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A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy
A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy
A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy
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A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy

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This book investigates the application of promising machine learning techniques to address two problems: (i) how to find profitable pairs while constraining the search space and (ii) how to avoid long decline periods due to prolonged divergent pairs. It also proposes the integration of an unsupervised learning algorithm, OPTICS, to handle problem (i), and demonstrates that the suggested technique can outperform the common pairs search methods, achieving an average portfolio Sharpe ratio of 3.79, in comparison to 3.58 and 2.59 obtained using standard approaches. For problem (ii), the authors introduce a forecasting-based trading model capable of reducing the periods of portfolio decline by 75%. However, this comes at the expense of decreasing overall profitability. The authors also test the proposed strategy using an ARMA model, an LSTM and an LSTM encoder-decoder.

Release dateJul 13, 2020
A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy

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    A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy - Simão Moraes Sarmento

    © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

    S. Moraes Sarmento, N. HortaA Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment StrategySpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

    1. Introduction

    Simão Moraes Sarmento¹   and Nuno Horta¹  


    Instituto de Telecomunicações, IST, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

    Simão Moraes Sarmento (Corresponding author)

    Email: [email protected]

    Nuno Horta

    Email: [email protected]


    Pairs TradingUnsupervised LearningTime-series forecasting

    1.1 Topic Overview

    Pairs Trading is a well-known investment strategy developed in the 1980s. It has been employed as one important long/short equity investment tool by hedge funds and institutional investors Cavalcante et al. [2], and is a fundamental topic in this work. This strategy comprises two steps. First, it requires the identification of two securities, for example two stocks, for which the corresponding prices series display a similar behaviour, or simply seem to be linked to each other. Ultimately, this indicates that both securities are exposed to related risk factors and tend to react in an identical way. Figure 1.1 illustrates how this behaviour can be found in some popular stocks. In Figure 1.1a, we may observe how the price series from two car manufacturers seem to be tied to each other. The same behaviour is also illustrated in Figure 1.1b, this time illustrating the price series of two of the biggest retail stores in the United States. Two securities that verify an equilibrium relation between their price series can compose a pair.¹

    Once the pairs have been identified, the investor may proceed with the strategy’s second step. The underlying premise is that if two securities’ price series have been moving close in the past, then this should persist in the future. Therefore, if an irregularity occurs, it should provide an interesting trade opportunity to profit from its correction. To find such opportunities, the spread² between the two constituents of the pairs must be continuously monitored. When a statistical anomaly is detected, a market position is entered. The position is exited upon an eventual spread correction. It is interesting to observe that this strategy relies on the relative value of two securities, regardless of their absolute value.

    We proceed to introduce how the strategy may be applied using an example from this work. A more formal description concerning the trading setup is presented in Sect. 2.​3. For now, we assume that two securities (identified by the tickers PXI and PXE) have been previously identified as forming a potential pair. PXE and PXI are two different securities that track indices related to energy exploration in the United States, and thus it is not surprising that their prices tend to move together. To confirm that this is the case, the two price series, from 2009 to 2018, can be observed in Fig. 1.2. The investor may calculate the mean value of the spread formed by the two constituents of the pair, as well as its standard deviation. These values describe the statistical behaviour known for that pair and which the investor expects to remain approximately constant in the future.


    Fig. 1.1

    Price series which could potentially form profitable pairs


    Fig. 1.2

    Price series of two constituents of a pair during 2009–2018

    In the subsequent period, the spread, defined as

    $$S_{t}=\mathrm {PXI}_{t}-\mathrm {PXE}_{t}$$

    , is normalized³ and cautiously monitored, as illustrated in Fig. 1.3. Although it evolves around its mean, it displays some noticeable deviations. Depending on their magnitude, they may trigger a trade. For that purpose, the investor defines the long and short thresholds, which define the minimum required deviation to open a long or short position, respectively. A long position presumes the spread will widen since its current value is below expected. Therefore, it entails buying PXI and selling PXE. Contrarily, a short position presumes the spread will narrow, and thus the opposite transaction takes place. The positions are liquidated when the spread reverts to its expected value.


    Fig. 1.3

    Exemplifying a Pairs Trading strategy execution

    Revisiting Fig. 1.3, we can identify the market position by the green line, which takes the values $$-1$$ , 0 or 1 depending on whether the current position is short, outside the market, or long, respectively. In the second half of February 2018, we witness the opening of a short position, when the spread deviates across the short threshold, and its successive closure when the spread reverts back to zero.

    The strategy just described presents diverse advantages. One incentive is overcoming the arduous process of characterizing the securities from a valuation point of view, which is a fundamental step in deciding to sell the overvalued securities and to buy the undervalued ones. By focusing on the idea of relative pricing, this issue is mitigated. Furthermore, this strategy is extremely robust to different market conditions. Regardless of the market direction (going up, down or sideways), if the asset the investor bought is performing relatively better than the one he sold, a profit can be made.

