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Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side
Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side
Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side
Ebook366 pages6 hours

Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side

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  • Investment

  • Economic Cycles

  • Market Cycles

  • Risk

  • Investor Psychology

  • Wise Mentor

  • Search for Meaning

  • Knowledge Is Power

  • Cycle of Life

  • Fear of Loss

  • Importance of Timing

  • Unpredictability of Life

  • Inevitable Betrayal

  • Fear of Missing Out

  • Economic Determinism

  • Cycles

  • Investment Cycles

  • Credit Cycle

  • Risk Aversion

  • Financial Crisis

About this ebook


The legendary investor shows how to identify and master the cycles that govern the markets.

We all know markets rise and fall, but when should you pull out, and when should you stay in? The answer is never black or white, but is best reached through a keen understanding of the reasons behind the rhythm of cycles. Confidence about where we are in a cycle comes when you learn the patterns of ups and downs that influence not just economics, markets, and companies, but also human psychology and the investing behaviors that result.

If you study past cycles, understand their origins and remain alert for the next one, you will become keenly attuned to the investment environment as it changes. You’ll be aware and prepared while others get blindsided by unexpected events or fall victim to emotions like fear and greed.

By following Marks’s insights—drawn in part from his iconic memos over the years to Oaktree’s clients—you can master these recurring patterns to have the opportunity to improve your results.
Release dateOct 2, 2018
Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side

Howard Marks

HOWARD MARKS is cochairman and cofounder of Oaktree Capital Management, a leading investment firm responsible for over $120 billion in assets. His previous book on investing, The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor, was a critically acclaimed bestseller. He lives in New York City.  

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    Mastering The Market Cycle - Howard Marks

    This book presents the ideas of its author. It is not intended to be a substitute for consultation with a financial professional. The publisher and the author disclaim liability for any adverse effects resulting directly or indirectly from information contained in this book.

    First Mariner Books edition 2021

    Copyright © 2018 by Howard Marks

    All rights reserved

    For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Marks, Howard S., author.

    Title: Mastering the market cycle : getting the odds on your side / Howard S. Marks.

    Description: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018. | Includes index. | Identifiers: LCCN 2018006867 (print) | LCCN 2018008133 (ebook) | ISBN 9781328480569 (ebook) | ISBN 9781328479259 (hardback) | ISBN 9780358108481 (pbk.)

    Subjects: LCSH: Investments. | Finance, Personal. | BISAC: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / Investing.

    Classification: LCC HG4521 (ebook) | LCC HG4521 .M3214 2018 (print) | DDC 332.6—dc23

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    All graphs courtesy of the author

    Cover design by Mark R. Robinson

    Author photograph © Peter Murphy


    With All My Love

    to Nancy

    Jane, Justin, Rosie and Sam

    Andrew and Rachel

    When I see memos from Howard Marks in my mail, they’re the first thing I open and read. I always learn something.

    —Warren Buffett

    To access the full archive of memos and videos from Howard Marks, please visit


    Seven years ago I wrote a book called The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor, regarding where investors should direct their greatest attention. In it I said the most important thing is being attentive to cycles. The truth, however, is that I applied the label the most important thing to nineteen other things as well. There is no single most important thing in investing. Every one of the twenty elements I discussed in The Most Important Thing is absolutely essential for anyone who wishes to be a successful investor.

    Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers, is famous for having said, winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. I’ve never been able to figure out what Lombardi actually meant by that statement, but there’s no doubt he considered winning the most important thing. Likewise, I can’t say an understanding of cycles is everything in investing, or the only thing, but for me it’s certainly right near the top of the list.

    Most of the great investors I’ve known over the years have had an exceptional sense for how cycles work in general and where we stand in the current one. That sense permits them to do a superior job of positioning portfolios for what lies ahead. Good cycle timing—combined with an effective investment approach and the involvement of exceptional people—has accounted for the vast bulk of the success of my firm, Oaktree Capital Management.

    It’s for that reason—and because I find something particularly intriguing about the fluctuations of cycles—and because where we stand in the cycle is one of the things my clients ask about most—and finally because so little has been written about the essential nature of cycles—that I decided to follow The Most Important Thing with a book devoted entirely to an exploration of cycles. I hope you’ll find it of use.

