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Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change
Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change
Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change
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Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change

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Written by researchers from a wide variety of disciplines, this report explores the two most influential theoretical discourse traditions, namely Discourse Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis. Based on numerous Swedish and Scandinavian case studies, this account reveals the usefulness of the study of discourse and exemplifies how the two discourse analytical perspectives can be combined to offer diverse and problem-oriented strategies in the study of politics, identity, and social change.
Release dateJan 12, 2011
Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change

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    Tracking Discourses - Nordic Academic Press


    It is such a pleasure to finally write the very first words of Tracking Discourses. As is often said, the end marks a new beginning, and as authors we are all excited to hear about our readers’ responses to our joint attempt at gaining a better grasp of the complexities involved in investigating how discourses can be understood, and more importantly, analysed in practice. Even though the research presented in this book is primarily conducted within a variety of Swedish contexts, in which a range of different discourses are explored and scrutinised, the contributions deal with more general problems that transcend its geographical scope. These main issues that the book addresses are summarised in its subtitle: politics, identity and social change.

    The discourse analytical perspectives dealt with in this book have gained increased attention in the last decades among Scandinavian scholars of various disciplines; however, such applications are not yet substantially reflected in English-language or other international scholarly literature. This multidisciplinary collection is therefore an attempt to fill a gap in the existing body of literature. The contributions are from a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities such as political science, sociology, social work, media and communication studies, ethnology and linguistics. We hope to present the reader with an insight into the ways in which discourse analytical perspectives have been received and re-worked in Swedish academia. The emphasis lies on the empirical use of various theoretical perspectives; a subject that has engaged many discourse analytical scholars around the world during the last decade.

    This point in time would not have arrived without the thorough support of many people and institutions along the way. First of all we want to thank all the invited guest lecturers to the Ph.D. course ‘Perspectives on Discourse Analysis: Democracy, Politics and Social Change’ for their generous contributions and willingness to take part in a (self-)reflective dialogue in relation to the research traditions of discourse theory (DT) and critical discourse analysis (CDA). We could not have hoped for a better outcome when the initial idea to study these popular traditions together was firstly formulated in the summer of 2006. We were also imbued with energy when it was discovered that everyone we approached was interested in taking part in the project. Apart from the project initiators and editors, Dr Annika Egan Sjölander, senior lecturer at Umeå University, Sweden and Dr Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, lecturer and researcher at Södertörn University, Sweden, the guest teachers have included the CDA scholars Dr Michał Krzyżanowski, senior research fellow at Lancaster University, UK, and Dr Peter Berglez, associate professor at Örebro University, Sweden, and two DT scholars from the University of Essex, UK: Dr Aletta Norval, reader and director of the Ph.D. programme in Ideology and Discourse Analysis, and Dr Jason Glynos, senior lecturer. We would also like to express our gratitude to Professor Ruth Wodak, distinguished professor in discourse studies at Lancaster University, Professor Lilie Chouliaraki, professor from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Dr David Howarth, reader and co-director of the Centre for Theoretical Studies, for showing interest and support in the initial planning process of the project. One of the authors in this book, David Payne, is enrolled in the IDA Ph.D. programme at the University of Essex and gave a lecture about the Marxist influence on discourse analysis.

    The focus on the exchange of thoughts between leading representatives of these two traditions was a rather unusual exercise at the time. Since then, similar types of meetings between scholars of DT and CDA have been set up by others, and their aims have also been to investigate the similarities and differences between these (and other) influential schools within the field of discourse studies (cf. Glynos et al. 2009).¹ These meeting points continue to constitute important places of discovery, and there are several strands of thought that need to be investigated in more depth–if not to identify common features and possible points of cross-fertilisation, then to flesh out variations in more detail. The atmosphere and dialogue during our talks can be summarised mainly as a manifestation of commonalities between the two approaches. The different kinds of overlaps that were discussed and how distinctions were articulated will be presented in the following Introduction.

