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Woman Where is Your Crown
Woman Where is Your Crown
Woman Where is Your Crown
Ebook131 pages2 hours

Woman Where is Your Crown

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In her passion for women's ministry, the author has found that too many women of God are unaware of the elevation that comes with being a child of the Most High God. The Bible paints a delightful picture of the woman God has crowned. Through the journey in this book, “Woman, Where is Your Crown,” the author explores the depth of love God has for each woman of God who has been crowned with blessing after blessing, lifting her high above the vicissitudes of this life.
Release dateSep 24, 2022
Woman Where is Your Crown

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    Woman Where is Your Crown - Cynthia Inniss






    Copyright © 2022 by C.K. Inniss

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2022

    ISBN 978-1-387-58722-3


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    ~ Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and YAHWEH’s glory now streams from you.~ Isaiah 60:1.

    Rise up in splendor (in magnificence; in grandeur) this day, woman of God, for your light has dawned! Be radiant because YAHWEH’s glory now streams from you. The glory of the LORD has risen upon you. Hallelujah! Stand in your new estate, as gentiles gravitate to your light, and kings come to the brightness of your rising!

    The LORD has declared these things over your life. His word to you is an incorruptible seed sown into good ground. Your soil is good ground because you water it daily and tend to it tenderly, ensuring that the power of that seed manifests in your life. You are God’s chosen repository. On the tablet of your heart, God has written the secrets of life so that you might live in abundance. Proverbs 31:30 (NIV) says: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

    Therefore, I dedicate this book to you, woman of God, as your reverence for God takes center stage in your life. I applaud you as you arise to your place in the Kingdom of God. Perhaps you are already standing in the destined place of distinction designed for your life. But, even for you, there might be times when you falter and question whether your work in the Kingdom counts.

    Well, the truth is that women are treasures to God. God crowned us and empowered us to act in life and death situations. God crowned us with goodness and lovingkindness and endowed us with a power that enables us to work on His behalf. We possess information that becomes revelation and becomes the catalyst to Kingdom building. As sisters in Christ, we combine to bring great power to bear on every earthly situation.

    The Bible paints a delightful picture of the woman God has crowned. Proverbs 3:15 says: She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 3:17: Her ways are the ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.

    So, come on into this anointed space, woman of God; grab a cup of coffee or tea, and sit awhile with me in the presence of our Most Excellent God. Within the pages of this book is a place of worship where women of God will gather to give Him praise and glory!

    I honor you at this moment, precious woman of God because you carry an expensive treasure within you. We can walk this road together and increase blessing upon all our lives. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 (ESV) says it best: Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. (10) For if they fall; one will lift up his fellow {sister}; But woe to him who is alone, when he {she} falls and had not another to lift him up.

    We need each other so much! The bond we share in Christ Jesus is unbreakable and undeniably vital to the church's strength. We must encourage one another, doing all we can to make sure not one of us becomes prey for the enemy.

    When there’s a pack or pride of animals, the predator animal always looks for the one who hangs back, the injured one who can’t keep up, to devour. Satan is a predator, just like that wily animal, and he desires to prey on God’s anointed ones: women of God who have moments of weakness but must not ever succumb to them.

    Father, I pray that You will send someone alongside my sister trapped in the cross-hairs of the enemy’s bow. Let us combine our energies to hold up her arms until she’s strong enough to win the battle herself. Teach us, Father, to war with one united voice until we win! We thank and praise You for it all, in Jesus’ holy name, amen.

    Moses, likewise, grew tired during his battle against the Amalekites. Every time his arms dropped to his side, the Israelites lost the war. Aaron and Hur held Moses’ hands up - one on one side and one on the other- until the sun went down. Verse 13 of Exodus, chapter 17 says: So, Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

    Aaron and Hur came alongside Moses until sundown to assure the victory. They did not become weary in well-doing, and we cannot become weary either. Sometimes the time spent in the trenches together will be long and tedious, but we must not give up on our sister. There will be times when I need your strength, and you need mine. Together, walking in the power of the blood of Jesus, we will put millions of demons to flight. Together, we will see heaven right here on earth!

    ~Prophetic word: This is your season, woman of God; Walk in it!~

    *This work is lovingly dedicated to my sisters at Revealing Truth Ministries, Protectors of the Way.


    ~ Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther: 4:14. ~

    God created each of us intentionally. We are fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose. In Psalm 139, verses 15-16 (TPT), David affirmed this truth: You even formed every bone in my body when You carefully created me in the secret place, shaping me from nothing to something, You saw who You created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days You planned for me were already recorded in Your book.

    The days of his life were fashioned just for David, same as the days of our lives God has fashioned for you and me! Esther is an excellent example of walking with a unique purpose. The scripture above comes from the biblical book of Esther, chapter 4, verse 14. Esther’s uncle Mordicai spoke those words to Esther as she faced a huge decision that would impact her life and the lives of her people: a life or death decision. Esther was young and would probably rather live her life quietly than become the queen who would one day have to exercise the power of her access to the King, even at possible peril to herself and those she loved.

    But uncle Mordecai made a strong case when he said to her, "For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews, from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish {since you did not help when you had the chance}. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this {and for this very purpose}."

    The weight of this great destiny and purpose was great, but she had to accept the assignment despite her fears. Very famously, Esther said, If I perish, let me perish; I’m going to see the king.

    Maybe you’re thinking, I’m no Esther! The destiny of a nation is not on my shoulders. She was special. Well, acquiescing in the belief that Esther was able to be used, but you’re not, is what the enemy of our souls wants us to believe.  He wants us to think that we do not possess the power to put him to flight. He wants us to buy into the idea that what God has placed within us is for our four and no more, but Jesus speaks so highly of us.

    Uncle Mordecai could just as well have spoken those words to you and me. The words still ring true today. You see, there’s a call on your life and mine! God called you and me to such a time as this, as He did queen Esther.  There is so much work to do, and we are the ones to do it. The questions are: Will we walk towards our destiny or away from it? Will we walk in darkness? When you get the call, what will you answer?

    Esther’s exaltation to the queen was part of God’s plan to deliver her people from certain death. As we begin to see ourselves as necessary to God's eternal plan for man, all doubts that keep us from taking our place will disappear, and we will stand firm while proclaiming the Gospel to the lost.

    I love it when sisters fight the good fight of faith, those beautiful moments when we engage in radical spiritual warfare against the enemy. We put him to flight! Joshua, 23:10 (NIV): One of you routs a thousand, because the LORD your God fights for you, just as He promised." We have the power to go up to the high places to tear down the devil’s kingdom, and he knows it!

    As I type these words, it is about 2:32 in the morning on a Tuesday in July. I’m on vacation, but the devil tried to disrupt my sleep. So after doing prayer warfare, I began to write. You see, righteous anger is a real thing. We don’t just stand by and yield ground to the devil, oh no; when we feel the unction to war, we declare without hesitation that JESUS is LORD, to the glory of the living God!

    We decree things according to the Word, and we believe what we spoke forth into the atmosphere shall come to pass! We go into full warfare mode, confident that we can bind the hand of the enemy on earth, and his hand is then bound in heaven; believing that we can loose the power of Jesus upon any named name, and that name has to bow down to the one true and living Savior. We bind

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