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Photons: The History and Mental Models of Light Quanta
Photons: The History and Mental Models of Light Quanta
Photons: The History and Mental Models of Light Quanta
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Photons: The History and Mental Models of Light Quanta

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This book focuses on the gradual formation of the concept of ‘light quanta’ or ‘photons’, as they have usually been called in English since 1926. The great number of synonyms that have been used by physicists to denote this concept indicates that there are many different mental models of what ‘light quanta’ are: simply finite, ‘quantized packages of energy’ or ‘bullets of light’? ‘Atoms of light’ or ‘molecules of light’? ‘Light corpuscles’ or ‘quantized waves’? Singularities of the field or spatially extended structures able to interfere? ‘Photons’ in G.N. Lewis’s sense, or as defined by QED, i.e. virtual exchange particles transmitting the electromagnetic force?
The term ‘light quantum’ made its first appearance in Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper on a “heuristic point of view” to cope with the photoelectric effect and other forms of interaction of light and matter, but the mental model associated with it has a rich history both before and after 1905. Some ofits semantic layers go as far back as Newton and Kepler, some are only fully expressed several decades later, while others initially increased in importance then diminished and finally vanished. In conjunction with these various terms, several mental models of light quanta were developed—six of them are explored more closely in this book. It discusses two historiographic approaches to the problem of concept formation: (a) the author’s own model of conceptual development as a series of semantic accretions and (b) Mark Turner’s model of ‘conceptual blending’. Both of these models are shown to be useful and should be explored further.
This is the first historiographically sophisticated history of the fully fledged concept and all of its twelve semantic layers. It systematically combines the history of science with the history of terms and a philosophically inspired history of ideas in conjunction with insights from cognitive science.
Release dateAug 16, 2018
Photons: The History and Mental Models of Light Quanta

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    Photons - Klaus Hentschel

    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Klaus HentschelPhotons

    1. Introduction

    Klaus Hentschel¹  


    Section for History of Science and Technology, History Department, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

    Klaus Hentschel

    Email: [email protected]

    Why could it be useful—indeed ‘important’—to a modern reader to think about the complex history of a concept like the photon instead of just concentrating on today and tomorrow? The reason is that the dense stratification of those twelve older layers of meaning, which have fused together into this concept, is still a live issue right now.¹ For a deeper understanding of what we mean by light quanta, it is highly instructive to study the history behind the concept and the cognitive obstacles that feature in it, faced by some of the most brilliant physicists. Einstein, in any case, never was able to come fully to grips with his own conceptual creation. In 1951 he wrote to a lifelong friend and confident: All those 50 years of careful pondering have not brought me closer to the answer to the question: ‘What are light quanta?’ Today any old scamp believes he knows, but he’s deluding himself.² And even Willis Lamb, like Einstein a theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate for his influential research on quantum optics, announced as late as 1995: there is no such thing as a photon. Only a comedy of errors and historical accidents led to its popularity among physicists and optical scientists. I admit that the word is short and convenient. Its use is also habit forming.³ These persistent, conspicuous and deep problems with which some of the greatest minds in the history of physics struggled should not be taken lightly or so easily dismissed. Participation in these profound, at times, heated debates counts, on one hand, among the most fascinating episodes in the history of physics. On the other hand, it opens deep insights into the way in which our conceptual apparatus operates, into the genesis of new concepts and new mental models.⁴

    Framed within these problems in history and cognitive psychology, the present monograph maps new territory, departing from a stimulating example. The case chosen here is so suitable for our enterprise because the emergent phase circumscribing and defining the concept persisted not for a matter of a few months or years, but for many decades—indeed, in the case of some layers, for centuries, even. Thus we have here complex phases that otherwise proceed in very rapid succession extenuated as if in slow motion. It therefore suits close analysis. I see parallels with earlier texts in the history of ideas, such as, the one by Max Jammer (1915–2010) on the concepts of mass and space or by Norwood Russell Hanson (1924–1967) on the history of the positron. More recent monographs have treated the history of the electron in similar complexity.⁵ Theodore Arabatzis went a step further by writing his study from 2006 as a kind of biography of a scientific entity.—I definitely disagree, because I consider the biography metaphor misleading with reference to an inanimate object. Historically grounded studies already exist for some other fundamental concepts of modern physics, such as mass, the field, or even for more specific entities such as the electron. But this is the first book devoted to the history of the light quantum or photon that combines historical analysis with the cognitive perspective.⁶ Obviously, one should not consider this book a general history of optics, very many of which already exist for all grades, to which reference is merely made.⁷

