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Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions
Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions
Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions
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Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions

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The latest edition of this text provides a comprehensive update on the current standards and newest skills in diagnostic endoscopy for pre/neoplastic lesions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. The atlas outlines procedural requirements and strategies for detection and endoscopic staging (prediction of pT category) of small and minute early cancers, and presents endoscopic and high-resolution endosonographic criteria for submucosal invasiveness. The three major resection techniques, including risk profiles, and differential indications and contraindications for each technique are also outlined. In addition to thoroughly revised chapters from the previous edition, the atlas features new content on submuscosal neoplasias in the GI tract, new magnifying images of early gastric neoplasias, and new endoscopic images of adenoma, dyplasia, inflammatory bowel disease, and early cancer in the duodenum and small bowel.

Written by experts in the field, Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions, Second Edition is a valuable resource that will improve the diagnostic skills of endoscopists.

Release dateApr 2, 2019
Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapeutic Decisions

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    Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract - Frieder Berr

    Part IGeneral Principles of Endoscopy for Early Gastrointestinal Neoplasias

    © Springer International Publishing 2019

    Frieder Berr, Tsuneo Oyama, Thierry Ponchon and Naohisa Yahagi (eds.)Atlas of Early Neoplasias of the Gastrointestinal Tract

    1. Endoscopic Detection and Analysis of Mucosal Neoplastic Lesions: Enhanced Imaging and Tumor Morphology

    Frieder Berr¹  , Thierry Ponchon²   and Toshio Uraoka³  


    Department of Internal Medicine I, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria


    Department of Digestive Diseases, Hôpital Eduard Herriot, Lyon, France


    Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Gunma University Hospital, Maebashi, Prefecture Gunma, Japan

    Frieder Berr

    Email: [email protected]

    Thierry Ponchon

    Email: [email protected]

    Toshio Uraoka (Corresponding author)

    Email: [email protected]


    Endoscopic techniques, diagnosticChromoendoscopyNarrow band imagingImage-enhanced endoscopyMucosal neoplasias, Paris classificationMicrovessel patternMicrosurface pattern

    1.1 Introduction

    Worldwide, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the organ system with the highest cancer incidence (20.5% of all new cases) and annual mortality (22% = 1.81 Mio). Early endoscopic detection and resection has led to improved survival rates for colorectal and gastric cancer, especially for gastric cancer in Japan, where more than 70% are now detected as early gastric cancer [1, 2].

    The majority of esophageal and gastric cancers and about 50% of colorectal cancers (CRC) develop from flat precursor lesions [3, 4]. However, small (5–10 mm) or minute (<5 mm) flat neoplasias are easily missed on standard upper or lower GI endoscopy. The miss rate of such lesions had been estimated to be up to 19% [5]. Detection of small early neoplasias requires familiarity with the endoscopic spectrum of neoplastic lesions on conventional white-light imaging (WLI) [3, 6], as well as image analysis with the proper use of magnifying and image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE) [7], such as chromoendoscopy (CE) and narrow-band imaging (NBI) techniques [8–12]. Endoscopic microsurface (S) and microvascular (V) architecture have been characterized in normal mucosa and neoplasias by surface microscopic morphometry in comparison with magnified IEE images [13–15].

    1.2 Standard Endoscopy and Chromoendoscopy Techniques

    Image quality depends on resolution and contrast. Contrast is the ratio of brightness (light density) between a pattern and its background. Resolution is determined by the pixel number of the image sensor chip (CCD = charge-coupled device) and the optical lens system, as well as the pixel capacity of the video processor and the display monitor; therefore, resolution is enhanced by high-definition endoscopy (HD > 850 000 pixel), thus improving the detection rate of flat neoplasias. Contrast is increased by surface staining (chromoendoscopy, CE, e.g., with indigo carmine) or narrow-band spectral image (NBI) endoscopy [8, 11]. Most video endoscopy systems use a bright xenon lamp as a white light source. But two different systems for color reproduction are in use: the color CCD system with tiny red-green-blue (RGB) color filters in each CCD pixel, used in Western countries (simultaneous RGB system); and the RGB sequential imaging system using a monochromatic (black and white) CCD and color transformation of the light pulses in the video processor (Fig. 1.1a, b), used in Japan, East Asia, and the UK. The color CCD system shows better motion imaging, and the RGB sequential system yields better resolution [11].

