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Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

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This book provides a complete guide to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and the management of obesity. The chapters discuss guidelines for healthcare providers for the management of patients with obesity, the rationale behind choosing patients, performing the procedure in line with the patient’s condition, the perioperative period, postoperative requirements, and postoperative complications.

This book aims to give readers an understanding of the surgical techniques involved in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and the wider treatment options available. It is relevant to bariatric, metabolic, and general surgeons, physicians, clinical nutritionists as well as students.

Release dateJan 4, 2021
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

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    Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy - Salman Al-Sabah

    © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

    S. Al-Sabah et al. (eds.)Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Learning About the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (lSG) The Birth and Evolution of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Michel Gagner¹  


    Department of Surgery, Sacré-Coeur Hospital, Montréal, QC, Canada

    Michel Gagner

    Email: [email protected]

    Is sleeve gastrectomy the result of an omphaloskepsis? Omphaloskepsis or navel contemplation of one's self is known to be an aid to meditation. The word originates from the Greek omphalos, signifying navel and skepsis, meaning viewing. In Hinduism, the navel is the site of a powerful chakra, focal point of mediation, the site of the universe, but it is also the exit of the sleeve gastrectomy specimen, transcending a powerful individual change.

    The sleeve gastrectomy follows the duodenal switch evolution, but its originators did not create the concept of a stand alone or staged procedure called sleeve gastrectomy. Doug Hess and Picard Marceau altered the open biliopancreatic diversion, modified it, and called it duodenal switch, generally called DS, in 1988–90, with the needs for a major gastrectomy to diminish the acid load on the duodenal ileal anastomosis, causing dramatically less anastomotic ulcers [1, 2]. In Marceau’s description, the BPD distal gastrectomy is replaced with a 65% parietal cell gastrectomy along the greater curvature; note that this was not called sleeve gastrectomy at the time, leaving a stomach of at least 200 mL [3].

    I initiated, as a principal investigator, a small animal swine pilot project in May 1999 at Mount Sinai School of Medicine where I had been an attending and professor of surgery, with the help of Dr. Gregg Jossart who was a clinical fellow in laparoscopic/bariatric surgery at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York under my directorship, has since served as the Director of Minimally Invasive Surgery at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco since 1999, assisted by Dr. John de Csepel, who was my research fellow and resident at the time from the same organization, who is now the Chief Medical Officer & Vice President of Medical Affairs for Medtronic's Minimally Invasive Therapy Group’s for a diverse portfolio ($9 billion in annual revenues) in New York City, and Dr. Stephen Burpee, resident at the time who is now an attending bariatric surgeon in private practice in Tucson Arizona, Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch Feasibility study in 6 pigs was realised in the institution research centre, which was ultimately published later in 2001 [4].

    This laboratory effort was to comprehend the complexities and technical impediments of performing such surgeries in real patients. After I initiated the first laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass program at Mount Sinai in 1998, strong from my experience with the same surgery since 1995 at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and preceding animal experiment on laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with our clinical fellow Dr. Mario Potvin at the Centre de Recherche de l’Hotel-Dieu de Montreal in 1993 [5], who is now an attending surgeon in the Marshfield Clinic Health System in Wisconsin, I embarked on July 2, 1999, 21 years ago, to perform the first Laparoscopic DS at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Dr. Christine Ren, our newest fellow of 1 day, following Dr. Jossart’s fellowship year, a finishing general surgery resident from the NYU program, assisted me, NYU had no or minimal laparoscopic bariatric surgery experience at the time.

    This entailed a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, using a bougie in place of 60Fr and multiple serial firings of laparoscopic linear staplers, followed with duodeno-ileostomy using a transabdominal circular stapler, end to side, antecolic, and a side-to-side ileo-ileostomy using a linear stapler and hand-sewn closure of the enterostomy. Initially, mesenteric defects were not closed, but later than a year afterwards, a 2.6% mesenteric internal hernia incidence was observed, mostly Petersen’s, and routine closure of both mesenteric defects was initiated in 2000. It is amazing today, looking back at this era, that I had introduced this on patients with BMI >60 kg/m², as it was my conviction at the time, even today, that hypoabsorptive procedures should be completed in this class of super to super super obesity [7]. After her 1999–2000 fellowship with us, Dr. Christine Ren subsequently became Professor in the Department of Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Division Chief of Bariatric Surgery.

    We therefore initiated quite a series of patients such by December 1999, an abstract was submitted to the 2000 annual meeting of ASBS, not called ASMBS at the time, American Society of Bariatric Surgery, usually held in June, and accepted for an official podium presentation [8]. Dr. Gregg Jossart returned for an operating room visit to Mount Sinai NY in the fall of 1999, just before the annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons held in San Francisco, accompanied by Dr. Robert Rabkin, his new partner at the time in San Francisco, interested in learning and observing a live case of laparoscopic DS procedure, which they initiated afterwards with a hand assisted technique, not with complete laparoscopy. Dr. Jossart and Rabkin have displayed their preliminary experience at SAGES 2001, with 79 cases done, 27 lap assisted and 52 hand assisted which started in October 1999 until July 2000 [9]. At the Annual meeting of ASBS in June 2000, a short video presentation was produced from Dr. Jossart, Dr. R. Rabkin, and Dr. Donald Booth from Biloxi, and with an abstract revealing that they had started the complete laparoscopic technique in January of the same year [10].

