing you did out there. Well, if we didn’t have any boyfriends, we would definitely have accepted whatever you were trying to say out there, she said while she was biting her beautiful lower lips from laughing. I put my hand on the head the way that I could give my head a massage. I usually do that when I try to solve a problem. Let me think. Here are the facts. I humiliated myself for nothing. Nothing. A rookie mistake. In mathematics, you must first realize if the question is right and logical; if not, then the problem is unsolvable. I couldn’t find any solution to the wrong question. No one can. Even the greatest mathematician can’t do that. The problem has to be a logical one. I made a BIG mistake. Even with the most excellent plan, I couldn’t win them over. That was cold. Of course, was my friend and I the only men on Earth? Every man with the right mind with sexual desire for the girls would’ve fallen for them. Marshal once explained to me what evolution means, not that I didn’t know about it since I had science class too, but he read more books about it than me. There are so many things that derive the Evolution—natural selection, Sexual selection, Nature, and so many other things that make sure the gene survives. I couldn’t understand the whole idea of evolution, and that was okay, according to Marshal. He quoted a scientist that said, If you think that you know the Evolution theory, you know nothing of it. Anyway, I was calculating by which one I could win them over. In natural selection, I had to wait for all males to die to have a chance to be with them, which meant Marshal and I would have to develop a virus that would get rid of all males in the world without infecting us. Well, that would make us terrorists, and trust me, no one is going to say, Ahhhhh, that was such a romantic gesture, but you gotta do what you could do to make sure those damn genes survive. Or we could go for sexual selection. Well, anybody who looked at us and compared us to a football player, they probably would go for the football player. Healthy and fucking strong genes they have. By my calculation, with all respect, even the quarterback in the shittiest high school had more chance than us. What a world we are living in! Even two gold medalists, me and my friend, don’t have more opportunity than those brain-dead footballers. Ahhhh, the fucking footballers who are being designed to bully people in high school and then steal your crush in front of you. Just thinking about those assholes doing French kiss with girls makes me vomit. What is it with girls that they fall for those assholes? It becomes an absolute cliché. It would be such a big surprise that these girls weren’t already with those assholes.

    Thank you, I managed to say. I looked at my friend. The idiot couldn’t stop laughing. He made me more embarrassed, but he could manage to say thank you as well while he was laughing.

    My name is Bernadina, and it was nice meeting you, she said while holding her hand up for handshaking. I shook her hand, and at that time, I felt her soft and warm skin. How delicate her hand was. I didn’t know what would happen if she were my girlfriend. The lucky bastard, whoever he was, he shouldn’t let go of this hand. I was so excited that I didn’t notice that I was holding her hand for too long. What was wrong with me today? It seemed whatever I did, it turned into dust. Against my wish, I let the hand go. I looked at my friend. He managed to get ahold of himself a little bit. He shook her hand, and I knew what that bastard was thinking at that moment. Probably the same thing I was thinking, or even worse. My name is Marshal, and it was such a pleasure meeting you as well, he said. What the hell? When did he become such a gentleman that I didn’t notice? Ooh, I see what he was doing. He tried to say, I am different from this moron. You know what? Fuck you, I thought. I wished I could say it out loud. Then she turned back to me and looked at me. Now what? I thought. I just wanted to get out of this fucking place as soon as possible. She kept her smile on her face. Meanwhile, she was waiting for something. What else do you want? I thought. When is this fucking nightmare going to end? Then I heard my friend say with fucking smile on his face, His name is Agustin, and he is the smartest idiot I ever met. You are a dead man. Let’s get out of here, and I know what I should do to you, I thought. She giggled at Marshal’s comment. Why shouldn’t she? Now I am a clown in high school. Thanks to Marshal. To be honest, I was a little bit jealous of Marshal. He acted calm, which made Bernadina laugh. I wished I could do it. Bernadina. What a beautiful name she has. I was wondering what those other two girls’ names were.

    Now that the cat is out of the bag and we know that you are taken, I don’t see the reason why we shouldn’t go to the coffee shop and have a civilized conversation. It would be a great honor for this idiot and me in here—he pointed at me—to get to know you. We were actually heading that way. Would you like to join us? The girl was still smiling. Marshal, you are going to die a virgin. You can’t get away with this, I thought. Bernadina looked back to her friends and then looked back to us again. I don’t know, she said. Well, you know where we are if you want to join us, Marshal responded. I don’t know. I will talk to them. But thanks for the suggestion, she said. Were we heading to the coffee shop? When did that happen? I thought. Look at Marshal. When did he become an expert in hitting on the girls? I was proud of him, like a mother bear to her cub after three years, right before kicking him out of her life. Marshal started walking away, so I just followed him. After I ensured we were at a safe distance, I elbowed him and said, What the hell, man? You just embarrassed me out there. What? he responded by looking surprised. You were mocking me out there, in front of those girls. You did it yourself. You didn’t need my help for that, he answered. You Fucker, I responded. Aaa . . . bae . . . daaa . . . mmaaaaa . . ., he responded. I shook my head with a smile.

    When did you become so calm and cool? I lost my mind out there when I wanted to talk to them, I asked.

    Well, I thought that was your plan. You play like an idiot, and I become the knight. Now he started laughing again.

    You are hopeless. Seriously, if you were okay to talk to them, why didn’t you? I asked.

    I needed an idiot to shine, he responded. I told you so. He wouldn’t let go of this.

    So why didn’t you insist on coming now? I asked.

    He looked at me as if I were serious then said, Are you kidding me? Don’t you know that if you insist more, the chance they come would be lower? They don’t need a needy person. As you know, they already got boyfriends, and if you were listening, I told them that we just want to hang out, and that would be all, so if I insisted more, she would have thought we had an ulterior motive, he answered.

    I don’t know. I’ve never been good in social life, and I didn’t care at all until now, I said.

    Well, there it is, your problem. Humans are built to be social like many other species that have a social life. In other social life species, if a member gets cast out, that member has a great chance to die. It isn’t different for humans. If you put a human in a solitary cell or island, it doesn’t matter how isolated the person was before. The life expectancy of that person goes down, and the insanity goes up, he said.

    Okay, okay, Mr. Knowledge. You don’t need to rub it on my face, but I should say this. You were cool out there. I give you that.

    It is all thanks to you for being an idiot.

    You are not going to let go of this?

    Not a chance.

    You know, when I was talking to Bernadina . . . Bernadina, what a sexy name she has, doesn’t she? I said, and he nodded. Anyway, I was calculating the chance we had to be with them. Do you want to know what the result was? It was epsilon, ꜫ. Unless we kill all other males on the planet, we don’t have any chance of being with them, according to your beloved scientist, Charles Darwin, in natural selection. I checked other aspects too. It is not good. Do you think they are with a football player?

    He laughed and shook his head. Do you know why there are tall people and small people in human society? Because in one point of life, women liked the small people for not consuming too much food where food was famine or just because they could hide better from a predator, so they could live long enough to mate. On the other hand, they also liked the big guys for protection or because they were good hunters. What I am trying to say is, we don’t know what the future is holding for us. As you mentioned, some girls like big and bully guys like the football player, and there is a chance that the girls get disgusted with those idiots and looking for a smart guy like me.

    While I was laughing, I said, Like you? Fuck you. Anyway, as I said, I liked how you acted.

    "The way you went for the girls, for a moment, I thought, What a cool guy I am with, until you screwed up," he said while laughing.

    We arrived at the coffee shop. We went inside. I ordered a

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