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Diabolical Disorientation: The Roots of the Crisis in the Church, Family, Nation, and Culture
Diabolical Disorientation: The Roots of the Crisis in the Church, Family, Nation, and Culture
Diabolical Disorientation: The Roots of the Crisis in the Church, Family, Nation, and Culture
Ebook442 pages5 hours

Diabolical Disorientation: The Roots of the Crisis in the Church, Family, Nation, and Culture

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About this ebook

You will learn about:

  • How Heaven foretold everything that is going on in America and the Church - And what we can expect in the near future.
  • Key prophecies over the last several hundred years that have come to pass - and those happening now.
  • The secret weapon few utilize to defeat evil in thei
Release dateSep 27, 2022
Diabolical Disorientation: The Roots of the Crisis in the Church, Family, Nation, and Culture

Ted Flynn

Ted Flynn is an author and the producer of several films. He is the Founder and President of MaxKol Communications (1994). He attended the University of Massachusetts (Amherst), American University, the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), and the London School of Economics (England).He was Chief Economist of a government agency, been active in not-for-profits, real estate development, energy development, President and Founder of a publishing company, worked in Poland on energy development after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and in Belarus with food distribution for U.S AID and the Department of Agriculture during Glasnost of the former USSR. He has traveled to 50 countries in his career, and spoken over 1,000 times on television, radio, or speaking engagements on the types of subjects addressed in this book.

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    Diabolical Disorientation - Ted Flynn


    Hours of conversations went into the content of these articles on many diverse subjects by many people. They have been forged through study and experiences. We are who we are because of environment, education, travel, stimuli, relationships, our neighborhood, events, culture, family, and many things we absorb consciously and subconsciously. I have also had many wonderful friends over a lifetime.

    Most of all, it is family that shapes us. Spoken, unspoken, and in silence. I have been blessed with an outstanding family. As I get older, I realize all the more that what matters most is family. We often lose sight of that and can take it for granted.

    Having a hand in this process in different capacities was Maureen, Colleen, Meredith, and Danny Flynn. They all live life to the fullest and there is seldom a dull moment, which is exactly the way it should be. It reminds me of the verse when Jesus said, I come to give you life and give it more abundantly (John 10:10). I have lived that life beyond expectations, and I appreciate the opportunities the Lord has given me.

    A very special, warm, and grateful thank you to Kimberley Welter. If she were in a trade, she would be a finish carpenter. The finish carpenter has to be the best and the most accurate at the end of the job, lest imperfections be seen in any light. She spent dozens of hours polishing, cutting, adding, researching, clarifying, and refining the articles that were first on the internet with no intention of putting them into a book when I started nearly eight years ago. It is a much better product because of you.

    I am grateful for all of you.


    During their basic training, U.S. naval aviators are taught what to do if they find themselves suddenly under water after ejecting from an airplane. It’s very easy to become confused or disoriented in such a crisis, thereby causing someone beneath the waves to swim even deeper in his desperate but misguided attempt to find breathable air. Aviators in this situation are therefore trained to avoid panicking, to exhale slowly, and then to follow the direction of their bubbles to the surface and safety.

    This analogy speaks to our own age: in the midst of societal crisis and confusion, marked by the decline or outright abandonment of traditional morals and values, it can be very hard to make sense of things and know where to turn. In unsettled times such as ours, it’s therefore all the more essential we learn to lift up our hearts and voices to God, letting our prayers and expressions of faith rise up or point us in the right direction. Panic and despair accomplish nothing; trusting in the Lord leads to inner peace and salvation.

