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Vedic Astrology & The Vedas: The Complete Collection. A Complete Guide on Jyotish, Traditional Hindu Astrology & The Ancient Teachings of The Vedas.
Vedic Astrology & The Vedas: The Complete Collection. A Complete Guide on Jyotish, Traditional Hindu Astrology & The Ancient Teachings of The Vedas.
Vedic Astrology & The Vedas: The Complete Collection. A Complete Guide on Jyotish, Traditional Hindu Astrology & The Ancient Teachings of The Vedas.
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Vedic Astrology & The Vedas: The Complete Collection. A Complete Guide on Jyotish, Traditional Hindu Astrology & The Ancient Teachings of The Vedas.

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Vedic Astrology has existed for thousands of years. First, passed on orally through generations and eventually written down for all to acknowledge. These large body of religious texts are called the Vedas which are some of the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. The Vedanga Jyotisha is one of the earliest texts abou

PublisherManjula Tara
Release dateMar 21, 2022
Vedic Astrology & The Vedas: The Complete Collection. A Complete Guide on Jyotish, Traditional Hindu Astrology & The Ancient Teachings of The Vedas.

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    Vedic Astrology & The Vedas - Manjula Tara

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    © Copyright 2020 by Manjula Tara. All right reserved.

    The work contained herein has been produced with the intent to provide relevant knowledge and information on the topic on the topic described in the title for entertainment purposes only. While the author has gone to every extent to furnish up to date and true information, no claims can be made as to its accuracy or validity as the author has made no claims to be an expert on this topic. Notwithstanding, the reader is asked to do their own research and consult any subject matter experts they deem necessary to ensure the quality and accuracy of the material presented herein.

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    Book 1:

    Vedic Astrology Secrets for Beginner

    Book 2:

    Vedic Astrology and the Vedas

    Text, letter Description automatically generated

    © Copyright 2020 by Manjula Tara. All right reserved.

    The work contained herein has been produced with the intent to provide relevant knowledge and information on the topic on the topic described in the title for entertainment purposes only. While the author has gone to every extent to furnish up to date and true information, no claims can be made as to its accuracy or validity as the author has made no claims to be an expert on this topic. Notwithstanding, the reader is asked to do their own research and consult any subject matter experts they deem necessary to ensure the quality and accuracy of the material presented herein.

    This statement is legally binding as deemed by the Committee of Publishers Association and the American Bar Association for the territory of the United States. Other jurisdictions may apply their own legal statutes. Any reproduction, transmission, or copying of this material contained in this work without the express written consent of the copyright holder shall be deemed as a copyright violation as per the current legislation in force on the date of publishing and subsequent time thereafter. All additional works derived from this material may be claimed by the holder of this copyright.

    The data, depictions, events, descriptions, and all other information forthwith are considered to be true, fair, and accurate unless the work is expressly described as a work of fiction. Regardless of the nature of this work, the Publisher is exempt from any responsibility of actions taken by the reader in conjunction with this work. The Publisher acknowledges that the reader acts of their own accord and releases the author and Publisher of any responsibility for the observance of tips, advice, counsel, strategies, and techniques that may be offered in this volume.



    Chapter 1What Is Vedic Astrology

    Astrology: Looking to the Stars for Answers

    The Vedas, Hinduism and Vedic Astrology

    Vedic Vs. Western Astrology

    The Purpose of Vedic Astrology

    Learning to Use Vedic Astrology

    Chapter 2The History of Vedic Astrology

    The Origins of Vedic Astrology

    Important Texts

    Vedic Astrology and the Rest of the World

    Chapter 3The Vedic Birth Chart

    The Different Charts

    The Ascendant (Lagna)

    Finding the Position of the Sun and Moon

    Finding the Planets’ Positions

    Significators (Karka)

    Exaltation and Debilitation

    Chapter 4The Planets (Grahas)

    Understanding the Planets and Their Positions

    The Sun (Ravi or Surya)

    The Moon (Chandra)

    Mercury (Budha)

    Venus (Shukra)

    Mars (Kuja or Mangal)

    Jupiter (Guru or Brihaspati)

    Saturn (Shani)

    Rahu (Node of the Moon)

    Ketu (Node of the Moon)

    Planetary Conditions

    Combustion of Planets

    Retrograde Planets

    Chapter 5The Zodiacal Signs

    Dualities and the Zodiac

    Triplicities and the Zodiac

    Quadruplicities and the Zodiac

    Aries: Cardinal Fire (Mesh)

    Taurus: Fixed Earth (Rishabh)

    Gemini: Mutable Air (Mithun)

    Cancer: Cardinal Water (Karka)

