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The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract: A Breakthrough in Alternative Treatment for Colds, Infections, Candida, Allergies, Herpes, and Many Other Ailments
The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract: A Breakthrough in Alternative Treatment for Colds, Infections, Candida, Allergies, Herpes, and Many Other Ailments
The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract: A Breakthrough in Alternative Treatment for Colds, Infections, Candida, Allergies, Herpes, and Many Other Ailments
Ebook109 pages2 hours

The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract: A Breakthrough in Alternative Treatment for Colds, Infections, Candida, Allergies, Herpes, and Many Other Ailments

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Researchers are discovering the power of grapefruit seeds, which provide safe and inexpensive raw materials to support a quiet revolution in the way holistically minded physicians and consumers approach problematic germs. From Candida to traveler’s illness, sore throat, gum disease, flus, colds and the beyond, Grapefruit Seed Extract is ea

Release dateFeb 24, 2017
The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract: A Breakthrough in Alternative Treatment for Colds, Infections, Candida, Allergies, Herpes, and Many Other Ailments

D.C. C.C.N. Sachs

The author, Dr. Allan Sachs, is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractor, in practice since 1978 and recognized as a leading authority on the use of Grapefruit Seed Extract. He is a pioneer in the field of clinical ecology and the creator of many herbal formulas used by holistic practitioners throughout the world.

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    The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract - D.C. C.C.N. Sachs


    FOR AS LONG AS HUMANS have walked upon the earth, this planet has provided us with an astonishing assortment of natural medicines to help us heal from that which ails us. Earth’s pharmacy has included thousands of plant, animal, and mineral substances. Our challenge, once we left the security of our animal instincts, was to discover and promulgate the proper uses of these remedies.

    As we entered the twentieth century our pharmacy changed forever. Folk wisdom, and knowledge accumulated over thousands of years was swept away in many areas of the world by the new medicine—pharmaceutical drugs. By then, men of science (women were all but barred from this discipline) had decided that nature’s gifts could be copied and even improved upon with synthetic substances—oil and coal tar derivatives created through new techniques in chemistry.

    Their conclusions were convincing—pharmaceutical drugs were powerful—in many instances they brought almost instantaneous relief from troubling symptoms. Within a brief thirty years this approach to illness became so dominant that it even expropriated the term traditional medicine despite the fact that it was indeed the more radical, experimental, and unproven alternative. Ironically, the term alternative is still used for many forms of traditional healing—Chinese and Hindu Ayurvedic systems for example, which have a recorded history of several thousand years.

    Most of the early pharmaceuticals were attempts to simulate organic substances, but eventually drugs were created which had no natural counterparts. As medicine strayed further and further from its roots, unmistakable evidence arose showing that these wonder drugs had some very serious drawbacks. Most dramatic were side effects which could in fact be far more serious than the illnesses they were designed to treat. (To this day one of the most common causes of hospitalization is adverse reaction to pharmaceutical drugs, a problem of great concern to scientists of all persuasions.)

    In 1969, when I entered the health care field as a research assistant at New York’s Downstate Medical Center, the medical world had all but declared victory over infectious diseases. Students were being taught that with the advancement in our understanding of microbes and an ever increasing array of high tech antibiotics, disease causing germs would eventually go the way of the dinosaur. Although some infectious diseases have now been quelled, today there are many germ induced conditions which only twenty-five years ago did not exist or were not yet identified.

    When I began working with patients as a clinician in 1977, little attention was paid by practitioners or the public to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cytomeglovirus, AIDS, Epstein Barr Virus Syndrome, Lyme’s disease, genital herpes and genital warts. And although Dr. Orion Truss had elaborately and accurately described the disastrous effects of the yeast Candida albicans on many of his patients, few took him seriously. The last twenty years has seen an exponential increase in the number of people suffering from parasitic diseases, a result of increased international travel and a burgeoning immigrant populace in the Americas. In 1977 Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Blastocystis hominis, and Cryptosporidium were of no great concern to Americans; now half of our domestic water supplies are suspected of carrying unacceptable levels of disease causing bacteria and protozoa.

    To that list we can add flesh eating bacteria (a mutant form of Staphlococcus aureus), rampant cases of bacterial food poisoning, and a resurgence of some diseases, such as tuberculosis, previously thought to be under control.

    With each of these new conditions a host of new pharmaceutical antibiotics sprang up ready to wage war against them. As a physician trained in holistic healthcare, I viewed the medical world’s total dependence upon these pharmaceutical solutions with a good deal of suspicion. After all, it had been demonstrated that the promiscuous use of pharmaceutical antibiotics played a significant role in the development of some of the aforementioned diseases.

    My search for safe, botanically derived products which could be used, when appropriate, in place of the more toxic pharmaceutical antibiotics, eventually led me, in 1991, to Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), a substance derived from the seeds, membranes, and pulp of the grapefruit. It was reputed to be highly effective as a purifier, preservative, and antiseptic and to have extraordinary potential for inhibiting fungi, viruses, and bacteria. My experience and research since then has corroborated those claims. I have used GSE extensively in my practice and in many ways it has changed my approach to health care both personally and professionally. And I am certainly not alone in my appreciation of its properties—a rapidly increasing number of physicians throughout the world now routinely recommend GSE and they report excellent clinical results.

    Despite the profound influence that GSE has had upon the holistic approach to disease causing microbes, most of our formal knowledge about it is derived from isolated scientific studies. This book presents my personal and professional experience with GSE and consolidates much important research of interest to the holistic health practitioner and the consumer.

    It is my hope that this book will inspire further reseach on this versatile substance as well as assist in the paradigm shift many of us fervently seek. In that regard, Grapefruit Seed Extract has the potential for showing us how nature and science can work in harmony for a healthier world.




    PICK A FRUIT , any fruit—an apple for instance. Bury it in fertile soil. Now the miracle of nature’s recycling plan begins. Within seconds, millions of microscopic fungi, bacteria, and protozoa (one-celled animals) can be found on the outer surface. Whether there simply by chance contact, or by chemotaxis (the movement of a living organism by chemical attraction or repulsion), the microbes employ all of their chemical forces to penetrate the peel of the apple. With the help of the warm earth and its available nutrients, the microbes multiply into the billions in a matter of hours as the apple itself contributes to the nutrient pool.

    Once the peel is breeched the flesh goes quickly. Within a few days the apple is almost unrecognizable. But then the miniscule invaders hit a snag; little black seeds, holding all the genetic information required for reproduction, put up a fierce resistance.

    Not only do these seed have a tough shell, but they have another form of protection: powerful chemicals on the order of cyanide and strychnine repel the invaders time and time again. But the microbes are relentless, sacrificing millions of their kind in the struggle. Eventually the seeds soften, the bug repellents expire and the microbes have their final feast. Except, that is, for a few seeds tough enough to resist: these survivors will

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