    Apart from the curiosity and substantial commitment from the doctoral students who took part in the Ph.D. course ‘Perspectives on Discourse Analysis: Democracy, Politics and Social Change’–many of whom have contributed to this volume–there is one person in particular who has made the ‘book dream’ a reality; namely, our publisher Annika Olsson from Nordic Academic Press, Lund. Of crucial importance for completing the book was also our editor Magnus Ingvarsson, whose expertise as well as helpful and positive attitude carried us through the final stages of publication. In addition, our warmest thanks go to Adrián Groglopo, Ph.D. student from the Sociology Department at Umeå University, who came up with the main title for the book: Tracking Discourses. Dr Martin Shaw, our English language editor from Språkcentrum (also at Umeå University), has been a wonder of patience to work with and we are very grateful for his help. Our former librarian at the Umeå University Library, the late Ludmila Andersson, also deserves to be mentioned and especially remembered for making sure that all the course books, including suggested reference literature, were easily available. Her professional service enabled us to improve the library’s body of literature in this vibrant field of research, and this will be of great benefit for future users. During the work with this book, one of the editors (Egan Sjölander) also had the privilege of taking part in the lively seminars of the Language-Ideology-Power group at Lancaster University, led by Ruth Wodak. These encounters provided important levels of input to the project, especially regarding the understanding of CDA and its many varieties. Two other individuals have steadfastedly supported the whole project and helped out along the way by encouraging us to be innovative and to find alternative ways to secure the funding that has been required to row this relatively ambitious project ashore. The first person is Dr Bo Nilsson, the former head of the Department of Culture and Media Studies, Umeå University, who encouraged us to pursue our ideas from the very beginning, and the second is the current head of department, Dr Kerstin Engström, who also provided vital support at the very end of the working process regarding practical administrative matters. Thanks also to Ulla Westermark, who worked diligently for several years on the administration of the projects and took care of the financial accounts.

    We have been fortunate to receive essential financial support from several external and internal institutions. The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) contributed with a generous grant in relation to the Ph.D. course. The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien) and the Letterstedska Association (Letterstedska föreningen) helped in meeting the costs of guest lecturers. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) contributed with substantial funding covering the expenses for meetings and building up the contact network necessary for carrying through this project. Besides the financial support from the Department of Culture and Media Studies regarding some overhead costs, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences, including the Graduate School in Population Dynamics and Public Policy, all contributed to covering the costs associated with both the Ph.D. course and the consequent book production. The central administration at Umeå University also catered for some of the essential ‘fika’ breaks during this intellectual endeavour. Many thanks to all.

    Annika Egan Sjölander, on behalf of the editors



    Two such examples are the project ‘Discourse Analysis Network’, which was supported during 2008/2009 by the UK Economic Social Research Council’s National Centre for Research Methods Networks for Methodological Innovation, and a Ph.D. course that was arranged by Roskilde University at the end of 2009 called ‘Applying Discourse Theory and CDA in the study of media, images and film’. Both editors had the advantage of participating in the final closing workshop of the UK network in Essex in April 2009 and to present and discuss our respective discourse analytical research with a diverse group of researchers (Egan Sjölander 2009; Gunnarsson Payne 2009).


    Egan Sjölander, A., 2009. Rare and Fruitful–The Concrete Use of Foucault’s Discourse Theory in Media and Communication Research. Paper presented at the ESRC Networks for Methodological Innovation’s Conference in Discourse Analysis held at the University of Essex, UK, April 2009.

    Glynos, J., Howarth, D., Norval, A. & Speed, E., 2009. Discourse Analysis: Varieties and Methods. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Review Paper. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. NCRM/014. August 2009.

    Gunnarsson Payne, J., 2009. Beyond Different Wave-Lengths in the Study of Feminist Media. Paper presented at the ESRC Networks for Methodological Innovation’s Conference in Discourse Analysis held at the University of Essex, UK, April 2009.



    Comparing Critical Discourse Analysis

    and Discourse Theory

    Annika Egan Sjölander

    Ever since the linguistic turn, the study of ‘discourse’ has become increasingly popular in a wide range of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (Howarth 2007, p. 10; Wodak & Krzyżanowski 2008, p. 1).¹ As Aletta Norval (1999, p. 1) writes, the linguistic turn in the social sciences and humanities not only indicated a renewed interest in language as such, but also implied a realisation that language is at least partly constitutive of the world, rather than merely a mirror of it, as was previously the predominant view (cf. Alvesson & Kärreman 2000, p. 137).² As a consequence of this widespread activity in the discourse analytical field, the notion of ‘discourse’ has come to include not only analysis of text in the strict sense of the word, but is also frequently used to interpret wider cultural and socio-political processes. The meaning of politics, formations of identities and the possibilities of social change are all issues that capture the interest of the authors in this volume, as well as discourse analytical scholars all around the world.