    1.1 Methodology of This Study

    History of concepts generally inquires about the historically changeable meaning of specific terms.⁸ The frequent additions and alterations to which all natural languages are subject generates high interest in this in all national languages going back to early modern times, ever since the relinquishment of Latin as the lingua franca. Reference works such as Grimms Wörterbuch, the Oxford English Dictionary and other lexica for the main Western languages are to this day convenient resources for getting a quick idea of the first usages and shades of meaning of all commonly used words in the pertinent idioms. More specific reference works have developed since 1900 not only to define as precisely as possible central terms for individual subject areas, such as, in particular, philosophy and historiography, but also to work out the etymology of those terms. In the German-speaking world, for instance, pioneers in this direction include Rudolf Eisler’s Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe (1909), followed since 1955 by the Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, founded by the medical historian Erich Rothacker in order to supplement the fourth edition of Rudolf Eisler’s dictionary (1927–30), which had become outdated, as well as to compile his reference work Bausteine zu einem historischen Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Under the direction of the historian Joachim Ritter, it was later published under the title Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie in 1971. Likewise, from 1979 Otto Brunner’s, Werner Conze’s and Reinhart Koselleck’s Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe: Historisches Wörterbuch zur politisch-sozialen Sprache in Deutschland. From 1980, the four-volume Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie by Jürgen Mittelstraß and collaborators followed (completed 1996). However, all of these reference works were limited to concepts in the core disciplines of philosophy and history and just contain a few fundamental scientific concepts; and these are rather treated from the perspectives of philology, philosophy and general history.

    The history of ideas is an interdisciplinary clustering stimulated by the histories of philosophy, literature and art, the natural and social sciences, religions and political thought.⁹ Forerunners in the history of philosophy included works by the cultural philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874–1945) on the problem of knowledge in the philosophy and science of modern times (Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit, 4 vols., 1906–57) and by the historian of philosophy Edwin Burtt (1894–1989), who retraced the theological motives behind Newton’s physics, in his classical work from 1924/25 Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science. Another canonical text was Arthur Lovejoy’sThe Great Chain of Being (1st ed. 1936), which staked out the method that would henceforth determine the field:


    Distilling out so-called ‘unit ideas,’ i.e., elementary types of categories, thoughts concerning particular aspects of common experience, implicit or explicit presuppositions, sacred formulas and catchwords, specific philosophical theorems, or the larger hypotheses, generalizations or methodological assumptions of various sciences. (Lovejoy 1936, p. 533)


    Tracking down and pursuing these ‘unit ideas’ and their constellations in all fields of knowledge, coupled with searching for links between science, philosophy and religion as well as influences between one cultural area and another


    Transgressing national and linguistic boundaries as well as temporal periods, by diachronic analyses through the centuries


    Focusing on widely disseminated and influential ideas represented preferably by large portions of the educated class, though it may be a whole generation, or many generations (Lovejoy 1936, p. 19)


    Taking an interest in the formation of new ideas as well as the replacement, fusion and diffusion of ideas (Lovejoy 1936, p. 20).

    Examples of such ‘unit ideas’ include the guiding notions: natural laws, advancement, or civil rights, or else, Lovejoy’s great chain of natural beings, which influenced the classification scales of natural history well into the eighteenth century. The idea of light quanta or photons could also be conceived as a ‘unit idea’ of science in Lovejoy’s meaning.

    With the work of Arthur O. Lovejoy (1873–1962) in Baltimore and Alexandre Koyré (1892–1964) at Harvard and Paris, along with the appearance of the Journal of the History of Ideas (founded in 1940 by Lovejoy together with Philip Wiener (1905–1992), who also published the first Dictionary of the History of Ideas), this field formulated since the 1930s the claim to broad integration of historical trends, motives, forces, attitudes and moods, freely hovering between and above conventional disciplinary boundaries.