    For NBI observation (Fig. 1.1a,b), a narrow band filter is switched into the light path. From the broadband white light of the xenon lamp, two bands with reduced light intensity are split, blue with wavelength of 415 nm and green with 540 nm, corresponding to the absorption peaks of hemoglobin. The light scattered in and reflected from the mucosa shows greenish blue color, and its absorption by hemoglobin in blood vessels shows the complimentary pseudocolor, i.e. brownish and dark cyan. The 415 nm blue light band highlights brownish-appearing capillaries in the lamina propria mucosae (LPM) , and the more tissue-penetrating 540 nm green band shows cyan pseudocolored veins in the submucosa, together contrasting the superficial vascular (V) architecture [11, 15] (compare Fig. 1.4). On the other hand, Blue Light Imaging (BLI , Fujifilm Corp., Tokyo) generates similar light bands as NBI without a filter by using four LED (blue-violet, 415 nm / blue / green / red), and thus enhances magnifying surface (S) and vascular (V) imaging [8]. Based on the principles of NBI, alternative processing systems use computer-based filtering of reflected light for spectral light bands in the image processor, e.g., flexible spectral imaging color enhancement (FICE, Fujifilm Corp., Tokyo) or i-Scan tone enhancement (TE) mode (Pentax Medical Corp.,Tokyo) [10, 16].


    Fig. 1.1

    (a) Schematic diagram of CCD-based simultaneous color imaging system (EVIS Excera III). CCD charge-coupled device. (b) Schematic diagram of red-green-blue (RGB) sequential imaging system (EVIS Lucera Spectrum)(Olympus Medical System Co., Tokyo, JP). Insertion of an NBI filter into the Xe-light path eliminates red light and illuminates mucosa with less intense, dual narrow-spectrum light of 415 nm and 540 nm – interacting with the two absorption maxima of hemoglobin. (Modified from Uedo et al. [11])

    1.3 Standard White Light Imaging (WLI) and Chromoendoscopy (CE)

    Screening and surveillance use light-intense WLI endoscopy for detection of early neoplasias focusing on changes in surface structure (epithelial architecture) and/or color of the mucosa [17]. The more reddish color of neoplastic lesions is due to increased vascular density of the lamina propria mucosa (LPM) , decreased glandular layer, or both alterations combined; a more pale color reflects increased gland density / neoplastic cell infitration, diminished vascularized connective tissue of the LPM, or both factors combined. Rarely, neoplasias display the same color as the mucosa. The analysis of suspicious lesions is facilitated by CE and HD endoscopy and often is feasible only with enhanced magnification imaging (60–120-fold) of microsurface (S) and microvascular (V) patterns in WLI and NBI or BLI technique [8, 18, 19].

    Chromoendoscopy (CE) with acetic acid or indigo carmine enhances the surface structure, whereas Lugol (iodine) solution reacts with squamous epithelial cell membranes; methylene blue and crystal violet are internalized into columnar epithelial cells [3, 20]. Indications for and principles of CE are given in Table 1.1. For application of CE, wash the mucosa and lesion clean with water containing simethicone before absorptive stain – apply dye solution (e.g., 10 mL) for about 1 min, and wash again briefly before imaging. Esophageal squamous neoplasias show Lugol-unstained area on WLI, and appearance of slight pink coloring in unstained area after 1–2 min is highly specific for cancer (pink coloring sign) [21]. Neutralize the irritant action of Lugol solution immediately after iodine CE using sodium thiosulfate (5% aqueous sol., twice the volume of Lugol solution) [22]. Crystal violet staining is most accurate for irregular colonic microsurface (pit pattern type V; compare Chap. 11).

