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True Self-Love: Love Yourself The Way You Are Naturally Meant To Be Loved
True Self-Love: Love Yourself The Way You Are Naturally Meant To Be Loved
True Self-Love: Love Yourself The Way You Are Naturally Meant To Be Loved
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True Self-Love: Love Yourself The Way You Are Naturally Meant To Be Loved

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About this ebook

Self-love; what are your thoughts and feelings about self-love? We all have our own different definitions, perception, and experiences when it comes to self-love and about what it means to "love yourself". In this book, I will go over what true self-love is really all about (and is not about) and what it really means to 'love yourself' the way you are naturally meant to be loved, the conditioning from society and other external influences that have impacted your notion of and connection with your true inner self-love, ways for you to overcome any personal obstacles and hurdles in your way that impede your connection with your true inner self-love, and an overview and insight of the natural inevitable byproducts of loving yourself and what your life will become like once you regain full alignment and harmony with your true inherent inner self-love. 


All of the content and concepts covered and shared in this book are of my own, and these are all basic, raw, and pure fundamental concepts for every individual being able to implement to regain alignment and harmony with their true inherent inner self-love that is rightfully theirs, and yes including you yourself!!! 


The content throughout this book is clear, coherent, and easy enough for any average reader to be able to understand and follow through. 


You will surely get at least a bit of personal value, insight, and inspiration from this book. :)    

Release dateApr 11, 2022
True Self-Love: Love Yourself The Way You Are Naturally Meant To Be Loved

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    Book preview

    True Self-Love - Hamed Noroozi


    Hello, I am Hamed Noroozi. I have dedicated myself to writing this book about self-love for anyone and everyone who feels unloved or not loved enough and who wishes to tap into the true self-love they were born with. This book is intuitive and provides you with true, core, and valuable insight. It is meant to be a book of inspiration and instill an authentic and natural notion of love, specifically self-love.

    Why I Wrote This Book

    The reason I wrote this book is for you to understand what true self-love is, the importance and value of self-love, and how you can tap into your self-love and apply it on a spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and profound level.

    Many people have been conditionally downgraded (either consciously or subconsciously) by society and their respective cultures not to love themselves the way we humans are truly and naturally meant to be loved. Most people have been conditioned to associate love with status, dignity, achievements/accomplishments in life, our appearance, the amount of money that we have in our bank account, popularity, the things that we do and have done for others, respect, and validation from others, etc. In a nutshell, we have been conditioned by society to seek love externally from others and to determine our self-worth and worthiness of love based on the validation and acceptance of others regardless of whether those people matter to us or not. When you were a baby, you see, you loved yourself naturally and unconditionally, the way that you were truly meant to be loved. You were not ashamed, and you did not ever feel guilty about loving yourself because you hadn't been influenced and conditioned by society to be ashamed nor embarrassed about loving yourself, nor feel bad or selfish for loving yourself. When you were first born, you did not see love as a reward that you had to work for, earn, qualify for, and be worthy of. You loved yourself inherently, naturally, and unconditionally because you were in alignment with your utmost natural state when you were first born. Then as you got older, you started to become influenced, triggered, and conditioned by external influences that affected, altered, and reshaped your notion and whole view about self-love. As a result, you've become detached and detracted from the true inherent self-love that you were naturally born with. So the purpose of this book is to guide you and inspire you to abolish the conditioning that you had experienced and gone through by society and your external influences for you to be able (mentally and emotionally) to revert into and resynchronize (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and perhaps even physically) with your true intrinsic core inner self-love. In my life, throughout my childhood and teen and up until this point, I never had real friends who truly cared about me and loved me. The 'friends' that I had back in my childhood and teen would take advantage of me and use me, treat me differently and unfairly, play games on me, would judge me and criticize me, they didn't respect me and treat me with the true care and love that I so needed (though  I may not have realized it nor been aware of it at the moment back then), and I always felt left out and unloved and underappreciated deep down. When I was in elementary and high school, I often felt isolated, unloved, undervalued, and underappreciated, and I was often treated differently and unfairly by many of my teachers and by my peers and the other classmates and students at school. I often felt as though there was just something about me that the teachers and other peers/classmates at school didn't like about me. Throughout my childhood and teen at school and elsewhere, I often felt as though I was different from my other peers and students. Now, of course, I know that we are all different, but I mean different, as though I was abnormal/weird. As though I wasn't worthy of the same love, respect, recognition, consideration, and rights as other people. From an early age, throughout my childhood, teen, and often even in my early adulthood, I felt and thought that there was something 'wrong' with me, and I was never quite sure what it was. I was never popular at elementary school, high school, and post-secondary school at college. Throughout school, I often felt like a lonely loser who was underappreciated, undervalued, given the least priority, and given the least recognition and praise by others (at least by the majority of people). Back in high school and in my first year at high school, many classmates and other kids at school would bully me, tease me, and make fun of me, and they often got away with it. In grade 5, there was this big fat girl who always laughed at me, would bully me, always called me dumb and would say all kinds of mean things to me, always messed with me, and would gossip and say things behind my back. I never got the chance to date any girls in elementary school, high school, and college. Back in elementary school, many of the girls that I liked and had a crush on were disgusted/repelled by me and would reject me if I've ever mustered the courage to ask them out on a date. At

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