Reset in God's Presence: Moving from Religion to Relationship for Emotional and Spiritual Fitness
By Cheryl Polke
About this ebook
Remove ungodly agreements and demonic doorways that obstruct intimacy with God and enjoying the blessed life.
Overcome DEPRESSION, FEAR, ANGER AND MORE by agreeing with God’s Word and Encountering the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Walk in Christ’s total victory at the cross which defeated ALL tormenting mental strongholds known to mankind.
Learn how Satan uses offenses (big and small) to usher in deception.
Every true believer of Christ can encounter the indwelling presence of God daily for worship, fulfillment, and life transformation.
Turn self-focus into God-focus through the transcendent power of God’s Word for emotional freedom and spiritual progress.
Encounter God as “perfect love” to cast out fear in the coming personal or geo-political storms.
Discover how to daily reset one’s mind and heart from yesterday’s sins, failures, disappointments, hurts etc. to receive God’s blessings for today.
Move from religion to abiding relationship in Christ.
Reset in God’s Presence is a practical help to anyone who seeks to improve his or her state of mind, behavior and mood using beliefs and practices of Christianity. The plan that the book outlines is based not so much upon rules and principles, but upon a living, loving relationship with the Creator of the Universe, communicating with God and spending time in God’s Presence. Maybe you did not think that was possible, but if you follow Ms. Polke’s lead you will be delighted to learn that it is.
Marguerite Mosack, Ph.D., Psychologist
Cheryl Polke
Cheryl Polke, RN Cheryl Polke has worked in the field of mental illness and developmental disabilities for over two decades. She has ministered to the body of Christ in prophesy, prayer counseling and deliverance ministry since the 90’s. She has led many prayer groups and taught various prophetic messages from the Word of God. Her main focus currently is to share the word the Lord has given her in Reset In His Presence to the Church.
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Reset in God's Presence - Cheryl Polke
Copyright © 2022 Cheryl Polke.
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Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
ISBN: 978-1-6642-7716-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-6642-7715-1 (e)
WestBow Press rev. date: 11/08/2022
Chapter 1 Satan’s Game Plan
Chapter 2 Salvation - Saved From What?
Chapter 3 Spiritual Warfare - Demons Are Real
Chapter 4 Encountering God
Chapter 5 Origins Of Depression, Anxiety, Anger
Chapter 6 Bloody Victory Over Strongholds
Chapter 7 God’s Love Never Fails
Chapter 8 Heart Level Healing And Change
Chapter 9 Spiritual And Behavioral Actions Against Depression
Chapter 10 Spiritual And Behavioral Actions Against Anxiety, Fear, And Panic Attacks
Chapter 11 Spiritual And Behavioral Actions Against Anger
Chapter 12 Ministry Steps To Freedom For Self And Others
Chapter 13 Abiding In Christ And The Armor Of God
Chapter 14 Birthing Or Aborting Prayers
Chapter 15 Daily Reset In God
Appendix A. Ministry Prayers
Having worked in the field of psychology for thirty-five years, I am well aware that there are many people, including Christians, who suffer with anxiety, panic, worry, anger, sadness and depression. Sometimes these maladies are genetic and are inherited biologically through the generations. Sometimes they are passed down in a family as learned behavior, and sometimes they are reactions to current life stressors. It is not unusual that people, good people, do not have the knowledge and coping skills that they need to overcome these troublesome emotions and the negative thoughts that fuel them. Christians are not exempt from life’s misfortunes. I have often said, Everyone has a story.
If you have reached your mid-twenties, you have likely experienced some sort of hardship because life is often difficult and unpredictable. As a psychologist, I have also seen people heal and change their behaviors, their emotions, and their lives through our therapeutic work. In addition, one of the important tenets of Christianity is physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
This book, Resent in God’s Presence, can be thought of as a program of spiritual growth, guiding, the reader to encouragement and healing. We are created to know God and to be in a close and loving relationship with God. God wants us to be healthy and joy-filled, and He is able to reset us in that direction as we spend time in His Presence. The book is designed to help you to remove anything that would hinder your abiding intimacy with Christ. Some of what Cheryl Polke recommends in her book are solid psychological techniques, such as nutritional advice, and deep breathing, but most of what she offers is spiritual and Biblical.
