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The Witch's Book of Candle Magic: A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals and Charms
The Witch's Book of Candle Magic: A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals and Charms
The Witch's Book of Candle Magic: A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals and Charms
Ebook233 pages4 hours

The Witch's Book of Candle Magic: A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals and Charms

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A Candle Magic Book for Beginner and Professional Witches

Candles are an essential part of a witch’s spiritual practice. Candle work is not only easy and accessible for witches across a variety of ages and levels of experience, but it's also one of the most powerful tools in the realm of magic.

Learn both basic and intricate candle spells like a pro. Candle magic is special because it combines two essential elements: light and color. This makes these spells perfect for setting intention and divination, as well as being an essential for every witch’s altar display. This book, complete with candle spells, incantations, and rites, consolidates the scope of magic that can be performed utilizing candles to offer practical uses for readers.

Find hope and healing through this spell book. Complete with knowledge and wisdom from best-selling author Cerridwen Greenleaf, you can learn how to choose the perfect candles for your practice, consider the properties of various colors and shapes, and learn a variety of candle spells and practices —inviting in peace, love, and prosperity to enhance your life.

Inside Witch’s Book of Candle Magic, you’ll learn:

  • What it means to “charge” your candle, and how to do so
  • What different color candles represent during your rituals
  • How to make your own candle
  • Numerous types of wiccan spells

If you liked Candle Magic for Beginners, Book of Candle Magic, or Wicca Book of Candle Spells, you’ll love Witch’s Book of Candle Magic.

Release dateJul 12, 2022
The Witch's Book of Candle Magic: A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals and Charms

Cerridwen Greenleaf

Cerridwen Greenleaf is a writing instructor, a medieval scholar, and practicing astrologer. She leads spirituality workshops and retreats throughout the U.S, and has published a number of books on mysticism. She is also the author of Running Press’s bestselling gift books, The Witch’s Spellbook and Spells for Love and Romance.

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    The Witch's Book of Candle Magic - Cerridwen Greenleaf


    Other Books by Cerridwen Greenleaf

    The Magical Oracle Book

    The Herbal Healing Handbook

    Dark Moon Magic

    Moon Spell Magic for Love

    Mystical Crystals

    The Magic of Crystals and Gems

    Moon Spell Magic

    The Witch’s Guide to Ritual

    The Witch’s Book of Candle Magic

    A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals, and Charms

    Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Coral Gables

    Copyright © 2022 by Cerridwen Greenleaf.

    Published by Mango Publishing, a division of Mango Publishing Group, Inc.

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    The Witch’s Book of Candle Magic: A Handbook of Candle Spells, Divination, Rituals, and Charms

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2022935524

    ISBN: (p) 978-1-64250-867-3 (e) 978-1-64250-868-0

    BISAC category code OCC026000, BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Witchcraft

    Printed in the United States of America

    The information provided in this book is based on the research, insights, and experiences of the author. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information; however, neither the author nor the publisher warrants the information provided is free of factual error. This book is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition or disease, nor is it intended as a substitute for professional medical care. All matters regarding your health should be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for any adverse effects arising out of or relating to the use or application of the information or advice provided in this book.

    Please Take Note:

    Essentials of Fire Safety

    If you are going to delve into the techniques of magic using candles, it is key to approach the animating elemental force of Fire grounded in knowledge of and respect for it.

    For starters, never leave a candle or other flame such as an incense charcoal unattended.

    All containers used for candles or incense must be heat-tolerant (i.e., the container is not going to shatter or set other things on fire if its contents are very hot).

    You may use:

    • rock

    • metal

    • tempered glass (i. e., Pyrex)

    • fired e arthenware

    Consider whether your container can be lined with a layer of sand thick enough to buffer heat, especially if you are using it with incense.

    All containers used under candles must hold the liquid wax as it melts so it can’t drip out. This keeps the surrounding area neat, and that way the flame can’t follow the wax down and start a house fire.

    You can shop for a suitable censer or thurible (incense burner) as well as beautiful candle holders at your favorite local five-and-dime, new age bookstores, and/or magical herb shops, such as my beloved San Francisco emporia The Sword & The Rose or Scarlet Sage, two amazing shops that both also sell things online. Explore and find stores you love that you can turn to for many years to come.

