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Seeds of Light Handbook
Seeds of Light Handbook
Seeds of Light Handbook
Ebook74 pages56 minutes

Seeds of Light Handbook

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About this ebook

Written by Rev. Lena Sheehan, Cht. ND, Seeds of Light Handbook is an easy to follow handbook for those who are seeking to expand their spiritual awareness. Touching topics that include self-healing, spirit guides, hypnosis, and meditation and manifestation.

Release dateJan 10, 2023
Seeds of Light Handbook

Lena Sheehan

Lena Sheehan was born and raised in Upstate New York. Born with the ability to see and connect with the other side and gifted with all of her psychic abilities in tact, she dedicated over 22 years to Spiritual and Holistic care and management of body, mind and spirit. Feeling strongly that a balanced connection between an individual's body, mind and spirit is needed in order to achieve an optimum life experience, Lena has developed distance learning courses as well as private and group programs that work with all three. An internationally known Visionary, Psychic Medium and Spiritist, she holds a diploma in Traditional Naturopathy, is a Nutrition Specialist, a Hypnotherapist, the Founder of Haymanootha Healing (also referred to as The Sheehan Technique of Healing), a Reiki Master, a Karuna Ki Master, a Reflexologist and an Ordained Evangelistic Minister,( the Lively Stones Fellowship an evangelistic ministry, founded by Dr. Willard Fuller and an Interfaith Minister Director for the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc (founded by Rick and Jeni Prigmore). Rev. Sheehan has authored multiple books and learning courses. Her lectures, classes and workshops are primarily based on the information in her books and have been received by or offered through many private individuals as well as such places as: Holistic Haven, Johnson City, NY Broome Community College, Binghamton, NY Broome County Hospice, Binghamton, NY Poughkeepsie Chamber of Commerce , Poughkeepsie, NY New Paltz Chamber of Commerce , New Paltz, NY Professional Bartending Institute, Detroit Michigan Health, Relaxation and You, Poughkeepsie, NY Center For Personal Development. Wappingers Falls, NY Seeds of Light Learning Center, Fishkill, NY Estrella Mountain Community College , Avondale, AZ The Arizona Enlightenment Center, Goodyear, AZ Mystic Moon Bookstore, Scottsdale, AZ Rev. Sheehan's expertise has not been limited to lectures, classes, workshops or private consultations, (which are complemented by her natural intuitive abilities). She also spent a decade on radio, assisting a broad listening audience with live intuitive guidance and knowledge on a variety of topics that dealt with life issues, in Dutchess County, NY; with an occasional appearance on television and radio in Wilmington, North Carolina. Born and raised in the fresh air of upstate NY, Rev. Sheehan has been a life-long lover and owner of animals. ...

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    Book preview

    Seeds of Light Handbook - Lena Sheehan

    Author’s Note

    The purpose of this handbook is to help you awaken to a new and more progressive state. It contains some basic information to spur memories that are inherent within and around you. You have available to you, either embedded within your DNA or within the vibrations of the planet, all of the information that you might need to lead a balanced, fulfilling, spirit filled life.

    Over the last 30 years of my aiding others with enhancing their awareness in order to better embrace themselves (as well as my studies and learning for my own benefit) I have found that the topics I address in this handbook seem to be the best triggers. They are, by no means, all that there is to know and understand. They are a jump start to help you get on the right path so that you can grow and progress as a consciously enlightened human being and enjoy a beautiful, and joyful life. By doing this, you are aiding not just yourself, but the planet and, to go one step further, the universe.

    Please note that the majority of this information that I’m sharing with you is something that I whole-heartedly believe. There are, however, a few bits of information that I have gathered that I am still wrapping my head around to determine whether or not they blend with my reality. Even so, I felt that it was wrong for me to eliminate these facts as they might be perfect for you. And, who knows, thanks to the benefits of meditation and spirit contact, by the time this handbook is published I just might be on board with it all one hundred percent.
























    I would like to give a special thanks to my student, client, and very good friend, Linda. It was her curiosity and suggestions that guided me through the topics I have covered in this book.


    I was in my late twenties when I first turned to new age modalities for information to help me in my life. I felt an enormous emptiness inside. I’d just lost my brother to an automobile accident, so I could attribute a good amount of that hollow, vacant feeling to that, but not all of it.

    Even as a young person, I was a searcher. This was prompted by the fact that I had intuitive abilities that I had no idea existed. Because of this, I felt other people’s illnesses when I was near them. I would also experience and react to their emotions. You can imagine my parent’s frustration after our many trips to the doctor only to be told that I was perfectly healthy! To add to my misery, I saw ghosts more than I care to admit.

    Times are different now. Today, there is a stronger acceptance of spirituality as well as intuition and all that goes with it. That wasn’t the case during my younger years. Because times weren’t like they are now and my parents were not spiritually attuned or awakened, (my father was Roman Catholic and my mother agnostic) I took my searching to church.

    Although I have always enjoyed the energy of a good Roman Catholic church service, it just wasn’t giving me the answers and feelings of safety that I longed for. So, as a young girl of thirteen, I began attending church with my friends. When I reached my mid-teens and their churches weren’t providing what I was seeking, I began to attend alternate ones on my own. I went to church after church in search of release from that feeling of lack, emptiness, and fear. Catholic, Methodist, Protestant, Baptist, Latter-Day-Saints, Christian Science, Assembly of God, Islam… I have to say that with the exception of Judaism, I pretty much tried them all. Admittedly, I briefly found it on a few occasions, but it didn’t last. It took until I was in my late twenties before I came to understand that the reprieve of the feeling I so desperately wanted to eliminate was from the joy of learning and discovering. Although nice, it wasn’t quite the ticket.

    It was after I watched the news and listened to a reporter talk about the Virgin Mary being spotted by some villagers in South America (It’s been far too many years for me to remember the specifics, but it was that report that spurred me to shift my mode of searching) when I

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