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Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance
Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance
Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance
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Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance

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This book discusses enhancing the overall energy performance of building central air-conditioning systems through fault diagnosis and robust control strategies. Fault diagnosis strategies aim to determine the exact cause of problems and evaluate the energy impact on the system, while robust control strategies aim to manage chilled water systems to avoid the occurrence of low delta-T syndrome and deficit flow problems. Presenting the first academic study of the diagnostic method and control mechanism of “small temperature difference syndrome”, the book describes the highly robust and adaptive fault-tolerant control method developed to overcome the influences of external disturbance on the process control in practical applications. The diagnostic technology developed provides a predictive assessment of the energy dissipation effect of the fault. This book is a valuable reference resource for researchers and designers in the areas of building energy management and built environment control, as well as for senior undergraduate and graduate students.
Release dateDec 12, 2019
Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance

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    Diagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance - Dian-Ce Gao

    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019

    D.-C. GaoDiagnosis and Robust Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems for Enhanced Energy Performance

    1. Introduction

    Dian-Ce Gao¹  


    School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

    Dian-Ce Gao

    Email: [email protected]


    This chapter introduces the background concerning the building energy issues and the energy-saving potential by means of optimized control and diagnosis as well as the associated literature review.

    1.1 Background

    Energy crisis and global warming have made the whole world pay more attention to the problems of energy and environment. How to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission while still enhancing life and environmental quality becomes the main challenge confronted by professionals.

    According to the 2010 buildings energy data book provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, the buildings sector consumes 74% of the US electric energy in 2010, among which the residential sector and the commercial sector consumed 39% and 36%, respectively. While in Hong Kong, the proportion of the energy consumption of buildings occupies 90% of the total electric energy consumption in 2008, highly surpassing the other sectors, such as industry and transport. Within the building sector, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) are the biggest energy consumers. The statistical data show that HVAC systems account for 44.4% of the US total building energy usage in 2010, while lighting and water heating merely occupy 13.4% and 9.1%, respectively (2010 buildings energy data book).

    Meanwhile, the HVAC market has grown dramatically in recent years as a result of the increasing demand for better indoor thermal comfort. The rapidly growing HVAC energy consumption aggraded the world energy and environment crisis. In general, energy saving, energy efficiency improvement, and promotion of using renewable energy sources are the three key instruments to alleviate this crisis. Therefore, enhancing the overall energy efficiency of HVAC systems has become one of the hot topics in HVAC field.

    In many existing HVAC systems, the equipment cannot work at desired high efficiency due to various faults, such as improper design, lack of proper commissioning, improper control, and poor maintenance. Although HVAC systems were properly designed in the design period and accurately commissioned after installation, they also might not operate under anticipant states. The HVAC systems were originally designed based on the full load condition. When working conditions changed, the overall energy performance is difficult to maintain high, especially under low part load if there is no proper control. Studies and investigations have shown that the overall building energy consumption can be reduced 20% (Kissock 1993; Claridge et al. 1996, 2000), even 50% under some conditions (Liu et al. 1994), by eliminating the faults and employing optimal control. It also can be seen in ASHRAE handbook of application that it can improve the building energy performance and increase the indoor environment quality by implementing optimal and supervisory control strategies.

    Chilled water system plays an important role in the entire HVAC systems. It mainly consists of chillers, distributing pumps, heat exchangers, terminal units, pipelines, water valves, and so on. The main functions of chilled water system are to generate the chilled water (by chillers) and deliver them to the terminal units (by pumps) to satisfy the desired cooling load. Over the last two decades, primary–secondary chilled water systems have been widely employed to offer comfortable indoor environment in commercial buildings, especially in large buildings, due to its higher-energy efficiency than the traditional constant flow system. While in real applications, most of the primary–secondary systems, from time to time, cannot work as efficient as expected because of the excess secondary flow demand, which causes deficit flow problem (i.e., the required flow rate of secondary loop exceeds that of the primary loop). When the deficit flow problem exists, the temperature difference produced by the terminal units will be much lower than its design values, which is known as the low delta-T syndrome (Kirsner 1996; Waltz 2000; Kirsner 1998; Avery 1998). Kirsner (1996) pointed out that the low delta-T chilled water plant syndrome existed in almost all large distributed chilled water systems.