    Earthquakes: Consider what would happen with your burning candle(s) if an earthquake happened.

    Of course, tremors occur more often in some geographic areas than others, but one can actually happen anywhere, so do not neglect caution in this regard. If you need to let a candle burn until done, really only a tile/porcelain bathtub (not fiberglass!) or a large braced-so-it-can’t tumble metal bowl lined with sand will do. Those can’t catch fire.

    Note that incense charcoals, which are essential if you wish to burn fragrant magical resins like frankincense or copal, get very hot while burning and can stay hot for half an hour or so. Think carefully about what is holding the charcoal and also what is going to be underneath that, as well as how you can safely handle your incense burner if you need to move it. It may be useful to do a dry run using the charcoal before you utilize it in a magical working.

    Take care and stay safe while working with the sacred flame.


    Introduction: Lighting the Flame of Magic: Ho w Candles

    Create Enchantment

    1 Altar Candles: Creating Your Pow er Center

    2 Color Magic: The Supernatural Spectrum

    3 Intentions: Using Candles to Take Charge of You r Destiny

    4 Anointing and Dressing Your Candles: Essential Oils, Incense, an d Potions

    5 Candle Spells for Peac e of Mind

    6 Candle Spells for Love

    7 Candle Spells for P rosperity

    8 Candle Spells fo r Healing

    9 Candle Divination: Reading Signs and Symbols Through Smoke and Fire

    10 Major Life Moments: Candle Rituals and G atherings

    11 Rituals for the Seasons and Holidays

    12 Witch Crafts: DIY Candles, Elixirs, an d Incense

    In Conclusion: Designing Your Own Rituals: Traditional and Al ternative

    Appendix: Ritual Resources

    About the Author


    Lighting the Flame of Magic:

    How Candles Create Enchantment

    Candles may be a simple tool, but they are also incredibly profound and can create powerful magic. They are a very old and enduring form of magic, and candle magic is still a mainstay of witchcraft today. It is used daily by folks in all different walks of life for peace of mind, respite, contemplation, and aromatherapeutic healing. In the age of COVID-19, many have found comfort and strength in the magical properties of candles.

    Have you ever lit a candle just to observe the way it can transform a room? Try doing just that right now, preferably somewhere dark, and you will see exactly what I’m talking about. Take a moment to sit and observe, noticing how the darkness is transmuted by the candlelight. Watch how the flames flicker and cast shifting panes of light against the walls of your home, filling the atmosphere with the energy of magical light. The potential for transformation will become evident.

    I don’t know about you, but personally, I like to burn candles every night, 365 days a year, and take them with me when traveling, too. They imbue my personal space with positive energy and bring me a sense of calm.

    Candles contain all four of the elemental energies:

    Air: Oxygen feeds and fans the ca ndle flame

    Earth: The solid wax forms the candle

    Water: Melted wax is the fluid eleme ntal state

    Fire: The flame sparks and blazes

    Fire is the driving force behind candle magic. Fire is heat, and is the most visible form of energy. It is a powerful element, as it can transform and change the other elements. If you watch the flicker of your candle flame, the embers of your incense, or the blaze of your council fires, you will see a constant transmutation of matter. Fire has the ability to both excite and incite us, and fire is necessary to bring about change. Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are known for their strength and vibrancy. They can maintain this by employing their personal element of fire. Candle magic is a simple, powerful, and direct way you can invoke your native element of fire.


    Altar Candles:

    Creating Your Power Center

    An altar is a place of power—your personal power—where you can make magic. By building a stone shrine, altar, or power center in your home, you can create a sacred place for daily conjuring, rituals, and thinking. This will set the stage for you to focus your ideas and make them grow. Having a shrine in your home allows you to rid yourself of personal obstacles and invite friendly spirits into your space. Your shrine will spark your inner flame and bring daily renewal. The more use an altar gets, the more energy it builds, making your spells even more effective. It should be an expression of your deepest self, filled with artifacts that hold personal resonance. Allow your altar to be a work in progress that changes with the seasons and reflects your inner cycles.

    I recommend starting with a flat surface, one at least two feet across each way for the four directions of the compass. Perhaps you have a favorite antique table, at once simple and ornate. I have set up my altar to face north, long believed to be the origin of primordial energy and associated with manifestation. North is also the direction of the hour of midnight, the witching hour, and an altar set up facing north at midnight promises potent magic.