    God never abandons those who call upon Him; moreover, He reveals His plans to His prophets (Amos 3:7), so that His children may be forewarned and not be caught unaware or unprepared. Scripture and Church teachings serve as reliable guides; furthermore, numerous saints, mystics, and contemporary visionaries have received messages from Heaven, warning of coming events and helping believers learn to read the signs of the times (cf. Luke 12:54-56) — while also offering much-

    By compiling much of this Heaven-sent information, Ted Flynn’s new book Diabolical Disorientation serves as a valuable resource for anyone trying to make sense of an increasingly frightening and confusing era—a time marked by divisions in society and in the Church, political corruption, economic uncertainty, ever-increasing immorality, and numerous indications we may indeed be in the age of the mass apostasy foretold in the Bible (Matthew 24:12; Luke 18:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:3).

    As the Fatima visionary Sister Lucia (d. 2005) warned some years ago, Satan is in the mood for a decisive battle— one, however, he is destined to lose, for the power of Almighty God will bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a prophesied Era of Peace. Jesus has reserved to His Mother the central role in the coming victory of righteousness, and Our Lady has promised — at La Salette, Fatima, Medjugorje, and elsewhere — to shield under her mantle all who call upon the Name of her Son in faith.

    May the information provided in these pages deepen the faith of many readers, while helping them obey the Lord’s command: When these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand (Luke 21:28).

    Rev. Joseph M. Esper

    A priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, and author of over a dozen books.

    He has spoken at numerous conferences, and written several dozen articles.


    This book is comprised of a series of articles that were first written in early 2011 and continue to this day. They have been posted on SIGN.ORG on a variety of subjects, but for the most part, they all have in one way or another, a Biblical or Magisterial Catholic historical perspective. Heaven has clearly taken the speculation out of where we are headed. It may be a surprise to many what is happening in the world, but Heaven warns its people in advance of events. Those following the messages of the Blessed Mother are not finding anything they haven’t seen coming. She provides a glimpse into the future and she has told us, I have given you the full and entire truth. Heaven has given us clear instructions for our conduct in turbulent times, as well as an intricate roadmap of what awaits us. But, this is only if we take the time and the effort to listen to the still small voice of God.

    The articles vary in length. The culture, faith, the Church crisis, the assault on traditional values, the apostasy of faith and its ramifications as root problems, a liberal group within the Catholic hierarchy with an insidious agenda to bring the country and the Church into socialism and worse, are just a few topics addressed. Socialism is the prerequisite first step towards Marxism/communism, and we are marching at a greatly accelerated pace to a godless pagan culture. We are witnessing a global socialism using migration and immigration under a false banner of social justice, compassion, and tolerance. Leading the charge is an educational system with government indoctrination from Hell, designed to dumb down students so they can control them in this dystopian nightmare. Based on the results, this may be their crowning achievement. The utopian goals of the left will never be achievable because they ignore Original Sin as a reality, and as importantly, lower human nature.

    We have a public nearly impervious to the fact that many in the Roman Catholic hierarchy are working with governmental agencies on this plan to usher in global government. The planning has been generational, but in the last fifty years it has been well organized and heavily funded. It is now in the open for all who choose to see it for what it really is. This battle is for all the marbles as the political and ecclesiastical agendas have merged with the same goals for the first time in history. That alone makes our times unique. The enemy is inside the gates of the Roman Church and they are firmly entrenched in positions of leadership promoting and protecting one another.

    A central focus of many articles is to show the evil of Freemasonry being the primary enemy from within and outside the Church. This diabolical group maneuvers behind the scenes with goals to virtually reshape and transform our world with a humanistic manifesto void of God in the public square. They are very close to achieving all they have worked for over the last one hundred years, and this is why the fight is so ferocious. They have penetrated the very highest positions in Rome and government. Few believers understand how evil operates and how its roots are so vast and deep. Most believers have been naïve, subservient to government propaganda, brainwashed, and worse lazy, while this diabolical agenda has been going on under their noses. It reminds one of the verse when Jesus said to His disciples, I send you out as lambs among wolves.