    Leo: Fixed Fire (Simha)

    Virgo: Mutable Earth (Kanya)

    Libra: Cardinal Air (Tula)

    Scorpio: Fixed Water (Vrischika)

    Sagittarius: Mutable Fire (Dhanus)

    Capricorn: Cardinal Earth (Makara)

    Aquarius: Fixed Air (Kumbha)

    Pisces: Mutable Water (Meena)

    Chapter 6The Houses (Bhavas)

    Trinities of the Houses

    Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable Houses

    First House: Ascendant (Lagna or Tanu Bhava)

    Second House (Dhana Bhava)

    Third House (Buddhi Bhava)

    Fourth House (Bandhu Bhava)

    Fifth House (Putra Bhava)

    Sixth House (Ari Bhava)

    Seventh House: Descendant (Yuvati Bhava)

    Eighth House (Randhra Bhava)

    Ninth House (Dharma Bhava)

    Tenth House (Karma Bhava)

    Eleventh House (Labha Bhava)

    Twelfth House (Vairagya Bhava)

    Chapter 7The Lunar Mansions

    Aswini: The Horse Goddess

    Bharani: The River of Souls

    Krittica: The Star of Fire

    Rohini: The Red Goddess

    Mrigashira: The Star of Searching

    Ardra: The Tear Drop

    Punavasu: The Light Bringer

    Pushya: Nourishment

    Ashlesha: The Coiled Serpent

    Magha: The Forefathers

    Purva Phalguni: The World Tree Goddess

    Uttara Phalguni: The Marriage Goddess

    Hasta: Skilled Activities

    Chitra: The Jewel

    Swati: The Wind God

    Vishakha: The Moon of Power

    Anuradha: The Moon of Friendship

    Jyeshtha: The Wisdom Crone

    Mula: The Root of All Things

    Purva Ashadha: The Moon of Early Victory

    Uttara Ashadha: The Moon of Later Victory

    Shravana: The Moon of Listening

    Danishtha: The Drummer

    Shatabhisha: The Divine Healer

    Purva Bhadrapada: The Fire Dragon

    Uttara Bhadrapada: The Dragon of the Deep

    Revati: The Moon of Splendor

    Chapter 8The Significance of Vedic Astrology

    Vedic Astrology and Naming Children

    Vedic Astrology and Karma

    Vedic Astrology and Matchmaking

    Vedic Astrology for Self-Awareness

    Chapter 9Vedic Astrology Today

    Modern Uses of Vedic Astrology

    Science and Vedic Astrology

    The Planets and People—Are They Really Influential?

    Advanced Vedic Astrology Degrees

    Chapter 10Introduction to Stargazing

    How to Stargaze

    Objects in the Sky

    Discerning Stars and Planets

    The Zodiac vs. Constellations

    Getting Started

    Chapter 11Utilizing Vedic Astrology

    Transit Charts and the Planets

    Aspects and Transit

    Applying the Information



    We have looked to the stars for millennia. Humanity has looked to the stars to find all of the answers for ages, looking to the ways that the stars would move, tracking the patterns of the celestial bodies to make sense out of what happens around us. They have been used to navigate. They’ve been looked to as explaining the truth about people and personalities. The stars have been seen as something for the gods, a way for us to understand the universe. They’ve been used to represent the divine.

    Even today, we look at the stars. Have you ever heard of astrology? We’re often quick to say that we’re a Virgo or a Gemini, but what does that really mean? And, is it really accurate to discuss in the first place? Is it possible that the stars actually can influence what we become just by their placement at the time of our birth?

    Vedic astrology, commonly also referred to as Hindu or Indian astrology, is tied directly to this concept. It recognizes that at the exact moment of your birth, there is a sign that ascended from the horizon. This sign is directly related to you and who you are and what you will do with your life. Your sign is defined at that very moment of your birth. It is a much more open system—it looks at the stars to define the life that you will have. However, it is more than just looking to the life that you will have—it looks at your ability to have free will at the same time. In Vedic astrology, you take a look at both fate and free will both at the same time. Now, while that may sound like it is an oxymoron, we will be taking a look at what that means in this book.

    Vedic astrology is shrouded in mystery. It is a point in which science and art intertwine, and it allows for us to look toward the stars for answers. Vedic astrology is believed to be the word of God, translated and recorded by the people of the past. It involves tracking the stars and planets as well as works to create insight into our life and fate. It is something that many people believe in, and for a good reason—it is a great way to interpret the world around you.