    Intellectual history appeared around 1960, a kind of fusion between the history of ideas, the social history of ideas and cultural history. Among its early promoters, Anthony Grafton demanded that the matter covered by the history of ideas be extended to include all textual and cultural products of human thought. The argument is that the classical history of ideas only looks at the tip of the iceberg. Intellectual history, on the other hand, takes into account less well received contemporary groups and individuals as well as the social and intellectual conditions of the emergence, duration and demise of ideas.¹⁰

    Conceptual historians and historians of ideas typically come from the philological faculties, from philosophy or general history, which explains their preference for general cultural guiding concepts—for instance, peace, justice, unity or polarity, resistance or revolution. Following this reasoning, this means that many scientific concepts have yet to be satisfactorily analyzed—this also applies to the concept of light quanta and the entire field of related verbal terms, such as ‘elementary quanta,’ ‘energy projectiles,’ ‘light corpuscles,’ ‘bullets of light,’ ‘photons,’ etc. (See Sect. 2.​5 for an overview and specific references.)

    Such an analysis of the gradual formation and multiple changes in meaning of the term ‘light quantum’ could just as well be performed on many other concepts that are semantically more or less closely related. For instance, ‘particles,’ ‘mass’ or ‘velocity’ experienced a similar variety of deformations. Approaches along these lines have hitherto always either belonged solely to the history of ideas or solely to etymological history of concepts.¹¹ A combined history of the idea and physical concept is what will be attempted here that relates philological and cognitive psychological approaches with the history of science.

    1.2 Terminological Distinctions Between Term, Concept and Mental Model

    At first glance, this book’s approach appears to be full of confusing variety: Why this double labeling of ‘concept’ and ‘term’? Don’t these two terms together really suffice to stake out our field sufficiently? Let us start by setting this straight and laying down definitions. In the following, the expression ‘term’ is understood as a concrete, linguistically fixed denotation for a defined phenomenal area, object or process. ‘Concept’ is a clearly outlined notion to which many very different terms may possibly be attached. A ‘mental model’ is the representation of an examined object, for instance: an object or process in the consciousness. In particular, it also includes more detailed notions about its properties, operation or handling schemes, causal entanglements and temporal courses.

    We do, in fact, need this triad of terms in order to adequately grasp the genesis of the complex concept ‘light quantum.’ Pure histories of terms or expressions are not enough. We need to have the full arsenal available in historical analysis of terms, ideas and mental models. One obvious reason is that the development of terms limps behind the formation of scientific hypotheses. Fully shaped stabilized scientific terms, such as, ‘light quantum’ or ‘photon’ only appear at a relatively late stage in their development. Conceptual efforts and groping attempts at finding the right term and hammering out hypotheses and models occur long beforehand, which we definitely must also incorporate into the picture. In order to understand what is going on beneath the surface of language in the minds of those introducing new terms at some point, we must also include the mental models connected to those terms.¹² Mental models are not directly observable since they are in the mind of a researcher, but we can study their effect on the spoken word, the way they are used and connected. We thus infer them from statements, often only side-remarks, about how a hidden object is imagined to look, or how a hidden process is presumed to function. Certainly this inference remains a conjecture, but the historical actors analyzed in Chap. 4 of this book left enough textual or visual traces to allow a relatively unambiguous reconstruction of their mental models.

    1.3 Concept Formation as Layered Semantic Accretion

    The genesis of terms and concept formation, in my view, are complex ‘nonlinear’ processes of accretion, the gradual addition of many layers of meaning that extend variously far back in history and also endure variously long and have weightings within the total package that occasionally change variously. Old layers traceable back to early modern times lie right beside newer layers of quantum theory that only became formulable after 1900. In this non-simultaneity of the simultaneous (a bon mot by Ernst Bloch), just as in the turn of phrase of superposed layers of time, my approach undoubtedly resembles the conceptual history in semantics by Reinhart Koselleck (1923–2006). However, this historian in Bielefeld actually only draws metaphorical parallels to geology in introductory passages,¹³ but never offers his readers any structure diagrams depicting merging, superpositions and layering of different semantic planes. I do try to draw an analogy by this metaphor and draft clearly legible schematic graphs reflecting the patterns of those processes of superpositioning and concentration. History is not a series of ‘point events’ but rather a web of lines of development: on one hand, strands of research (cf. Fig. 1.1), on the other hand, semantic layers as well, that continuously accumulate more layers in processes of accretion. Analogously to geological superpositioning, the old layers occasionally get compressed beyond recognition in the process, are bent or folded. These nonlinear processes continually generate new meanings out of already shaped terms, concepts and mental models.