    By serendipity and providence, I could not perform a complete laparoscopic DS early in our experience, due to ventilator pressure problems, and tight pneumoperitoneum in spite of utmost muscular relaxation, and I decided to abandon after completion of the sleeve gastrectomy, which to this day, was constantly done first. My observation of weight loss, disappearance of co-morbidities, led me to believe that this group of high-risk patients, those with BMI >60 kg/m², it would be preferable to realize the long and tedious operation in 2 steps instead, with a 6 months interval as a minimum. As, a later review of our data had substantiated the higher mortality and morbidity rate of full laparoscopic DS in BMI >60 kg/m², much higher than a 2 stage procedure [11]. This led me to do the first presentation on laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy alone at Dr. Phillip Schauer’s meeting in Feb 20–25 2001, MISS Minimally Invasive Symposium in Snowbird, Utah, on sleeve gastrectomy as a 2 stages procedure. The reception was tepid, unenthusiastic, and because nobody was really doing laparoscopic duodenal switch at the time, as a large part of this crowd had been invited and paid by laparoscopic adjustable gastric band companies, it had generated no awareness from the audience, except for one individual in attendance. I suppose, it was either Dr. Peter Crookes or Dr. Gary Anthone who were working at USC Los Angeles at the time, who came forward during the coffee break, and confided to me that they had done a handful of patients with an open technique, as a salvage, but that they were not published and thought there was no interest in the subject at the time. They subsequently published this experience in 2004 and 2006, but I pondered if they would have published it, if it were not from my experience laparoscopically, and subsequent hype of the subject [12, 13].

    Consequently, with Dr. Christine Chu, another clinical fellow, who is now working for Kaiser Permanente Northern California Bariatric Surgery Center, an abstract was sent for presentation at the annual meeting of SAGES in the spring of 2002. The abstract was published in Surgical Endoscopy, and this constitute the first official publication on the subject, entitled Two-stage laparoscopic BPD/DS. An Alternative Approach to Super-Super Morbid Obesity, many co-authors represented my faculty partners and bariatric fellows at the time 2001–2002, at Mount Sinai hospital and School of Medicine in NY, NY [14]. From July 1999 until July 2001, 102 laparoscopic duodenal switches had been achieved, of which 7 were by two stages completed, and did not include also the sleeve alone that had not been converted for numerous motives, including patients who declined a second stage. On March 15th 2002, at the New York Hilton Hotel, the presentation of the first series, at an official societal meeting, on laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, took place.

    I was part of the World Congress program in 2002, as it was combined for IFSES, the International Federation of Societies of Endoscopic Surgery, and this was a few months after the tragically September 11, 2001 events, which still attracted a large crowd in New York City, in spite of the fear of traveling and flying, they were even discussions to delay or cancelled the meeting. Fortunately, we had put an outstanding postgraduate laparoscopic bariatric course at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, with countless live surgeries, which encompassed laparoscopic Roux-en-y gastric bypasses, duodenal switch and sleeve gastrectomy as a stand-alone procedure. There was also an animal lab and a cadaver laboratory, where those techniques were tutored. Many participants remembered and reminisced, still exchange with me about this event as one of the turning point in their profession. During the same congress, Dr. Shoji Fukuyama, MD, Christine Chu, MD, Won Woo Kim, MD, and myself also presented a video of the two-stage procedure at the video session V02 on March 15th, 2002 [15]. Dr. Kim returned to Seoul Korea were he was an early adopter of sleeve gastrectomy in Asia, starting in 2003. Further, Dr. David Voellinger presented a poster, another clinical fellow that year, who did just before is residency at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, is now an attending bariatric surgeon and the Medical Director for the Novant Health Bariatric Center and Vice Chief of Staff at Presbyterian Medical Center in Charlotte, NC, entitled Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is a safe and effective Primary Procedure for Biliopancreatic Diversion With Duodenal Switch, because it had been turned down for a podium oral presentation, it was a poster abstract [16]. It included a series of 24 patients; initial mean weight was 414 lbs., with mean BMI of 65 (range 58–76 kgm²). Mean operative time was 114 min with an average length of stay of 3 days (range 2–7) with a median of 3 days. Follow-up at 3 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after sleeve resulted in an excess total body weight loss of 11, 23, and 32% and mean BMI of 60, 56 and 49 kgm². No major morbidity and no mortality ensued in this population. The conclusion was: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is feasible and can be performed with minimal morbidity as the primary stage of LBPDDS in the superobese. It also results in substantial short-term weight loss and should allow for a safer operation during second stages [16].

    Dr. Bruce V. MacFadyen Jr. from the University of Texas-Houston Medical School, who was the main co-editor of Surgical Endoscopy at the time with Sir Alfred Cuschieri, turned down the manuscript submitted, for lack of long-term follow-up!! This infuriated me, as Surgical Endoscopy had an earlier tradition of publishing pioneering concepts a decade before. And this is why our second series has been published 1 year after, in 2003, in a distinct journal, more open minded to bariatric subjects, in Obesity Surgery, by our clinical fellow at the time Dr. Joseph Patrick Regan, and Barry Inabnet pushing for its publication on Early experience with two-stage laparoscopic roux-en-Y gastric bypass as an alternative in the super-super obese patient which is much quoted in the bariatric surgical literature [17]. As much commercial medical insurances were denying duodenal switches, although accepted by CMS, patients ended up, after their approval, with a second stage Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, which I considered an inferior operation for super-obeses. As I said, this was not my first cohort of patients, in this short paper in obesity Surgery, there were only 7 patients who had an initial sleeve followed several months later, with a mean of 11 months, a lap Roux-en-y gastric bypass, were the upper sleeve was transected, from a BMI of 63 to 50 kg/m² after a sleeve, and then to 44 kg/m², 2.5 months later. The very first sleeve gastrectomy series was published as a book chapter, with considerable delays, in 2005, which many referenced today, as the first series of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy [18] of note, Dr. Regan is now attending staff at Columbia St. Mary's Hospital Columbia, in Milwaukee, WI, as well as medical director and assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery of the Medical College of Wisconsin and member of the Milwaukee Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery.

