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Bionic Limb Reconstruction
Bionic Limb Reconstruction
Bionic Limb Reconstruction
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Bionic Limb Reconstruction

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This book presents the latest techniques in amputation rehabilitation and summarizes the most recent research findings in the field of bionic limb reconstruction. Divided into seven parts written by experts in the field, it provides valuable information on e.g. upper extremity injuries, psychological considerations, prosthetic engineering, and surgical and rehabilitation strategies. Illustrative figures and photos of real-life settings further assist understanding. This book is of interest not only for plastic surgeons, but also for hand surgeons, orthopedic and trauma surgeons as well as therapists, prosthetists and engineers.

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Bionic Limb Reconstruction

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    Bionic Limb Reconstruction - Oskar C. Aszmann

    Part ISevere Injuries of the Upper Extremity

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

    O. C. Aszmann, D. Farina (eds.)Bionic Limb Reconstruction

    1. General Considerations on Upper Limb Amputation and Its Levels

    Clemens Gstoettner¹  , Stefan Salminger¹, ² and Oskar C. Aszmann¹, ²


    Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


    Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

    Clemens Gstoettner

    Email: [email protected]


    Upper limb amputationEpidemiologyAmputation levelsAmputation surgery

    Amputation describes the loss of a body part due to injury or disease, most commonly referring to the loss of a limb. Millions of people worldwide are currently living with amputation of the upper extremity [25]. Since trauma is the leading cause, especially young people are affected, often suffering from severe impairments of their working status and independence in daily life [11, 19]. Prosthetic replacement aims to restore the various functions of the lost hand—a task which becomes increasingly challenging with ascending level of limb loss.

    Epidemiology and Socioeconomic Implications

    It is estimated that approximately 1.6 million people with limb amputation were living in the USA in 2005, a number expected to more than double by 2050 [25]. Upper limb amputation, making up for a third of that number, can be further divided into minor (92%) and major (8%) amputations (see below). Prevalence of major upper limb amputation ranges from 11.6 to 13.9 per 100,000 in studies conducted in Norway and the USA, respectively [15, 25]. Trauma is by far the most common cause, followed by vascular disease and cancer. In general, the typical patient receiving major upper limb amputation is healthy and young, compared to the morbid and elderly population of lower limb amputees [20]. Males are affected by major traumatic amputations much more frequently than women, and injuries are most often the result of motor vehicle trauma or machinery-related accidents. The most common levels for amputation are transhumeral and transradial, while through-joint amputations are less frequent [7]. The incidence of traumatic amputation increases when a country is actively involved in war. Mortality after war-related injuries has been decreasing in recent years because of advances in field care, resulting in more survivors that have sustained devastating injuries. This is believed to be the reason for the growing number of homecoming soldiers with multiple amputations, as was seen in recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan [9]. Figure 1.1a–c gives an overview of the epidemiology of amputation levels and injury mechanisms in the USA.


    Fig. 1.1

    (a) Distribution of amputation types among patients living with limb loss in the USA [25]. (b) Frequency of upper limb amputation levels among traumatic amputees [7]. (c) Distribution of trauma mechanisms among traumatic amputations. MVT motor vehicle trauma [7]

    As most acquired amputees lose their arm at a young age, often in their twenties, reintegration into working life is an important factor with major implications at a socioeconomic level. In general, quality of life is scored lower by upper limb amputees compared to the general population, an effect which is partly mediated by the reduced ability to work [14]. Chapter 2 will go into more detail regarding the sequelae of amputation at a personal level, highlighting in particular the psychological factors. Somewhere between 50% and 75% of people return to work after upper limb amputation [18]. Among others, good general health and the regular use of a prosthetic device was identified as a positive predictive factor for work participation in this population. Furthermore, around 95% of upper limb amputees suffer from some kind of amputation-related pain, mostly phantom pain, residual limb pain, or back pain [6]. Especially phantom limb pain has been shown to be positively influenced by prosthetic usage [21]. There are other detrimental long-term consequences of amputation which may be limited or prevented through regular prosthesis use, including scoliosis, atrophy of the remaining muscles, joint stiffness and arthrosis. However, depending on the level of amputation, prosthetic usage rates from 39% to 81% can be found in the present literature [15, 23]. This wide variance may be due to the heterogeneous cohorts regarding levels of amputation and terminal devices included [4].