    Fig. 1.1

    Research strands along the way to the light-quantum hypothesis. This diagram cannot be more than a schematic and greatly simplified illustration of the complex superpositions and increasingly interconnected research strands that had previously been independent. During periods in which many strands are involved, such as here around 1905 and 1925, nonlinear, if not ‘turbulent’ phases form. Abbreviation key: Ke: Kepler, Ne: Newton, Leb: Lebedew, NiHu: Nichols and Hull, Le: Lenard, Th: J.J. Thomson, Pl: Planck, Ei: Einstein, Eh: Ehrenfest, Na: Natanson, Br: Louis de Broglie, He: Heisenberg and Sch: Schrödinger. Author’s modification of the time line in Hund (1984) p. 20

    The geological metaphors of layered superpositioning or accretion initially suggest a strictly cumulative picture of knowledge development. Nevertheless, my emphasis here is on ‘nonlinear’ features in multiple respects:


    This process is not at all even or steady—on the contrary, there are phases of dramatic change as well as stabile plateaus.


    This is not plain accumulation, cumulative growth, but a process of complex cognitive interactions between old and new layers of meaning, which may also experience shifts in meaning and cut offs. (In the following we shall discuss one example, namely, the supposed point-shape of light quanta.)


    There are incidents of readopted classical models attributable if not to Newtonians then to Newton himself.¹⁴

    The designation convolutions (as folds of meaning) is perhaps more appropriate than the geological metaphor of semantic superpositions. Ivor Grattan Guiness (⁎1941) coined it in what he actually intended as a response to the never-ending debate about evolution vs. revolution, but it also fits the formation of terms and concepts.¹⁵



    See p. 6 for an explication of the modeling of this process, suggested here only metaphorically, which Grattan Guiness denoted as a convolution and Reinhart Koselleck described using geological imagery.


    A. Einstein in a letter to his former colleague at the Bernese patent office, Michele Besso, 12 Dec. 1951, in: Speziali (1972) p. 453. Unless otherwise specified, all translated quotations in this book are ours.


    Lamb (1995) p.77; analogously Jones (1994), cf. Sulcs (2003) pp. 367ff. on the Lamb–Jones opinion.


    On ‘mental models’ and for further examples of the use of this concept from cognitive psychology, see Gentner and Stevens (1983), Collins and Gentner (1987).


    See Hanson (1963), Jammer (1961/74, 1974) or Davis and Falconer (1997), Dahl (1997). For further perspectives on the electron: Buchwald and Warwick (2001), Arabatzis (2006).


    Books such as the one by Zajonc (1993) remain on a far too popular level, whereas pamphlets such as the one by Fred Bortz (2004) in the Library of subatomic particles offer only a disappointingly brief introduction strewn with false myths that, as a consequence, is deplorably wrong in many passages. The best overview comes from the pen of an expert in quantum optics, Paul (1985).


    Among the popular books, I prefer the one by Park (1997) on the Fire in the Eye. Among the more learned treatises, I recommend Mach (1921), Weinmann (1980), Darrigol (2012) and Smith (2014); concerning Darrigol, it is with the limitations spelled out in Hentschel (2012/14). My provisos for Mach, Smith and other classics of this field are: only up to early modern times, and the 19th century, respectively. An anthology of primary sources is offered by Roditschew and Frankfurt (1977). On the ontology of light rays, also in comparison with heat rays and radiation at other wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum and other types of particle rays (such as $$\upalpha $$ - or $$\upbeta $$ -radiation), see Hentschel (2007a) and further sources cited there.


    For good historiographic surveys in German, see Meier (1971), Richter (1987).


    On major works, see Mandelbaum (1965), Kelley (1990, 2002), Grafton (2006).


    See again Grafton (2006), further Greene (1957), Mandelbaum (1965), Kelley (1990, 2002) and, e.g., Horst and auf der (1998) on the nature concept.


    For the classics in the history of ideas in physics, see Hanson (1963), Jammer (1966, 1974); on the etymology and history of concepts: Walker and Slack (1970), Caso (1980), Müller and Schmieder (2008) and Kragh (2014a, b).


    On mental models, cf. Gentner and Stevens (1983), Collins and Gentner (1987).


    E.g., Koselleck (2000) p. 9, as well as in the cover design of his hardcover book jacket, but not in the main text, which (as is typical of general historians) is a lead desert without any attempt at graphical visualization. The same applies to Koselleck (2010) and to Brunner et al. (1979).