    As I said earlier, Dr. Gregg Jossart who is now Director, Minimally Invasive Surgery, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, California and Dr. Gary J. Anthone who as since left private bariatric surgery practice to be the chief medical officer and director of public health of Nebraska, have composed a short piece on the history of sleeve gastrectomy in the Bariatric Times in 2010 [19]. In 1997, Dr. Gary Anthone was performing an open duodenal switch on a 13-year-old girl with a history of common bile duct stones [12]. Intraoperatively, the common bile duct stones could not be completely cleared, and elected to just do an open sleeve gastrectomy in order to leave access for a postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). From 1997 to 2001, he performed 21 open sleeve gastrectomies in high-risk patients with super-morbid obesity [12]. The lesser curve stomach left was approximately 100 mL in volume (presently the pouch volume is approximately 60 cm³ or less) and the patients reached 40–50% excess weight loss (EWL). By October 2005, he had narrated on 118 open sleeve gastrectomies with similar outcomes [13].

    Professor Michael J. McMahon, previously from the General Infirmary at Leeds, robust from the experience of Professor Johnston with Margenstrasse &Mill gastroplasty, had executed from January 2000 until December 2001, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in 20 patients. Of note, Prof Michael J. McMahon had visited me at Mount Sinai School of Medicine during this time interval, where the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy had been performed 7 months earlier in duodenal switch patients. The technique described in their manuscript of 8-years results, is identical to the technique used at Mount Sinai, except for a smaller bougie of 32 Fr, the one that was currently used for M&M in Leeds. At 8 years, 55% of patients had more than 50% EWL [20].

    In San Francisco, Dr. Gregg Jossart, our former fellow, was an early adopter of sleeve gastrectomy in the West coast, he had started to offer the stand-alone procedure with a 32 French calibre pouch (30–60 cm³) to lower BMI patients, in November 2002 [21]. I had several conversations with him encouraging them to start the laparoscopic two stage procedure in San Francisco. The results of 216 patients compared successfully the other stapling procedures and certainly against adjustable gastric banding, with 75–85% EWL at two years of follow up [21].

    Adjustable gastric banding has been almost abandoned, and performed less than 1% of the time in North America. Dr. Jacques Himpens from Brussels Belgium, an early adopter of the technique, has been convinced after video transmission of surgeries performed from Mount Sinai NY to Brussels and Europe, and had published some 6 years results in the Annals of Surgery, a landmark paper, where sleeves where performed between November 2001 and October 2002, in which the early technique was not fully understood, especially concerning the extent of fundus and crus dissections, giving its worst results [22].

    Two additional posters at SAGES annual meeting in 2002 mentioned some aspects of early sleeve gastrectomy developments. Dr. Hazem Elariny from Virginia started in 2001 and had presented 30 patients of a laparoscopic non-banded vertical gastroplasty with sleeve gastrectomy [23]. Dr. Val Andrei from New Jersey, was our clinical fellow at Mount Sinai NY, at the same time as Dr. Jossart in 1998–1999, and described 3 cases of laparoscopic duodenal switches, one laparoscopic, one hand assisted and another converted from laparoscopic to open [24].

    But this was antedated by one year, the SAGES annual meeting of 2001, where Dr. Theresa Quinn, who is working as a general surgeon in Wisconsin, our clinical fellow that year, presented on our updated experience Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal switch: The early Experience [25].

    Since it had been clearly established that two stage procedures, with a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy performed first, had slashed impressively the mortality to zero, and gave an acceptably low morbidity rate in these high risk patients, I fully embraced the procedure from the very commencement [26].

    I then embarked on the big task of educating a large population of bariatric, minimally invasive and gastro-intestinal surgeons worldwide in this new procedure. We started to display and teach this technique to visitors at Mount Sinai from 1999, and in official bariatric courses we had regularly. The very first international specific course on Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy was at Doral Golf Course in 2005, and Dr. Jacques Himpens was an invited foreign faculty. Afterwards, six International consensus conferences were established under my leadership and directorship, starting with the first one in New York City in October 25–27, 2007. The proceedings were published in obesity surgery in 2008 [27].

    Following this great triumph, five more International Consensus conferences were held in New York City, Miami, Montreal and London, of which the first 5 ones have been published. Each of them had a sizeable component of live surgeries from countless expert surgeons demonstrating the easiness and convolutions of their operation, emanating form all continents. A didactic portion of the meeting had sessions on mechanisms, indications, and contraindications of that particular year, followed by management and detection of complications, conversions and revisions [28–31]. Worth stating, was also the Expert consensus meeting planned by Dr. Raul Rosenthal in Florida, sponsored by Ethicon Endosurgery, to establish consistency in the technical performance of sleeve gastrectomy, led to highly cited paper in 2012 [32].

