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INTUITION: The Voice of God
INTUITION: The Voice of God
INTUITION: The Voice of God
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INTUITION: The Voice of God

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Each of us is participating in a Supernatural experience that we call incarnation. We have been given a Divine Gift called 'Intuition" to guide us through our journey. Our task is to awaken to this gift. Our Intuition is the Voice of God encouraging us to return Home to Divine Truth.

This book will help you reconnect to your Di

Release dateFeb 21, 2023

Debbie N. Goldberg

Debbie N. Goldberg is a scribe and messenger for God. She is a retired therapist who practiced for eighteen years providing treatment for mental health and substance abuse. She has worked in a variety of settings and is now in private practice as a Divine Therapist and Spiritual Teacher. She was Spiritually awakened in 2014 by Jesus and taught God's Universal Divine Love and Wisdom. These conversations healed and transformed her life, setting her on a course of self-discovery through Divine introspection with God. Debbie believes that you cannot heal or understand your True identity without the Love and Truth that comes from a one-on-one intimate relationship with God. This ultimately leads you to your Divine calling. Her priority is connecting people to the Divine relationship of Oneness within, as this ends the faulty belief of separation from God that creates pain and suffering. Debbie is helping others understand the journey of Divine self-discovery and Wisdom. She brings the Divine knowledge and experience of her own awakening into her work to inspire healing, love, joy, purpose, and creativity to each of us as we work through our own journey Home.

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    Book preview

    INTUITION - Debbie N. Goldberg

    Chapter One


    God, please help me remember our Divine Union and sustain this Knowingness in me through every moment.


    We are blessed in miraculous ways on this earth. We do not understand the depth of this blessing due to our inability to see or know our inner wisdom while we are in the limited dream state of unconsciousness. We are all embarked on a Supernatural experience (incarnation) where we must awaken from our deep Spiritual slumber. Even when we do awaken, it takes time before we can begin to understand the illusion of life. Only then can we start to integrate all the Wisdom and Knowingness of the Divinity that lies deep within us all. The source of this Wisdom and Knowingness is what I call God. Our intuition is the Voice of God, the Voice of Love, it is our voice.

    We rely on our human eyes to see and know. It is not in our human nature to believe things we cannot see or understand. This, amongst other distractions, detaches us from our Divine intuition. From time to time we may get a strong feeling, image, thought, hear a voice, or have a vision about something, but determining whether these arise from our intuition, or our ego programing/false sense of self can be difficult to discern.

    Sometimes we listen to our intuition and other times we do not. We don’t want to ignore what our eyes see, but we want our intuition to be our guide of Truth. Trusting our intuition takes time and practice. It is an enormously important part of the journey to learn how to rely on our Divine Knowingness and not our ego, physical senses, or earthly programing.

    This book is about tuning-in to our intuition (Divine Knowingness) all the time so that it supersedes what our eyes see, what our senses tell us and what we think we already understand. Our Divine Knowingness is Divine Revelation, and it is the source of Truth, Wisdom and Knowledge about our Self and the world at large. We will only find the power to disregard the ego’s faulty beliefs by learning to trust our intuition.

    Our belief that we need to be changed, healed or be something other than what we are is a misconception. God does not heal us. He re-parents us with unconditional Love and Divine wisdom so that we can see that we are already perfect and whole: we were never broken. This understanding heals and restores us. He teaches us to perceive our traumatic experiences in a different Light, the Light of Divine understanding.

    During a difficult time in my life, I chose to open my heart to understand myself more. I wanted to know what I was doing that was causing myself so much emotional pain. I learned a meditation practice, called guided imagery. Unknowingly, it opened the door to the voice of Jesus, God, John the Baptist, and the Angels. Not only was I able to hear, but I was able to see symbolic images, have visions and feel the presence of Love itself within my very being. Through this meditative practice I was able to form a beautiful reciprocal relationship with my Spiritual guides. These Divine forms are aspects of my Consciousness, created to guide me throughout my personal journey.

    There is only Oneness, One Divine Consciousness, through which God/Love reveals itself in all creative forms to help us through the journey of incarnation. We are creative Consciousness experiencing itself at different levels of awareness.

    What I have learned through this awakening process is that I had to connect and build a trusting relationship with my Spiritual guides first before I learned to trust my intuitive instincts. This is still a work in progress. As I evolve, my relationship with God/Self deepens.

    I was a willing participant in wanting to have an intimate relationship with God. This openness to experience what was within, flooded me with unconditional Love, Divine wisdom, deep healing, peace, guidance, and gifts. I learned to trust my Spiritual guides for everything. As you are building trust in your guide(s) you then start to build trust within your Self as your belief in Divine Truth grows.

