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Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained
Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained
Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained

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Throughout history, food preservation has been a wonderful way of making sure -that food gets to the table safe and can be stored for future use. Every culture has its own way to harness nature and preserve food in order to ensure survival. From ancient methods of sun-drying and salting to modern food dehydration and canning, the journey of food preservation has been long and rich, and yet there is no end to the innovations! There are always fresh discoveries and new methods to preserve, store and consume food. Let this book be your guide!

Food Preservation Techniques, Canning Methods, Tools and Equipment, Common Canning Recipes and More!

Release dateJan 30, 2022
Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained

Cynthia Cherry

Cynthia Cherry believes in embracing life at its best, whether that means feeding her children the healthiest food possible, growing that food herself in an organic garden, or helping a friend design the perfect wedding."When I was growing up," Cherry said, "I always wished I could be an artist. Unfortunately, I can't draw or sculpt to save my life, so I found other ways to express my love of beautiful design and presentation."Cherry holds a degree in interior design, and worked for a time as a wedding planner in partnership with a college friend. "We had so much fun running that business," she said. "I really enjoyed coordinating with the various caterers we used, and began to get more and more interested in that part of planning the events. Before you know it, I was enrolled in cooking classes."Her plan of becoming a caterer was postponed, however, by the birth of her first child. She continued to study cooking, but there just wasn't time to care for an infant and start a new business. Cherry did become convinced, however, that the American diet is a complete disaster and was determined her family would not live that way. While she was pregnant with her second child, Cherry began to put together her book "Feeding Baby.""I knew we adults weren't eating well," she said, "so there was no reason to assume the available nutritional products for infants were any better. I wanted to manage both of my children's diets with wholesome, homemade foods. Before we realized what was happening, the whole family's relationship with nutrition was transformed."These changes led Cherry to write "Superfoods Explained," which reflects her family's dedication to the most optimally nutritional foods available. "We live this lifestyle," Cherry says. "I've taught my children to love real food and even my husband, who used to be a meat and potatoes kind of guy exists almost completely on a plant-based diet."Nourishment, however, is not just something humans derive from a well-balanced eating program. "We need emotional and physical 'food,'" Cherry says. "The way we manage our relationships, our homes, and our desire to be creative all contribute to overall health and well being. That's extremely important to me."Currently Cherry is a full-time, stay-at-home Mom, but one with a passion for writing and creating. She finds time in each day to work on her current projects, including whatever book she has in progress. "I thought I wanted to be an artist," Cherry says, "but now I know that writing is perfect for me. I love sharing ideas and explaining them. I like to think about people using my books to make positive changes in their lives and in those of their families."

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    Book preview

    Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained - Cynthia Cherry

    Canning, Storing & Preserving Explained

    Preserving and Canning Food for Beginners

    Food Preservation Techniques, Canning Methods, Tools and Equipment, Common Canning Recipes and More!

    By Cynthia Cherry


    Smashwords Edition

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    People tend to take for granted the ease of getting something out of the refrigerator and just popping it in the microwave to have something to eat. That is one of the things we need to be thankful for now that we live in this age of electronics and technology. In the past, when there was no refrigerator or microwave, one had to remember that food cannot be left out in the heat for a long time—it had to be consumed immediately or preserved in something. Otherwise, eating it would result in stomach flu, food poisoning, and even death.

    It is basic right to have access to food. But not everyone enjoys this right and there are a lot of wastage all over the world. Food is vital to health. It is important for life. Therefore, it is important that people understand the importance of properly storing and preserving food to prevent wastage.

    In this book, you will find out the many creative ways on how food is being preserved. Food preservation comprises of sets of processes in which food is conserved through various means that ensure food is stored in a safe way to for future consumption. These various creative processes prevent spoilage, avert the growth of poisonous microorganisms in food, and preserve food quality.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Importance of Food Preservation and Storage

    Importance of Food Preservation

    Common Methods of Food Preservation

    Chapter Two: Other Methods of Food Preservation

    Chapter Three: All About Canning

    Best Vegetables for Canning

    Canning Meat and Poultry

    Hot Packed vs. Raw Packed Foods

    How Canning Preserves Foods

    Does Canning Affect Nutritional Levels of Food?

    Chapter Four: Canning Techniques

    Canned Foods for Special Diets

    Chapter Five: Pros and Cons of Canning and Consuming Canned Foods

    Consuming Canned Foods

    Chapter Six: Possible Issues with Canned Foods: Causes and Solutions

    Chapter Seven: Simple Home Canning Recipes


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    Take a bag of chips, for instance. Look over the

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