    The rest is history; ASMBS and IFSO have recognized Sleeve Gastrectomy as an acceptable option for a primary bariatric procedure or as a first-stage procedure in high-risk patients as part of a planned, staged approach. As with any bariatric procedure, long-term weight regain can occur after and may require one or more of reinterventions. Informed consent should be consistent with the other bariatric procedures and, as such, should include the risk of long-term weight regain and GERD.

    I did organized the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) annual meeting of 2014 and Fifth International Consensus Conference on Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, in Montréal at the end of August 2014. An international expert panel was surveyed in 2014 and compared with the 2011 Sleeve Gastrectomy Consensus and with survey data taken from a general bariatric surgical group. The expert surgeons (based on having performed > 1000 cases) completed an online anonymous survey. The following indications were endorsed: as a stand-alone procedure (97.5%); in high-risk patients (92.4%); in kidney and liver transplant candidates (91.6%); in patients with metabolic syndrome (83.8%); body mass index 30–35 with associated co-morbidities (79.8%); in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (87.4%); and in the elderly (89.1%) [31]. Significant differences occurred between the expert and general surgeons groups in favouring several contraindications: Barrett's esophagus (80% versus 31% [P < 0.001]), gastroesophageal reflux disease (23% versus 53% [P < 0.001]), hiatal hernias (12% versus 54% [P < 0.001]), and body mass index>60 kg/m² (5% versus 28% [P < 0.001]). Mean reported weight loss outcomes 5 years postoperative were significantly greater for the expert surgeons group (P = 0.005), as were reported stricture (P = 0.001) and leakage (P = 0.005) rates. This conference emphasized areas of novel and enriched best practices on various aspects of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy performance among experts and bariatric surgeons [31].

    In 2016, the numbers of bariatric procedures have been estimated to be 216,000 in USA alone [33]. Of these 58% have been sleeve gastrectomy, but if one looks at the number of primary laparoscopic procedures, sleeve gastrectomy has attained 73% of all, nearly 3 quarters of them, and still rising. But USA was unhurried to fully embrace it, because of private insurances slow processes. In countries where a national health system happens, like Chile, Kuwait or France, it has been the uppermost procedure before 2016.

    Globally, the total bariatric surgical figures have approached 685,874; 634,897 (92.6%) of which were primary and 50,977 were revisional (7.4%) [34]. My estimate is that bariatric/metabolic surgeries are closer to 1 million procedures a year, as most nations do not have a countrywide registry of bariatric procedures. According to the latest IFSO assessment, the most performed primary procedure was sleeve gastrectomy (N = 340,550; 53.6%), followed by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (N = 191,326; 30.1%), and single anastomosis gastric bypass (N = 30,563; 4.8%). In 2016, sleeve gastrectomy remains the most performed surgical procedure in the globe, with probably more than half a million cases done annually. It has the promise to grow to 5–10 times those numbers if they are being welcomed by national health care systems, and not restrained, due to biases and financial constraints, like in Canada or the UK for example.



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    Rosenthal RJ; International Sleeve Gastrectomy Expert Panel, Diaz AA, Arvidsson D, Baker RS, Basso N, Bellanger D, Boza C, El Mourad H, France M, Gagner M, Galvao-Neto M, Higa KD, Himpens J, Hutchinson CM, Jacobs M, Jorgensen JO, Jossart G, Lakdawala M, Nguyen NT, Nocca D, Prager G, Pomp A, Ramos AC, Rosenthal RJ, Shah S, Vix M, Wittgrove A, Zundel N. International Sleeve Gastrectomy Expert Panel Consensus Statement: best practice guidelines based on experience of >12,000 cases. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2012 Jan-Feb;8(1):8–19.


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    © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

    S. Al-Sabah et al. (eds.)Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Obesity, a Costly Epidemic

    Syed Mohamed Aljunid¹  


    Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Public Health, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait

    Syed Mohamed Aljunid

    Email: [email protected]


    ObesityLife expectancySurvivalMortalityCardiovascular diseaseCancer

    1 Introduction

    Obesity is one of the major health problems affecting developed as well as developing countries. WHO defined Obesity and overweight as individual age 20 and above with Body Mass Index of 25 and above. Obesity itself is categorised into three groups: obesity class 1 (BMI 30 to <35), class II (BMI 35 to <39) and class III (BMI 40 and above). In this chapter we will focus on the cost and economic impact of both the overweight and obesity. WHO estimated in 2016, around 1.9 billion adult age 18 and above were overweight. Out of this 650 million were obese [25]. Generally, 39% of adult age 18 and above were overweight and 13% of them were obese in 2016.

    Costing and economic burden studies were normally conducted for a number of reasons. Costing data is often use as a mechanism to inculcate cost consciousness among health stakeholders that include medical practitioners, their administrators and also consumers at large. All these three groups of stakeholders are highly relevant in prevention and management of obesity. Costing data can be used in comparing the cost of interventions over a period of time or in different health settings. These comparisons are important in order to understand the factors that lead to change in the cost and also to choose the most efficient setting in managing health conditions such as obesity. In some countries health services are contracted by the government to other players for various reasons. Costing information is very useful in ensuring that the government can purchase the services at the most efficient price. Economic evaluation studies such as cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis requires accurate costing data in order to impute the cost-outcome ratio. This is often used as the indicators to decide the most cost-effective intervention for a specific health problem such as obesity.

    2 Costing Methods

    There are at least three methods of costing in health care. The first method is called activity-based costing. The basic principle of this method is activities are the cost drivers. Each activity will consume resources in order to produce an output. Hence, each activity relates to specific health intervention should be identified. In management of obesity, all activities in the intervention should be recorded and costs are then assigned to each of each activity. The main advantage of activity-based costing is that it will produce a very detail and comprehensive costing information. However the main drawback of this method is that it will take too much time to complete and costly to execute since it is very labour intensive to conduct.

