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Let's Do Lunch
Let's Do Lunch
Let's Do Lunch
Ebook201 pages2 hours

Let's Do Lunch

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About this ebook

Revised and updated: An inspirational guide to conquering cravings, choosing foods wisely, and eating your way to fitness.

This groundbreaking approach to health and weight control encourages you to eat until full in all the food groups, including all you want of unprocessed starchy carbs, the sweetest fresh fruits and fruit smoothies, lean red meat, corn thins, cheese, healthy fats, veggies, whole-grain cereals and crispbreads, dark brown and wild rice, snacks, dressings, condiments, and sauces. Because these foods stabilize your blood sugar, your body forces you to become less and less hungry with each passing day. Thus, you begin to eat less and less, consume fewer and fewer calories, and lose all the weight you want.

Eat until full whenever you are hungry, no matter how often that is and no matter how many calories you consume (even if you start by eating 10,000 calories a day)—thus eliminating your hunger cravings. Your body can’t tell the difference between starchy carbs, so when you eat the healthy starchy carbs, it eliminates your cravings for the fattening starchy carbs. Your body can’t tell the difference between sugars, so when you eat the sweetest fresh fruits and fruit smoothies, it eliminates your cravings for all the foods made with fattening added sugar in them. From an author who lost 230 pounds with the help of God and a commitment to overcome his morbid obesity through trial and error, this is a new way of thinking about what, and how much, we eat.

Includes recipes.
Release dateMay 18, 2009
Let's Do Lunch

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    Let's Do Lunch - Roger Troy Wilson

    Let’s Do Lunch

    Eating All the Calories and Carbs

    You Want to Lose Weight!



    © 2003, 2005, 2009 Sunshine Publications, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    This book was previously published as Let’s Do Lunch. Copyright © 2003, 2005 by Sunshine Publications, Inc. It has been revised and updated.

    Let’s Do Lunch™ is a licensed trademark. It is owned entirely by Sunshine Publications, Inc.

    Thomas Nelson, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

    ISBN 978-0-7852-2939-1 (Revised and Updated Edition)

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

    Wilson, Roger Troy.

       Let’s do lunch : you’ll never have to diet again / Roger Troy Wilson.

          p. cm.

       ISBN: 0-7852-1321-X

    1. Reducing diets. 2. Luncheons. I. Title.

       RM222.2.W462 2005



    Printed in the United States of America

    09 10 11 12 13 QW 13 12 11 10 9

    This book is dedicated to my brother, Steven Neil Wilson, who died August 15, 1992, after suffering from terrible stomach cancer. His death, however, was anything but painful. He sat up in bed, opened his eyes, got the biggest smile on his face I had ever seen, opened his arms as wide as they would go . . . and at that very moment he died—with the smile still on his face. He loved Jesus with all of his heart and had been rebaptized in the Pacific Ocean just before his death.

    I want everyone who reads this book to know how very much I loved my brother and how proud I am to have shared his life with him. I believe he will be with me forever. His memory guides my endeavors to help God save the lives of people all over the world who are losing their battle with obesity, as well as to help our heavenly Father with those who want to lose a few pounds so that they live healthier and happier lives.

    In my brother’s name, I am pledging 100 percent of my profits from this book to churches, charities, and ministries to help spread God’s Word throughout the world. I am making this pledge because I think it is important that I not take a profit on a blessing that God meant for everyone.

    I also want to thank my wife, Anita, for her support, love, care, and concern during all of my four-hundred-pound fat years. The same kind of thanks are due my mother and father, Ruth and Orville; my children, Tyra and Ty; my grandchildren, Brandon, Dustin, and Brittany; and all the rest of my family, my wife’s family, and our friends, especially Bob Lichtinger.

    My wife tells me she used to worry constantly about me dying and about being alone in her older years. I’m glad she no longer needs to worry that I will die from obesity. I now know that my family and friends were embarrassed at times because of my weight, yet none of them ever let on about their uneasiness. For that, I will be forever grateful.



    Before You Start this Program: Words of Caution

    Introduction: This Plan Is Not What You Think: It’s Far Different . . . and Far Better!

    1. My Story: It Might Be Your Story Too!

    2. Grapes: And More Glorious Grapes

    3. 4 Big Secrets: And the Plan that Puts Them into Practice

    4. Helpful Tips: And Stark Realities

    5. Conquering Cravings: And Avoiding Pitfalls that Are Sure to Arise

    6. Eating Out: And Safely Navigating the Fast-Food Drive-Through

    7. 14-Day Meal Guide: For Those Who Like a Little More Structure

    8. Stocking Your Shelves: Using the Ultimate Grocery Shopping List

    9. Simple and Delicious Recipes

    About the Author

    Before You Start this Program

    Words of Caution

    Consult Your Physician Before Starting the Let’s Do Lunch Eating Program.

    Before starting this, or any other diet program, you should schedule an appointment with your physician for a full consultation, exam, and approval. If you are currently taking medication or are ill, it is imperative that your physician approves your participation in this program. This program is not to be construed as any form of diagnosis, prescription, or treatment. If you do not choose to see your physician, neither the author nor Sunshine Publications, Inc., nor the publisher, nor any other person or entity disseminating or selling this material can assume any responsibility whatsoever for your actions or omissions.