    For instance, the article by Einstein (1924/25) in Berliner Tageblatt about Compton’s experiments 1922/23: Newton’s corpuscular theory of light is coming back to life; or by Sommerfeld (1919c) p. 59: A ray in which energy and momentum are localized in a point shape does not essentially differ from a corpuscular ray; we have revived Newton’s corpuscles.


    See Grattan-Guiness (1990).

    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Klaus HentschelPhotons

    2. Planck’s and Einstein’s Pathways to Quantization

    Klaus Hentschel¹  


    Section for History of Science and Technology, History Department, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

    Klaus Hentschel

    Email: [email protected]

    When the young Max Planck¹ (1858–1947), offspring of a family of theologians and scholars, was considering which field of study best suited him, the mathematical physicist Philipp von Joly (1809–1874) at Munich advised against his choosing physics in 1874, because he believed that theoretical physics could no longer offer good prospects and experimental physics would only be insignificantly chasing the next possible fraction of the decimal point in its measurements of the natural constants.² Fortunately, Planck did not follow this advice and commenced studies in mathematics and science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. In 1877 he transferred to the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität in Berlin, to attend lectures in theoretical physics by Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824–1887) and Hermann von Helmholtz. Planck was among the first physicists to specialize exclusively in the theory and not also conduct experiments. His dissertation ‘On the Second Law of Mechanical Heat Theory’ was submitted there in 1879.³ One year later Planck was already ready to present his second thesis on ‘Equilibrium States of Isotropic Bodies at Various Temperatures,’ to apply for his Habilitation, a degree permitting teaching at the academic level. Topics in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, as were being pursued by Ludwig Boltzmann in Vienna, continued to preoccupy him,⁴ along with other topics in physical chemistry. Planck adopted the mathematical techniques of statistical mechanics employed by Boltzmann, the Viennese pioneer of gas theory, along with his interest in finding a physical explanation for the concept of entropy that Rudolf Clausius (1822–1888) had introduced in 1865 to gauge the lack of order in a system. The first law of thermodynamics is the law of energy conservation. The second law of thermodynamics, according to Clausius, assumed the simple form that the entropy of a closed system always strives toward a maximum. Statistically speaking, it steadily increases and never decreases of its own accord.⁵ Throughout his life, Planck regarded these two fundamental principles of thermodynamics, which are valid without exception and entirely generally formulable, as his theoretical ideal. His research in thermodynamics attempted to apply them to all the other subfields of physics he was working on as well.

    Planck gathered his first teaching experience in 1880 as a freshly graduated private lecturer at Munich. In 1885 he received an appointment as extraordinary professor at Kiel and 1889 succeeded his former academic teacher Gustav Robert Kirchhoff in Berlin. Planck’s style of argumentation emulated Kirchhoff’s,⁶ the first professor of theoretical physics at the University of Berlin. In stark contrast to the thinking in visual models typical of British physicists, Kirchhoff and Planck avoided detailed models of matter, preferring rather to work with very general assumptions independent of any modeling. Planck’s quantum of action h as well as his ‘resonators’—precisely not concrete atoms or molecules but general systems capable of oscillating—and his strongly idealized ‘black bodies’ are all examples of this conceptual style of general abstraction that was later also characteristic of Einstein.⁷ When Planck decided in 1899 to postulate another natural constant h as a unit of action in addition to the Boltzmann constant k, he justified this step—in conformity with his general style—as follows: "By utilizing both constants k and h, the possibility is given to posit units of length, mass, time and temperature that necessarily retain their meaning independently of specific bodies or substances, for all time and all, even extraterrestrial and nonhuman, cultures, and which therefore can be described as ‘natural units of mass’."⁸ The figure

    $$6.885 10^{-27}$$

     erg s that Planck provided for h was, incidentally, just 4% above the current value.⁹ Planck’s lifelong search for absolutes, for invariants also explains his early interest in Einstein’s theory of relativity. The invariance of the velocity of light c and the square of the four-vectors, led him to interpret it as a theory of absolutes and support it energetically.¹⁰