    The second method is called step-down costing. In this method, the researchers will first need to know the total expenditure of the service unit involves in the interventions. This is followed by a series of drilling down the cost at various levels of subunits or cost-centres in the organisations until the lowest level, which is call the final cost-centres. The outcome of this costing is cost per day of stay for inpatient or cost per visit for outpatient care. The main strength of this costing method is that it can be carried out within a short period of time with low human resource need. However one of the limitations of this method is the requirement for researchers to establish the cost-centres and the need to use appropriate cost-allocation factors.

    The third costing method is a combination of both activity-based costing and step-down costing. This is the most common method use by researchers in costing studies. In this method, the capital cost and some selected recurrent costs are distributed to the final cost centres using step-down costing while other recurrent cost such as drugs, investigations and selected surgical procedures are easily identified for each patients are allocated based on activity-based costing.

    3 Costing Components

    There are at least three major cost components in costing studies related to obesity from economics perspective, The first component is the direct cost. Direct cost refers to all costs due to resource use that are completely attributable to the use of a health care intervention or illness [26]. In this chapter, the direct cost of obesity will include cost of diseases related to obesity and overweight covering the inpatient cost, outpatient cost, cost of incurred by patients and their relatives and also cost of preventive services spend in the health system.

    The second component of cost is the indirect cost. These are costs related to the loss of income due to the diseases or its intervention. In this chapter, the indirect cost covers the potential loss of income due to treatment of diseases related to obesity and overweight and premature deaths.

    The third cost component is the intangible cost. This is the cost associated with pain and sufferings of diseases. Since this cost component is often difficult to quantify and not commonly covered in most costing studies, we will not include this component in our costing of obesity and overweight.

    Another important aspect of costing study is the perspective of the costing. In this chapter, as far as possible we report the cost from societal perspective. This means that we will cover the direct and indirect cost of patients, their family members and also the cost incurred by health system on the whole. This will help us to provide a wider view in respect to the cost and economic burden of obesity and overweight.

    4 Cost of Obesity and Overweight: The Evidence

    In this chapter the evidence on the cost of obesity and overweight was obtained from literature search performed on the Medline (Pubmed) electronic database. Potentially relevant studies were published between 2000 and 2019 were identified through search of their title and abstract. The search terms used were: Obesity OR Overweight and Cost OR Economic Burden. These were supplemented by hand search on key journals on obesity and reports from WHO and other relevant organisations.

    The outcome is presented in two different parts: Overall cost of obesity in health system and cost of Non-communicable diseases related to obesity and overweight.

    5 Overall Cost of Obesity

    The estimation on the overall cost of obesity was done in the US health system. It was estimated that the direct cost of obesity is more than USD 92 billion per year. This is equivalent to 5% of adult health expenditure in the US [9]. The health care cost of obese individuals in US is 37% higher than non-obese persons, which amount to additional USD 732 per person per year. Another aspect of the impact of obesity is on the productivity of the workforce. Obese workers among a university employees loss a total of 376 productive working days per year. This is 27 times higher than those with healthy weight. The annual medical cost claims among these obese university employees is 13 times higher than those with healthy weight (USD 94,125 among the obese vs. USD 7,503 among those with healthy weight) [18].

    A study conducted in North Carolina state in US estimated that the direct and indirect medical costs for eight unhealthy risk factors, including obesity were USD 57.8 billion. This is almost twice the annual budget of the state in 2010. The total cost of managing individuals with obesity and overweight was USD 17.60 billion or around 30% of the total health care cost. Hence, this position excessive weight as the most costly among the eight unhealthy risk factors [6]

    Businesses and other commercial entities are also affected from having obese workforce. In another study, it was observed that obesity cost is as high as USD 12.7 billion per year to US businesses, of which USD 7.7 billion alone was on health care cost [22].

    In United Kingdom, 66,000 deaths can be avoided in the year 2003–2004 if the population’s BMI is 21 and below. Overweight and obesity is responsible for at least 7.3% of all morbidity and mortality in the UK. The total direct cost of obesity was estimated to be around £3.23 billion that is equivalent to 4.6% of the total NHS expenditure in 2002. However the indirect cost due to obesity is very much higher amounted to £11.23 billion. This amount is as high as 43% of the total NHS Budget [2].

    In systematic reviews of articles on cost of obesity in Canada, Tran et al. [5] reported the outcome of ten published studies from 1990 to 2011. Annual cost of obesity in Canada range from CAD1.27 billion to CAD 11.08 billion, consuming between 2.2 and 12% of Canada’s total health expenditures. One of the latest reviews on cost of obesity was by Anis et al. [4] using prevalence based approached covering 18 co-morbidities from societal perspective. Direct medical cost including hospital care, physicians’ services, services by other health professionals and drugs were imputed in this study. The indirect cost was estimated from the morbidity cost due to short and long-term disability. The authors use human capital approach in estimating the indirect cost. It was found that the total direct cost was CD 5.96 billion and the indirect cost was CD 5.0 billion. The total cost of obesity is CD 10.6 billion, which is equivalent to 4.2% of total health expenditure of Canada.

