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Continuous Revival
Continuous Revival
Continuous Revival
Ebook45 pages51 minutes

Continuous Revival

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A companion volume to The Calvary Road, Continuous Revival depicts Grubb's revolutionary spiritual experience, drawing material from fellow believers' Christian walks.
Release dateJan 1, 2015
Continuous Revival

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    Continuous Revival - Norman Grubb


    THESE few pages are an attempt to describe a revolutionary experience in my own life, and in that of many others, regarding the way of continuous revival. I am aware of no other truth from God which so simply and thoroughly reaches down to where ordinary folks live as does the secret of victorious living. By no means is this something which God has personally revealed to me alone. It is the working secret which has been bringing continuous revival to thousands in East Central Africa over a period of sixteen years.

    The fact that there was such a thing as continuous revival first caught my interest some years ago when I heard of a constant movement of the Spirit in the area of the Ruanda Medical Mission (a field of the Church Missionary Society), for I felt that was exactly what we, in the ranks of our own mission, needed both at home and abroad. Various personal contacts with Africans and missionaries from the revival area deepened my conviction that God had given them the key we needed. In fact, I saw some of our own staff transformed and quickened into marvelous newness of life and ministry through quite short contacts with them. Finally the door of opportunity was opened to me in 1950 to pay a short visit myself to Ruanda and Uganda. As I had worked in Central Africa with C.T. Studd over a period of years, I had some understanding of African ways of life. What follows is an attempt to put into words what God taught me personally through that visit and what I have since found to be a blessing to many others.

    First, there has been a new discovery by me and many others of what is meant by revival. When we come down to it, in simplest form it means the reviving of dead areas in our lives. I remember when I first heard two men from Ruanda speaking very quietly and simply for two days in our London WEC headquarters to about ninety of our staff. At the last meeting, they very quietly opened the door for any present to say anything that was on their hearts. Very soon one and another were bringing to the light areas in their lives where they had come face to face with sin—unobserved by them before—and were bringing these transgressions to the cleansing blood. I got a real shock at the end when one of the two quietly said, I don’t know if you realize it, friends, but this is revival!

    The transforming truth of that statement took time to sink in—and is still sinking in! It began to shake me out of the misconception of years—that revival could come only in great soul-shaking outpourings of the Spirit. Thank God for such torrents when they do come; they have been the great and precious hurricanes of the Spirit in the history of the Church. But I saw the defeatism and almost hopelessness that so many of us had fallen into by thinking that we could do nothing about revival except pray (often rather unbelievingly) and wait until the heavens opened and God came down. But now I see that revival in its truest sense is an everyday affair right down within the reach of everyday folk—to be experienced each day in our hearts, homes, churches and fields of service.

    When revival does burst forth in greater and more public ways, thank God! But meanwhile we should see to it that we are

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