    2.1 Planck and Energy Quantization 1900

    Upon following a call to Berlin, it did not take Planck long to come into contact with the Imperial Bureau of Standards situated in the suburb of Charlottenburg, the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (in the following abbreviated as PTR). Kirchhoff had been its founding director up to his sudden death in 1887. The tasks performed at the PTR were not only practice-oriented, in the areas of metrology and standardization, but also proper research. It was one of the largest and most well-equipped research institutions for precision experiments in all subfields of physics.¹¹ These tasks included, in particular, high-precision measurements of temperature and heat intensity as well as the intensity of luminous emissions from different types of lamps. On the practical side of things, manufacturers and users of competing gas lamps and electrical lighting were the main interested parties. They wanted to know how much of the chemical or electrical energy supplied to these lamps was converted into visible light and how that energy was distributed over the total emission spectrum as well as how much of that energy dissipated as thermal radiation in ranges imperceptible to human vision. On the other hand, these practice-oriented contexts also touched on theoretical issues that Kirchhoff’s pupils and successors in Berlin examined. Since 1860 Gustav Robert Kirchhoff had been very generally studying light radiation and reabsorption in matter and had been able to show that the emission and absorption coefficients E and A are always equally large. That explained, for example, why any luminous gas that emits specific spectral lines can also absorb incident radiation of exactly that wavelength. It also explained why the positions of their bright emission lines and dark Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum coincide so perfectly. Only then did it become possible to conclude the presence of all the elements in the solar atmosphere from the positions of those dark spectral lines, which are bright lines at exactly the same places in terrestrial spectra.¹² Kirchhoff excluded any dependence on material or form by adding another idealization: so typical of his style, he limited his observations to ideal ‘black bodies,’ which he described as follows:

    When a cavity is entirely surrounded by bodies at the same temperature that are impenetrable to rays, then every beam of radiation in the interior of that space must, with regard to its quality and intensity, be constituted as if it had emanated from a perfectly black body at the same temperature and must therefore be independent of the form and nature of those bodies, having been determined by the temperature alone. One sees the validity of this assumption when one considers that a beam that has the same form and the opposite direction to the selected one is entirely absorbed after undergoing the enumerable successive reflections inside the imagined bodies. Accordingly, the same luminosity always occurs in the interior of an opaque glowing body at a particular temperature, irrespective of how it is otherwise composed.¹³

    Attached to this idealization was the guarantee that the density of the radiation energy $$\rho (\nu , T)$$ would be independent of the material. But it also offered the possibility to transfer the concept of temperature away from the cavity walls onto the radiation in its vicinity, taking into account the thermal equilibrium between matter and radiation. It then made sense to speak of the temperature or entropy of radiation. This per—constructionem—guaranteed material independence, and the equivalence between the emissive power E and the absorptive power A at any place in the spectrum, which follow out of Kirchhoff’s proposition, did not predict anything yet about how the density of the radiation energy $$\rho (\nu , T)$$ depended on the temperature T of the luminous body and the frequency $$\nu $$ . Kirchhoff pronounced that it was a primary goal of theoretical physics to determine these functional dependencies at thermodynamic equilibrium. Experimentally, a ‘black body’ approximating the thermodynamic ideal of perfect absorptive properties could be realized at the PTR shortly before 1900. The cavity’s inner walls were specially treated with a powdering of platinum dust.¹⁴

    Kirchhoff’s successor Planck also adopted this problem when experimental physicists at the PTR confronted him with it in Berlin. Josef Stefan (1835–1893) in Vienna had already been able to demonstrate in 1879 that the total amount of radiation emitted by a luminous body at temperature T increases by the fourth power of T. Therefore, one must heat up an iron bar relatively intensely before it gradually starts to glow but only in the deep red range of the spectrum, whereas a very highly heated iron bar glows white. That is, it emits a generally much more intense energy spectrum shifted toward higher frequencies. Planck’s colleague Wilhelm Wien (1864–1928) derived in 1893–94 the distribution law named after him out of electrodynamic and thermodynamic premises, according to which the spectral energy density $$\rho (\nu , T)$$ is, to good approximation, proportional to the third power of the frequency $$\nu $$ and could additionally only depend on a dimensionless function $$f(\nu , T)$$ :

    $$ \rho (\nu , T) = \alpha \nu ^3 f(\nu /T). $$

    The problem defined by Kirchhoff one generation before was thus reduced to the question of what form this dimensionless function $$f(\nu , T)$$ should take for the idealized ‘black body’ at radiation equilibrium. Einstein described this situation in historical retrospect, with characteristic irony:

    It would be edifying if the brain matter sacrificed by theoretical physicists on the altar of this universal function f could be put on the scales; and there is no end in sight to this cruel sacrifice! What’s more: classical mechanics also fell victim to it, and one still cannot tell whether Maxwell’s electrodynamic equations will survive the crisis that this function f has brought about.¹⁵

    Wilhelm Wien, who was co-editer of Annalen der Physik at the time, had been one of the first to make a concrete suggestion regarding the form this function $$f(\nu , T)$$ could take¹⁶:

    $$ \rho (\nu , T) = \alpha \nu ^3 e^{b\nu /T}. $$

    For a number of years Planck believed that this formula was correct. He attempted repeatedly to derive it out of fundamental electrodynamic and thermodynamic theorems, but it refused to work.¹⁷ In 1900 Planck learned from Berlin experimenters that this formula agreed with their laboratory results to good or very good approximation only for large $$\nu $$ . It evidently completely failed for small $$\nu $$ . Another formula fit extremely well for the low-energy end of the spectrum, that is, toward the red, and even more so in the infrared spectral range. Lord Rayleigh and William Jeans in England had derived it from Maxwell’s electrodynamics and from statistical mechanics¹⁸:

    $$ \rho (\nu , T) = \frac{8\pi \nu ^2}{c^3} k_\mathrm{B} T. $$

    Planck heard about this conflict between the two fit formulas when Heinrich Rubens was visiting him at his home in the Grunewald suburb of Berlin on 7 October 1900. A few hours later he was able to produce an interpolation formula, which approaches the Rayleigh-Jeans limit for lower frequencies $$\nu $$ and approaches the Wien limit for high $$\nu $$ , with a smooth transition in between¹⁹:

    $$ \rho (\nu , T) = \frac{8\pi \nu ^2}{c^3} \frac{h\nu }{e^{h\nu /k_\mathrm{B}T}-1}. $$

    In this formula $$k_\mathrm{B}$$ is the Boltzmann constant of statistical mechanics and h is the quantum of action that Planck had already introduced into the discussion in 1899 and was later named after him. Further precision measurements conducted at the PTR proved its merit. The examinations by Rubens and Kurlbaum in the long-wave range, and by Lummer and Pringsheim in the short-wave range demonstrated a surprisingly good empirical match.²⁰

    Knowing what we do now about Planck’s theoretical ideals, it is clear that he could not accept this situation. In his view theoretical physics must achieve more than simply supply empirically useful and lucky-strike fit formulas. Planck started an intense search for a satisfactory and reasonable way to derive the formula from more general considerations. In December 1900 he finally succeeded,²¹ but it came at a high price. He used a statistical method by Boltzmann that he and his assistant Zermelo had already heftily criticized, to calculate the entropy S from the number of macroscopically indistinguishable microscopic ‘complexions’ K, that is, from distributions of the total available energy onto the individual resonators. The most probable macroscopic state is the one to which the most (macroscopically indistinguishable) complexions K correspond, as microstates. In order to be able to apply this method, Planck had to divide the energy up into finite packets, to be able to perform the combinatorics in the manner of Boltzmann. Classical physics had always treated energy as continuous. Unlike Boltzmann in 1877, however, he could not let the magnitude of these energy packets $$\epsilon $$ approach zero at the end of his calculation. The result was that the energy remained chopped up into finite packets, that is, ‘quantized.’ How dire this situation must have been for Planck to make him venture this formal step toward quantized energy, is revealed in his own words in a letter to the American experimental physicist Robert Williams Wood (1868–1958) from 1931:

    In a word, I could call the whole deed an act of desperation. For I am, by nature, peaceable and not inclined to dubious adventures. But I had been wrestling with the problem of the equilibrium between radiation and matter for 6 years [since 1894], without success. I knew that this problem was of fundamental importance to physics. I was familiar with the formula describing the energy distribution in a normal spectrum; consequently, a theoretical interpretation had to be found at any price, no matter how high. Classical physics was not good enough, that was clear to me. Because, according to it, over time the energy in matter must convert entirely into radiation. In order for it not to do so, we need a new constant [Planck’s quantum of action h] that assures that the energy not disintegrate. [...] one finds that this dissipation of energy as radiation can be prevented by the assumption that energy be compelled from the outset to stay together in specific quanta. That was a purely formal assumption and I did not really consider it much, just that I must, under all conditions, cost what it may, force a positive result.²²

    The long interval between this retrospective

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