    Within this book, we will delve into the idea of astrology, starting to demystify the vast field little by little. The purpose of this book is to create a sufficient foundation in Vedic astrology so that you can begin to understand the concepts and apply them yourself. As you read, you will discover the true meaning of the Planets above you have to offer. You will discover how to begin deciphering the stars, the Planets, the Moon, and the Sun so that you can begin to use them to understand the world around you.

    Astrology is a vast field, where our understanding of science and math coincides with our ability to think and rationalize about the future and our understanding of life. Though some reject it as a pseudoscience, it is even possible to get degrees in Vedic astrology, with the study of it being incredibly deep. Founded upon the Vedas, this interpretation of astrology is believed to be more exact than the Western counterpart for reasons that we will address. There is an emphasis on the moon over the sun, and because the Moon changes its sign more rapidly, it can usually be seen as more accurate.

    We will first delve into the idea of Vedic astrology, along with the rich history that is paired with it. A solid understanding of the most basic concepts is the foundation that you will need to continue throughout the book. From there, you will discover other information that can be of the utmost use to you, such as the history of how Vedic astrology came to be, as well as what it looks like today. We will take time to delve into the Planets, learning their meanings when it comes to the astrological reading, as well as the Zodiacal signs that are applied. We will learn about the Houses, Lunar mansions, and more.

    From there, after we’ve taken a look at the key concepts, we will spend some time going over the significance of Vedic astrology and the meaning that it has to the people who use it. We will learn to understand these concepts so that we can better apply them where they matter the most. From there, we will take a look at Vedic astrology and what it has become today. We will take a look at how it is used, and also why science is so hesitant to acknowledge it.

    We will then take a look at how you can begin to stargaze yourself, so you can begin to look for the signs in the stars yourself, and finally, we will tie that into understanding and utilizing Vedic astrology for yourself as well. The hope is that by the time you read the last chapter, you will feel competent enough to start to use these techniques for yourself. Little by little, and with enough experience, you will get there, and you will realize that you can begin to interpret the stars yourself.

    It might seem like a lot at first, but rest assured that you are more than capable of learning to implement these tools if you are willing to put in the time to do so. Whether you’re curious about the topic or ready to delve into something deeper, this book is for you to provide you with plenty of beginner’s information so that you can make your own judgment calls. As you dive in, remember to keep an open mind and really start to absorb the information. You may realize that it resonates with you more than you thought it would!

    Now, let’s get to work. Let’s start to go over the ins and outs of the information that you will need to get moving. You can learn to understand other people with ease. You can learn to better recognize their own patterns. And, all you have to do is work to memorize some information and start interpreting it! It’s not nearly as difficult, foreign, or mysterious as you may initially think. Though the forces work in mysterious ways, you will find that there are plenty of ways that you can learn everything yourself.

    Chapter 1

    What Is Vedic Astrology

    Astrology is one of those topics where some people love it, and others choose to hate it. Some believe in it passionately while others are convinced that it’s nothing but hogwash and attempts at vague predictions that will have to be true to some degree. How can it be accurate if you look at a horoscope and read, You’ll get some good news today!? What would warrant that good news in the first place? Who’s to say that the good news that you receive is that you’ve won the lottery or been offered your dream job as opposed to being told that the person in front of you paid for your latte, or discovering that the sandwich meat that you were buying was actually half off that day?

    Despite the naysayers, one thing is for sure: People around the world believe vehemently that astrology works. We love being able to explain the unexplainable, and astrology helps us do exactly that. It gives us some extra context to our lives, allows us to see and feel in control of what is going on.

    Within this chapter, we are taking a look at everything that you will need to know to get that foundation of knowledge out of the way. We will first look at what astrology in general is, understanding how it works. Then, it will be time for us to dive into information about the Vedas and how it has relevance to Hinduism. From there, we will define Vedic astrology, as well as contrast it with the Western rendition. Finally, we will wrap up this chapter with information about both the purpose of Vedic astrology and how you can begin to learn how to use it. This will be that basis that you will need heading into the rest of the book so that you will have the necessary context.

    If this sounds like a lot to pack into one chapter, that’s because it is. However, this is all information that is absolutely essential to help yourself better understand the context that you will need. When you look to the stars, you will find that you will have just as many questions as answers, and this chapter will help you begin to understand them.

    This chapter is just the beginning. As you read throughout the book, you will realize that the information that you have gained is going to continue to compound upon itself. It will continue to change, grow, and to reflect differences that you will need to address as well. However, with time and effort, you can do it. Learning to read astrology does not require you to go to college, though there are degrees that exist out there. It doesn’t require you to be an expert at math either—all you need is the background knowledge and the experience to begin to apply it over time.

    Now, let’s take a look at some of the most fundamental information. Don’t be afraid to take things slowly, to ease yourself into understanding these concepts. There is a lot here in this book to take in, and it can be intimidating. However, don’t let yourself get discouraged—you can make the progress that you want!