    In Discourse in Late Modernity: Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis, Lilie Chouliaraki and Norman Fairclough (1999, p. 4) argue that there is room, and a great need for, ‘critical analysis of discourse as a fundamental element in the critical theorisation and analysis of late modernity’. Several of the case studies presented in this volume deal with contemporary issues and living conditions in the early twenty-first century, such as the meaning of an ageing population (Chapter 11 by Lundgren) or the discrimination of immigrants (Chapter 5 by Ngeh). In Chouliaraki and Fairclough’s (1999) frequently referred to book, the authors embark on a ‘transdisciplinary’ expedition with various theorists about social life, critical research on social change, and contemporary conditions in late modern societies.³ Their aims are to establish a better theoretical basis for critical discourse analysis, as well as to show the tradition’s contribution regarding the analysis of language and discourse, which has become all the more important in critical social science in general (Chouliaraki & Fairclough 1999, p. 4). Since then, Fairclough (2003) has himself continued this pedagogic ambition by attempting to provide scholars in the social sciences and humanities with a useable framework for analysing spoken and written language.⁴

    In the introduction to Discourse Theory and Political Analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change, David Howarth and Yannis Stavrakakis (2000, p. 1) point out the need for political analysis from different discourse analytical perspectives. The authors stress the importance of conducting more research focused on ‘key political issues’, such as populist and nationalist ideologies, new social movements and diverse forms of hegemonic struggles, which they claim have been missing. Analyses of this type were subsequently presented in Howarth et al. (2000), and build on the research programme of discourse theory that was originally formulated by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (1985/2001) in their ‘modern classic’ Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Several of the authors in Tracking Discourses also devote their attention to what could be classified as key political issues. One example is an analysis of the controversial issue of paternity leave, inspired by Michel Foucault’s (1993/1971) understanding of discourse(s) (Chapter 6 by Sylwan). Others apply central concepts within discourse theory, and not only from Laclau’s and Mouffe’s respective writings (cf. Chapter 3 by Carlbaum), but also from the ‘logics approach’ that has been developed by Jason Glynos and David Howarth (2007) in Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory (cf. Chapter 10 by Sjöstedt Landén). Here, Glynos and Howarth (2007, p. 4) strive to ‘develop an approach that respects the self-interpretations of social actors, while not reducing explanations to their subjective viewpoints alone’, and to search for ‘a type of explanation that admits of a certain generality, provides space for critique, and yet respects the specificity of the case under investigation’. Building on Laclau’s previous work, the authors formulate a poststructuralist alternative to what they define as dominant paradigms in social science, such as positivism and hermeneutics. Based on their particular ontological and epistemological standpoints, Glynos and Howarth (2007, pp. 11, 28) also contest what Roy Bhaskar and his critical realist followers (cf. Archer et al. 1998) suggest as an alternative to positivism.


    The aim of this introduction is threefold. The first purpose is to discuss the motives for the study of critical discourse analysis (henceforth CDA) and discourse theory (henceforth DT) in parallel. This is partly in order to gain a better understanding of the reasons behind the previous lack of dialogue between the perspectives. It is also motivated by the need within the field to further clarify unarticulated understandings of key concepts such as ‘critical’ and ‘discourse’ (including their relation to the ‘non-discursive’). These unexplained viewpoints tend to generate confusion and obscure significant differences in standpoints between researchers.

    The second purpose is to explore some of the crucial similarities and differences between the traditions that have been revealed, and especially in relation to the common themes that are dealt with in this book: politics, identity and social change. I will do so by discussing literature and by ‘narrating’ or ‘documenting’ parts of the dialogue that took place between leading representatives of CDA and DT during a roundtable discussion on these issues held in October 2008.⁶ Part of our overall ambition with the whole project was to create this meeting point between the two perspectives.

    A third purpose is to provide some background, as well as to introduce the structure and the collection of contributions presented in Tracking Discourses. As is the case in any research activity, it is meaningful to understand the context within which a project unfolds. In essence, I would argue, that is the meaning behind the idea of knowledge being ‘socially constructed’ (Berger & Luckmann 1991/1966; Burr 2003).

