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Only God
Only God
Only God
Ebook77 pages43 minutes

Only God

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As children of God, we face Satan and his deceptions daily. Maybe even more than we realize. Satan’s deceptions are very subtle. He uses our selfishness, pride, and sinful nature to create havoc in our lives. We are all born in sin and have that sinful nature (Psalm 51:5). Eve knew right from wrong. She knew not to eat from the tree of life and even told Satan that the tree was forbidden (Genesis 3). After she ate it, she gave some to Adam. When God asked her what she had done, she said the serpent beguiled her. Adam was not deceived, but Eve was (I Timothy 2:14). Satan is very cunning. Th e reality is that sometimes it is Satan leading us, but once we recognize it is Satan, then we must ask God to show us the way
back to Him.

Only God helps us recognize when Satan is around and shows us how to return to God and have peace again. We are not here for our pleasure, to acquire large bank accounts, to build the biggest house, or drive the newest car on the market. We were born to serve the Lord.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 19, 2023
Only God

Gail Godwin

Gail Godwin is a three-time National Book Award finalist and the bestselling author of twelve critically acclaimed novels, including Violet Clay, Father Melancholy's Daughter, Evensong, The Good Husband and Evenings at Five. She is also the author of The Making of a Writer, her journal in two volumes (ed. Rob Neufeld). She has received a Guggenheim Fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts grants for both fiction and libretto writing, and the Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Gail Godwin lives in Woodstock, New York. Visit her website at

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    Only God - Gail Godwin

    Copyright © 2023 Gail Goodwin.

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    WestBow Press

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    All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8773-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8774-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8772-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022923698

    WestBow Press rev. date:  02/17/2023

    This book is dedicated

    to the work of

    Our Lord and Savior.

    May it be used by Him to

    help us find Him

    as the Lord of our lives

    on our journey homeward.




    1   The Creator

    2   Getting to Know Him

    3   God is Leading, But I’m Not Listening

    4   My Sin

    5   Satan’s Ways

    6   Standing on The Promises

    7   One Foot in Front of The Other

    8   Two Weeks Left to Live

    9   Forgetting The Past

    10 Undeserved Blessings


    Words cannot express my gratitude to my sister, Brenda Clark, who has always been my greatest encourager to keep me moving forward. My lifelong friend Betty Winters, her help has been invaluable. The hours she spent proofreading. She is my prayer partner.

    I also wish to show my appreciation to my Pastor, Bro. David Johnson for his time on the book and his prayers and support. Bro. Aaron Middleton’s work toward marketing, advice, and support has been vital to publishing this book.


    We are searching for answers. Answers to questions that seemed to have none. But there is an answer. It is all in one book. It is called the Bible. When our lives seem out of control, there is always hope. A hope that only God could enforce.

    In Only God, we see how to have a personal relationship with God, and as the world steps further and further away from God, we will see how to have peace that only God can give. There is no problem too big for God.

    Only God helps us recognize when our greatest enemy, Satan, is trying to lead us away from God.



    The Creator

    I n the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. (King James Version Genesis 1:1). Have you ever looked at a rose? With so many petals, the design has been copied many times, especially in cake decorations making rosettes. It takes layers of petals to make a rose. Some roses have long stems, but all have thorns, just like our lives. Sometimes beautiful, then the thorns show up. The rose has also been used in medicinal cooking and decoration. It is the oldest species of plant to be grown as decoration.

    Only after we have cut down a tree can we see how old it is. The rings within the tree tell its history. It also speaks of the climate in which it grew. (The storms of life it survived).

    The sunflower faces the sun in the morning. As the sun rises in the east, the flower will stand tall, and as the day progresses, it follows the sun until the evening. It then faces the west, following the sun all day and night. Through the night, it will turn eastward, ready for the new day. Watch in the morning and remember to

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