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Waltzing in the Snow: A Regency Christmas Story
Waltzing in the Snow: A Regency Christmas Story
Waltzing in the Snow: A Regency Christmas Story
Ebook148 pages1 hour

Waltzing in the Snow: A Regency Christmas Story

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

As one of London's biggest heartbreakers, Derrick, Viscount Seabright, has all the freedom in the world to choose any woman he wishes to marry…someday …when he actually wishes to marry. But for now he's content to seduce anyone at his leisure…anyone that is except for Arianna Asgil.


Derrick has spent years trying not to admit his best friend's little sister has grown up into a beauty…an infuriating one. He's a damned saint for resisting the urge to silence her during an argument with a kiss, especially when she's flushed and furious at him, deservedly so, for interfering with her love life. But the woman needed rescuing, so he played the hero. In return, she demands he help her fix the situation by teaching her the art of seduction to win her a husband.


Now he has to survive the Christmas holidays without her family knowing that he's agreed to help teach her to be irresistible to men. There's just one problem…he's having a hard time resisting her himself.

PublisherLauren Smith
Release dateFeb 13, 2022
Waltzing in the Snow: A Regency Christmas Story

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Freddy was a funny character providing comedy. The ending feels very rushed.

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Waltzing in the Snow - Lauren Smith

Waltzing in the Snow




Lauren Smith Books

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2021 by Lauren Smith

Edited by Noah Chinn

Cover art by Evelyne Labelle of Carpe Librum Book Design

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-956227-29-1 (e-book edition)

ISBN: 978-1-956227-30-7 (print edition)


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Bewitching the Earl

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

About the Author


There was nothing more vexing than having a gentleman with a devilish reputation ruin a lady’s enjoyable ride in Hyde Park with an eligible bachelor in order to save her from certain doom. But that’s exactly what was in store for Arianna Asgil as she rode along the wintry, snow-covered paths of Hyde Park with said eligible bachelor, Mr. Solomon Cumberland.

Things had been going so well that Arianna’s chaperone, her married friend Daphne Grant, the Countless of Huntley, had been kind enough to give Arianna space to be properly courted by Mr. Cumberland. Ordinarily, it was nearly impossible to have a moment alone, but on this day, she had hoped to manage it.

Miss Asgil, I’m sure you know why I asked you to ride with me today. Solomon’s blue eyes brimmed with desire as he gazed at her.

Arianna flushed with excitement. Was it finally going to happen? Was this gentleman going to profess his love and propose? She had set her cap for him two months ago and was determined, this time, to finally marry. After two failed seasons, she was desperate for a successful match.

Living with her parents was no great tragedy, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to allow society to relegate her to a quiet life in the country, which was often the fate of unmarried ladies of highborn status. Although her mother had been a society success, she wouldn’t have had much of a chance to keep a spinster daughter in public without facing some ridicule.

Arianna would give anything to run about the country as wild as a hoyden, but that option would only embarrass her parents. They would stand by her, but she didn’t want to put them through that. Better that she be married and have a bit of freedom as a married woman. Now she had pinned her hopes on Solomon Cumberland because of the rumors she’d heard that he was wife hunting.

I am ready to hear anything you wish to ask, Mr. Cumberland. She shot a glance back at Daphne, who had paused her horse on the path so she could speak to another lady. For a moment, Arianna and Solomon were alone. He’d been quite the gentleman this last month, bringing her flowers, paying calls at her home, staying for tea—all the things a gentleman would do when wooing a lady he planned to marry.

Solomon’s eyes glowed again. Come this way. What I wish to do requires a bit of privacy.

This is it . . . Arianna guided her horse to follow his down a shady path where the wintry breeze failed to reach them. Solomon slid smoothly from his horse and helped her down from her own. They tied their horses to a low branch of a nearby tree and walked deeper into the secluded area.

What is it you wished to ask me? Arianna prompted once they paused. They had surely gone far enough down the lane, and this was a perfect spot for a proposal. She tried to burn the moment into her mind, the light glinting off the patches of snow and the glowing sun warming her face. This would make for a beautiful memory.

Solomon turned to her, a new gleam in his eyes that went beyond desire. It reminded her of the look she had seen on the face of a dog that had tried to bite her when she was a child. Her heart suddenly kicked against her ribs in warning.

Oh, I have nothing to ask you, he said smoothly as he grasped her waist and jerked her against him.

Arianna’s gasp of surprise was silenced by his mouth coming down hard over hers. It wasn’t romantic, and it certainly wasn’t pleasant.

She shoved hard against his chest, and he stumbled back, shock registering on his features. Arianna was built like an Amazon, according to her mother; she was not a tiny creature who would make easy prey.

Stop this at once, Mr. Cumberland, she warned, breathing hard as he advanced. I thought you planned to . . .

He cocked his head to one side as though puzzled. To what?

To ask me to marry you, Arianna replied, backing up another step, though she loathed to retreat.