    Table 1.1

    Gastrointestinal chromoendoscopy and virtual chromoendoscopy (NBI or BLI)

    HGIN high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, VCE virtual chromoendoscopy

    aAvoid exposure of the larynx, iodine allergy, and hyperthyreosis! (comp. Chap. 7)

    bAIM, freshly prepared mixture of 0.6% acetic acid and 0.4% indigo carmine [23]

    cAfter spraying indigo carmine often combined (compare Chap. 11)


    CE enhances surface pattern (S), NBI and BLI (or i-Scan TE mode) show microvascular architecture (V) and may indicate S structure of mucosal neoplasias, whereas CE better shows S structure and lateral margins of neoplasias.

    1.4 Characteristics of Early Mucosal Neoplastic Lesions on WLI

    Detection of a lesion depends on visible alterations in surface structure or color [6], whereas prediction of histopathological tumor (pT) category or invasiveness rests on assessment of three criteria – macroscopic morphology, mucosal surface pattern (S), and microvascular pattern (V) of the mucosa – and is performed with magnifying NBI or CE (see Sect. 1.5).

    1.4.1 Macroscopic Classification (Paris-Japanese Classification)

    The endoscopic classification developed in Japan [24] and promoted by international consensus in Paris is analogous for superficial neoplastic lesions of the esophagus, stomach, and colon [3, 20] (see Fig. 1.2a). Diagnostic failure mainly comes from mis-classification of type 0–IIa versus type 0–Is lesions, which is of minor importance for cancer miss rates, and from under-detection of type 0–IIc lesions, which is a major cause for missed cancer because even small 0–IIc neoplasias show a high rate of intramucosal cancer and progression to invasive cancer [3, 9].


    Fig. 1.2

    (a) Endoscopic Paris classification of superficial neoplasias of the digestive tract (Modified acc. to [3, 20]): The macroscopic type is evident from the aspect of the lesion as compared with the size of a standard biopsy forceps (* closed cups of forceps = 2.5 mm; ** one jaw = 1.25 mm). Lesions are defined in relation to the adjacent surface as protruding 0–I (>2.5 mm↑ in columnar epithelium) and non-protruding, i.e., flat-elevated = 0–IIa (<2.5–0.5 mm↑), flat = 0–IIb, and depressed 0–IIc (0.5–1.25 mm↓) or excavated 0–III (>1.25 mm↓). Composite lesions are described according to the combination of surface subtypes. In esophageal squamous epithelium, only half the sizes are used for the cutoff lines, e.g., >1.25 mm↑ for 0–I, >0.25 mm↑ for 0–IIa, >0.25 mm↓ for 0–IIc, and >0.5 mm↓ for 0–III. *, ** standard biopsy forceps (*gauge closed = 2.5 mm, **one jaw = 1.25 mm)Fig. 1.2 (continued) (b) Desufflation (A)/insufflation (B) of a visceral organ provides information on depth of invasive growth. Left: Air-induced deformation of shape indicates infiltration of the muscularis mucosae (MM) layer. Right: Fixed shape of neoplasia indicates invasion of deep sm or MP layer. (c) Laterally spreading types of neoplasia (LSTs) [9]

    Superficial protruding lesions (0–Ip, Isp, Is) are easily detectable. In the stomach, they comprise hyperplastic polyps (80–90%, multiple in chronic type B gastritis), adenoma (5–10%, with high risk of malignant foci), or differentiated adenocarcinoma (2–3%), inflammatory polyps (~2%, e.g. eosinophilic granuloma), rarely fundic gland polyps (e.g. in familial adenomatous polyposis), hamartomas (e.g. in juvenile polyposis or Peutz-Jeghers syndrome), or hereditary polyposes (e.g. Cowden syndrome, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome).

    In the colon, most mucosal lesions are protruding; about two thirds are adenomas (some with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia [HGIN] or early cancer), and one third are harmless hyperplastic polyps, which must not be confused with serrated adenoma. Submucosal tumors (lipoma, carcinoid [mainly in rectum], rare leiomyoma) are covered with normal or inflammatory mucosa; so are hamartomas (Peutz-Jeghers polyp and juvenile polyp) and inflammatory pseudopolyps.