    Astrology: Looking to the Stars for Answers

    For as long as we’ve recorded history, we’ve looked up to the sky to get answers. We’ve looked to the heavenly bodies above in hopes of making sense of the world around us, wondering what they do to influence ourselves and how we behave. We’ve looked at the positions of the Planets, the stars, the sun, and the Moon in hopes of being able to understand what we are doing at the moment. The positions at one’s moment of birth are believed to be influential—they are believed to directly impact the destiny of an individual.

    Astrology provides us with a tool that we can use to better interpret the world around us. We can use it to better understand ourselves and those around us just by being able to see the stars above. We use it to define the world that we live in and to begin to understand behavior. It lets us better understand the character of those that we interact with, and it creates a way for us to discuss what we observe. It is used to recognize that there are influencing factors that exist outside of people, and those influencing factors can be greatly beneficial to understand.

    However, it is important to recognize that your astrology reading, any birth charts or horoscopes, or anything else does not decide your fate directly. However, you will be able to interpret the world, the karma that goes into it, and more all because you will be able to recognize the signs that exist around you.

    If you’ve ever said something like, Oh, I’m just stubborn that way; I’m a Taurus, then you’re already familiar with the idea behind astrology. Yes—your horoscopes that you may have read online are created with the concepts of astrology backing them. They are based on your Zodiac signs—which were determined based on the position of the Sun in relation to the constellation presiding at that point in time.

    We’ve focused on astrology as a species for a long while—we’ve cared to see how what we do influences everything else. We’ve looked at why we do the things that we do and what can come of it as a result.

    Within astrology, we look at the position of the Sun, as well as the Planets. Every person also has a sing for the Planets and the Moons. We have Houses and birth charts to understand as well. Our character is impacted by all of this—it determines our personality, and we have found ways to look at the stars for more information. Astrology itself can be thought of in several different ways—it can be broken down to use for predictions. It can impact the study of relationships and more. There is so much that you can learn about astrology just by being able to see the patterns.

    The Vedas, Hinduism and Vedic Astrology

    Some of the most significant texts in the Hindu religion are known as the Vedas. Coming from the Sanskrit word for knowledge (Veda), they are a compilation of four texts that are recognized as influential. There are four in particular: The Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. Each of these is broken down into four more subdivisions. First, there are the Samhitas, the mantras, and benedictions that are offered. Next comes the Aranyakas, the rituals and ceremonies that go into the religion. You will also see the Brahmanas—commentaries upon the aforementioned rituals. Finally, there are the Upanishads, the texts that discuss knowledge, meditations, philosophy, and more.

    The key with the Vedas, as opposed to the other religious texts found in Hinduism, is that they are sruti. This means that they are what is heard as opposed to being smrti—what is remembered. Effectively, the Vedas are considered to be authorless—they are superhuman and are the revelations of what the ancient sages who recorded them had heard during and after their own meditations. Since the second millennium BCE, they have been passed down through the generations through oral methods, utilizing chants, recitations, and other tools to remember them in order to pass them on. While some parts are still recited orally, namely the mantras, the Vedas have since been recorded in a written form.

    Throughout the Indian philosophies and Hindu denominations, there are several different interpretations of the Vedas. However, the vast majority of them acknowledge that the Vedas is a collection of sacred texts that ought to be followed. These texts are recognized and defined, as being necessary to better understand life and to better choose the right behaviors to live a harmonious life.

    The Vedas are believed to be that direct knowledge from the sages, which they heard by the divine. They provide us with information that is transcendental; it tells us of the truths of the universe in order to allow us to live a better-rounded, balanced life so that we can be certain that we are proceeding with the most harmonious lives that we can.

    Jyotish, another name for Vedic astrology, is believed to be a part of the Vedas. In particular, during this Vedic period of time, astrology was deemed to be essential and integral; we looked to it to help us to decide what to do and how to determine what is right. For this reason, Jyotish became its own designation, separate from astronomy (Ganita) and astrology (Phalita). We will be getting into more detail about this time in the next chapter, however. For now, let’s just acknowledge that this period of time mattered immensely.

    Vedic astrology is the oldest form that exists today. It is still practiced in ways that are nearly identical to how it once was. It is deemed so influential that the calendars used in India still rely upon the Lunar mansions and Vedic astrology. In this form of astrology, you will see that there are 12 signs (Rashis), 27 Lunar mansions (Nakshatras), 16 types of horoscopes (Shodashvarga), and several Planetary periods (Dasas). As you can see, there are several different elements that come into play here, with many others also existing. There are the yogas—the predefined combinations of Planets to understand one’s life. There are so many different topics that come into play here, and you will need to have a solid understanding of them all if you hope to begin implementing Vedic astrology.