    However, the Blessed Mother said, right when it appears Satan is the victor, I will snatch his victory away in a trice (quickly). The fight in all ages is the people of God versus the forces of darkness — two cohorts in constant battle. It is not a conspiracy theory as it is now in the open with those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see. The darkness is an organized cabal of men from the political, ecclesiastical, and industry ranks. They have had a well thought through stealth agenda to end the Primacy of Peter, promoting women’s ordination, married clergy, install a supranational governmental body of rulers, end the sovereignty of nations, with the ultimate goal to abolish the Holy and Perpetual Sacrifice of the Mass. Rest assured, Heaven has given us the remedy to what ails us, and instructs us how to fight this evil. We are told the gates of Hell will never prevail against it.

    This is a battle of epic proportions in this bareknuckle fight where in the end there will be only one party left standing. It is a war, and diabolical forces will not stop until they achieve depopulation, and a global socialist/Marxist government. In addition, climate change was ultimately designed to limit energy use to control the population, which will in turn levy a tax for another global slush fund. It will be similar to the United Nations pressuring countries to acquiesce to their godless social policies as a condition for funding. The United Nations has openly said for the last thirty years the Catholic Church needs to change it policies towards abortion rights, climate legislation, LGBTQ acceptance, and more control by government. Many in the Roman Curia want global government with the Church under it. The question is, who runs it? Their agenda has no ambiguity. It is clear they not only want to remove all reference to Christianity, but to eradicate it as a way of life.

    Many articles were published before Cardinal Bergolio of Argentina became Pope Francis on March 13, 2013, and Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017. Both are herculean players on the global stage in this battle regardless of your opinion of them. Change is taking place and the after shocks under both are seismic, rippling across the landscapes of the world. Confusion reigns and the drama and chaos will increase, not decrease. The wildly bizarre will increasingly become the daily news, and believers will gasp in disbelief and shock at what they are hearing.

    The material is not dated, on the contrary, it shows how those closely following the messages of Heaven can have peace of heart, mind, and soul, as there is a plan for the salvation of mankind. This is precisely why someone can maintain their wits about them as institutions topple around us. The Church and Western Civilization as we have known them, has eroded so significantly, that in the coming years it will be unrecognizable from what we have known in the past. Just look at the last several years alone. Before the New Times arrive, by definition the old must pass away. It is happening everywhere, in every profession, in every milieu. The word Apocalypse means Unveiling, and the curtain is presently being pulled back to rid those money-changers ransacking the Temple. They were present in the time of Jesus, and they are among us today.

    The word crisis that is used in the sub title of this book has an emotional connotation. A crisis for one is not a crisis for another. If a tsunami in Thailand kills five thousand people and destroys fifteen thousand homes, it is a crisis for them. But to one not affected, they may go out that night for dinner and a movie, and not give much thought to it the next day. It is the same with the crisis in the government and the Church. Many are aware historically where this present crisis will bring us. However, most people are indifferent because they are either unchurched, don’t believe, ceased to believe, or written off the Church as irrelevant and outdated, and want nothing to do with it due to the corruption and scandals. To them it is not a crisis, and they go about their day not giving a thought to it. But, to the thinking person, the crisis we face today is of monumental proportions with incalculable repercussions on the street, schools, and at the family hearth. Political and religious division and animosity will continue to be a cause of fractured relationships.

    The battle over ideologies and what we expect from government versus personal responsibility are at the center of the conflict. If one listens, the verbal battle is, what do we expect from government in our lives? Overall, the anxiety and stress is felt because there is great uncertainty in this societal shift of values. It is uncertainty that makes an individual feel unsafe. The battle is about people in power trying to push the world in a new godless direction versus those with biblical and traditionally accepted values. Legislative victories will make one or the other governmental policy. It is a principal reason for the division we see around us.

    Never in the history of the United States have the clergy given so much cause to state authorities to investigate their behavior. Some clergy have been abusive beyond any sense of decency, and it has caught up to them. The bad actors are no longer able to hide in plain sight. The pus is being exposed, and it is painful to watch. However, only when the disease is identified and treated, can the body heal — and this is a necessary step to healing the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church will schism before it heals, as the differences are so great with neither side budging an inch. There is little middle ground anymore. The faithful remnant will be increasingly marginalized and will in time move to home or small venue worship with Mass being said in those settings.