    Flat lesions , i.e. slightly elevated, completely flat, and slightly depressed lesions (IIa, IIb, IIc), are less striking on WLI and deserve continuous attention for changes in color and/or surface structure of the mucosa. In squamous and columnar epithelial esophagus and in the stomach, the majority of early cancers (75–80%) show flat lesions (IIa, IIb, IIc) [3]. Small early gastric cancers (EGC) typically display reddish type 0–IIc lesions when well differentiated, but small, pale type 0–IIb lesions, often with intact surface structure, when poorly differentiated. The latter are hard to detect and constitute about 15% of flat EGC in Japan and a higher fraction (up to 40%) in Western countries [25].

    About 36% of colonic neoplasias present type 0–IIa flat lesions, and about 2% present type 0–IIc depressed lesions [9, 26]. As the tumor progresses in size and sm invasion, flat depressed neoplasia (0–IIc) may gain an elevated hyperplastic rim (types 0–IIc + 0–IIa) and become entirely elevated (types IIa + IIc) or ulcerated (0–III) in cases of deeply sm-invasive growth (Fig. 1.2a). Shape and deformation of a lesion during inflation/desufflation of the organ also provide information on invasive growth into the muscularis mucosae or deep sm/proper muscle layer (Fig. 1.2b).

    Laterally spreading-type (LST) neoplasia (Fig. 1.2c) has been defined by Kudo et al. as a flat or elevated neoplastic lesion in the colorectum of more than 10 mm diameter [9]. These neoplasias (mostly adenomas) are barely distinguishable in color from the surrounding normal mucosa and can be quite flat or low elevated. Chromoendoscopy with indigo carmine is advisable to demonstrate tumor extension. Uraoka et al. characterized the spectrum of LST, including nongranular-type LST with high probability of malignant foci (up to 50%) [27].

    1.5 Magnifying and Image-Enhanced Endoscopy (IEE) for Analysis of Microarchitecture

    1.5.1 Magnifying Endoscopy

    Magnifying endoscopy with image enhancing endoscopy (IEE) techniques enables accurate diagnosis of early cancer lesions for appropriate curative resection technique [13, 28, 29]. High-definition (HD) endoscopes, even with the color CCD system, have a physical magnification up to 2 mm distance from the epithelial surface, yielding an optical magnification of 40-fold in dual-focus mode. With dual-focus endoscopes (e.g., GIF-H190Q or CF-H190Q for Exera III or GIF-HQ290 or CF-HQ290 for Lucera Spectrum, Olympus), the user can switch between standard mode and near mode (40-fold) for close focus observation with depth of field (DoF) of 2–6 mm. In combination with the 1.5-times digital zoom, these endoscopes offer 60-fold magnification. The Multi Light™ system (Eluxeo, Fujifilm) even allows switching from standard WLI or BLI to high-power magnifying (100×) WLI or BLI to obtain high-resolution IEE of micro-surface (S) and micro-vascular (V) structure. There are zoom endoscopes with adjustable image magnification up to 120-fold and depth of field (DoF) of 2–3 mm in both the sequential RGB and the simultaneous color CCD system. Moving the endoscope closer than 2 mm or further than 3 mm from the tissue causes the image to go out of focus. Therefore, a soft black hood as a distal attachment with depth equal to the DoF is essential on the zoom endoscope to keep the precise distance from the lens for clear, focused images (Fig. 1.3). To avoid contact bleeding, gently approximate the hood to the lesion and apply cautious suction/insufflation to optimize the focal distance. Observation under water with high magnification (60× − 120×) improves resolution and abolishes surface light reflection. In the stomach, there are two alternative techniques: (1) water filling of the stomach (e.g. with 500 mL water), or (2) water irrigation by injecting water from a syringe (20 or 50 mL) via a working channel into the distal hood when it is approximated to the target mucosa. The latter technique is also useful for acetic acid magnified CE of small lesions.