    Some patterns and events recur regularly in our environment, influencing our behavior and our lives. The winter is colder and snowier than the summer, and the daytime is lighter than the night. Thus we plan ski trips for the winter and sailing trips for the summer, and our work and recreation for the daytime and our sleeping at night. We turn on the lights as evening draws nigh and turn them off when we go to bed. We unpack our warm coats as the winter approaches and our bathing suits for the summer. While some people swim in the ocean in winter for exhilaration and some elect to work the night shift to free up their days, the vast majority of us follow the normal circadian patterns, making everyday life easier.

    We humans use our ability to recognize and understand patterns to make our decisions easier, increase benefits and avoid pain. Importantly, we depend on our knowledge of recurring patterns so we won’t have to reconsider every decision from scratch. We know hurricanes are more likely in September, so we avoid the Caribbean at that time of year. We New Yorkers schedule our visits to Miami and Phoenix for the winter months, when the temperature differential is a positive, not a negative. And we don’t have to wake each day in January and decide anew whether to dress for warmth or cold.

    Economies, companies and markets also operate pursuant to patterns. Some of these patterns are commonly called cycles. They arise from naturally occurring phenomena but, importantly, also from the ups and downs of human psychology and from the resultant human behavior. Because human psychology and behavior play such a big part in creating them, these cycles aren’t as regular as the cycles of clock and calendar, but they still give rise to better and worse times for certain actions. And they can profoundly affect investors. If we pay attention to cycles, we can come out ahead. If we study past cycles, understand their origins and import, and keep alert for the next one, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel in order to understand every investment environment anew. And we have less of a chance of being blindsided by events. We can master these recurring patterns for our betterment.

    It’s my primary message that we should pay attention to cycles; perhaps I should say listen to them. supplies two closely related but distinct definitions for the word listen. The first is to attend closely for the purpose of hearing. The second is to heed. Both definitions are relevant to what I’m writing about.

    In order to properly position a portfolio for what’s going on in the environment—and for what that implies regarding the future of the markets—the investor has to maintain a high level of attention. Events happen equally to everyone who is operating in a given environment. But not everyone listens to them equally in the sense of paying attention, being aware of them, and thus potentially figuring out their import.

    And certainly not everyone heeds equally. By heed I mean obey, bear in mind, be guided by or take to heart. Or, in other words, to absorb a lesson and follow its dictates. Perhaps I can better convey this heeding sense for listening by listing its antonyms: ignore, disregard, discount, reject, overlook, neglect, shun, flout, disobey, tune out, turn a deaf ear to, or be inattentive to. Invariably, investors who disregard where they stand in cycles are bound to suffer serious consequences.

    In order to get the most out of this book—and do the best job of dealing with cycles—an investor has to learn to recognize cycles, assess them, look for the instructions they imply, and do what they tell him to do. (See the author’s note below regarding my use of male pronouns.) If an investor listens in this sense, he will be able to convert cycles from a wild, uncontrollable force that wreaks havoc, into a phenomenon that can be understood and taken advantage of: a vein that can be mined for significant outperformance.

    A winning investment philosophy can be created only through the combination of a number of essential elements:

    A technical education in accounting, finance and economics provides the foundation: necessary but far from sufficient.

    A view on how markets work is important—you should have one before you set out to invest, but it must be added to, questioned, refined and reshaped as you proceed.

    Some of your initial views will come from what you’ve read, so reading is an essential building block. Continuing to read will enable you to increase the efficacy of your approach—both embracing those ideas you find appealing and discarding those you don’t. Importantly, it’s great to read outside the strict boundaries of investing. Legendary investor Charlie Munger often points to the benefits of reading broadly; history and processes in other fields can add greatly to effective investment approaches and decisions.

    Exchanging ideas with fellow investors can be an invaluable source of growth. Given the non-scientific nature of investing, there’s no such thing as being finished with your learning, and no individual has a monopoly on insight. Investing can be solitary, but I think those who practice it in solitude are missing a lot, both intellectually and interpersonally.

    Finally, there really is no substitute for experience. Every year I have come to view investing differently, and every cycle I’ve lived through has taught me something about how to cope with the next one. I recommend a long career and see no reason to stop any time soon.