    The Divine unfolds and reveals itself in whatever form you personally feel comfortable with. It knows every intimate detail about you because it is you. The form it takes has all to do with the story that was written for and by you. You are the Creator and its creation. As creation you are the eternally protected experiencer of your dream life.

    God is the pure energy of unconditional Love.

    There are only myths to describe your incarnation experience. In this human form there is no way to understand the expansiveness of God/Creation. Even when you awaken you will still not grasp the expansiveness of what you/God is. The only Truth that I Know and have experienced, is that God is Love. Jesus has given me a myth to help me understand my incarnation experience that I am sharing with you.

    Upon awakening, I needed an explanation to try to understand my experiences. Over time you start to accept the simple truth that God is good, you are good, He Loves you, and you are just having a playful dream experience… although, I know very well that at times, it does not feel that way. Our ultimate purpose is to enjoy the gift of life and to be happy Knowing that everything is always in Divine order and protection.

    Chapter Two


    It is a state of mind or of being. It is Love, Light and Knowledge. It is eternal and infinite invisible energy that has no form. It is Divine unconditional Love, and it is what I am calling God.


    Due to the belief in duality there appears to be two versions of Consciousness. Divine Consciousness is God. Human consciousness, what we perceive through our senses, is an illusion. Human consciousness is permeated by the ego thought system. Divine Consciousness is imagination. It is an expansive intelligence that is infinite and eternal. It is the source of all creation.

    As humans, it sometimes helps us to understand things if we can put them into a visual context because we cannot perceive or conceive nothingness. It might be helpful to envision Divine Consciousness as a kind of floating mind, a sea of Love, invisible essence, the expansiveness of the universe, the beauty of creation or the air that you breathe.

    Imagine...the beautiful blue Heavenly sky is always present and unchangeable. It is God, Divine Consciousness. The clouds are thoughts that drift in and out of Consciousness. The clouds change form, and many times hide the fact that the beautiful blue sky even exists. This is our experience. Consciousness is always present; we just drift in and out of it following the movement of our thoughts.

    Nothing else exists except for God Consciousness. There is no gender, religion, race, or form. However, when we connect with the Divine, we tend to visualize that Spiritual energy as coming to us in human or symbolic form. Others will see or relate to Light, Divine beings, nature, or an animal. Some will just hear a voice(s) and others will connect through a profound ‘Knowingness’ in their heart, which translates words of Divine wisdom for them. The Divine world or God’s Kingdom is only benevolent.

    For this physical life experience, Divine Consciousness appears as different forms of creation. Every relationship is a relationship with God/Self for nothing else exists. You can think of yourself as Divine Consciousness because there is only Oneness. You are One ‘creating and experiencing your life.’

    We all have the ability to experience our Divine nature in all of these ways, but each person connects in a way that is comfortable for them…a way that is unique to their journey and the Divinely purposeful individual story created just for them.

    My experience is being able to see the Divine as human form, hear and understand through Knowingness. I see, Know, and feel God, Jesus, John, Angels, and family who have passed on. This is the individual story that has been created for me to awaken, heal and have purpose in this life.

    Although I Know that Divine Consciousness is not separate individuals and has no form or gender, I personally relate to God as male, for that is the way He reveals Himself to me for my journey. Therefore, I use the term He for God. You can replace terms with anything you feel comfortable with since God answers to all names and symbols, for there is no separation there is only Love.

    Through these Divinely guided relationships, you are building connection and trust with your intuition. You eventually come to realize it is one and the same Knowledge as Divine Love because it is your True nature and guidance. Yet, for the incarnation experience you continue to see yourself as separate. Over time, you will integrate more wisdom and believe in your Divine nature.

    Our Spiritual guide and our intuition (our being) are one and the same. You are Spirit. You are Consciousness.

    Your intuition is the Divine connection with and as your Creator, which means you always have access to the Divine realm, as you are One energy… God Consciousness.

    There is only One Mind, and it is God.

    Our Divine Knowledge increases as our Consciousness expands. Some people refer to Consciousness as being in the ‘now’ moment, or aware, but it is much more expansive than that. Consciousness is the realization of the Oneness of all things. It is energy in the form of thought that is creatively taking shape through our senses to enable us to physically experience life. Consciousness is all that exists; there is nothing else. It is Divine Love. It is God’s power and creativity.