    The study conducted in Germany by Kannopka et al. (2011) reported a huge amount of resources are needed in managing obesity and overweight. The direct cost in their study covers inpatient, outpatient treatment, rehabilitation, and non-medical cost such an administration and research. As in the study in UK, the authors also used human capital approach in estimating the indirect cost. Output lost due to loss of income as the result of absence from work was imputed in this study. Most of the indirect costs are from loss of income due to early retirement and premature mortality related to obesity and overweight. The total cost of obesity was estimated at 9.97 billion where 51% of the cost is indirect cost. The total cost is equivalent to 2.1% of total health expenditure of Germany.

    Study on cost of obesity in low and middle-income countries is rare. Pitayatienanan et al. [19] conducted a study in Thailand that estimates the cost of obesity in the country. They used retrospective cost-of-illness approach in the study covering health care cost, cost of productivity loss due to premature death and hospital admissions. Twelve comorbidities related to obesity were included in this study. The cost of obesity was estimated to be Baht 12,142 million (USD PPP 725.3 million). This is equivalent to 0.13% of GDP. The healthcare cost account for 46% of the total cost or 1.5% of the total health expenditure of Thailand.

    In South Korea, Kang et al. (2005) reported a study they conducted to estimate the socio-economic cost of obesity and overweight among adults age 20 and above. The direct cost included in the study is cost of inpatient care, outpatient care and medications. The indirect cost is loss of productivity due to premature deaths, inpatient care, transportation cost and nursing cost. The costing data for the study was sourced from National Health Insurance claims of eight co-morbid conditions associated with overweight and obesity. The total cost of obesity and overweight for Korea was found to be USD 1.78 billion per year. The direct cost was estimated to be USD 1.08 and the indirect cost was USD 0.7 billion. The costs represent 0.22% of GPD and 3.7% of total health expenditure of Korea.

    6 Cost of Non-communicable Diseases Related to Obesity and Overweight

    The chronic and communicable diseases that are most likely linked to obesity and overweight is given in Fig. 1.


    Fig. 1

    Chronic diseases linked to obesity and overweight

    6.1 Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke

    Ischaemic heart diseases and stroke are among the top cardiovascular disases that has a strong link to obesity and overweight as riskfactors. Hansen et al. [15] in their study that followed-up 6,238 men and women in Denmark for a ten-year period showed that obese and overweight respondents had 2–3 times more likely to develop ischaemic hearth disease than the non-obese individuals. In another study done earlier, Thomsen and Nordestgaard [17] followed up a big chohort of 71,257 people for 3.6 years. They found that overweight and obese indiviuals with metabolic syndrome had higher risk of developing myocardial infarction by 1.7 and 2.3 times, respectively, than those with normal weights and without metabolic syndromes.

    In term of stroke, Mitchell et al. [3] reported in their study involving 1,201 cases of obesity with 1,154 controls among young adults that obese subjects have nearly 60% higher risks of developing stroke. These findings re-confirmed the outcome of an earlier study among older adults, which covered more than 2 million subjects [12]. The cost of stroke attributable to obesity was estimated to be aroud CAD 106 million per year in Canada [13]. In the study in Canada, the population attributable fraction (PAF) of obesity for stroke was estimated to be vey low at only 4%. This is in mark contrast to study in UK where the PAF was estimated to be higher at 34%. The total cost of stroke attibutable to obesity was found to be £229 million per year.

    Based on the Casemix Database in Malaysia and Indonesia for the year 2016, the direct cost from provider’s perspective of managing both acute myocardial infarction and stroke were very high and may not be affordable by most sector of the population. In Malaysia, the cost of managing acute myocardial infaction per admission ranged from 5.5% for mild cases without any complications and comorbidity to 9.1% of percapita GDP for severe cases with major complications and comorbidity. For cases of stroke, the cost in Malaysia is higher than myocardial infaction ranging from 14% of percapita GDP for mild cases to 23.8% of GDP for severe cases (Table 1). The cost of mycoardial infarction and stroke in Indonesia is much higher than Malaysia in term of percentage of percapita income. Overall, the cost for myocardial infarction in Indonesia ranged from 12 to 30% of percapita GDP. The cost of stroke in Indonesia is very much higher than myocardial infaction ranging from 21.8% to 36.7% of percapita GDP.

    Table 1

    Cost of inpatient care for myocardial infarction and stroke in Malaysia (2016)

    aPPP Exchange Rate 2018: 1 USD PPP = 1.44 RM

    Table 2

    Cost of inpatient care for myocardial infarction and stroke in Indonesia (2016)

    aPPP exchange rate 2018; PPP USD = 4,238 Rupiah

    6.2 Diabetes Mellitus

    Diabetes mellitus link with overweight and obesity is very clear and observed in most population in the world. The global prevalence of diabetes in 2019 is 9.3% affecting 463 million people. The prevalence is expected to raise to 10.2% by 2030 and 10.9% in 2045 [20]. International Diabetes Federation estimated that in 2019 the global expenditure on diabetes mellitus that accounts for the direct cost is USD 760 billion. This figure will raise to USD 825 billion in 2030 and USD 845 billion to 2045 [11]. Abdullah et al. [1] in a metaanalysis of 18 prospective cohort studies found that the relative risk of diabetes among the obese was 7.19 and the overweight was 2.99 compared to those with normal weight. Most of the studies that estimated the obesity and overweight cost of diabetes mellitus used the population attributable fraction (PAF) method. In UK, obesity and overweight contributes 79% of PAF of diabetes cost or 2.1% of the total annual DALYs lost. This is equivalent to £533 million in 2002 [2]. In an earlier study conducted by Birmingham et al. [13] in Canada the PAF for obesity in diabetes was estimated to be 50.7%. The total direct cost of diabetes mellitus attributable to obesity was CAD 423 million per year.