    General Considerations on Upper Limb Amputation

    When dealing with upper limb amputation, a general distinction can be made between minor amputations, defined here as affecting one or more fingers or parts of the hand, and major amputations, which range from transcarpal to forequarter. Ascending the different amputation levels from distal to proximal, the higher we go the more severe the functional impairment. With each joint patients lose, they are less able to control the position of the remaining limb in three-dimensional space, and the ability to interact with surroundings is increasingly diminished. The complexity and versatility of motor and sensory function in the upper limb and, in particular, the hand has major implications on the concepts of amputation surgery and prosthetic reconstruction. Compared to the leg, which is mainly used for weight-bearing and walking, the hand is continuously performing much more intricate and diverse movement patterns. Furthermore, sensibility of the hand is far more highly developed, occupying a major part of the primary sensory cortex. These factors currently render prosthetic reconstruction of the upper extremity inadequate when compared to its original biologic counterpart, as motor control of current devices is limited to few degrees of freedom and sensory feedback is not yet possible outside of research settings. While there have been significant developments in prosthetic research in recent years, ranging from improvements of the biotechnological interface to the mechanics of the devices, functionality for the patients has not improved greatly. Also, many of these advances have so far remained solely research-related, delivering limited benefit in standard patient care.

    For the above reasons, limb salvage remains the first goal when caring for patients with extensive injuries of the arm. Reconstructive efforts should aim at preserving as much function as possible. Even if at a later stage it becomes clear that biological reconstruction cannot yield the desired functional outcomes, amputation and prosthetic limb replacement will always remain an option, giving the patient the chance to actively let go of the useless extremity instead of perceiving it being taken away [2]. In limb salvage surgery, there is an increasing trend toward the use of free tissue transfers, including functional and composite free flaps [13]. Such modern concepts in microsurgery have made it possible to cover bigger wounds and reconstruct devastated functional units of the limb. In major traumatic amputations, replantation of the limb may be tried whenever feasible, as outcomes regarding patient satisfaction are generally better than with prosthetics [17]. While distal replantations are favourable, even in above-elbow amputations, reasonable results can be expected [12]. Apart from traumatic injuries, similar considerations apply to reconstruction in upper limb tumour surgery. In certain cases of advanced sarcoma, where the more distal parts of the limb remain unharmed, a very useful but often underrecognised option is the replantation of the hand after wide tumour resection (see Fig. 1.2) [22]. While the resulting limb will inevitably be shorter, this is not a major limitation in the upper extremity. As long as the hand shows decent motor and sensory function, a short arm can be very useful in most tasks of daily living. The resection-replantation concept is able to deliver a biological, sensate hand, which is fully integrated into the body image—a result that prosthetic replacement currently cannot match. While similar functional outcomes might be achieved through allotransplantation, there is a general agreement that these procedures are only indicated for bilateral amputees, because of the many risks associated with foreign tissue rejection and especially long-term immunosuppression (see Chap. 8).


    Fig. 1.2

    This young patient suffered from a malign tumour of his right elbow. Since the hand was unharmed, it could be reattached to the humerus after tumour resection (a). This represents a valuable alternative to amputation in selected cases, preserving the biological, sensate hand. In contrast to the lower limb, a shorter arm does not greatly impair function and may even be hard to spot on a first glance (b)

    If amputation is unavoidable, the surgeon must be aware that the decisions taken during amputation surgery will pave the way for prosthetic reconstruction and have major implications on the overall rehabilitation process. The concepts of limb salvage surgery should also be employed to retain as much amputation length as is necessary or even to preserve an additional joint. In certain cases, tissue from the amputated extremity parts may be used to gain length or provide coverage. This concept of using free or pedicled fillet flaps was termed spare-part surgery [16]. Where this is not possible, traditional free or local flaps may also be used to retain amputation length and improve residual limb function [3]. Shape and size of the stump must be formed in a way that will enable stable prosthetic attachment. Soft tissue coverage needs to be sufficient to prevent painful pressure points but not excessive, which would lead to less stable prosthetic attachment and poor myoelectric pickup. Distal muscle ends are generally either fixed at the bone (myodesis) or sutured to their antagonists (myoplasty). When dealing with the remaining nerves of the stump, at the very least, traction resection neurotomy should be employed to prevent painful neuroma formation at an area of loading. However, targeted muscle reinnervation offers an improved solution for this issue, not only preventing neuromas but also greatly improving the information transfer between amputee and prosthesis. Part III of this book will go into more detail regarding the surgical creation of the functional interface between man and prosthesis, and Chap. 15 will give an overview on the concept of osseointegration, which has greatly expanded the possibilities of prosthetic attachment.