    A series of operational problems might be caused by the deficit flow problem and low delta-T syndrome in practical applications, such as the high supply water temperature, the over-supplied chilled water, and the increased energy consumption of the secondary pumps. Existing studies (McQuay 2002; Taylor 2002a, b; Durkin 2005) demonstrated a lot of potential causes for the deficit flow problem and the low delta-T syndrome. The causes mainly include improper set-points or poor control calibration, the use of three-way valves, improper coil and control valve selection, no control valve interlock, and uncontrolled process load, reduced coil effectiveness, outdoor air economizers and 100% outdoor air systems, and so on.

    Measures to handle the low delta-T syndrome also have been proposed to enhance the energy performance of chilled water systems (Fiorino 1999, 2002; Avery 2001; Taylor 2002a, b; Luther 2002) from component selection criteria to configurations of distribution systems, such as proper selection and application of cooling coils, controls systems, distribution pumps, and piping systems. However, most of the studies pay more attention to analyzing the possible causes and solutions of this problem from the view of design and commissioning. In practice, even the HVAC systems were properly designed and well commissioned, deficit flow still cannot be completely avoided in the operation period due to some disturbances, such as improper control strategies, unreliable control settings, or sudden change in cooling load. There are no reliable, robust, and secure solutions that can eliminate deficit flow in real applications. The research associated with proper control of secondary pumps to eliminate deficit flow and low delta-T syndrome for real applications is missing. Further more, many of the proposed solutions from the viewpoint of design might be only feasible to be adopted in new systems, while solutions from the viewpoint of operation and control are still insufficient, which will be practical and preferable for the large number of existing systems suffering from the deficit flow and low delta-T syndrome.

    1.2 Aim and Objectives

    Therefore, this research focuses on how to eliminate the low delta-T syndrome and deficit flow problem by developing fault diagnosis and robust control strategies for enhancing the energy performance of complex chilled water systems during the operation period.

    Fault diagnosis strategies aim to determine the exact reasons and evaluate the energy impact on the system. Robust control strategies aim to control the chilled water system in proper operation to avoid the occurrence of low delta-T syndrome and deficit flow problem.

    1.3 Literature Review

    Since this study mainly focuses on providing solutions and measures to solve the low delta-T syndrome and the deficit flow problem in chilled water systems by means of diagnosis and control strategies, a brief review on the studies and researches concerning the low delta-T syndrome, optimal, and robust control, as well as fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) in HVAC systems will be presented.

    1.3.1 The Low Delta-T Syndrome in Chilled Water Systems An Overview

    Over the last decades, primary–secondary chilled water systems have been widely used in commercial buildings. In a typical primary–secondary chilled water system, the primary constant speed pumps ensure the chillers operate with constant flow rate, and the secondary variable speed pumps vary the flow rate according to the cooling demands of the terminals. It is an energy-efficient configuration when compared with a constant flow system (Wang 2010). While in real applications, most of the primary–secondary systems, from time to time, cannot work as efficient as expected due to the excess secondary flow demand, which causes deficit flow problem (i.e., the required flow rate of secondary loop exceeds that of the primary loop). The excess return water flow rate will flow through the bypass line and mix with the main supply chilled water, resulting in increased temperature of water supplied to building and thus higher flow demand from terminals. Normally, the cooling coils are selected to produce a temperature rise at full load that is equal to the temperature differential selected for the chillers. The flow rate of secondary loop should be therefore equal to that of the primary loop under full load condition and should be less than that of primary loop under part load condition. When the deficit flow problem exists, the temperature differential produced by the terminals might be much lower than its design values, which is known as low delta-T syndrome (Kirsner 1996; Waltz 2000; Kirsner 1998; Avery 1998). Kirsner (1996) pointed out that low delta-T chilled water plant syndrome exists in almost all large distributed chilled water systems.

    The deficit flow may cause a series of operational problems, such as the high supply water temperature, the over-supplied chilled water, and the increased energy consumption of the secondary pumps. If such a phenomenon cannot be eliminated, a vicious circle in the secondary loop may be caused. It means that, when the deficit flow occurs, the mixing of the return chilled water to the supply chilled water results in higher temperature of chilled water supplied to the terminal air-handling units (AHU). The increased temperature of the supply chilled water consequently leads to an increased chilled water flow rate which further worsens the deficit flow. The deficit flow will not disappear until the flow rate in the primary loop is increased greatly (e.g., an additional chiller is switched on). Causes and Solutions for Low Delta-T Syndrome

    During the past two decades, many possible reasons and solutions for low delta-T syndrome have been investigated.