    In what follows I will describe the focus of our joint project and the rationale for undertaking it. Thereafter, I will share a few thoughts from the editors’ point of view regarding this comparison and present some of my own discourse analytical research. I will then sketch important influences and features in each of the studied ‘schools’, including work of its main representatives, and how the authors in this book have made use of their respective perspectives. In the next section I will discuss crucial similarities and differences between CDA and DT. Finally, I will introduce the overall aim and structure of the book, including the different contributions to Tracking Discourses.

    Focus and motives

    CDA and DT represent two highly influential traditions within the discourse analytical field as a whole. Both schools have been of great importance and they continue to inspire researchers, also in Scandinavia.⁷ This is one important reason why the two schools have been our main focus in the Ph.D. course ‘Perspectives on Discourse Analysis: Democracy, Politics and Social Change’ and when conducting the empirical research that is presented here. However, despite this shared interest in CDA and DT, some authors have found it more relevant to explore and apply other variations within the discourse analytical field. Mediated discourse analysis (henceforth MDA), which was developed by Ron Scollon, Suzie Scollon, Sigrid Norris and others, is one such example, and has been used in the analysis of blogging practices (Chapter 8 by Faye Hendrick).⁸ Another important motive for us to focus on CDA and DT has been these traditions’ strong commitments to discuss, and to explore in depth, issues relating to democracy, politics and social change. These focal points overlap with our own common knowledge interests. Even though one can easily identify commonalities between the two schools, such as a poststructuralist influence combined with a conflict theoretical perspective, in the main they do appear to have developed separately from each other. This in itself constitutes a third reason motivating us to study both perspectives in parallel. We have been curious to learn more about the reasons why dialogue between the two has been so rare until relatively recently. Given the degree of similar research interests and common intellectual ‘heritage’, this scarcity of dialogue seems puzzling, at a glance.⁹ In order to gain a better grasp of each tradition, the curriculum of the Ph.D. course focused on ontological and epistemological presuppositions, ‘classic’ texts, as well as key concepts within CDA and DT. We also looked at more recent theoretical developments and methodological strategies, and studied their contributions to contemporary debates on democracy, politics and social change.

    The author’s position

    It is indeed a challenge to capture these multifaceted traditions in a sensible way. This task is made all the more difficult as I have not conducted research specifically within any of the studied discourse analytical schools before and could therefore be viewed as somewhat of an outsider to both. This might on the other hand be seen as an advantage from the comparative point of view, because I have not previously invested heavily in either of the perspectives.¹⁰ Readers also ought to keep in mind what has been stated many times: most discourse analytical perspectives are diverse in and of themselves (Winther Jørgensen & Phillips 1999, pp. 72, 121; Glynos et al. 2009).¹¹ According to Jacob Torfing (2005, p. 5), there are many traditions that internally ‘vary both according to their understanding of discourse and their understanding of the imbrication of language and political power struggles’. Furthermore, as reinforced by the panel participants during the roundtable discussion, different researchers tend to develop their own interpretations and specialities within each school. In my understanding of CDA and DT, the former seems to be more internally diverse than the latter. One crucial factor that produces this diversity within CDA consists of the eclectic approaches that are nurtured through the strong multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary commitment of several of its scholars (cf. Weiss & Wodak 2003; Wodak & Chilton 2005; Chouliaraki & Fairclough 1999).¹²

    In my thesis, Kärnproblem (Sjölander 2004), the societal handling of highly radioactive and long-lived nuclear waste from power production was studied. The thesis had a particular focus on the sense-making process regarding the long-term management of the localisation and storage problems that all countries using nuclear power struggle with; that is what I call ‘the nuclear waste discourse’. This particular environmental problem constitutes one of the unwanted side effects of the production of wealth in what Ulrich Beck (1992) calls the risk society. Opinion formation and various public communication initiatives came to play a pivotal role in the evolving decision-making process in the Swedish local community that I studied. In short, ‘information’ was seen by all the involved stakeholders as a vital source for reaching a legitimate decision. The entire process from the industry’s first proposal to conduct a pre-study in the municipality, to the local referendum that was held at the end, and which resulted in a ‘no’ to further investigations, took five years in total. This was significantly longer than first predicted.¹³ With a large amount of empirical material to deal with (over a thousand published news articles, and so on) I was in good need of a theoretical base and perspective that could be of help in the selection process for the analysis, both regarding which research questions to prioritise and which phenomena to focus on in the practical text/content analysis.

