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SavvyGirl Success: Planting the Seeds to Evolve into a Successful Whole Woman
SavvyGirl Success: Planting the Seeds to Evolve into a Successful Whole Woman
SavvyGirl Success: Planting the Seeds to Evolve into a Successful Whole Woman
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SavvyGirl Success: Planting the Seeds to Evolve into a Successful Whole Woman

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If you are looking for sound advice to help your teenage daughter navigate adolescence and become a successful adult, SavvyGirl Success: Planting the Seeds to Evolve into a Successful Whole Woman is the book for you. Dr. Eli Gasinu offers suggestions and guidance for coaching your daughter through the changing developmental landscape th

Release dateApr 6, 2022
SavvyGirl Success: Planting the Seeds to Evolve into a Successful Whole Woman

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    SavvyGirl Success - Eli Gasinu



    Copyright © 2021 Eli Gasinu

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    Published by Publish Your Gift®

    An imprint of Purposely Created Publishing Group, LLC

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    ISBN: 978-1-64484-502-8 (print)

    ISBN: 978-1-64484-503-5 (ebook)

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    Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

    —Harriet Tubman


    To the SavvyGirl Superpower who continues to beam bright in her own luminescent light.

    Table of Contents



    CHAPTER 1: The SavvyGirl Superpower

    CHAPTER 2: The SavvyGirl Standard

    CHAPTER 3: The SavvyGirl Sanctuary

    CHAPTER 4: The SavvyGirl Sight

    CHAPTER 5: The SavvyGirl Stays Centered

    CHAPTER 6: The SavvyGirl Starts

    CHAPTER 7: The SavvyGirl Stays the Course

    CHAPTER 8: The SavvyGirl Shifts

    CHAPTER 9: The SavvyGirl Strength

    CHAPTER 10: The SavvyGirl Soul-Care

    CHAPTER 11: The SavvyGirl Success


    Special Bonus

    About the Author



    Thank you to my parents, Koku Gasinu, MD and Stella Gasinu, RN, for exemplifying excellence and instilling that within me.

    Thank you to my coach, Draion (Dr. Drai) Burch, DO, who challenged me to tap even deeper into my own SavvyGirl Superpower to write this book.



    I am the embodiment of excellence established in my bloodline even before truly understanding the significance of the calling.

    I was born in Ghana, West Africa. My grandfather was a nurse anesthetist and a primary community healthcare provider in a country with limited resources. My mother followed in his footsteps by going into nursing. My father, who was top of his medical school class, became a physician. Through my father, I learned what excellence as a physician looked like during the Take Your Daughter to Work Day Initiative in junior high school. Now, I had a blueprint. It was there that my childhood dream turned into a solidified goal of becoming a physician.

    Prior to becoming a physician, I had a myriad of valuable and enriching experiences, including saving a man’s life. Doing so solidified my desire to make a difference in people’s lives by caring for their most precious possession—their health. I learned the true power of mentorship within my decade-long involvement with the Student National Medical Association pipeline, especially during my award-winning tenure as the Regional Director for pre-medical students. I consider it my coaching foundation for advocating for and mentoring young people.

    Everyone has their own unique journey toward success. Mine had a few challenges during the medical school process, but I overcame them by remembering my foundation and passion. My journey serves as inspiration and fuel for our young people to keep their eyes on their prize and to continue dreaming and setting goals, despite unforeseen limitations. I serve as a bridge to assist parents and caregivers as they help the young people in their lives move toward a path of great success.



    Teenagers are in a transformational stage in their lives. Many things are ever-changing with their bodies, their relationships, and especially within themselves. It is an important time to create real excellence academically. And many of us focus on academic excellence, since education is a large component of the success equation. But how do they maneuver with their successes and failures along the way? How do they formulate the right relationships to take their intellectual success to the highest places? How do they foster a strong sense of self that allows them to withstand all obstacles without breaking? Yes, that takes the natural physiological and biological maturation, but it also takes strengthening other components of their intellect, including social and emotional.

    Everyone knows that social and emotional intelligence are important. However, less attention is given to them, especially during the adolescent journey. Sometimes, people feel as if they just come with maturation. And yes, some of it does, but it is best achieved with guided maturation. Just as we guide teens through their academic journey, they need guidance along their social and emotional journey. Some parents feel as if they never truly got the best handle on the social and emotional intelligence side of things themselves to truly be able to teach it to their teens in ways that will guarantee full, well-rounded, and whole excellence and success in their teenagers. And some parents, for all the varied reasons, are working through it themselves in adulthood.

    That is where SavvyGirl Success comes into play. It is an opportunity for guided maturation in other parts of intellect to help our teen girls be whole, fully well-rounded, and ready for the fullness of adulthood because they have a complete set and wide variety of tools in their tool belt, ready to use whenever the circumstance requires them. But to get to that level of SavvyGirl Success, you must understand all that is behind that SavvyGirl and her journey toward her success.


    Before we enter the world of the SavvyGirl Success, let’s talk a little bit about the physiological and psychosocial aspects of teens during their adolescent journey.

    The adolescent period is approximately a decade long. It is a great time of change and crucial in human development. It is the bridge connecting the dependence of childhood with the independence of adulthood. Although early childhood life experiences begin to lay the foundation for temperament and personality, it is the life experiences in the adolescent period that make those personalities unique characteristics. Every teenager undergoes great social and emotional changes during this time, but every teenager undergoes those changes in unique ways to develop their unique qualities. In a nutshell, adolescence is a period of great growth.

    Early Adolescence: 11-14 years old

    Physiologically, early adolescence typically involves significant body changes through puberty and growth spurts beginning with girls. Additionally, during early adolescence, girls undergo changes involving

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