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Practical Meditation for Beginners: Finding Calm Within Chaos. A Beginner's Guide to Meditation Techniques (2023)
Practical Meditation for Beginners: Finding Calm Within Chaos. A Beginner's Guide to Meditation Techniques (2023)
Practical Meditation for Beginners: Finding Calm Within Chaos. A Beginner's Guide to Meditation Techniques (2023)
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Practical Meditation for Beginners: Finding Calm Within Chaos. A Beginner's Guide to Meditation Techniques (2023)

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Are you new to meditation and looking for a comprehensive guide to get started? Look no further than "Practical Meditation for Beginners."


What are the benefits of meditation? How can you choose the best meditation method for you? How can mindfulness help you open your heart? This book answers these q

Release dateMar 12, 2023
Practical Meditation for Beginners: Finding Calm Within Chaos. A Beginner's Guide to Meditation Techniques (2023)

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    Practical Meditation for Beginners - Esmond Robertson



    Meditation is a process of lightening up, of trusting in the fundamental goodness of what we have and who we are, and of realizing that any wisdom that exists already exists in what we have. We can live our lives in such a way that we become more aware of who we are and what we are doing rather than trying to improve, change, or eliminate who we are or what we are doing. The key is to become more aware, inquisitive, and curious about ourselves."

    Pema Chodron’s

    What exactly is meditation? What’s the big deal? You’re probably wondering why meditation studios, classes, and podcasts are sprouting up all over the place. Meditation is becoming increasingly popular in modern society. Because of our increasingly stressful lives, mental health has never been discussed so openly. Simply put, meditation is a practice in which a person uses a technique - such as mindfulness - to train their awareness and attention by focusing their thoughts and mind on an activity, thought, or object. The goal is to help the person achieve clarity of thought as well as emotional calm and stability.

    Although the concept of meditation appears simple, it is not. You may believe that focusing your thoughts or even being aware of your surroundings comes naturally - you are mistaken! Meditation and mindfulness are difficult to master because they require a high level of self-discipline. Going to a meditation studio once a week or listening to a meditation podcast while getting ready for work will not help you in the long run. Sure, the voice of the meditation podcast you listen to on a regular basis may sound very relaxing and always has a charming British accent - but once your foot is out the door, you’ve forgotten everything it has said to you. In this book, I will assist you in navigating the numerous meditation products that are thrown at you on a daily basis, as well as achieving the discipline and strategy for incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your lifestyle.

    So, where did meditation originate? Is this a modern practice invented by millennials in order to post a picture on Instagram and increase their own social media following? Surprisingly, the first written evidence of meditation was found in the Vedas around 1500 BCE. The Vedas are an ancient religious text and hymn collection written in India between 1500 and 1000 BCE. This means that meditation originated in India.

    There is a Guru and Shishya tradition in India, which is the modern-day equivalent of teacher and disciple. Students from this tradition were sent to schools in the woods to learn and live under the supervision of a successful teacher. During this time, all learning and knowledge on this subject were passed down by word of mouth. Meditation was mentioned in some form or another in almost all Hindu religious books. Because of this, we can assume that meditation was an integral part of the knowledge that the Gurus were passing down to their disciples - all through oral tradition. We can all safely assume that if most early meditation was done through word of mouth, it could mean that meditation practice dates back to 1500 BCE when the first written document of meditation was created.

    It goes without saying that we cannot devote our lives to a Guru and move into the middle of a forest to study meditation under intense training in the modern era. The majority of us do not even live near a forest! Meditation has evolved over thousands of years into something that anyone can do in the comfort of their own home. Meditation is now more widely available, and you don’t necessarily need your own Guru to learn it. The most common reason people decide to learn meditation is to achieve mindfulness in order to overcome mental obstacles. As previously stated, as our lives become more stressful and hectic, an increasing number of people are experiencing health issues such as depression and anxiety. Many mental health specialists have begun to study, and even practice, meditation and mindfulness techniques in order to promote a healthier brain and mind. Others take meditation to a higher level with the goal of attaining a higher level of spirituality. This will be covered later in the book.

    The most basic meditation techniques revolve around achieving mindfulness. The most popular goal for meditators is to achieve mindfulness, which increases overall life satisfaction. When stress, anxiety, and insomnia are reduced, life satisfaction rises. This book will provide you with tips and guides on how to deal with psychological challenges. You will learn everything from the most basic form of meditation to incorporating meditation into all of your daily activities. You’ll see how meditation can help you start the process of loving yourself and letting go of negative thoughts. You will be able to achieve a nonjudgmental state of mind, allowing you to accept everyone. You will grow to appreciate meditation and all it has to offer, but for now, let’s start with the fundamentals.

    Chapter 1

    Meditation’s First Advantages


    Meditation will not transport you to another world, but it will reveal the most profound and amazing dimensions of the one you already inhabit.

    Calmly contemplating these dimensions and putting them to work for compassion and kindness is the best way to make rapid progress in meditation and in life."

    Hsing Yun, Zen Master

    You now have a basic understanding of what meditation is and how it originated. Let’s begin by learning about all of the benefits of meditation. This will assist you because it will serve as the primary motivator for why you have chosen to learn this ancient practice. Meditation benefits start with improving your mental health, which then helps you improve your physical health. In this chapter, I’ll go over the top ten benefits of meditation.

    Reducing Stress

    The first advantage is stress reduction. This is the most common reason that people decide to learn meditation. A recent study of 3,500 adults found that meditation lived up to its reputation for stress reduction. Stress, whether mental or physical, is caused by an increase in cortisol, a stress hormone in our bodies. It is to blame for all of the negative effects of stress. These symptoms can range from sleep disruption to depression and anxiety, as well as increased blood pressure in some cases. It also contributes to general fatigue and foggy thinking. Meditation effectively combats stress because mindfulness is stress’ kryptonite. When we are under stress, our minds naturally begin to go crazy. We begin to consider all of the worst-case scenarios and how they might lead to our untimely demise.

    As an example, consider Sarah. Sarah works as a paralegal in

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