    The close integration of theory and method in most discourse analytical perspectives, ‘a whole package’, as Winther Jørgensen and Phillips (1999, p. 12) describe it, therefore suited this case study very well. In particular, it was the research programme that Michel Foucault (1971/1993; 1981) presents in The Order of Discourse that caught my attention. Foucault offers not only relevant definitions of what constitutes discourse(s) and how they ‘function’, but also points out what to look for as a researcher when studying the exclusionary mechanisms that are always at work, and that control and delimit the content and form of any discourse. This contribution is one important reason why Foucault is often referred to as the very founder of discourse analysis (Fairclough 1992, p. 37). In almost all textbooks about discourse analysis, Foucault’s work is mentioned as instrumental, and especially so regarding the understanding of discourse(s) and their productive power, including his innovative conception of power (Mills 1997, p. 7).¹⁴ His writings have clearly influenced both DT and CDA (cf. Fairclough 1992, pp. 37–61; Howarth 2007, pp. 59–89).¹⁵

    Contrary to the widespread reception of this controversial sociologist, historian and philosopher, I found the Foucaultian framework not only more coherent and comprehensive than others, but also more practical to use in the concrete analysis of the nuclear waste discourse (Egan Sjölander 2009). Of course, what was of crucial importance here was that I could subscribe to his ontological and epistemological views, and in particular to his understanding of discourses: for example, however critical as researchers we are of the discourses we study, we are always part of their continuous constitution. Even should we wish to, we cannot escape the power of discourse(s), as Foucault (1981, p. 49) states at the very beginning of his famous inaugural lecture at the Collège de France. However, he also shows that analytical work does at least offer a possibility for resistance to the taken-for-grantedness that discourses (re)produce. Furthermore, Foucault (1971, p. 7; 1981, p. 52) emphasises that discourses must not be understood as something hidden, structural or abstract that are waiting to be discovered or revealed by a researcher; instead, he stresses that they have a ‘formidable materiality’.

    We must not imagine that there is a great unsaid or a great unthought which runs throughout the world and intertwines with all its forms and all its events, and which we would have to articulate or to think at last. Discourses must be treated as discontinuous practices, which cross each other, are sometimes juxtaposed with one another, but can just as well exclude or be unaware of each other. (Foucault 1981, p. 67)

    After re-reading The Order of Discourse quite a few years after my very first encounter with the text, I decided that it was well worth the attempt to apply his proposal in full instead of creating a ‘model’ of my own. Therefore, part of the aim of the thesis project was to explore whether Foucault’s discourse analytical understanding, which was rooted in the discipline of history and used to describe long time periods, would also make sense when analysing contemporary issues and traditional types of corresponding empirical materials. How it worked out is ultimately up to the readers of Kärnproblem to decide, but from my point of view it definitely did. From the very outset, the analysis of the nuclear waste discourse was focused on the external and internal systems of exclusion: firstly, the identification of taboo subjects, the division of madness and the will to truth that were manifested in the talk and institutional setting surrounding the issue; and secondly, the analysis of the role of the author, the commentator, and the organisation of the discourse. All these mechanisms of exclusion had an impact on what was possible to say and by whom in this particular context. I thereafter directed a significant amount of attention to the conditions of possibility upon which these analysed series of events in the nuclear waste discourse depended; like, for example, the complex role of science and expertise in the risk society, the power of the journalistic institution, the crisis of democracy and the lack of legitimacy for traditional political systems in late modern times, including the marginal position of the Samish population in Swedish society, and so on. This genealogical part of the analysis is, according to Foucault, necessary in order to be able to question the regularity of the discourse and the articulated will to truth. I still claim that this Foucaultian framework, even if complicated and contradictory at times, has a great deal to offer that remains unexplored within the broader discourse analytical field (Sjölander 2004; Egan Sjölander 2009). This is also the case when it comes to the ‘close analysis of particular texts’ that Fairclough and Wodak (1997, p. 261) otherwise note as missing to a large extent in the abstract kind of analysis that Foucault previously has inspired others to pursue. A related type of Foucaultian discourse analysis is undertaken by Mathias Sylwan (Chapter 6) in his historical study of the construction of paternity leave and fatherhood in Swedish television news reports.