    The publisher and author do not directly or indirectly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of diet as a form of treatment for sickness without medical approval. Nutritionists and other experts in the fields of health and nutrition hold widely varying views. It is not the intent of the publisher or author to diagnose or prescribe. The intent is only to offer information to help you cooperate with your doctor in your mutual quest for health. In the event you use this information without your doctor’s approval, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the publisher and author assume no responsibility. Also, because there may be some individual risk involved, the publisher and author are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use or misuse of any of the requirements, suggestions, preparations, procedures, recipes, or other content in this book.

    Personal Experience and Verified Results

    The author is stating in this book what happened to him, his wife, his mother, and his agent, as well as what he believes. His physicians are Dr. Neil Hoffman of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Dr. Eli Farri of Fort Myers, Florida. Both witnessed his weight loss.

    Testimonials from Others

    Throughout this book you will find testimonial statements from other people who have used the Let’s Do Lunch program with great success. These are real statements from real people. Permission has been granted to use these statements; only their initials and state names are used to help ensure personal privacy.


    The names of foods, menus, and restaurants identified in this program were specially selected by the author,who found them to be the tastiest and healthiest foods for inclusion in his Let’s Do Lunch eating plan. None of the brands, menus, or restaurants have been paid a promotional consideration to be included in Let’s Do Lunch, nor does their inclusion constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or other suggestion by them as to any aspect of Let’s Do Lunch. All such products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

    A Comment About Exercising

    You can lose weight with the Let’s Do Lunch program without exercising—or you can lose it even faster by engaging in some physical activity. In any case, the author honestly believes that exercise is beneficial to your health. Try mixing up different activities on different days instead of just one that you do repeatedly. Just like eating only certain foods that you get sick of after time, the same exercise plan over and over can become boring. Again, please consult your physician to get his or her approval of the activity or exercise in which you intend to participate.

    Trust the Plan

    Do not portion control. I’ll say it again, do not portion control. If you do, you are destined for failure. You must eat until full, and trust that Let’s Do Lunch will make you feel less hungry with each day that goes by . . . to the point that your body will force you to eat less and less, consume fewer and fewer calories, and lose all the weight you want.

    Read the Book Three Times

    In order to remember everything, please read chapters 2 through 6 at least three times.

    Imperative to Remember!

    When I was morbidly obese, for approximately thirty years, the problems I had with losing weight involved being hungry all the time as well as craving certain fattening foods.

    But then, with Let’s Do Lunch, I was never hungry because I ate until I was full, and my cravings for those certain fattening foods were totally eliminated because I was eating in all the food groups, including starchy and sweet carbs.

    I thought I was home free . . . not! Why? Because even though I didn’t crave those certain fattening foods, I found myself just wanting to eat them because I loved them. I loved eating bread, pizza, and French fries, and I loved eating chocolate, ice cream, and doughnuts.

    I know you can relate to this because food is one of the most important parts of our lives! So I had to come up with a way to think about these foods whenever I became weak or just wanted to enjoy eating them again even though I didn’t crave them.

    Here is what I came up with. If you loved the taste of arsenic, and yet you didn’t crave it, would you still want to eat it, knowing that it would kill you? Of course not! So why would you want to eat something you don’t crave when you know it will cause you to gain weight . . . when you know it will cause you to hate the way you look and feel?

    And one more thing—every little step you take to lose weight can become a big step if you continue taking those little steps. For example, if you are served a sandwich at someone’s home, why eat it with two slices of bread when you get the same taste with one slice?

    Every time you are ready to put something in your mouth and eat it, think about how to eat it in a less-fattening way.

    When doing Let’s Do Lunch, it is imperative to remember the above.

    My sweet little Dana Hock from Detroit inspired me to write this part of the book, and I want to thank her for that inspiration.


    This Plan Is Not What You Think

    It’s Far Different . . . and Far Better!

    When you think about losing weight, do you automatically think about being hungry? Do you think about being limited to eating only certain foods, and craving foods you should not be eating? Do you think about being deprived more than rewarded with results? If so, I have great news for you. This plan is different. You get to eat foods you love—whenever you are hungry and until you are full.

    You don’t have to eat foods you don’t like. You are able to satisfy your cravings. You get to eat all you want of all the food groups—carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You don’t have to do things you don’t like. In this plan:

    • There is no exercise required.

    • There are no pills to take.

    • There are no carbs, calories, points, or fat grams to count.

    • There are no special shakes to drink, prescribed foods or meals to eat, or portions to control.

    • There are no math exercises required to convert grams to calories.

    • There are no meetings to attend.

    You start by eating until you are full. But because Let’s Do Lunch foods stabilize your blood sugar, your body forces you to become less and less hungry with each passing day. Therefore, you begin to eat less and less, consume fewer and fewer calories, and lose weight. Also, because you are eating until full in all the food groups, Let’s Do Lunch eliminates all of your cravings.

    A plan like this is absolutely essential if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Any other way, and your brain will not be satisfied, and you’ll be destined to just one more diet failure. I know. I’ve been there, done that.

    My plan works. It works to help people lose weight, and it works to help people keep the weight off. Furthermore, my plan produces good health. Don’t just take it from me. Take it

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