    Vedic Vs. Western Astrology

    With the aforementioned information in mind, you will discover that Vedic and Western astrology are both quite different from one another. First, you will probably notice that the charts are completely different. Western astrology is based upon a circle while the Vedic chart is square. You will also notice that the charts will appear to be aligned differently. This means that if you are a Taurus in Western astrology, your sign may be something entirely different. This is because the Western astrology looks at which constellation the Sun is in rather than looking at which sign is rising. Vedic astrology looks to the rising sign rather than the Sun sign, and that can generate very different horoscopes than what you may be used to.

    This difference, however, makes Vedic astrology more precise. When you use Vedic astrology, you look at the position of the sky in that moment of your birth, and that becomes directly linked to you. Because the Earth is always moving, the sky can look very different based upon whether you were born in the morning or the evening. Because you will get a very personalized reading based on your location and time of birth, it is believed that your Vedic chart will be far more reliable when it comes to making predictions toward the future.

    This difference in accuracy matters greatly for people—the way that you look to the Planets will show that there are very different reactions to be had. In Western astrology, there are longer periods of time in any sign, and that can make them vague and difficult to maintain. When you look at Vedic astrology, however, the specificity and the true uniqueness based on date, time, and place, means that your reading will be highly accurate. You will see the past, present, and future all intertwined together, and there is very real power to be gained in doing so. This power matters immensely—it is good for you to be able to use so that you can successfully interpret the karma of the past, how that karma will come to fruition in the future, as well as your own current personal tendencies. You will be able to tell what your own personal reactions are more likely to become as well, meaning that you will be able to know yourself better than you might have thought. In reflecting over the tendencies, you will probably realize that there is far more to it than you thought. You might realize that your personality actually has more nuances that you might have never considered until interpreting your own charts, and that’s okay—this is meant to share all sorts of information with you so that you will know yourself better. It is meant to give you that insight, and if you find that it does so, you will be in a great position—you will realize that this has served the right purpose after all.

    In Vedic astrology, the times of life events are able to be seen through Planetary time cycles—these are the dashas, and there is no Western counterpart. Vedic astrology is oftentimes the preferred method due to the fact that it is deeper and more accurate; when Western astrologers take the time to study the Vedic astrological charts, they tend to convert on their own.

    In particular, when you use Vedic astrology over Western, you will get two distinct differences. In particular, you will get a better view of the individual’s tendencies in regards to their karma, a topic that we will get into in more depth later within this book. Additionally, you will get to identify the tendencies that are much more likely to manifest for those individuals as a result of what you can see and understand. These details provide far more information than what you can get out of Western astrology.

    Beyond just that, you can expect to see some differences in the astronomy as well. As a note, astronomy looks at the celestial bodies themselves to understand how they move. Astrology starts to interpret those results. There are some key differences that you can see between Western and Vedic astrology that you must address—in particular; they work differently. Western astrology utilizes what is known as a Tropical Zodiac, while the Vedic Zodiac is Sidereal. This is important to note: It means that the constellations will align differently. In Sidereal astrology, you will note that there are 27 constellations or star groups. Aries is the first Zodiac sign, and it aligns with the constellation Aswini. In Tropical Zodiac, however, the point where the Sun passes the Earth’s equator is that defining start point. The Tropical Zodiac rotates—it is a turning Zodiac with a fixed point of Aries between the Earth and the sun’s rotation, whereas the Sidereal focuses on gentle, subtle shifts, recognizing that the cycles change. They are two different ways to look at the Zodiac, and ultimately, they currently vary only slightly.

    However, the Earth’s equator moves back at about 51 of longitude per year. This is referred to as the precession of the equinoxes," and it is essential to note: The area Western astronomy refers to as Aries shifts further from the real location that is utilized by the Vedic astrologers by roughly 1 degree per 72 years of time. When you calculate that out, recognizing that the Tropical and Sidereal Aries were together right around 285 AD, you realize that there is a difference in the charts- there is currently roughly 24 degrees apart between them that you must be able to acknowledge. With that knowledge in mind, you can then start to identify where to find the Vedic understanding of the Planets based on adjusting for 24 degrees on a chart. However, at this point in time, that is nearly an entire sign out of alignment.

    If you want to continue differentiating the two, you will note that the use of Planet varies as well. In particular, the Vedic astrology chart recognizes only some of the Planets. Uranus and Neptune are left out of Vedic astrology, as is Pluto, which, while no longer a Planet, is still recognized as influential by

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