There have been reliable surveys over the years, such as by the Pew Research Center, that indicate that praying people with positive religious beliefs are generally happier than those without. Reset in God’s Presence is a practical help to anyone who seeks to improve his or her state of mind, behavior, and mood using beliefs and practices of Christianity. The plan that the book outlines is based not so much upon rules and principles, but upon a living, loving relationship with the Creator of the Universe, communicating with God and spending time in God’s Presence. Maybe you did not think that was possible, but if you follow Ms. Polke’s lead, you will be delighted to learn that it is.
There are many ways to seek healing including the laying on of hands, casting out spirits, anointing with oil, declaring healing, or declaring Scripture verses. Another, rarely taught method, is resting and abiding in God’s Presence.
Ms. Polke is a Registered Nurse who has worked in a variety of settings, including state mental health hospitals and working with the severely disabled. She has seen the devastation of emotional and mental health suffering. She is a Christian who has been listening to the Lord for years. She has ministered to others of all ages, especially to young people, and has taught and trained people in this spiritual plan. This book is a down-to earth approach to spiritual, cognitive and emotional health and wellness. Ms. Polke and I have been friends for decades and we have known the difficulties in each other’s lives. I have seen changes in her as she has used these techniques herself. I see that she is calmer, happier, kinder and more content, all desirable traits. I encourage you to sit yourself down with Reset in God’s Presence, incorporate the practices that she outlines, and open your heart to endless possibilities of intimacy with God and your subsequent and inevitable healing.
Marguerite Mosack, Ph.D., Psychologist
I practiced professional nursing on various levels and positions predominantly in the field of mental health for over 35 years. The field of psychiatry and psychology is excellent at identifying symptoms in order to formulate a diagnosis. I experienced the limitations of a system that excluded the manufacturer’s manual on the use and repair of the human soul and spirit. God (Father, Son, Spirit) is the master designer who knows how to reset one emotionally, physically, and spiritually into His promised abundant life. We live in a world that has for the most part rejected the notion of a personal God who is more than willing to deliver those from their inner painful worlds if but they would believe in Him.
God sees emotional issues no differently than He sees physical infirmities. He is near the broken hearted and knows the trauma, abuse, rejection, abandonment, poverty, physical disabilities, comparisons whether perceived or real that many individuals have faced from parents as well as other individuals in their lifetimes and some even before birth. These issues have far reaching effects on how one views themselves, others, God and even life itself. Emotional pain can drive many maladaptive behaviors and life decisions which like a slimy residue effects everyone it touches. Depression, fear, and anger can create negative outcomes in every area of life including physical, financial, relational, spiritual, and of course emotional. This book will provide the reader with hope for real change in one’s life. This change is founded on the love and power of God that is available to all who would come to him and learn His ways. This book is different in that it teaches relationship empowers and religion brings frustration. I have personally changed more in the last few years through moving from religion to relationship.
You and I were created to have a real dynamic loving relationship with God. This book will offer the reader a God driven plan to reset their inner world of negative thoughts and emotions based on the bible along with learning to abide in God’s presence. This resetting will cast out fear and panic, overcome depression, restore healthy loving relationships, offer peace, and hope to anyone who will take the time to work through its pages and discover this beautiful Savior and Lord Jesus Christ who said, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10.
Everyone will need to confront fear in this hour whether they are new to Christianity or are a seasoned believer in Him. This book will teach one how to enter into a daily position of trusting in the perfect character of God and the truthfulness of his Word while removing the lies and half-truths embedded in our souls which keep us from resting fully in Him. Reset in God’s Presence has very practical step by step guidance and directions on walking into freedom from anxiety, depression and more as you learn to become an overcomer fighting the good fight of faith.
My prayer is that you will learn how to gain daily freedom from your negative emotions as you move into a personal, powerful abiding walk with the One who deserves our utmost worship in exchange for the abundant life. You will step into Him and all He has for you.
Special note: My dad whom I refer to in the book, became a great support to me as an adult. I was privileged to pray with him to accept Christ as his Savior and Lord one year before he died.
God bless
Let us consider the account of the fall of man in the book of Genesis. Anything a human being could ever want they had, right? They had a perfect relationship with God, the world, and each other. So, what went wrong?
Enter Satan, the Father of Lies.