Plants for Free: Seeds and Cuttings to Fill Your Garden
By Sharon Amos
About this ebook
In this book, Sharon Amos explains how to design and create a beautiful garden for little or no money, offering tips on bartering for clippings, getting a bargain at garage sales or neighbourhood fairs, digging up suckers or adapting wild species and controlling them in a garden environment.
She provides a comprehensive directory of 80 plants including detailed advice on where and how to grow a wide variety of garden favourites, from snowdrops to poppies.
With beautiful illustrations, Plants for Free is the perfect gift book for cultivating your garden on a budget of next-to-nothing.
Sharon Amos
Sharon Amos has written about gardening for Saga Magazine, Country Homes & Interiors, Period Living and the Guardian, among others. She is also the author of Great Plants for Tough Places and Create a Wildlife-friendly Garden. In her own garden she relies on plants self-feeding to create new effects every year – she’s what you might call a laissez-faire gardener.
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Reviews for Plants for Free
2 ratings1 review
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars4/5
Apr 29, 2014
Rating: 3.5 of 5
Gorgeous photos. The fold out symbol index was most helpful so I didn't have to flip back and forth. Limited variety of plants included, though.
Book preview
Plants for Free - Sharon Amos
Filling your garden with plants needn’t cost a fortune. There are plenty of species that multiply and make more plants without any help from you at all – or with the very minimum of assistance. And very often these are plants that friends, neighbours and family will have in their gardens and be delighted to share.
This approach to gardening is the complete opposite to coming home from the garden centre with a boot full of plants and no clear idea where to put them or how to grow them. By sharing cuttings and small plants with other gardeners, you’ll also be acquiring vital information. You’ll have seen the mature plants growing in their gardens. You’ll know how tall they grow and how wide they spread. You can see what other plants they look good with and you’ll have learned what growing conditions they need. Every plant you receive in this way will come with some advice, however pithy. And when you are ready to pass on plants, you’ll find that you, too, will be ready with advice on where they are likely to thrive. It’s not a new way of gardening – it’s been going on forever.
Bartering and recycling are ingrained in human nature, and for gardeners on a budget there is no better way to make a garden. Throwing money at a garden can’t guarantee your borders will be filled with beautiful flowers and stunning shrubs. But by following a few simple guidelines, you can create a garden bursting with fabulous flowers and foliage. And, with plants to spare, you can swap with friends.
You don’t need any special equipment: most of what you are likely to need can be improvised or recycled from what you have in the garden or garage. Nor do you need any particular expertise – where any techniques are needed, they are the very simplest of all.
Every plant listed in the directory is there for very specific reasons. It is easy to grow, makes good-sized plants in a short space of time, or covers the ground quickly; it either self-seeds or it can be propagated very simply – and so produce plants for free. Just because a plant is easy to grow and propagate doesn’t mean it is commonplace; many unusual or less well-known species have these qualities, too. The directory does not claim to be exhaustive, but it does aim to suggest some good starter plants. You’ll probably soon have some ideas of your own to add to it.
Of course, when you are creating a garden on a new plot, you will initially be relying on the generosity of others to give you plants or cuttings. You may also have to buy some plants. But that is how you’ll track down some more unusual species and build up stocks to repay those who got you started in the first place – and to barter for more.
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Finding plants
All of the plants described in this book are prolific self-seeders that produce lots more plants every year, are easily propagated from simple cuttings, or spread rapidly so that they can be divided up to make more plants, so you can fill up your garden at little expense. If, however, you are starting a garden from scratch, it would be short-sighted to depend solely on contributions from other gardeners to fill your flower beds. You will have to make a small initial outlay to buy some plants that you can propagate and begin sharing with family, friends and neighbours.
For plants of the highest quality at prices that won’t dent your budget, there are a number of other options available to simply calling in at the nearest commercial garden centre.