    1.2 Objectives

    Research in the field focuses mainly on traditional methods and statistical tools to improve the critical aspects of this strategy. Although in recent years Machine Learning techniques have gained momentum, reported Machine Learning based research for Pairs Trading in specific is sparse and lacks empirical analysis Krauss [4]. This leaves an opportunity to explore the integration of Machine Learning at different levels of a Pairs Trading framework.

    The success of a Pairs Trading strategy highly depends on finding the right pairs. But with the increasing availability of data, more traders manage to spot interesting pairs and quickly profit from the correction of price discrepancies, leaving no margin for the latecomers. If profitable pairs that are not being monitored by so many traders could be found, more lucrative trades would come along. The problem is that it can be extremely hard to find such opportunities. On the one hand, if the investor limits its search to securities within the same sector, as commonly executed, he is less likely to find pairs not yet being traded in large volumes. If on the other hand, the investor does not impose any limitation on the search space, he might have to explore an excessive number of combinations and is more likely to find spurious relations. To solve this issue, this work proposes the application of Unsupervised Learning to define the search space. It intends to group relevant securities (not necessarily from the same sector) in clusters, and detect rewarding pairs within them, that would otherwise be harder to identify, even for the experienced investor. We thus aim to answer the following: Can Unsupervised Learning find more promising pairs?.

    One of the disadvantages typically pointed out to a Pairs Trading strategy is its lack of robustness. Since the spread might still diverge after opening a market position, which counts on its reversion, the investor may see its portfolio value decline while the spread does not converge. In this work, a trading model which makes use of time series forecasting is proposed. It intends to define more precise entry points in order to reduce the number of days the portfolio value declines due to diverging positions. For this purpose, the potential of Deep Learning is evaluated. Therefore, the second objective of this work is to respond to the following question: Can a forecasting-based trading model achieve a more robust performance?


    Fig. 1.4

    Research questions to be answered

    In the process of answering the research questions presented in Fig. 1.4, this work provides two additional contributions to the literature. First, it analyzes the suitability of ETF linked with commodities in a Pairs Trading setting. A total of 208 ETFs are considered. Secondly, it examines the application of a Pairs Trading strategy using 5-minutes frequency price series. This is particularly relevant given that most studies in the Pairs Trading literature use daily prices, with few exceptions Bowen et al. [1], Dunis et al. [3], Miao [5], Nath [6], Salvatierra and Patton [7]. Simulations are run during varying periods, between January 2009 and December 2018.

    1.3 Outline

    This book is composed by a total of seven chapters. Chapter 2 introduces the background and state-of-the-art concerning Pairs Trading along with some critical mathematical concepts to grasp the workings of this strategy. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the two implementations proposed in this work. The former describes in detail the proposed pairs selection framework (Research Stage 1), and the latter proposes a trading model that makes use of time series forecasting (Research Stage 2). Chapter 5 comprises some practical information concerning the way this investigation is designed. The results obtained are illustrated in Chap. 6. Finally, Chap. 7 focuses on answering the two research questions that motivated this research work, emphasizing the contributions made.



    Bowen D, Hutchinson MC, O’Sullivan N (2010) High-frequency equity pairs trading: transaction costs, speed of execution, and patterns in returns. J Trading 5(3):31–38


    Cavalcante RC, Brasileiro RC, Souza VL, Nobrega JP, Oliveira AL (2016) Computational intelligence and financial markets: a survey and future directions. Expert Syst Appl 55:194–211Crossref


    Dunis CL, Giorgioni G, Laws J, Rudy J (2010) Statistical arbitrage and high-frequency data with an application to eurostoxx 50 equities. Liverpool Business School, Working paper


    Krauss C (2017) Statistical arbitrage pairs trading strategies: review and outlook. J Econ Surv 31(2):513–545Crossref


    Miao GJ (2014) High frequency and dynamic pairs trading based on statistical arbitrage using a two-stage correlation and cointegration approach. Int J Econ Financ 6(3):96–110Crossref


    Nath P (2003) High frequency pairs trading with us treasury securities: risks and rewards for hedge funds. Available at SSRN 565441


    Salvatierra IDL, Patton AJ (2015) Dynamic copula models and high frequency data. J Empir Financ 30:120–135Crossref



    Each constituent of a pair is sometimes referred to as a pair’s leg.


    For now, the spread is defined as the difference between two securities’ price series.


    Normalization, in this case, corresponds simply to subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation.

    © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

    S. Moraes Sarmento, N. HortaA

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