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The 21st. Century Community Leader: TRANSFORMING MINDS AND COMMUNITIES
The 21st. Century Community Leader: TRANSFORMING MINDS AND COMMUNITIES
The 21st. Century Community Leader: TRANSFORMING MINDS AND COMMUNITIES
Ebook141 pages1 hour

The 21st. Century Community Leader: TRANSFORMING MINDS AND COMMUNITIES

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About this ebook

Community Redevelopment may be exciting, rewarding, but often complex.

It takes having a sincere desire to assist others in need and treating others as you would expect to be treated; being passionate regarding the work you do, and being fully committed to seeing it through. Remembering, "To whom much is gained, much is required".

Thanks for your interest in the 21st Century Community Leader's Guiding Principles to community redevelopment and I look forward to hearing about the success of your community redevelopment project.

Release dateAug 10, 2021
The 21st. Century Community Leader: TRANSFORMING MINDS AND COMMUNITIES

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    Book preview

    The 21st. Century Community Leader - Jocquelyn Marshall


    The 21st. Century Community Leader


    Jocquelyn Marshall

    Copyright © 2021 Jocquelyn Marshall

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    ISBN 978-1-6624-4482-1 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-4497-5 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Level I

    Level 2

    Level 3

    What Comes with Change

    What is CHANGE and what may come with CHANGE?

    One thing in life that is inevitable is…

    Change. It happens whether we want it to or not. Some people welcome change and find ways to turn the unexpected into an opportunity for growth. Others become frightened and simply react.

    How we handle the inevitable changes in life is key to living a life without fear. The right attitude can mean the difference between allowing unexpected life changes to keep us from achieving our goals or dealing with the changes and growing because of them.

    When we are confronted with unforeseen changes in our lives, our first response may be to either run away from it or fight against it. Run or fight is an inborn survival instinct that occurs when we feel threatened. Fueled by adrenaline, the run or fight response is exhausting and leaves us feeling overwhelmed. However, there are steps we can take to gain control of our fear, embrace the challenge, and turn adversity into an avenue for success.

    There are three stages we go through when change occurs:

    Embracing it—being open to it by realizing that it will take place with or without your input.

    Adapting to it—by making preparations to sustain your role in the community and being able to function according to this new way of living.

    Making it work—implementing strategies that will assist in achieving your overall goal.

    In this workshop, as a Leader, you will learn the basic elements of what influences change, how to embrace change, adapt to change and making it work by utilizing it as a vehicle to achieving success.

    A Message from the Author

    Dear Up-and-Coming Community Leader,

    WELCOME TO THE PATHWAY TO LEADERSHIP! I am excited about having this opportunity to prepare you in becoming a Twenty-first-Century Community Leader. Being a leader requires commitment, hard work, and the ability to be flexible during changing times.

    The Twenty-first-Century Community Leadership Guidebook to Community Redevelopment will teach you about leadership, the foundation on which leadership skills are developed, and taking action. Some may classify leaders as born leaders, and some may have acquired the skill. However, whatever the situation may be, you must have a passion for what you are doing and an inner satisfaction of knowing you are providing a service that can change the lives of others for the better.

    Following the completion of the guidebook, you will know if you have what it takes to be a leader, your leadership category, and acquire skills that will assist you in becoming an effective Community Leader that will change the lives of future generations.

    Welcome to the twenty-first century!


    Jocquelyn Marshall

    Jocquelyn Marshall, Author

    The Twenty-first-Century Community Leadership Training Manual, which serves as a guidebook to community redevelopment, is designed to assist resident leaders and nonprofit organizations in acquiring the opportunity to reach the maximum capacity in serving, promoting, and sustaining resident involvement before, during, and after community redevelopment, as well as, the tools to successfully operate a non-profit organization within mixed-income communities.


    The skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will be addressed in this workshop will be as follows:

    Skills needed to be an effective leader

    Knowledge needed regarding the population served

    Attitude needed to stay the course when adversity arises

    Participant Outcomes

    By the end of the session, participants will be able to

    Objective: 1 Determine their individual category and their level of commitment in becoming an effective leader and taking the necessary steps taught in the workshop to achieve that goal.

    Objective: 2 Acquire and put into practice the necessary steps to promote resident involvement, community building, and engagement and recognizing the power of body language—how it can serve as an advantage and disadvantage.

    Objective: 3 Create governing bylaws that are adhered to that will promote active leadership.

    Objective: 4 Create and demonstrate the capacity to carry out the organization’s mission with a thorough understanding of their role, public housing transformation, and how to form an effective partnership with developers

    Objective: 5 Acquire skills needed to create a structure for long-term sustainability.

    Agenda and Activities

    The agenda and activities session includes a description of each content item and scheduled activities:

    Introduction: (fifteen-minute icebreaker)

    The facilitator will introduce herself and give a brief summary of her background. Each participant will introduce themselves and give a brief summary of their background and will state why they are present at the workshop.

    *Intro focus: CHANGE—embracing it, adapting to it, and making it work

    Workshop Overview (ten minutes)

    The facilitator will provide an overview of the content and activities and how they meet the workshop objectives.

    Level 1: Fundamentals

    The fundamentals will serve as the basic core to becoming an effective leader and give leaders insight to what’s involved in order for them to determine their level of commitment.

    Level 2: Active Leadership

    Active leadership will cover the necessary components to begin carrying out the business of the organization.

    Level 3: Implementation

    Will provide an overview of essential components of leadership at a level that prepares leaders or an organization to meet the needs of the community served.

    Wrap-Up Activity

    To determine if the workshop has delivered the objectives of the training, there will be a post survey to determine the trainees obtained knowledge. In addition, a workshop’s content checklist evaluation will be provided to the trainees, with twelve hours of technical assistance to assist in meeting their goal.

    Post Survey

    The post survey will determine if the trainees’ knowledge has increased based on their presurvey.


    The evaluation will determine how effective the facilitator was in increasing the trainees’ knowledge, keeping the trainees engaged, and preparing them in becoming a twenty-first-century community leader.

    Certificate of Completion

    A certificate will be issued to trainees for the successful completion of the workshop.

    TMC Global Consulting Network LLC is a resident-owned consultant company owned and operated by former Resident Leader, Jocquelyn Marshall with the assistance of hired staff with an understanding of the targeted population served. Jocquelyn is a former resident of Public Housing with a thorough understanding of the population served and has over twenty years of experience working in the field of community service. TMC provides capacity building services to resident leaders and service providers

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