Fairs, garden-gate and boot sales
These are probably the cheapest source of plants. Look on your local Facebook page for details of sales and fund-raising events. Many will have a plant stall and it’s worth arriving early for the best selection.
If seeds have a good germination rate, gardeners can end up with far too many plants. People may sell off surplus plants on sites such as or offer to swap them. You may find a gardening group set up especially for this.
There’s no need to go online either. Look out for signs on garden gates offering plants cheaply; very often they will be set out on a table at the gate, with an honesty box for you to make your payment.
Car-boot sales can yield bargains too, but be wary of plants being sold off cheaply – perhaps unsold stock from growers and garden centres – as they may be past their prime.
Farmers’ markets
These are a good source of plants – and fresh produce – and a great way of supporting small, independent growers. All farmers and growers setting up stalls must be from within a fixed local radius and must be selling home-grown produce. Plants sold by independent growers at farmers’ markets are often of superior quality: selling directly to their customers week after week is a strong incentive to build up a good reputation.
If possible, go regularly to a farmers’ market so you can get to know the growers. That way, you can make special requests for plants that you are looking for and receive plenty of tips about growing them.
Open-garden schemes
Summer open days for groups of private village or city gardens are an annual fixture and at least one garden on the circuit is bound to be selling plants at a reasonable price. Many communities run informal open days or ‘garden safaris’ to raise funds for specific projects, such as church repairs, or to contribute to a new village hall.
National organisations, such as the National Garden Scheme (NGS) in the UK and Australia’s Open Garden Scheme, raise money for charity by charging a modest admission fee to a carefully inspected selection of private gardens. The income from plant stalls will go to a good cause, so it’s money well spent.
By visiting other people’s gardens you often get a valuable lesson in planting and cultivation, as well as a chance of buying some of the very plants you’ve admired, knowing they’ve been grown with loving care by an enthusiast.
Choosing plants
Plants sold by producers at farmers’ markets have standards to maintain so they will invariably be good quality. If buying at car-boot sales or fund-raising events, remember the following tips:
Look for plants that are well established. Avoid droopy specimens, which may simply have been dug up and potted that day, without time to root properly. A few roots emerging from the pot’s drainage holes indicates a healthy root system.
Choose plants with plenty of buds and fresh new growth.
Avoid plants with any withered, scorched or distorted leaves.
Avoid plants that have any weeds growing in the pot.
If you do buy badly
If you accidentally end up buying a plant that is pot-bound, don’t despair. You may be able to rescue it. Tap the pot to loosen the root ball and gently pull the plant out. If its roots are growing out through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, you may have to cut the pot away. Try to disentangle some of the roots so that they are not spiralling around and around or – in really severe cases – cut some of them off. Then plant the specimen out in a prepared hole: loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole with a fork, to help enfeebled roots grow down. Try to splay some of the plant’s roots out before you firm back the soil, then water thoroughly.
No image descriptionImprovising tools and equipment
The key to improvisation in the garden is to see a potential value in everything and to throw away as little as possible. If you can’t immediately think of a use for some old cupboard doors, or some windows you’ve had replaced, tuck them away in a corner until you need them. You could use them to make a cold frame (see here) or lash the doors together around four wooden posts to make a compost container. Keep squares of old carpet to cover compost containers or to smother weeds when clearing a patch of ground.
Think how thrifty past generations were. Old iron bed frames, for example, stood on end in the vegetable plot as a trellis to support runner beans, or even to block a gap in a hedge until the shrubs grew big enough – they certainly wouldn’t have ended up at the tip.
The basics
You really don’t need a shed full of equipment to maintain the average small garden, and while you may have to invest in one or two essential tools, many others just call for a bit of lateral thinking.
You are always going to need a spade, a fork and a trowel, and these can often be picked up cheaply at car-boot sales or in second-hand shops – especially those that handle house clearances. A dibber for making holes in the soil for small plants and bulbs is no better than a bit of old broom handle, while two small wooden sticks and a length of twine have