    6.3 Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is one of the major musculoskeletal conditions related to obesity. Study among women in UK found that highest tertile of BMI were six times more likely to develop osteoarthritis [21]. It was observed in another study that for every one standard deviation (SD) increase in BMI, the risk of developing osteoarthritis is increased by 40%. The PAF for obesity in osteoarthritis was estimated to be 21% in UK. The total cost of obesity in osteoarthritis was estimated to be around £229 million per year [2]. Chen et al. [8] in their reviews of series of literatures from North Americans, European and Asian regions reported that there are huge variation in the direct and indirect cost of managing osteoarthritis in these regions. The cost of topical and oral NSAID ranged from £19.2 to £26.65 million per year while the cost of knee and hip replacement exceeded £850 per year. The indirect cost of osteoarthritis due to loss of productivity was estimated to be £1.34 billion per year. In Spain, Loza et al. [16] estimated that the direct and indirect cost of osteoarthritis was £4.04 billion and £654 million per year, respectively. Based on PAF estimation from the study in UK, the cost of osteoarthritis due to obesity in Spain was £986 million per year. Le Pen et al. [14] conducted an economic burden study of osteoarthritis in France. They estimated that the total direct cost of osteoarthritis was £1.58 billion per year. Again if we use the same PAF of 21% as in the study in UK, the direct cost of osteoarthritis attributed to obesity is estimated to be £332 million per year. The cost is lower than Spain but slightly higher than the estimates in UK.

    6.4 Cancers

    Obesity and overweight are two known risk factors of cancers. In 2018, it was estimated there were 18.1 million cancer cases and 9.6 million deaths globally. Risks of 13 types of cancers increased with obesity and overweight that account for 3.6% new cancers among adults worldwide [7]. Cancers that are linked to obesity and overweight includes colon, endometrium, postmenopausal breast, kidney, esophagus, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, and hematological malignancy [23]. The overall cost of expenditure on cancers in US in 2017 was estimated to be USD 342 billion, which is equivalent to 1.8% of GDP. Loss of productivity and cost of premature deaths is 53% of the total cost. In the European Union the cost of cancer was estimated to be 141.8 billion or 1.07% of the total GDP.

    Colorectal cancer is one of the commonest form of cancer associated with obesity and overweight. Around 10% of the total incidence of cancer in the world are colorectal cancers. In 2017, it was estimated that there were 1.8 million new cases of colorectal cancer with 896,000 deaths [10]. Obesity and overweight is attributed to 16% of the colorectal cancers that account for 2% of the total DALYs in UK. The cost of colorectal cancer due to obesity and overweight was estimated to be £61 million per annum [2]. Birmingham et al. [13] used a much lower value of PAF in estimating the obesity cost of colorectal cancers in Canada. Based on PAF of only 4.7%, they estimated that obesity and overweight contributed CAD 19.9 million per year of colorectal cancer cost.

    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and accounted for 12% of all cancer cases globally. The cumulative risk of developing breast cancer among women age 75 years is 5%. The PAF for obesity and overweight in breast cancer was estimated to be around 12% in UK. Obesity and overweight is responsible for 1.8% of the total DALYs loss due to breast cancer. The total cost of breast cancer attributable to obesity and overweight in UK was £29 million per year [2]. A study in Canada reported that the obesity and overweight cause of breast cancer was CAD 19.8 million year. However, this study focussed on postmenopausal women and the PAF of 9.1% was used [13].

    7 Conclusion

    Overweight and obesity is a major public health problem in both developed and developing countries. Costing studies on these conditions can provide excellent insight to the policy makers on the scale of the problems that affect the health system. Outcome of such studies highlighted the significant amount of resources required in managing cases of overweight and obesity. The overall health expenditure to manage overweight and obesity ranged from 2% to as high 12% of the total national health expenditure. However, there are wide variations in the costing methods to estimate the direct and indirect cost as reported in the reviewed studies. Most of the studies employed the step-down approach in combination with PAF to estimate the total cost. Step-down costing was the preferred method in most of the studies because of lack of detail costing information required in activity-based costing. There is also wide range of PAF values depending on the countries where the study was conducted and the conditions linked to obesity and overweight. PAF values were as high as 79% for diabetes mellitus and was only 4.7% for colorectal cancers. One of the major future challenges for the researchers is to work towards standardization of the costing methods in order to increase the usability of the study outcome for policy decisions.



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    S. Al-Sabah et al. (eds.)Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

    The Health Effects of Obesity

    Nadia Ahmad¹, ²  


    Obesity Medicine Institute, LLC, New Canaan, CT, United States


    Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA

    Nadia Ahmad

    Email: [email protected]


    ObesityMortalityObesity-related comorbidity

    1 Obesity Reduces Life Expectancy

    The effect of obesity on survival has been recognized for over 2500 years since Hippocrates first noted that sudden death is more common in those who are naturally fat than lean. [1] Two centuries later, the physiologist Malcolm Flemyng described obesity as a disease because it obstructs the free exercise of the animal functions and hath a tendency to shorten life [1]. Indeed, obesity is associated with a striking reduction in life expectancy in both adult men and women and across racial and ethnic groups [2–4]. This observation has been confirmed in several large pooled analyses of prospective studies, including a meta-analysis of over 239 studies spanning 4 continents which found that every 5 kg/m² increase in body mass index (BMI) over 25 kg/m² is associated with a 29–39% increase in all-cause mortality [5–7]. The association of obesity and mortality even extends to individuals with so-called metabolically healthy obesity, who do not exhibit cardiometabolic abnormalities (e.g. high waist circumference, hypertension, hypertrigleridemia, low high-density lipoprotein, or abnormal glycemic parameters) [8]. The effect of obesity on survival is mediated by a broad range of conditions with the predominant mediators being cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer [7].