I thought you and I understood each other, Arianna. This—he waved a hand between their bodies—was about mutual pleasure. You’re not a fair young maiden of seventeen anymore. Surely you know no man will marry you at your age, not with your height and build. The best you can hope for is this. He lunged for her again, and she was so startled and horrified at his words that she found herself unprepared.

Pain shot up her body as Solomon tackled her to the ground. She fought and tried to scream. He slammed a hand over her mouth, and she had a mere second to land a blow, striking him squarely in the eye just as her older brother had taught her. He cursed and slapped her across the face. Ears ringing and her vision swimming with the unexpected blow, she braced for whatever he would do next, while desperately trying to collect her thoughts into some coherent plan of escape.

A moment later, Solomon was flying off her and rolling away on the snowy grass. The noonday sun illuminated a figure towering above her, the man’s blond hair lit with an angelic glow.

A deep and familiar voice called her name. Arianna? Are you all right?

She nodded, dumbstruck, as she gazed up into her rescuer’s face. She’d never expected to see him again, at least not up close.

Derrick Seabright, the man she had once loved as a foolish young girl, had thrown Solomon off her, and now that she had nodded to indicate she was all right, he lunged for Solomon as the man climbed back to his feet. Without a word, Derrick delivered blow after blow upon him, until the man lay still on the ground and a groan escaped his lips.

Only then did Derrick turn back to face her. She couldn’t help what happened next as she tried to stand. Her knees buckled, and her whole body trembled like the last frail leaf clinging to a branch just before winter arrives. One light breeze and she would fall.

Derrick crouched and, with surprisingly gentle hands—hands that had beaten her attacker mercilessly just moments ago—lifted her into his arms.

Did he hurt you, Arianna? he asked.

No . . . no. She touched her cheek and flinched. Derrick continued to gaze at her, worry shadowing his hazel eyes.

He struck you?

Yes, but— She halted him when he growled and faced Solomon’s prone form. "Please, Derrick, I wish to leave. Now."

For a moment, she was safely in his arms, the heat of his body bleeding into her chilled form as she curled her arms around his neck, feeling more than ever like a small, frightened child. It was a terrible feeling, yet with Derrick, the man she’d always trusted to protect her, she knew she was safe. His barely restrained violent gaze warned her that if they didn’t leave immediately, he would attack Solomon again. Some bloodthirsty part of her wished to see Solomon beaten further for what he’d tried to do, but the rest of her just wanted to be as far away from the man as possible. Solomon had betrayed her trust, and the thought of what might have happened if Derrick hadn’t arrived in time left her trembling and sick to her stomach.

Arianna! Just then Daphne rounded the thicket of trees and entered the lane. She urged her horse toward them. Dear God, what happened? I stopped to speak to Lady Essex, and then you were gone . . .

Her eyes swept from Arianna to Derrick and then to Solomon on the ground. She pulled her horse to a stop and slid from the saddle. Arianna knew that her friend was trying to piece together the strange scene before her; then Daphne’s eyes widened in shock.

Arianna should have pulled free of Derrick’s arms, but she was still too unsteady to stand on her own. She needed just a moment more to gather her wits and regain her footing—and it was not because she was enjoying the bliss of safety and warmth his arms around her created. No, not at all.

Lord Seabright, Daphne greeted.

Derrick nodded but said nothing.

Arianna, what happened? Should someone see to Mr. Cumberland, or . . . ?

The man moaned on cue as he continued to lie on his back in the snow.

Leave the bastard where he is. He deserves no aid, Derrick declared flatly.

Oh goodness . . . I feel I need an explanation. Daphne’s gaze now settled on Arianna and Derrick again.

Arianna had been an utter fool, and now her friend would discover that. Part of her wanted to die of mortification. The rest just wanted to go home.

I thought . . . It was hard to hide the trembling in her voice.

Why did you come down this way? Derrick demanded. His gruff tone, the one she was used to whenever he spoke to her, was back. Don’t you know what this place is?

I thought he was going to propose, but he had other . . . Arianna glanced about. What do you mean? What is this place? It looks like an ordinary lane in the park.

He’s right. Daphne’s tone was quiet. "This is Scandal Lane. Men only bring women here for things other than proposing marriage. Daphne turned pale as she glanced about and then turned her attention to Derrick. Did anyone see you come here, Lord Seabright?"

No, no one else is nearby. I was coming up on the opposite side of the lane, Derrick said. If the three of us leave now, we may yet avoid scandal.

Agreed. Quick, we must leave this lane, Arianna. Daphne urged them back toward the horses. Derrick helped Arianna up into the saddle, then assisted Daphne into hers. Once he had mounted his own horse, they quickly exited the secluded part of the park.

Smiles, everyone, Daphne said as she reached over to pluck a few stray leaves from Arianna’s riding habit. Arianna reached up to touch her hair and winced at the mess of wet tangles that

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