    Altar Blessing for Plenty

    Sit in a comfortable position in front of your altar and meditate. For this meditation, you should have an altar prepared that fills you with serenity. Light a green candle for prosperity, and reflect on the blessings you already have. What are you grateful for at this moment? There is powerful magic in recognizing all that you possess. Breathe steadily and deeply, inhaling and exhaling slowly for twenty minutes. Then chant:

    Great Goddess, giver of all the fruits of this earth,

    of all bounty, beauty, and well-being,

    bless all who give and receive these gifts.

    I am made of sacred earth, purest water, sacred fire,

    and wildest wind.

    Blessing upon me. Blessing upon thee,

    Mother Earth and Sister Sky.

    So mote it be.

    Altar Herbs

    Refer to this list whenever you are setting up your altar and setting your intention for ritual work. It is a concise guide to the enchanted realm of herbs, essences, plants, and plant properties.

    Benzoin can be used for purification, prosperity, work success, mental acuity, and memory.

    Camphor can be used for healing, divining the future, and curbing excess, especially romantic obsessions and a surfeit of sexuality.

    Cinnamon refreshes and directs spirituality. It is also a protection herb and handy for healing, money, love, lust, personal power, and success with work and creative projects.

    Clove is good for bringing money to you, for protection, for your love life, and for helping evade and deter negative energies.

    Copal should be used for love and purification.

    Frankincense is another spiritual essence that purifies and protects.

    Lavender is a plant for happiness, peace, true love, long life, and chastity, and is an excellent purifier that aids with sleep.

    Myrrh has been considered since ancient times to be deeply sacred. It aids personal spirituality, heals and protects, and can help ward off negative spirits and energies.

    Nutmeg is a lucky herb that promotes good health and prosperity and encourages fidelity.

    Patchouli stimulates and grounds while engendering both sensuality and fertility. It also supports personal wealth and security.

    Peppermint is an herb of purification, healing, and love. It supports relaxation and sleep as it helps to increase psychic powers.

    Rosemary is good for purification, protection, healing, relaxation, and intelligence. It attracts love and sensuality, helps with memory, and can keep you youthful.

    Sage brings wisdom, purification, protection, health, and a long life. It can help make your wishes come true.

    Sandalwood is a mystical, healing, protective essence that helps attract the objects of your hopes and desires and disperses negative energies and spirits.

    Star Anise is a lucky herb that aids divination and psychism.

    Tonka Bean brings courage and draws love and money.

    Vanilla brings love and enriches your mental capacity.

    Wood Aloe is good for dressing or anointing talismans and amulets you want to use for protection.

    Crystal Shrines

    Altar Crystals

    The following is a comprehensive overview of different crystals and what their presence on your altar will mean.


    Amazonite, aventurine, carnelian, chrysolite, chrysoprase, citrine, green tourmaline, malachite, yellow fluorite


    Amethyst, azurite, celestite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, selenite, smoky quartz, sodalite, star sapphire, yellow calcite


    Amethyst, magnetite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, twinned rock crystals


    Bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, dendritic agate, diamond, garnet, hawk’s-eye, moss agate, peridot, ruby, tiger’s-eye, topaz, yellow sapphire


    Amber, Apache tear, chalcedony, citrine, green calcite, hematite, jade, jet, smoky quartz


    Azurite, chalcedony, chrysocolla, green tourmaline, hematite, rutilated quartz, tiger’s-eye


    Amber, aventurine, blue jade, dioptase, Herkimer diamond, jasper, kunzite, moonstone, onyx, peridot, quartz, rhodonite


    Carnelian, obsidian, quartz, selenite, sodalite, topaz


    Agate, aventurine, bloodstone, calcite, chalcedony, citrine, dioptase, emerald, garnet, orange calcite, ruby, topaz


    Emerald, fluorite, Herkimer diamond, moldavite, serpentine, yellow calcite

    Crystal Cleansing

    Over time, you will doubtless adorn your sacred altar space with many beautiful crystals. Whenever you acquire a new crystal, you need to cleanse it. A new or waning moon is the optimal time to perform this cleansing. Gather these elemental energies:

    • A candl e for fire

    • A cu p of water

    • Incen se for air

    • A bo wl of salt

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