    The direct relationship between BMI over 25 kg/m² and mortality has been challenged by some studies reporting a protective effect of overweight and/or Class I obesity in cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, renal disease and the elderly. These observations have been termed the obesity paradox [9]. However, the obesity paradox is largely debunked when accounting for the methodological issues in these studies (Table 1).

    Table 1

    Limitations of studies that observe an obesity paradoxa

    aBanack HR, Stokes A. The ‘obesity paradox’ may not be a paradox at all. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017;41(8):1162–1163. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1038/​ijo.​2017.​99

    2 Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease

    Most cardiovascular disease is increased in the setting of obesity, including coronary heart disease, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), atrial fibrillation and stroke [10–11]. Obesity contributes to these diseases via both indirect and direct effects on the cardiovascular system. The indirect effects are well known and include hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and systemic inflammation [10]. These cardiometabolic risk factors correlate with fat mass in obesity, and particularly with visceral and ectopic fat depots that are known to have systemic metabolic effects [12].

    The direct effects of obesity on cardiovascular health have received less attention in clinical care but are increasingly recognized in the literature. The epicardial fat depot, in particular, has been found to have direct lipotoxic effects on the underlying myocardium and coronary vasculature [13]. It releases inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species that have paracrine and vasocrine effects creating a proatherogenic milieu. Epicardial fat may also contribute to structural and electrical remodeling leading to atrial fibrillation [3]. In addition, individuals with obesity not only have high levels of fat mass, but also have elevated fat-free mass (FFM), which is thought to be an adaptation to carrying an extra load or weight in their daily activities [10]. Increased FFM increases the circulating blood volume which, in turn, increases the left ventricular (LV) stroke volume and cardiac output, placing extra burden on the heart. This leads to altered cardiac structure and function including ventricular (both left and right) concentric hypertrophy and enlargement, left atrial enlargement, and systolic and diastolic dysfunction which can eventually manifest as obesity cardiomyopathy or congestive heart failure [10].

    Both severity of obesity and duration of obesity are associated with cardiac performance and cardiovascular disease [10]. Increased cardiorespiratory fitness has been found to reverse much of the negative impact of obesity on cardiovascular health and mortality. However, only 20% of individuals with obesity are thought to have adequate cardiorespiratory fitness [10].

    3 Obesity and Respiratory Disease

    Respiratory function is adversely affected by obesity in a number of ways. Excess adiposity on the thoracic wall and in the abdomen limits chest wall movement and decreases lung compliance, heightening the demand on the diaphragm [14]. Although respiratory muscle strength is preserved, diaphragmatic endurance is reduced as much as 45%, which may explain the common occurrence of breathlessness and susceptibility to respiratory failure in patients with obesity in the setting of abdominal surgery, sepsis or metabolic derangements. Lung perfusion is impacted by obesity as well. Perfusion is greatest in the dependent portions of the lung. In obesity, however, shallow breathing leads to basal atelectasis and distributes ventilation to the upper lung zones leading to ventilation-perfusion mismatch and increased vulnerability to hypoxia.

    Obesity also leads to reduced airway caliber and increased airway resistance. This may explain in part the relationship between obesity and asthma wherein a weight gain of >5 kg increases risk of asthma in a dose-dependent manner and obesity is associated with symptom severity and increased bronchodilator use [14].

    Upper airway function is particularly impacted in obesity by both the mechanical load of excess adiposity on pharyngeal structures and obesity-related inflammatory cytokines that disrupt pharyngeal neuromuscular function [14]. These changes manifest in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which has a prevalence of over 70% in the bariatric surgical population. Despite its strong association with obesity, 80% of OSA remains undiagnosed [14]. Hypopneas and apneas in OSA result in hypoxia, hypercapnia, increased sympathetic activity, increased respiratory effort, cortical arousal, and sleep fragmentation which in turn leads to functional and physiologic impairments [15]. Specifically, OSA causes neuropsychiatric disturbances, cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, corpulmonale, systemic hypertension, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, polycythemia, stroke and increased mortality [14–15]. These complications are worsened in obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) which is characterized by non-apneic hypoxemia and CO2 retention. Both mechanical and central mechanisms are thought to play a role in OHS [15].

    Obesity is also associated with worse outcomes in respiratory infections, including community acquired pneumonia, H1N1 influenza and coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) [15–17]. Higher rates of hospitalization, intubation and mortality in the setting of Covid -19 are possibly related to multiple mechanisms including the aforementioned alterations in respiratory function predisposing to respiratory failure and/or hypoxia, altered immune responses leading to weakened host defense and increased chances of cytokine storm, and increased quantities of angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2), the transmembrane enzyme that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, uses for cell entry [17].

    4 Obesity and Cancer

    Obesity is associated with 13 types of cancer (Table 2) [18]. Among women in North America, Europe and the Middle East, the obesity-related cancer burden comprises 9% of the total cancer burden. There is increasing evidence of causal links between obesity and cancer that center on obesity-related metabolic and endocrine abnormalities. Specifically,

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