    Fig. 1.3

    M-NBI images of esophagus (a) without and (b) with distal attachment. (Modified from [11])

    1.5.2 Image-Enhanced Endoscopy (IEE)

    Narrow-band imaging (NBI) , as well as CE, augments the contrast and enhances visibility of structures (IEE) while changing the image color [15, 30]. NBI based on hemoglobin absorbance images the microvessels in the superficial mucosal layer (lamina propria) and the submucosa [15, 29, 30] (Fig. 1.4), and sharpness of imaging depends on the index of hemoglobin color enhancement (IHb) [12]. The structure enhancement function improves image resolution on magnifying (M) observation in Olympus Lucera CV-260LS and Excera CV-190 video processors. There are two modalities (modes A and B) with eight levels each, and three of them can be preset. For the best structure enhancement settings see Table 1.2. The ELUXEO system (Fujifilm Corp., Tokyo) also has modes A and B with nine levels for BLI. The default setting for BLI is B4 for both standard and magnification.

    Table 1.2

    Structure enhancement settings (mode A vs. B, levels 1–8) [11, 12]

    Color mode (level range 1–3): Level 1 for WLI, and for NBI level 1 and 3 in the GI tract

    The post-imaging digital filter technique (i-Scan, Pentax) needs tuning for enhancement of surface structure (SE mode) or of green-blue spectral bands for tone enhancement (TE) mode [16]. BLI, FICE, and i-Scan use principles established for NBI, and key findings reported for NBI also apply [8, 10, 16].

    Key Points for Magnifying Endoscopy (60× − 130×):

    Proper structure enhancement settings of the video processor (Table 1.2)

    Soft distal hood (depth = DoF) to keep focal distance

    Water immersion (water filling or irrigation technique)

    Surface enhancement with acetic acid CE (Table 1.1, in irrigation technique).

    Table 1.3

    Sano’s capillary pattern types (CP) renamed as vessel types (V) in the Japan NBI Expert Team (JNET) classification using mNBI [19, 32]

    Permission granted by the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society/Digestive Endoscopy, and John Wiley & Co.

    anormal hyperplastic polyp or sessile serrated polyp [19]

    bHGIN, intramucosal cancer Ca-m

    csm superficial invasion (<1000 μm)

    dsm deep invasion (≥1000 μm)


    Magnification (60-fold to 130-fold) combined with image-enhanced techniques (NBI, BLI, i-Scan, acetic acid, or crystal violet CE) yields maximum performance for diagnostic analysis of early neoplasias.


    Fig. 1.4

    Microvascular pattern (m-NBI, 60×) of squamous epithelial mucosa. (a) Normal esophagus. Faint submucosal collecting venules (cyan) ../images/215143_2_En_1_Chapter/215143_2_En_1_Figa_HTML.gif and intrapapillary capillary loops (IPCL, light brown ../images/215143_2_En_1_Chapter/215143_2_En_1_Figb_HTML.gif ) in LPM of squamous cell mucosa. (b) Neoplasia with HGIN. Disappearance of sm collecting venules, typical changes of IPCL (thickness, curling). (c) Basic alterations of schematic IPCL structure. (Modified from [11], permission granted by John Wiley & Sons Inc.)

    1.6 Capillary Structure of Squamous Mucosa and Neoplasias

    Squamous epithelial esophagus displays rows of tiny reddish dots on WLI, which are identified on magnifying NBI as intrapapillary capillary loops (IPCL) in papillae of the mucosal LPM layer (Fig. 1.4a). Neoplasias in squamous epithelium induce angiogenesis and change vascular architecture of IPCL visible on IEE as alterations of IPCL morphology (Fig. 1.4b). Basic abnormal changes are in diameter (caliber change by 2×; thick vessel by 3×), irregularity in shape (non-loop due to fusion/destruction of papillae). This sequence of angiogenic alterations by early neoplasias (Fig. 1.4b, c) is well visible in squamous epithelial esophagus (see Table 7.​2) and, in analogous fashion, is known in early cancer of columnar cell–lined mucosa (see below).

    Key Points for Intrapapillary Capillary Loops (IPCL)

    Caliber change (thickness)


    Loop shape (loop / non-loop)


    Squamous epithelial esophagus is best screened with both WLI (on scope insertion) and NBI observation (on scope withdrawal), whereas oropharynx and hypopharynx are screened with NBI on scope insertion, and during expiration for better overview (compare Sect. 6.​4.​2).

