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Toys to Sew
Toys to Sew
Toys to Sew
Ebook150 pages34 minutes

Toys to Sew

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Meet Piers Penguin, Kit Koala, Leo Lion, Zoë Zebra, George Giraffe, Ellie Elephant, Roddy Rhino and Tabby Tiger in these first eight books in the 'Top of the Class' series. With one book based on each character, children will love reading about the goings-on in Miss Roo's school class from many different points of view.

Featuring original patterns to stitch an exciting variety of children's soft toys, this book also contains sewing and embroidery projects for stitchers of all abilities. It contains projects suitable for babies and children up to 6 years, and step-by-step instructions and templates for all the designs. Any child would love to have one of the enchanting fabric toys in this exciting new book of sewing projects. Claire Garland has designed a range of easy-to-make, colourful and cuddly friends, suitable for children from 0-6 years old. The great toys in this book range from smiley dinosaurs, including a baby and its egg, to a fun and funky rag doll, complete with her own smart wardrobe of fashionable clothes. The projects use basic sewing and embroidery skills, and range from very simple to the slightly more complex. All the instructions are clearly explained, with a useful list of the materials and equipment required at the start of each project. The pattern templates for fabric cutting are also included, as well as tip boxes giving handy hints to save time, or suggesting alternative ideas for embellishments. If you want to make a unique gift for the child in your life, Claire's inspirational patterns will make you want to pick up your needle and start sewing. "Toys to Sew" is the companion volume to "Toys to Knit", which includes a range of desirable projects to knit from Rowan knitting consultant Tracy Chapman.

Release dateNov 26, 2015
Toys to Sew

Claire Garland

Claire Garland is an experienced knitting author and the founder of 'Dot Pebbles', a collection of knitted doll patterns that she sells through her website and Etsy. She is a regular contributor to knitting magazines and the knitting community site, Ravelry.

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    Book preview

    Toys to Sew - Claire Garland



    The simplest toys are often the embodiment of happy childhood playtimes. Costumed rag dolls make the best guests at an afternoon tea party, while an easy-going stuffed animal in tow can be a loyal best friend at the playground. And embracing a favourite teddy makes for the safest and most comforting experience during naptime.

    As a child, I was surrounded by toys. From a rag doll with missing stuffing to a bear whose fur had been worn away, my dearest companions may not have been in the most pristine condition, but they provided me with hours upon hours of amusement and I loved them all the same. Though I grew older and my interests broadened, I soon discovered that creating my very own toys was as much as fun as playing with them.

    With Toys to Sew, I’ve designed a collection of dolls for children and adults alike by drawing inspiration from the dolls and stuffed animals of my childhood. Whether the doll is patched up or the animal boasts an odd-buttoned eye, each toy has its own personality and plenty of character to become a cherished lifelong pal. Everyone can enjoy working fabric into toys that will be adored forever.

    This whimsical collection features dolls and toys that will appeal to children of all ages. She’ll find plenty of entertainment playing dress up with the dolls and wardrobes from the first chapter. You’ll also find a delightful assortment of toys in the Animals & Nursery Toys chapter. A floppy-eared pink elephant and an old-fashioned teddy bear make endearing playtime pals. And for your wee cowboy? The wild, wild West wouldn’t be quite the same without a patchwork hobby horse. Furthermore, if you’re new to the sewing process, simple projects such as the Bears in Waistcoats and the Retro Tea Set are ideal for beginners.

    I loved playing with toys when I was child and I love sewing them for my children as an adult. Many of these toys are designed to entertain and amuse your children for years to come. It’s always meant a great deal to have sewn something myself and I hope the toys you create from this book provide you and the children in your life with as much enjoyment as they have for me and my little ones.


     Before You Begin


    Basic kit

    For each of the projects you will need a basic kit. Each toy has a pattern template and to use these, you will need a pencil, paper, carbon paper and a water-soluble fabric marker or air-erasable fabric marker. You will also need a needle (or sewing machine) and thread in appropriate colours for sewing the toys and garments. The basic kit is not listed in each individual project.

    How to enlarge patterns and designs

    Turn to the pattern templates for each project. Download the templates from our website here. Most pieces are printed as a scaled-down version in order to fit the page. To enlarge them to the correct size, simply photocopy the pattern using the enlargement button on the photocopier. Enlarge to 200% unless specified otherwise in the project. Place the templates on the wrong side of the fabric and draw around them.

    Transferring patterns and markings to fabric

    For heavy fabrics and coloured or patterned cottons, place carbon paper between the pattern and the wrong side of the fabric. Trace over it with a pencil or tracing wheel. Alternatively, cut out the pattern pieces and draw around them with a water-soluble fabric marker. Then mark the dots and other features with the carbon paper. Employ this method for transferring shapes for patchwork piecing.

    For lightweight fabrics, trace the design using a water-soluble fabric marker. Tape the pattern piece to a window (in daylight) or a light-box. Place the fabric over it, right side up, and trace the lines on to the fabric.

    To transfer dots, darts and other placement markings to fabric, pin the pattern to the wrong side of the fabric and insert a pin at the marking. Lift up the edge of the pattern and mark the fabric with a water-soluble fabric marker.


    Small triangles indicate where you should clip notches into the seam allowance. Notches prevent a seam from pulling and making the fabric pucker.

    Positional dots are to assist with matching pieces together.


    The seam allowance is 6 mm (¼ in), unless stated otherwise. All seams should be pinned and tacked before machine sewing or stitching by hand.

    Sewing Skills

    The next few pages provide information on the techniques you will need to complete the toys. The methods are easy to grasp; however, if you are new to sewing, it

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