    Different Levels of Upper Limb Amputation


    Amputations involving one or more fingers are the most common in the upper limb. Wherever feasible, replantation can have very good functional and aesthetic results, with success of the procedure in about two thirds of the cases [8]. However, the decision whether single-digit replantation should be performed depends on the affected finger and level, thumb and index being the primary indications [24]. Secondary biological reconstruction in single-digit amputations is mainly performed for the thumb, given its indispensable role for prehensile function. Pollicisation is commonly achieved via local index/middle finger or free toe transfer. Regarding prosthetic options, silicone finger prostheses may be fitted if the stump is long enough, providing aesthetically pleasing results. Even if the stump is very short, prosthetic fingers may be attached via osseointegration (see Fig. 1.3). If more than one finger is affected, individualised biological and/or prosthetic concepts are necessary, with the main goal to achieve stable grasping function. Once all fingers are lost, biological reconstruction is generally not an option. As through-hand amputations are in most cases difficult to fit with functional prostheses, a shortening to a transcarpal or even transradial level may be considered. This should be discussed together by surgeon, prosthetist and patient, considering demands of the patient and the different devices available for each level of amputation.


    Fig. 1.3

    After resection of a sarcoma of his right thumb, this patient wished for a prosthetic reconstruction. Because of the very short metacarpal stump, osseointegration was the only option to facilitate attachment of a silicone finger (a). Modern prostheses can be designed to closely replicate the contralateral thumb (b)

    Carpal Disarticulation

    Prosthetic reconstruction after carpal disarticulation is a challenge to the prosthetist due to length restriction of the prosthetic replacement and frequently the presence of terminal neuromas. For functional myoprostheses, it is difficult to fit all the necessary prosthetic components while maintaining an acceptable length of the hand, which does not markedly exceed the sound limb. An advantage to the transradial level is that the ability for full pro- and supination may be improved. Wherever possible, the thick palmar skin should be used for terminal stump coverage, as bony landmarks of the distal radius and ulna might lead to painful pressure spots during socket use. Depending on patient preference and quality of the stump, shortening to a transradial level might be considered, especially if prosthetic fitting is unlikely to achieve the desired results.


    This is one of the most frequent amputation levels in the upper limb. There is much experience for this level, from the surgical as well as prosthetic viewpoint. For prosthetic reconstruction, ideal stump length is for most patients somewhere between 16 and 18 cm as measured from the lateral epicondyle, which will also retain the main muscles for pro- and supination and provides a muscular coverage over the terminal bone stumps. There is a multitude of prosthetic options available, and functional outcomes with transradial devices are generally favourable, even though patient satisfaction is still higher after successful replantation [17]. Using direct myoelectric control, two independent signals can be employed for addressing two degrees of freedom, usually hand open/close and wrist rotation. As flexion of the fingers will automatically also trigger activation of wrist extensors to stabilise the wrist, the most precise signals can be extracted by activating wrist flexors or extensors. Here the agonist will automatically quiet all antagonistic activity and thus provide excellent and easy prosthetic control. Co-contraction may be an option for more degrees of freedom (DOF). Recent advances in signal interpretation strategies have led to a large number of transradial amputees in the USA controlling their device through pattern recognition, while in Europe direct approaches are still most frequently used. Body-powered devices also remain a commonly favoured option, delivering the benefit of improved proprioception. Furthermore, there are also some biological alternatives for functional reconstruction in transradial amputees, as is depicted in Chap. 8.

    Elbow Disarticulation

    Disarticulation of the elbow joint and very distal transhumeral amputation are generally uncommon amputation levels. While preserved epicondyles of the humerus are beneficial for prosthetic suspension and rotational control, prosthetic fitting with any form of artificial elbow joint will inevitably lead to a much longer upper arm, resulting in an awkward and inconveniently shaped limb. To achieve appropriate length, shortening osteotomy of the humerus can be performed, which will allow for a standard transhumeral fitting while retaining the advantages described above [10].