    Writing my books has given me a wonderful vehicle for acknowledging the people who have contributed to my investment insight and the texture of my working life.

    I’ve gained a great deal from reading the work of Peter Bernstein, John Kenneth Galbraith, Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Charlie Ellis.

    I’ve continued to pick up pointers from the people I cited in The Most Important Thing and others, including Seth Klarman, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, Bruce Newberg, Michael Milken, Jacob Rothschild, Todd Combs, Roger Altman, Joel Greenblatt, Peter Kaufman and Doug Kass. And since Nancy and I moved to New York in 2013 to follow our kids, I’ve been fortunate to add Oscar Schafer, Jim Tisch and Ajit Jain to this circle. Each of these people’s way of looking at things has added to mine.

    Finally I want to return to the most important collaborators, my Oaktree co-founders: Bruce Karsh, Sheldon Stone, Richard Masson and Larry Keele. They honored me by adopting my philosophy as the foundation for Oaktree’s investment approach; applied it skillfully (and thus gained recognition for it); and helped me add to it over the thirty-plus years we’ve been associated. As indicated in what follows, Bruce and I have exchanged ideas and backed each other up almost daily over that period, and my give-and-take with him—especially in the most difficult of times—has played a particularly indispensable part in the development of the approach to cycles on which this book is based.

    I also want to thank the people who played important parts in this book’s creation: my talented editor at HMH, Rick Wolff; my resourceful agent, Jim Levine, who brought me to Rick; my great friend Karen Mack Goldsmith, who pushed me at every turn to make the book more appealing; and my highly supportive long-time assistant, Caroline Heald. I particularly want to cite Prof. Randy Kroszner of the University of Chicago’s Booth School, who helped out by reviewing the chapters on the economic cycle and government intervention with it.

    Since knowledge is cumulative but we never know it all, I look forward to learning more in the years ahead. In investing, there is nothing that always works, since the environment is always changing, and investors’ efforts to respond to the environment cause it to change further. Thus I hope to know things in the future that I don’t know now, and I look forward to sharing them in memos and books yet to come.

    Author’s notes:

    As I did in The Most Important Thing, I want to issue up front a blanket apology for my consistent use of male pronouns. It can be force of habit for someone who started to write more than sixty years ago. I find it much easier and more attractive to write he than he/she. Alternating between he and she seems forced. And I dislike the use of they when the subject is a single person. The exceptional women I’ve been privileged to work with over the course of my career know I absolutely think every bit as much of them as professionals and investors as I do their male counterparts.

    Also as in The Most Important Thing, in order to make my points here I will borrow from time to time from the client memos I’ve written over the years starting in 1990. I will also borrow from my first book. I could go to the trouble of reinventing the wheel and writing on these subjects anew, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll lift key passages from my book and memos that I think make their point clearly. I hope my doing so won’t make those who buy this book feel they’ve received less than their money’s worth.

    In order to advance the purposes of this book, I will occasionally add a few words to or delete a few from the passages I cite, or present paragraphs in an order different from that in which they appeared in the original. Since they’re my passages, I think it’s okay to do so without noting it in every case. But I do it only to increase their helpfulness, not to alter their meaning or make them more correct with the benefit of hindsight.

    And finally as in The Most Important Thing, I’ll be dealing here with a topic that—like investing in general—is complex and involves elements that overlap and can’t be neatly segregated into discrete chapters. Since some of those elements are touched on in multiple places, you’ll likewise find some instances of repetition where I include noteworthy quotations from others or citations from my book and memos that I can’t resist using more than once.

    Please note that when I talk about investing, I’ll assume the investor is buying, holding or, as we say, being long in the expectation that certain assets will appreciate. This is as opposed to selling short securities that one doesn’t own in the hope they’ll decline. Investors aren’t always long rather than short, but most of the time they are. The number of people who sell stocks short or ever get net short—that is, whose short positions have a total value exceeding that of the stocks they own—is tiny relative to those who don’t. Thus, in this book I’m going to speak exclusively about investing in things because they’re expected to rise, not selling assets short in the hope they’ll fall.

