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Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg
Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg
Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg
Ebook58 pages44 minutes

Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg

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The Constitution (Landtag) of Brandenburg is the unicameral legislature of the state of Brandenburg in Germany. Its 88 Members of Parliament are usually elected every 5 years. It is responsible for deciding on state laws, controlling the state government and public administration, deciding on the budget and electing its presidium, state constitutional judges, the members of the state court of audit and the minister president.
PublisherSharp Ink
Release dateJun 20, 2022
Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg

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    Book preview

    Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg - Éva Weging ACTA Dolmetscherdienste


    Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg

    Sharp Ink Publishing


    Contact: [email protected]

    ISBN 978-80-282-0258-3

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: Basic principles

    Part 2: Basic rights and fundamental aims

    Section 1: Validity and legal protection

    Section 2: Freedom, equality and dignity

    Section 3: Rights of political influence

    Section 4: Rights of the Sorbs/ Wends

    Section 5: Marriage, family, cohabitation and children

    Section 6: Education, sciences, arts and sport

    Section 7: Churches and religious societies

    Section 8: Nature and the environment

    Section 9: Property, the economy, work and social security

    Section 10: Judicial proceedings and penal system

    Part 3: The structure of the state

    Section 1: The Landtag

    Section 2: The legislature

    Section 3: The Land government

    Section 4: The administration

    Section 5: Finance

    Section 6: Administration of justice

    Section 7: Transitional and concluding provisions

    Amendments to the Constitution


    Table of Contents

    We, the citizens of the Land of Brandenburg, have given ourselves this Constitution in free self-determination,

    in the spirit of the traditions of law, tolerance and solidarity in the Mark Brandenburg,

    based on the peaceful changes in the autumn of 1989,

    imbued with the will to safeguard human dignity and freedom, to organise community life based on social justice, to promote the well-being of all, to preserve and protect nature and the environment, and determined to fashion the Land of Brandenburg as a living member of the Federal Republic of Germany in a uniting Europe and in the One World.

    Part 1: Basic principles

    Table of Contents

    Article 1 (Land Brandenburg)

    (1) Brandenburg is a Land of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    (2) The Land is divided into municipalities and associations of municipalities.

    (3) The Land capital is Potsdam.

    Article 2 (Principles of the Constitution)

    (1) Brandenburg is a free, social and democratic Land, governed by the rule of law, committed to peace and justice and to the protection of the natural environment and culture, which strives to cooperate with other peoples, in particular with its Polish neighbours.

    (2) All state authority shall be derived from the people.

    (3) The people of the Land of Brandenburg acknowledge the basic rights laid down in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Basic Freedoms, in the European Social Charter and in the international conventions on human rights.

    (4) Legislation shall be exercised through referenda and the Landtag. Executive power shall lie in the hands of the Land government, administrative bodies and self-governing bodies. The dispensation of justice shall be entrusted to independent judges.

    (5) The provisions of the Basic Law shall take precedence over those of the Land Constitution. The legislature shall be bound by Federal Law and the Land Constitution, the executive and judiciary by law and justice.

    Article 3 (State citizens)

    (1) All Germans as defined by paragraph 1 of Article 116 of the Basic Law with permanent residence in the Land of Brandenburg shall be citizens pursuant to this Constitution. All persons with permanent residence in the Land of Brandenburg shall be residents pursuant to this Constitution, independent of nationality.

    (2) Germans as defined by the Basic Law shall have equal rights and duties in Brandenburg, insofar as a legal reservation for the citizens of Brandenburg does not exist.

    (3) Nationals of other countries and stateless persons with residence in the Land of Brandenburg shall be granted equality of status with Germans as defined by the Basic Law, insofar as this Constitution or laws do not stipulate otherwise.

    Article 4 (Land colours and coat of arms)

    The Land colours are red and white.

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