    Through the humerus has been reported to be the most common level of major traumatic upper limb amputation [7]. These patients only have their shoulder joint left for moving the arm in three-dimensional space. Therefore, a larger number of myosignals are needed for intuitive control of more degrees of freedom, even though generally only two are available. This functional mismatch can be greatly improved by TMR surgery, which is able to provide up to six distinct myoelectric signals and therefore allow for 3 degrees of freedom, e.g. elbow flexion/extension, wrist pronation/supination and hand open/close. A further challenge for this amputation level is the mechanic attachment of prosthetic devices. Conventional socket prostheses will in most cases require encasement of the shoulder joint, greatly constraining range of motion. Here, osseointegration is able to retain free shoulder movement (see Fig. 1.4) while providing a much more stable anchorage and easier handling and is increasingly becoming standard care for this indication. In selected cases it can also be employed for very short transhumeral stumps (<5 cm), which would for conventional socket fitting be regarded as shoulder disarticulations. In order to preserve shoulder function in short transhumeral stumps, it is essential to retain or reconstruct the insertions of the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and deltoid [20].


    Fig. 1.4

    A transhumeral amputee who received osseointegration to enable prosthetic fitting while maintaining full range of motion in the shoulder

    Shoulder Disarticulation

    Shoulder disarticulation, or glenohumeral amputation, is rare but very challenging for treating physicians and prosthetists. As the number of available myoelectric signals is outweighed by the degrees of freedom needed for appropriate prosthetic control, TMR surgery for the functional interface and pain control is often used and should be standardly performed. The anatomy of the pectoralis major and minor innervation offers the possibility for creating four independently addressable myosignals in these muscles alone [1]. Socket fitting is usually very cumbersome and results in heavy, constraining devices which are inconvenient in handling. The acromion is used for suspension, but belts to the other side of the thorax are still necessary, often restricting range of motion in the unaffected limb. However, the use of a prosthesis should be encouraged, as it can prevent painful sequelae of chronic imbalance and is also positively linked to decrease of phantom limb pain, aside from the more obvious aesthetic aspects [21].


    Forequarter amputation is fortunately performed very infrequently, nowadays most often for the treatment of malignant tumours [5]. Prosthetic reconstruction will require an individualised approach for each patient. As the entire arm including the clavicle and scapula are missing, the options for device suspension are extremely limited. Any shaft will have to enclose a major part of the thorax and will be severely constraining the remaining upper body. Depending on the muscles available, TMR might be an option if a myoelectric device is considered. In any case, these cases should be referred to a centre that has high expertise in bionic reconstruction and is involved with novel research approaches, as such patients may profit from novel investigational solutions which have not yet entered the market.



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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

    O. C. Aszmann, D. Farina (eds.)Bionic Limb Reconstruction

    2. Psychosocial Importance of the Hand and Consequences of Severe Hand Trauma, Amputation and Complete Brachial Plexus Injury

    Anna Pittermann¹, ², ³  , Laura A. Hruby², Agnes Sturma², ⁴ and Oskar C. Aszmann², ³


    Department of Clinical Psychology, General Hospital of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


    Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Extremity Reconstruction, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


    Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


    Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, London, UK

    Anna Pittermann

    Email: [email protected]


    AmputationBrachial plexus injuryPsychological sequelaePsychological interventionBody image

    The immense importance of the human hand is not only based on the extremely complex functional nature of it but also on the very special psychological and social meaning associated with this body part. Loss of hand function secondary to nerve and soft tissue damage and/or the traumatic amputation of a hand due to severe injuries always represents a great impairment for the individual on a functional, social and psychological level. Psychological sequelae result from the trauma experienced but also from physical disabilities, body image disturbances and last but not least changes in social role and social interactions [5].

    Psychosocial Importance of Hand Function

    The human hand is of immense functional and social importance. We use our hands to accomplish almost every task in everyday life (daily living activities): we need them to get dressed, to put toothpaste on the toothbrush and to prepare a meal. Additionally, we also use our hands to interact with others in a social context. We hold our partner’s hand, we caress our children and we shake hands to agree on something.

    The social importance of the hand can also be seen by the many attributions that are made to the look of a hand and to the way a hand is being used. The firmness of a handshake, the appearance of a hand and the gestures made with the hand are all used to judge peoples’ appearance and performance and can give a quite immediate impression of their psychological make-up, life circumstances and social status.