    God knows there are many good men in the rank and file of clergy. But at the top, the rot, the stench of corruption has taken the edifice down with it, in what is generally called clericalism. Arrogance is a better word because some clergy have abused their rights as ordained priests. They have a higher calling to proclaim the Word of God commissioned by a vocation to protect the defenseless. Jesus called men like them, a brood of vipers and white watered sepulchers. The Church is well on its way to becoming poor as its assets are incrementally being stripped and steadily litigated away. An estimate of $4.3 billion and counting has taken place in Church settlements on and off the books, and it shows no sign of slowing down. Priests and laity alike were complicit in their silence rather than deal with the mess in front of them. People have reached the breaking point by no longer donating to the Church and its mission, having decided enough is enough. The Church will become poor in its humility and poverty as in ages past, but it will blossom again in holiness. It will become pure again in the Divine Light of Truth. The liberals will take the property, believers will keep the faith. Maybe that isn’t all bad since vibrant faith is hard to find in many parishes anyway.

    Growing up in America in past generations provided normalcy and safety. Institutions worked, the home was generally a safe place, neighborhoods were not violent (there were exceptions), there was civility in schools, and teachers and clergy were respected. The living room was where the family could watch television without making Grandma blush. In several generations we arrived at a place not just pagan, but outright barbaric, often with public funding. Thousands of aborted babies kept in freezers and jars in the homes of abortionists is even new for America. If that is not barbaric, then I don’t know what pagan and barbaric mean. These actions rival the worst in all previous civilizations. These are abominations that will make us desolate.

    People transitioning to another sex is now only possible through modern science. It is an act against nature itself, and rebellion against God. It is the deep wounds and hurts from youth manifesting itself in this behavior. It is an utter sense of being lost without a vision and purpose in life. Infanticide is virtually sanctioned, endorsed, and accepted by millions of people, and promoted in many state legislatures. Live births are taking place, and then killed, so live organs can be harvested and sold at a premium price. For a large segment of the U.S. population they refuse to talk about it. It is the classic story of the frog dropped in a pot of water. All the while many faithful laity cower in fear of speaking out when these atrocities are taking place. The life of Jesus was a contradiction, and we are called to the same. If the drift of the culture doesn’t bother you, you must ask yourself, What will it take to be bothered?

    The difference from yesterday and today is that if there were a glitch in the system with something not working properly, it could be fixed with bipartisan political support. That concept is now history. Today, little is working anywhere as designed. People are resorting to lawlessness, because they know that many leaders and politicians are stealing as much as they can, as fast as they can. They know better than most the ship is about to go down. So the thinking is, let’s take while the taking is good.

    People know there is a two-tiered system of justice, those with connections and money, and everyone else. And everyone else is tired of watching media expose the indiscretions of authority figures stealing from programs their tax dollars are funding. It is why when you walk in a room today with people you don’t know, everyone is guarded in their speech. The conversation can easily get out of control with a single phrase said to the wrong person. People are consumed with media to minimize social contact, and it is one reason NetFlix has had explosive growth. There is emotional safety curled up on a sofa watching a movie at night all alone.

    There is a global push towards Marxism/communism. Unsuspecting people simply don’t know the horrors it has brought to previous countries. The intentions may be noble in a freshman college philosophy course with the professor not having any knowledge of what socialism, Marxism, and communism will bring. But, as history has shown us, the outcome will bring pain and suffering to all. Worst of all, is how any adult could not understand its evil. Anarchy is the end result that will usher in a fascist state to control the unbridled abuse of a democratic republic.

