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Lovers Nutrition
Lovers Nutrition
Lovers Nutrition
Ebook54 pages37 minutes

Lovers Nutrition

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Sexual and emotional issues and dysfunctions aren't uncommon. For many people, the cause and remedy are unknown to them. Issues in men that can cause distress in relationships are erectile dysfunction, reduced or lost interest in sex, problems with ejaculation and low testosterone. Women experience a lack of sexual desire, an inability to become aroused, a lack of orgasm or sexual climax, painful intercourse and unable to lubricate during intercourse. In most cases, the problems are nutrition related and easily corrected with nutritional adjustments. This book identifies some of the essential nutrients for good sexual and emotional functions and how you benefit from them. It also points to how to prevent some of these issues and what to do to correct them.

Release dateOct 14, 2022
Lovers Nutrition

Jacquelin F. Grant

Jacquelin F. Grant – born and resides in Jamaica, is a close associate of Dr. B. Daley MB, BS, and has since 1995 after having firsthand experience of health restoration from many ailments including back pains, chronic sinusitis, chronic constipation, allergies, constant nervousness, susceptibility to viral infections and more, with the use of diet and supplements attained what she now consider, good health. She has since embarked on rigorous research with an aim to educate ailing people to good health and others to health maintenance. This she has been doing for more than ten years. Persons who have benefited from her research so far are those diagnosed with cancer, stone formation, diabetes, hypertension, prostatitis, muscle wasting, constipation, chronic headache, acid reflux and more.Interestingly her research has helped many students abroad who sought help on their nutritional assignments via Yahoo Answers. She thought to help her own compatriots and others. Her research is based on finding out the truth about nutrition on the premise that “all that is natural is good to eat”. Her aim is to use her publications to educate as many people as possible, so that they will have the opportunity to, with the use of proper food proportions and supplementation, take control of their health, thus managing the chronic conditions that cannot be cured and cure others.In addition to her nutritional interest she also indulge in a little graphic design, creating print items such as cake boxes (favor box), invitations and programs for weddings. This was her first love before researching nutrition. Later she introduced photography, registering with multiple platforms such as Adobe Stock, Alamy, Dreamstime and Depositphotos that she contributes photos for licensing.

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    Book preview

    Lovers Nutrition - Jacquelin F. Grant

    Lovers Nutrition

    Jacquelin F. Grant

    Copyright 2022 by Jacquelin F. Grant

    All information contained in this book in addition to research done is according to the personal and professional experience of the author. It serves for information only and hence, claims no guarantees and not intended for diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care providers. The publisher and author are not responsible for any adverse effect or consequence resulting from using any of this book's suggestions. All matters about your health should be supervised by a healthcare professional. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    All rights reserved.

    This e-book is licensed for your own personal use only. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, resold, given away to other people or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise. If you would like to share this e-book with other persons please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this e-book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover designer: Jacquelin F. Grant

    Author: Jacquelin F. Grant

    Edited by Grammerly

    Format by Jacquelin F. Grant

    First Edition



    Man’s Health

    Nutritional Balance for Men



    Man’s Meals

    Optimise With supplements

    The Thyroid Function

    Cardiovascular Health

    Man’s Age

    Woman’s Health

    Keeping Shape

    Beautiful Skin

    Woman’s Nutrition

    Woman’s Meals

    Supplements For Women

    Female Hormones

    Older Women

    Neurological Functions

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