    Critical discourse analysis

    Today, researchers from literally all parts of the world conduct CDA that builds on the work of Teun van Dijk, Norman Fairclough and Ruth Wodak. This trio of researchers have been instrumental for CDA’s establishment and are still regarded as its main present-day representatives (Billig 2003, p. 35). van Dijk, Fairclough and Wodak held a workshop in 1991 that is often mentioned in the literature because the research activity expanded dramatically thereafter (Wodak 2001a, p. 4; Chilton & Wodak 2005, pp. xi–xvii; Kendall 2007, p. 3). However, the many historical roots of CDA date back significantly longer than that. Several of the most significant ones have emerged from linguistics, and especially critical linguistics (henceforth CL), which was developed by a research group at the University of East Anglia in the UK from the 1970s and onwards (Fairclough & Wodak 1997, pp. 283–284; Wodak 2001a, p. 3; Chilton & Wodak 2005, p. xi). According to Fairclough (1992, p. 26), ‘They tried to marry a method of linguistic text analysis with a social theory of the functioning of language in political and ideological processes’. This attempt to link the social analysis to the linguistic one is very much reflected in Fairclough’s own writing. One of the most comprehensive illustrations of how CDA can contribute to social research–based on the argument that language has become more salient and important in a range of contemporary social processes –is articulated in Discourse in Late Modernity (Chouliaraki & Fairclough 1999).

    Apart from the crucial influence of CL, Wodak and Weiss (2003, p. 11) also mention the importance of classic rhetoric, textlinguistics, socio-linguistics, applied linguistics and pragmatics for the development of CDA. They also include the influence of various sociological approaches that enable the essential analysis of the interrelations between discourse, power and society that is so characteristic of CDA. Alon Lischinsky’s (Chapter 9) investigation of the discursive construction of corporate organisations’ identities, which consists of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the linguistic devices used in environmental and corporate social responsibility reports from Swedish multinational companies, is a good example of the linguistic roots of CDA. This disciplinary belonging–which differs for CDA compared to DT, which is more associated with political philosophy–was mentioned several times during the roundtable discussion. It was stated, for example, that the amount of detailed analytical work regularly undertaken at the level of individual texts in CDA is much more than in DT. It was also concluded that the former tradition is ‘less theoretical’ than the latter.

    The different mappings of intellectual influence that I have found regarding CDA reveal a very rich and diverse pattern. The critical theory of the Frankfurt School is among the crucial influences that stand out, and this is partly reflected in the very naming of CDA (Fairclough & Wodak 1997, p. 261; Weiss & Wodak 2003, p. 14).¹⁶ As opposed to other perspectives, such as Emanuel Schle-gloff’s (1997) descriptive conversational analysis, CDA is framed as a ‘critical’ type of analysis (Sjölander 2004, p. 43). The term refers to the researchers’ radical criticism of the present social order and unequal social relations (Billig 2003, p. 38; Kendall 2007). The problem-oriented commitment to deal with ‘everyday’ social problems, such as discrimination, exclusion and subordination in society, is widespread among CDA scholars.¹⁷ Furthermore, the will to contribute to social change and to formulate alternative or ‘bottom-up’ perspectives on language use that establishes and maintains unequal power relations are also common aims for CDA researchers (Fairclough & Wodak 1997, p. 258; Meyer 2001, p. 15; Weiss & Wodak 2003, pp. 14–15).

    Michael Billig (2003), who has himself been working within discursive psychology, questions any unreflective use of the term ‘critical’. I believe this is a relevant viewpoint, because ‘being critical’ can imply that the researcher positions himself or herself in a privileged position vis-à-vis both other, so-called non-critical scholars, and in relation to what or who is being studied.¹⁸ Wodak (2001a, p. 9), who has published extensively on the theme of critical research, summarises the meaning as ‘having distance to the data, embedding the data in the social, taking a political stance explicitly, and a focus on self-reflection as scholars doing research’.¹⁹ David Payne and Jenny Gunnarsson Payne (Chapter 2) raise fundamental questions regarding the role of criticism in social and political theory and discuss the related and complex issue of emancipation, drawing on the work of Ernesto Laclau, which they conclude manages to leave the Idea of emancipation unharmed.