    Our journey is remembering and believing that we are Divine. Even though we believe we are growing in Consciousness we are actually returning Home to who we were (and still are) before we invented a self to experience different states of Consciousness. We purposely forgot that we are Divine so we can have these amazing awakening encounters with symbolic Divine forms that prod us into remembering. It is an amazing Divine fantasy! As we grow in our relationship with our Spiritual guide, it increases our Self-awareness. This, in turn, builds self-esteem and self-trust. We can now give our self the grace that is necessary to deconstruct the false self we created and allow our True Self to unfold in Divine timing.

    Eventually you realize that you are One and the same as Divine Knowledge. You are the same Consciousness. Through the awakening process your new belief system integrates into Oneness. You are God walking and talking in creative form. God is you!

    The Divine reawakening process entails the systematic deconstruction of a false self and its faulty beliefs through an ongoing teaching curriculum that reprograms you to remember your Divinity. As your True Self unfolds you begin to express your inner beauty by allowing your creativity to come to the surface. Together, with Divine guidance, you explore it, refine it, and share it with others, as you are being cultivated/transformed through the Divine relationship. This is why it is so important to establish an intimate relationship with God.

    Transformation is what I believe the term born again means. You do this by carving out time to be quiet so you can hear, listen, and have intimate conversation. You hear God’s Voice in your own voice. It always meets you where you are in the most loving ways.

    Your journey is a process of development, maturing and of polishing you for the role you were created for. There is a Divine plan for your life that is very different than what your false self believes your purpose is. You are unknowingly following a preplanned, individualized Divine curriculum that contains specific lessons, experiences, purposes created just for you. You get glimpses of it over time because your intuitive heart remembers it is here to do something unique…something special. All your transformation is Divinely carried out within you and over time your external experience will reflect this.

    God is moving you as you. God is taking care of everything for you. The transformation process is dismantling the false self. This false self was Divinely orchestrated, created by the ego for purposes of forgetfulness and to build an individual story about you for the incarnation journey.

    What we call incarnation is just a virtual physical experience of life. Each person the star in their own personal movie. The journey is a process by which we explore and re-awaken to more expansive levels of our Divine creative Consciousness. God is always Divinely guiding you through this transformation process to awaken from the dream of being human.

    Because of your willingness to participate in this process, you allow God’s Will to come through you in peaceful delightful ways. This occurs when we are aware, awake, and conscious of Divine Truth through the relationship with a Divine guide. This is what we call co-creating.

    Your will and God’s are one and the same, but you forgot due to the trance of the ego. When you allow your talents, Love and Light to shine, it helps others find their own personal inner light (God’s Light) healing and creativity. Your ego will try to prevent you from exploring your internal creativity because it believes that you can’t provide your own happiness; but this, of course, is false. Happiness and Joy are the core of who you are. It is your Divine nature.

    So how do we feel our way into a true connection with our intuition? It certainly isn’t a skill that’s taught at home or in school…although it should be. I have found that being still, silent, meditating, praying, and asking questions within allows us to witness the beauty of who we are, Love itself.

    When we listen to our inner world of Love, we learn how all things come to be through our Creator’s unconditional Love and Wisdom. We are taught who we are, a Divine being, Consciousness, and why we are here. You are sung the most beautiful Love song just for you.

    We are prodded to constantly remember who we are because it is easy to forget. It is impossible to want to return to our former trance-state again because when present, we understand God as our lifeline. At this moment nothing else matters, nothing else exists. We now Know that we are connected to the Light, Love and One mind of Creation that brings us into complete balance through Divine nature and Its Truth.

    You just need to learn what interferes with hearing or trusting your intuition as well as ways to empower your inner Wisdom. You will find the peace and comfort that comes from trusting your Self and tapping into the Wisdom of Divine Consciousness that is always supporting you on your journey. You are a miracle; your life is a miracle, and you are and have an amazing story that continues to unfold.

    The journal entries you will be reading are intimate conversations between me, God, Jesus, and other Divine entities. Even though I speak of several Divine entities… because that is the way I experience them… they represent One Voice which is Divine Consciousness.

    Journal Entries 11/17/17 – 11/20/17

    Meditation With Jesus

    I am in meditation with Jesus, and we are facing each other. He puts his index finger up and tells me to look at a point on the tip of his finger. This is what he explains to me:

    Jesus: There is only one point of existence, and it is Consciousness. That Consciousness is God. There is no separation. Pure Consciousness encompasses all Divine Knowledge. That is why we call it Higher Consciousness. As Consciousness there is nothing more to learn. The role of a human is to remember that you already are pure loving God Consciousness. So, as the veil of unconsciousness keeps lifting, meaning we just had an expansive awareness, we are not actually learning Higher Consciousness, although it feels that way. We are actually REVEALING our own existing level of Consciousness. We are getting to see a part of who we already are.

    As pure Consciousness there are no lessons to learn, but as

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