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Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz
Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz
Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz
Ebook35 pages23 minutes

Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz

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Reader Alert! This book is a summary, not the original. It is intended to be a supplement, not a substitute.

The Supreme Court turned out to be just as important in the 2020 election as Trump. After Justice Ginsburg passed away, a nominee was available for the next President to consider, but Trump and the GOP blocked it first. Former Texas state attorney general Ted Cruz is well-versed in the operations of the Supreme Court, its interesting past, and the significance of the court in upholding the Constitution. A country may be changed by one justice's one vote overturning the Constitution.

Nothing less than our liberties were at jeopardy if a liberal judge joined the court, a Left-wing tactic used since the 1960s.
Cruz was a Supreme Court clerk who successfully litigated before the court multiple times. He is a Supreme Court specialist who turned down a seat on the court because he thought he could better serve the country as a senator and possible president.

Cruz's book is not only pertinent; it also exposes the evil character of the Left and its ongoing campaign to deny Americans their freedom.

DISCLAIMER: Summary: One Vote by Ted Cruz.: One Vote is the subject of the following unauthorized summary and critique. Ted Cruz did not write it. It is also not meant to take the place of the original book. Quick Savant independently wrote and published it, and it provides you with the key concepts from the main book in a condensed and simple-to-read manner.

PublisherQuick Savant
Release dateJun 26, 2022
Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz

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    Summary - Quick Savant

    Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz

    Quick Savant

    Introduction to One Vote Away by Ted Cruz

    ● Antonin Scalia left us on February 13, 2016, leaving the Supreme Court vulnerable to a takeover by Leftists with Obama, winding down his second term as President to nominate a replacement.

    ● If Obama were successful in his nomination, it would be 5:4 in favor of the Leftists and more damage to freedom through the Supreme Court disrespecting the Constitution. If the Republicans could filibuster the nomination until after the election, a vote for Donald Trump would translate into a Conservative court.

    ● The people, not Leftist Obama, should decide by voting in the Presidential election.

    ● The Supreme Court vacancy helped propel Donald Trump into the White House over Hillary Clinton. His flaws had to be overlooked because Conservatives wanted a Conservative majority court.

    Senator Ted Cruz of Texas ran a phenomenally successful campaign against Trump and others for President. He argues that:

    ● The media gave Trump unfair media coverage--about $3 billion worth--and ignored Ted Cruz's success in winning numerous primaries.

    ● Cruz claims that if his message reached the people, he tended to win a state, but the avalanche of Trump media coverage all but buried his message, rendering him into oblivion.

    ● Cruz had a chance to shine in the debates, but the GOP stopped all debates in March of 2016, even though the field remained overpopulated. Cruz did not have the chance to take on Trump one-on-one. The election seemed rigged.

    ● Cruz is convinced that the Leftists and the media pushed Trump to be the Republican nominee because he could be

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