    Pope Benedict resigned on February 28, 2013 at 8:00pm. Just several hours later, lightning struck St. Peter’s Dome not once, but twice. It makes one ponder. What Mother would not warn her children to prevent peril? At Fatima, Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of America, Our Lady of Nations, La Salette, Akita, Pontmain, Medjugorje, and many other apparition sites, she speaks as a loving mother warning her children. She instructs us how to maintain peace with a practical remedy. That is what the articles over the last eight years are about — for those with the humility of heart to listen. The Blessed Mother provides solutions for her children. While the vast majority of people are addressing the problems, few are providing real solutions. In the Old Testament there were three stages before the downfall of the people. They are Idolatry, rampant immorality, infanticide, and then destruction. You decide where America is at this point in time.

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10). The phrase Fear of the Lord is often misunderstood when people discuss it. It doesn’t mean fear as we most often use the word, but it translates to awesome respect or awesome majesty. Because we have lost the sense of the Divine, we find ourselves in this moral malaise. But we are told, at Fatima, In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

    Ted Flynn

    January 1, 2020

    Feast of the Mother of God

    In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.

    John 1:1

    "Now you are able to appear before him holy, pure and blameless, as long as

    you persevere and stand firm on the solid base of the faith, never letting yourselves drift away from the hope promised by the Good News, which you have heard…."

    Saint Paul to the Colossians 1:22-23

    "The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage

    and the family. Don’t be afraid, because anyone who works

    for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and

    opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue."

    Sister Lucy of Fatima (1907-2005) in a letter to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

    after he had been appointed by Saint John Paul II with founding

    the Pontifical Institute for the Studies on Marriage and the Family.

    "People must recite the rosary every day. Our Lady requested this in her apparitions, as if to arm us in advance against these times of diabolical disorientation,

    so that we would not let ourselves be fooled by false doctrines, and that through prayer, the elevation of our soul to God would not be diminished….

    This is a diabolical disorientation invading the world and misleading souls."

    Sister Lucy of Fatima on April 12, 1970.

    Cardinals Opposing Cardinals,

    Bishops Against Bishops, Priests Against Priests…


    "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way

    that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops.

    The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres

    (other priests); Churches and altars will be sacked; the Church will be

    full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests

    and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."

    Message of the Blessed Mother, Akita, Japan, October 13, 1973

    The message of Akita is approved by the Catholic Church. It was given to an ill Japanese nun who bore the stigmata. Her name is Sister Agnes Sasagawa. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) under Pope John Paul II, who had read the Third Secret of Fatima, said that the messages of Fatima and Akita are essentially the same.

    The collective messages of Akita are arguably the most severe to humanity in the history of the Catholic Church, and the direct consequence of sin. The accuracy of this portion of the Akita message is borne out in the daily press around the world. Many people believe the Church has had a silent schism going on now for approximately two generations. There are some priests who with a wink and a nod (father friendly) have allowed their parishioners to cherry pick what they choose to follow. If one priest is not amenable to a certain doctrine, the individual can simply travel to another neighboring parish and find another priest who will allow them to feel comfortable with their views on just about any subject.

    However, with Pope Francis we now see that the battle is more in the open. All can see the whites of the eyes no matter where one stands on any issue. Thus, the vitriol and division not seen for ages are present in the pews of the world. There is little charity and tolerance one for the other — and it is building faster and more ferocious than ever before. Some people who have had a hidden agenda contrary to Church teaching are now brazenly flaunting their views. This confusion and lack of discipline has not been seen for as long as one can remember. Woe and behold if one disagrees with another who promotes a homosexual agenda as you will be banished to the marshlands and considered intolerant. Don’t expect a Christmas card or dinner invitation if you express a view not their own.

    The Reformation five hundred years ago was fought principally over doctrine. The division we see today is being fought over morals. Even the Reformers didn’t try to change the words of Scripture, yet that is precisely what is going on now. Sister Lucia of Fatima said before she died that the last battle in the Church would be fought over marriage and family. We are now in that battle and it is separating the men from the boys. Those who truly uphold Magisterial teaching, and those who want a watered down faith to conform to the culture of the day are engaging in a great spiritual war.