    The two scholars within CDA that we have focused on during the course are Norman Fairclough and Ruth Wodak. We chose them for two main reasons: firstly, they represent two varieties of CDA (Fairclough & Wodak 1997, pp. 264–267) and, secondly, because both have had a significant impact on the Scandinavian research landscape in the period during which discourse analytical approaches have grown in popularity. However, there is only room for a small sample of their key contributions here. Jonathan Ngeh’s (Chapter 5) analysis of the structural/institutional discrimination of Cameroonian students in higher education in Sweden is anchored in the writings of both Fairclough and Wodak. In his case study, Ngeh tests Fairclough’s (2001) stepwise methodological approach to discourse analysis.²⁰

    In a joint publication, Fairclough and Wodak (1997, p. 258) define discourse as language use in speech and writing and as a form of social practice; a definition that explains the strong focus on different kinds of text analysis in their research. They also stress a dialectical dimension; namely, that discourses or discursive events are socially constitutive, as well as shaped by situations, institutions and social structures. Furthermore, they claim that discourse is affected by, and affects, how objects of knowledge are constructed and how power, social identities and relationships are formed. Even though other variations of the discourse concept have been presented by both scholars over the years, the core themes of the one described above are frequently referred to and remain largely intact (cf. Wodak 2008, p. 3).²¹ I am thinking here of the understanding of language use in terms of social practice/action, including nonverbal communication and visual images, and a distinction between the discursive and the non-discursive.

    Fairclough’s (1992, p. 73; 1995b, p. 59) model for how to analyse communicative events is a good illustration of the latter theme (see Figure 1). In short, the model distinguishes between three levels: the specific text, the institutional discursive practice, and the surrounding wider ‘non-discursive’ context, which he labels sociocultural practice.²² The text is placed at the centre and the discursive practice, which includes text production as well as consumption, mediates between the textual, the social and cultural respectively (Fairclough 1995b, pp. 57–62). The purpose of the analysis is, then, to scrutinise ‘how texts work within sociocultural practice’ (Fairclough 1995a, p. 7).²³

    In his thesis The Materiality of Media Discourse, Peter Berglez (2006) analyses the relationship between the capitalist hegemonic order and the mass media in terms of journalistic modes. By integrating previously separated perspectives from the field of political economy with cultural studies/discourse analysis, Berglez strives to develop a ‘cultural materialist oriented CDA’. Such an alternative approach aims to take fully into account both discursive and economic /material aspects when analysing capitalist society and the role of the journalistic institution within it. For democratic reasons, Berglez calls for new journalistic modes to be developed that fully embrace a transnational epistemology and that include the reality of global capitalism in everyday (local) news reporting.


    Figure 1. A framework for critical discourse analysis of a communicative event (Fairclough 1995, p. 59).

    Already in one of his earlier books, Discourse and Social Change, Fairclough (1992) expressed his hope of developing an approach to language analysis that would be useful for studies of social and cultural change. This theme runs throughout his writings and has been explored in different contexts; for instance, regarding the commodification of public services in the UK (Fairclough 1992), or more recently in Romania, one of the Central and Eastern European countries in ‘transition’ (Fairclough 2005a).

    Text, genre, intertextuality, interdiscursivity and context are all core concepts within CDA and, like discourse, myriad definitions have been articulated with different emphases (Wodak 2008).²⁴ In a recent textbook that introduces these different key concepts and methods, Wodak (2008, p. 6) defines text, in its most simple form, as ‘a specific and unique realization of discourse’ and further points out that every text belongs to a genre, understood as a conventionalised use of language and associated with a particular type of social activity (Wodak 2008, p. 14). Wodak’s (2001a, p. 11) influence from critical theory is visible in another definition, which states that texts are ‘often sites of struggle in that they show traces of differing discourses and ideologies contending and struggling for dominance’.

    Intertextuality refers ‘to the fact that all texts are linked to other texts, both in the past and in the present’ (Wodak 2008, p. 3). As Fairclough (2003, p. 218) defines the concept, there is a presence of elements from other texts within all texts. Links can be established in different ways: ‘through continued reference to a topic or main actors; through reference to the same events; or by the transfer of main arguments from one

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