    Lastly, whereas I first conceived of this book as being just about cycles, as I wrote I came up with ideas on lots of other topics, such as asset selection and catching falling knives. Rather than discard them, I’ve included them, too. I hope you’ll be glad they’re here: providing a bonus rather than straying from the mission.


    Why Study Cycles?

    The odds change as our position in the cycles changes. If we don’t change our investment stance as these things change, we’re being passive regarding cycles; in other words, we’re ignoring the chance to tilt the odds in our favor. But if we apply some insight regarding cycles, we can increase our bets and place them on more aggressive investments when the odds are in our favor, and we can take money off the table and increase our defensiveness when the odds are against us.

    Investing is a matter of preparing for the financial future. It’s simple to define the task: we assemble portfolios today that we hope will benefit from the events that unfold in the years ahead.

    For professional investors, success consists of doing this better than the average investor, or outperforming an assigned market benchmark (the performance of which is determined by the actions of all the other investors). But achieving that kind of success is no small challenge: although it’s very easy to generate average investment performance, it’s quite hard to perform above average.

    One of the most important foundational elements of my investment philosophy is my conviction that we can’t know what the macro future has in store for us in terms of things like economies, markets or geopolitics. Or, to put it more precisely, few people are able on balance to know more about the macro future than others. And it’s only if we know more than others (whether that consists of having better data; doing a superior job of interpreting the data we have; knowing what actions to take on the basis of our interpretation; or having the emotional fortitude required to take those actions) that our forecasts will lead to outperformance.

    In short, if we have the same information as others, analyze it the same way, reach the same conclusions and implement them the same way, we shouldn’t expect that process to result in outperformance. And it’s very difficult to be consistently superior in those regards as relates to the macro.

    So, in my view, trying to predict what the macro future holds is unlikely to help investors achieve superior investment performance. Very few investors are known for having outperformed through macro forecasting.

    Warren Buffett once told me about his two criteria for a desirable piece of information: it has to be important, and it has to be knowable. Although everyone knows that macro developments play a dominant role in determining the performance of markets these days, macro investors as a whole have shown rather unimpressive results. It’s not that the macro doesn’t matter, but rather that very few people can master it. For most, it’s just not knowable (or not knowable well enough and consistently enough for it to lead to outperformance).

    Thus I dismiss macro prediction as something that will bring investment success for the vast majority of investors, and I certainly include myself in that group. If that’s so, what’s left? While there are lots of details and nuances, I think we can most gainfully spend our time in three general areas:

    trying to know more than others about what I call the knowable: the fundamentals of industries, companies and securities,

    being disciplined as to the appropriate price to pay for a participation in those fundamentals, and

    understanding the investment environment we’re in and deciding how to strategically position our portfolios for it.

    A great deal has been written on the first two topics. Together, these constitute the key ingredients in security analysis and value investing: judgments regarding what an asset can produce in the future—usually in terms of earnings or cash flow—and what those prospects make the asset worth today.

    What do value investors do? They strive to take advantage of discrepancies between price and value. In order to do that successfully, they have to (a) quantify an asset’s intrinsic value and how it’s likely to change over time and (b) assess how the current market price compares with the asset’s intrinsic value, past prices for the asset, the prices of other assets, and theoretically fair prices for assets in general.

    Then they use that information to assemble portfolios. Most of the time, it’s their immediate goal to hold investments offering the best available value propositions: the assets with the greatest upside potential and/or the best ratio of upside potential to downside risk. You might argue that assembling a portfolio should consist of nothing more than identifying the assets with the highest value and the ones whose prices most understate their value. That may be true in general and in the long term, but I think another element can profitably enter into the process: properly positioning a portfolio for what’s likely to happen in the market in the years immediately ahead.

    In my view, the greatest way to optimize the positioning of a portfolio at a given point in time is through deciding what balance it should strike between aggressiveness and defensiveness. And I believe the aggressiveness/defensiveness balance should be adjusted over time in response to changes in the state of the investment environment and where a number of elements stand in their cycles.

    The key word is calibrate. The amount you have invested, your allocation of capital among the various possibilities, and the riskiness of the things you own all should be calibrated along a continuum that runs from aggressive to defensive. . . . When we’re getting value cheap, we should be aggressive; when we’re getting value expensive, we should pull back. (Yet Again?, September 2017)

    Calibrating one’s portfolio position is what this book is mostly about.