    We presently have Cardinals and Bishops in the U.S. and other world cities not only allowing in-stealth an LGBT agenda, but actually promoting it. Often speakers and advocates at Church convocations are the leading crusaders for homosexual rights throughout the land. No longer shrinking violets, but the bold and bolder homosexuals now openly promote a godless and anti Scripture agenda. Cardinal Muller, former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) under Pope Francis said, Dubia Cardinals raise legitimate questions.

    Many immoral agendas are implemented a step at a time. I am reminded of the holocaust of the Jews in Nazi Germany and Europe prior to, and during World War II. Jews all over the world after the war, wondered how the holocaust could have happened. Historians wrote in amazement there was no early uprising with the signs around European Jews pointing to what inevitably happened. History tells us people of good will found it unfathomable that any nation or race could ever do something as heinous and in the open for all to see. Jews being driven to the gas chambers said, Can this be happening? It is not possible. There was a complete denial of the facts in spite of what had been going on for a generation in Germany; with a progressive loss of faith starting with brain washing the youth on the humanistic philosophies of George Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche. Win the youth — win the country. In the last fifty years the USA and the West have similarly been indoctrinated by godless philosophies and have been brought down morally by the breakdown of solid teaching on marriage and family. This has been a huge agenda of practical atheism. If a nation removes God from the classroom, the state can then easily manipulate the profession of teaching.

    Each day after we see the news, many of us ask ourselves the same question: Can you top this? Did you see the news today? Is this really happening with the moral decay in our culture? Where does it stop? When does this end?

    The answer is, it does not stop until courageous people express the truth rather than accept the moral slide as inevitable. The problem is that most people lack the conviction to speak up for fear of what others think. Witnessing to the truth requires that we pay a price and many are unwilling to do so. They opt to go along so they can get along.

    As Timothy wrote to the faithful, Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. Avoid such godless chatter, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness (II Tim. 15-16).


    The Secret Meaning of the Number 18 and Our Lady


    How It May Pertain to the Prophesied Warning and the Great Miracle

    When all is lost, a child goes to the mother. It is with the mother that the child finds the solace, gentleness, forgiveness, and understanding only a mother can give. Mankind has cried out many times in history to the Blessed Mother, and it has been through her direct intervention that history has been altered on many occasions.

    At the moment, we are a morally rudderless world, and it will be again through the Blessed Mother that life-changing events will set us back on course. Sister Lucia of Fatima once used the emotive phrase that the world was in a state of "diabolical disorientation." Heaven is going toe to toe with the enemy, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. That is the promise of Scripture. The chosen instrument for that task by the Most Holy Trinity is the Blessed Virgin Mary — the Daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

    Catherine Laboure’ was a twenty four year old novice in a Daughters of Charity convent at Rue du Bac in Paris when the Blessed Mother first appeared to her on July 18, 1830. The Miraculous Medal, revealed to Catherine, has been distributed around the world in the billions since 1830. The apparitions of the Virgin of the Globe, as Rue du Bac is officially called, ushered in the Marian Era as we now know it.

    Our Blessed Mother appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes, France. These apparitions began February 11, 1858 when the Blessed Mother prayed the rosary with Bernadette. On February 18, the Blessed Mother spoke for the first time and said, I do not promise to make you happy in this life, but in the next. It was at Lourdes where the Blessed Mother said for the first time: I am the Immaculate Conception. The 18th and final apparition occurred on July 16, 1858 on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a sacred site to the Jewish people as well as Christians.

    Mirjana Soldo is one of six visionaries who have been receiving apparitions and locutions from the Blessed Mother since 1981. Three visionaries have all ten secrets, and the other three have only received nine of the ten secrets. A total of fifty-seven secrets have been given thus far by the Blessed Mother to the visionaries. The visionaries themselves don’t know if there is overlap in the messages, as Mirjana said they do not discuss the secrets when they are together.

    The Numbers 18 and 2 — Our Lady is Planning on Saving the World

    Medjugorje has

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