    1.7 Analysis by IEE of Columnar Epithelial Mucosa and Neoplasias

    Columnar epithelial mucosa extends between the squamocolumnar junctions at cardia and anal channel and presents different surface patterns depending on the type of mucosal glands. Single-layered columnar epithelium (in large intestine with mucin-rich goblet cells) covers the surface of mucosa and glands. Mucosa contains tubular glands with pitlike orifices in the colorectum and gastric fundus/corpus (fundic-type mucosa), displaying on IEE a pattern of regular pits in an even mucosal surface. In the antrum and pylorus, and in cardia and Barrett’s esophagus, the mucosal surface forms villi or ridges surrounded by groove-like crypts; therefore, the surface pattern is villous (tubular) or gyrus (ridgelike). In small bowel, the mucosal surface is entirely villous (tubular).

    On NBI of columnar epithelial mucosa (Barrett’s esophagus, stomach, and intestine), the surface pattern of marginal crypt epithelium is superimposed onto the capillary pattern of the lamina propria, yielding complex surface (S) and vessel (V) patterns (Fig. 1.5). Colonic mucosa exhibits a regular surface pattern of pits on magnifying NBI and indigo carmine CE (explained in Fig. 1.5), which differs from adenoma.


    Fig. 1.5

    Explanation of complex NBI patterns in columnar epithelial mucosa (right side; colon) and adenoma (left side). (Adapted from Tanaka et al. [32], permission granted by John Wiley & Sons Inc.). Magnifying colonoscopic images of normal mucosa (right) and tubulovillous adenoma (left, top: indigo carmine CE; left, bottom: NBI). The white zone (WZ) on the NBI image represents the perpendicularly illuminated layers of marginal crypt epithelium of glandular pits (the V pattern is extinct), which is the entire pitlike structure (right panel). An actual pit is hardly observed as a dark dot (mNBI 100×), because perpendicular illumination of the gland pit is rarely achieved. The vascular pattern (VP) of normal colonic mucosa is regular and brownish on NBI (right upper panel). Adenoma has a gyrous structure with ridges and groves (left)

    1.7.1 Microarchitecture of Colonic Neoplasias

    Adenomas in the gastrointestinal tract are defined on histology by cylinder epithelial cells with enhanced proliferation, even structure of pseudoglands, and noninvasive growth pattern (Fig. 1.6). These clonal epithelial neoplasms form different macroscopic types, e.g., flat types 0–IIb and 0–IIc or flat elevated types 0–IIa, which can also grow to sessile or polypoid adenoma or expansively spread out to larger, flat or flat-elevated, laterally spreading-type neoplasias (LST, in colon).


    Classic adenoma, as compared with normal colonic mucosa on M-NBI (Fig. 1.6), is characterized by:

    Regular surface pattern, SP (evenly spaced WZ = MCE of pseudoglands)

    Even but enhanced vascular pattern, VP (reticular or spiral) around pseudoglands [15]

    Clear margin (without demarcation in surface relief)

    Disappearance of branched (dendritic) sm vascular pattern

    Mucosal carcinoma arising in adenoma leads to irregular structures:

    Irregular SP (uneven WZ, loss of structure of crypt epithelium and pseudoglands)

    Irregular VP (sparse, curled vessel pattern due to destruction of pseudoglands)

    Demarcation line in surface relief (and expansive nodule or encroachment), if invasive into mucosal layer (Fig. 1.7a, c), or superficial submucosal (SM1) layer [19]


    Fig. 1.6

    (a) Classic tubular adenoma in the colon exhibits a noninvasive growth pattern of regular tubular glands. Coherent expansive growth of transformed epithelium creates pseudoglands with single-layered surface epithelium (even WZ) and may lead to protruding mucosal neoplasia 0–IIa or Isp (HE stain). (b) Magnified inset from a,: showing a sharp transition (yellow arrow) with even surface (clear margin, even surface) from colonic epithelium (left side) to adenomatous colonocytes (right side), which show an enhanced nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, loss of basal polar orientation, and clonal proliferation without goblet cells. (Courtesy Dr. Daniel Neureiter). (c) Magnifying NBI (60×) reveals normal colonic mucosa (right side,

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