    One of the key words required if one is to understand the reasons for studying cycles is tendencies.

    If the factors that influence investing were regular and predictable—for example, if macro forecasting worked—we would be able to talk about what will happen. Yet the fact that that’s not the case doesn’t mean we’re helpless in contemplating the future. Rather, we can talk about the things that might happen or should happen, and how likely they are to happen. Those things are what I call tendencies.

    In the investment world, we talk about risk all the time, but there’s no universal agreement about what risk is or what it should imply for investors’ behavior. Some people think risk is the likelihood of losing money, and others (including many finance academics) think risk is the volatility of asset prices or returns. And there are many other kinds of risk—too many to cover here.

    I lean heavily toward the first definition: in my view, risk is primarily the likelihood of permanent capital loss. But there’s also such a thing as opportunity risk: the likelihood of missing out on potential gains. Put the two together and we see that risk is the possibility of things not going the way we want.

    What is the origin of risk? One of my favorite investment philosophers, the late Peter Bernstein, said in an issue of his Economics and Portfolio Strategy newsletter titled Can We Measure Risk with a Number? (June 2007):

    Essentially risk says we don’t know what’s going to happen. . . . We walk every moment into the unknown. There’s a range of outcomes, and we don’t know where [the actual outcome is] going to fall within the range. Often we don’t know what the range is.

    You’ll find below a few ideas (summarized very briefly from the full treatment provided in my memo Risk Revisited Again of June 2015) that I think follow directly from the starting point provided by Bernstein. They might help you understand and cope with risk.

    As retired London Business School professor Elroy Dimson said, Risk means more things can happen than will happen. For each event in economics, business and markets (among other things), if only one thing could happen—if there could be only one outcome—and if it were predictable, there would, of course, be no uncertainty or risk. And with no uncertainty regarding what was going to happen, in theory we could know exactly how to position our portfolios to avoid loss and garner maximum gains. But in life and in investing, since there can be many different outcomes, uncertainty and risk are inescapable.

    As a consequence of the above, the future should be viewed not as a single fixed outcome that’s destined to happen and capable of being predicted, but as a range of possibilities and—hopefully on the basis of insight into their respective likelihoods—as a probability distribution. Probability distributions reflect one’s view of tendencies.

    Investors—or anyone hoping to deal successfully with the future—have to form probability distributions, either explicitly or informally. If it’s done well, those probabilities will be helpful in determining one’s proper course of action. But it’s still essential to bear in mind that even if we know the probabilities, that doesn’t mean we know what’s going to happen.

    Outcomes regarding a given matter may be governed by a probability distribution in the long run, but with regard to the outcome of a single event there can be great uncertainty. Any of the outcomes included in a distribution can occur, albeit with varying probabilities, since the process through which the outcome is chosen will be affected not only by the merits, but also by randomness. To invert Dimson’s statement, even though many things can happen, only one will. We may know what to expect on average, but that may have no connection with what actually will happen.

    In my way of thinking about it, investment success is like the choosing of a lottery winner. Both are determined by one ticket (the outcome) being pulled from a bowlful (the full range of possible outcomes). In each case, one outcome is chosen from among the many possibilities.

    Superior investors are people who have a better sense for what tickets are in the bowl, and thus for whether it’s worth participating in the lottery. In other words, while superior investors—like everyone else—don’t know exactly what the future holds, they do have an above-average understanding of future tendencies.

    As an aside, I want to add a thought here. Most people think the way to deal with the future is by formulating an opinion as to what’s going to happen, perhaps via a probability distribution. I think there are actually two requirements, not one. In addition to an opinion regarding what’s going to happen, people should have a view on the likelihood that their opinion will prove correct. Some events can be predicted with substantial confidence (e.g., will a given investment grade bond pay the interest it promises?), some are uncertain (will Amazon still be the leader in online retailing in ten years?) and some are entirely unpredictable (will the stock market go up or down next month?) It’s my point here that not all predictions should be treated as equally likely to be correct, and thus they shouldn’t be relied on equally. I don’t think most people are as aware of this as they should be.

    A good way to think about the superior investor described above is as someone whose insight into tendencies permits him to tilt the

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