    Just like the face, hands are almost always in our line of vision and therefore are being used as a means to tell us something about the person attached to these hands. Also all the numerous idioms referring to hands (cold hands, warm heart; an extra pair of hands; have hands tied; give one a hand; take the law into one’s hands; be in safe hands; etc.) show the emotional connotations associated with this part of our body.

    From a functional point of view, the hand is an extremely complex tool whose dexterity today cannot be replaced by any technical means.

    Severe injuries to the hand itself or the brachial plexus supplying nerval input to it are associated with a loss of function occurring within seconds and always impair the individual functionally, socially and psychologically.

    Psychological Sequelae of Amputation and Brachial Plexus Injuries

    Individuals who experience a severe injury to their hand and arm or a brachial plexus injury or even an entire loss of parts are confronted with numerous changes in their life. Marked physical disability does not only result from functional impairment but is also related to pain and changes in body image perception. Furthermore, psychological and psychosocial issues may even have a greater impact on one’s life and also the lives of the whole family/support system.

    From a psychological point of view, patients who are exposed to a trauma have to deal with the general impact the traumatic event has on their psyche first. Traumatic events can lead to flashbacks, intrusion, re-experiencing of the trauma, sleeping disturbances and avoidance symptoms (avoidance of thoughts, feelings or places associated with the trauma) [6, 8]. In the long run, problems like post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, adaptation difficulties and substance abuse can occur. All these impairments do not have to be linked to any physical disability in the first line.

    Patients with physical disabilities and/or amputations resulting from a trauma additionally have to deal with the psychological sequelae following functional restrictions and alterations in body image (see also [14, 16–18]). Apart from chronic pain (phantom pain, deafferentation pain), these individuals very often face depression and/or anxiety, disturbed body image, negative self-evaluation, sleep disruption, cognitive difficulties and unemployment [6, 9, 15]. In a review of the existing literature, Mckechnie and John [12] found the levels of depression in post-traumatic amputees to be varying between 20.6% and 63%. For anxiety it was 25.45–57%.

    Despite occupational retraining a vast number of patients with severe upper extremity trauma are unable to return to their former work or report a worse work situation as a result of the injury, both of which affect their psychological well-being but also their economic situation and independence in everyday life [7, 9].

    A visible disfigurement such as an amputation or the physical appearance of a plexus hand (atrophic, cold, discolorated) may have severe impact on one’s perception of one’s body image and lead to self-appearance concerns as well as social appearance concerns [1].

    Severe hand injuries also have the tendency to have a psychosocial effect on significant others. Family members as well as friends or co-workers of the affected individual may become overly protective or self-conscious and change their behaviour in presence of the injured. A missing or disfigured hand is a part of the body that can hardly be concealed and is almost always visible to the people surrounding. The affected individual becomes dependent on others even with simple tasks and loses part of his independence and autonomy. These circumstances might lead to a change in social roles and changing interactions within families and other social systems that might make the individual feel a loss of control, helplessness and anxiety. Early psychological intervention should therefore also concentrate on first signs of social isolation, fear and withdrawal.

    Psychological Interventions

    Individuals exposed to a severe hand trauma are at risk for psychological and behavioural consequences [11, 13, 14, 17]. Grieving is a normal response to amputation or severe hand injury, but the individuals’ emotional reactions may be of great variability and do not have to be in direct relation to the objective severity of the injury.

    Not all patients who are exposed to trauma develop trauma-related distress [10]—a fact that seems to be especially true in older amputees [3]. The severity and duration of the emotional reaction as well as the psychological strain tell the clinical psychologist about the need for a clinical diagnosis and adequate treatment.

    Early identification of severe psychological disturbances may prevent progression of psychological pathology. It is therefore important to assess trauma-related distress in patients as soon as possible to enable appropriate interventions. It is also important to provide individual psychological support to the patient depending on the planned therapy, such as reconstructive surgery or transplantation [2, 17].

    Psychological support can help the individual to develop or strengthen effective coping strategies [4], emotional well-being and integration of a new self-concept. Depending on the needs and demands of the patient, training of relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) might be useful. Psychological counselling should also be offered to close family members if needed, and the patient should be supported in his attempt to return to work or find a new place in society where he/she can feel useful and valuable.



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