    Kirsner (1996) stated that the standard primary–secondary chilled water design cannot solve the low delta-T syndrome and a new paradigm with variable flow primary pumps should be adopted for chilled water design. Three problems of the typical primary–secondary chilled water system were presented. The first problem is that the primary–secondary control scheme is blinded by low delta-T syndrome in the systems where the chillers are staged on and off based on the flow rate of the bypass line. Secondly, a constant flow primary chilled water system with one fixed flow pump per chiller cannot respond effectively to low delta-T syndrome. Thirdly, secondary pumping is not the most pumping distribution scheme. Based on the analysis, it is proposed that a variable flow design, including primary and secondary pumps, can respond to the low delta-T syndrome, and it is needed to replace the conventional primary–secondary scheme.

    Taylor (2002a, b) presented some causes that result in low delta-T syndrome and proposed some corresponding solutions. It was pointed out that some causes can be avoided, such as improper set-point or controls calibration, the use of three-way valves, improper coil and control valve selection, no control valve interlock, and uncontrolled process load. While some causes cannot be avoided, such as reduced coil effectiveness, outdoor air economizers, and 100% outdoor air systems. The detailed description of causes and solutions for low delta-T syndrome is summarized in Table 1.1.

    Table 1.1

    List of causes and solutions for low delta-T syndrome

    Taylor (2002a, b) also stated that some causes can be resolved by proper design and component selection and proper operation and maintenance. But, some of the causes of low delta-T are either impossible or not practical to eliminate. Therefore, the system must be designed to accommodate low delta-Ts in an efficient manner while still meeting all coil loads. The measures to accommodate low delta-T syndrome are proposed in Table 1.2. This can be done by using variable speed-driven chillers, which are so efficient at part load that under all but the lowest load conditions, it is more efficient to run more chillers than are required to meet the load. Thus, additional flow resulting from degrading delta-T will have no impact on chiller energy use. To mitigate degrading delta-T for fixed speed chiller plants, the design must allow the chillers to be over-pumped (supplied with more than design flow) so that they can be more fully loaded before staging on the next chiller. Installing a check valve in the common leg of the primary–secondary connection is one way to force increased flow through chillers since it places the primary and secondary pumps in series. Other options include sizing primary pumps for increased flow either using unequally sized pumps or with a lower design primary loop delta-T.

    Table 1.2

    Measures to accommodate low delta-T syndrome

    Laminar flow is usually considered as one of the causes that results in the low delta-T syndrome because a sudden drop in heat transfer coefficient will occur when flow goes from the turbulent regime to the laminar flow regime when the Reynolds number drops below about 2000. However, Taylor (2002a, b) stated that laminar flow effects are unlikely to be a major source of degrading delta-T syndrome. Figure 1.1 shows this effect on heat transfer factor J (defined as St Pr²/³ (μs/μ)⁰.¹⁸ where St is the Stanton number, Pr is the Prandtl number, and the subscript s refers to the conditions at the inside surface of the tube) for two typical coils, one 12 feet long and one 2 feet long. At high turbulent flow rates, J is the same for both coils. As velocity decreases into the transition region, the heat transfer factor begins to fall, but less so for the shorter coil because the tube bends tend to keep flow more turbulent. At the onset laminar flow, the heat transfer factor begins to rise. Figure 1.2 shows the same data with the heat transfer factor converted to percent of design of the film heat transfer resistance at the inside surface of the tube and Reynolds number converted to percent of design flow rate. Film heat transfer resistance is only a small portion of the overall air-to-water heat transfer resistance at the design flow rate, but as water velocity falls, this resistance rises until, at laminar flow conditions, it accounts for almost 90% of the overall resistance.


    Fig. 1.1

    Heat transfer factor as flow varies (Taylor 2002a, b) (This coil was selected for 3 fps design velocity with 5/8 in. tubes. In this case, the coil never experiences fully developed turbulent flow; the design condition is already in the transition region. Laminar flow occurs at 0.5–0.8 fps, roughly 20–25% of design flow. Data obtained from coil manufacturer selection program correlated to measured coil data under low flow

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