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Cheating Secrets: Through the Eyes of a Private Investigator
Cheating Secrets: Through the Eyes of a Private Investigator
Cheating Secrets: Through the Eyes of a Private Investigator
Ebook55 pages44 minutes

Cheating Secrets: Through the Eyes of a Private Investigator

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About this ebook

"Cheating Secrets" has all the information needed for anyone in a relationship that may be suffering from infidelity. Learn what the signs of cheating are and how to identify them, as well as real life stories from individuals who have dealt with cheating. This book talks about how some people heal from the experience of infidelity, the damage it causes, and how to recover from cheating whether you stay in the relationship or not. Sometimes infidelity can wake people up in relationships and give people a new start at life. Sometimes people want to leave, and other times people want to repair what was damaged. There is no right or wrong answer! This book will give victims of infidelity the information they need to make whatever decision they feel is best for their lives.
Release dateMar 22, 2023
Cheating Secrets: Through the Eyes of a Private Investigator

David Watson

Best-selling author, international evangelist, gifted preacher and bible teacher, leader of the Charismatic movement and advocate of reconciliation in Northern Ireland, the late David Watson was one of the most influential English Christian leaders in the latter part of the 20th century. Now, 25 years since his early death from cancer, his teaching is as relevant, wise and fresh as when it was first given. This series of books have been compiled from David's preaching over 20 years, this series of books offers us help on our journey of faith. "I first heard David Watson preach in 1974 shortly after I had come to faith in Christ. I sat spellbound as I listened to his simple, clear and compelling unravelling of the gospel. I have read every book that he has written – many of them several times…This is timeless wisdom for 21st century discipleship and I commend it to you." From the foreword by Nicky Gumbel, HTB, London

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    Book preview

    Cheating Secrets - David Watson


    Cheating Secrets

    © 2023 David Watson, Licensed Private Investigator

    Watson Private Investigation Services Inc.

    P.O. Box 2338

    Cedar Park Texas 78630


    Texas License A11319

    ISBN: 978-1-66789-184-2

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-79234-453-4

    I would like to dedicate this book to the

    Los Angeles Police Department. A great organization that

    instilled integrity, courage, and passion in a recruit.


    When Hiring A Pi

    Signs Of A Cheating Spouse




    What to look for

    My name is David Watson. I am a licensed Private Investigator in the State of Texas. My company is Watson Private Investigation Services Inc. I want to start this book telling you a little about myself and the training and experience I have obtained. When looking for a private investigator, ask questions about their experience and knowledge about their field. The experience of a private investigator can make or break your case. Be vigilant in getting the best PI you can for your case.

    I am a veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department. I worked various assignments within the Department that trained me to be an efficient investigator. I completed the Los Angeles Police academy that included 960 hours (6 months) of academy training. The training consisted of firearm, law, arrest and investigation procedures and other law related topics.

    I worked patrol on the streets of Los Angeles which consisted of proactive patrol and answering radio calls. I then promoted to training officers where I trained probationary employees, reviewed investigations, approved arrest reports, and supervised probationary officer’s investigations.

    I completed a vice tour where the responsibilities consisted of prostitution enforcement, gambling, alcohol licensing, organizing and operating task forces on problem areas within the Division.

    I then promoted to Metro Division. This is an elite Division within the LAPD that concentrates on service of felony warrants, crime suppression, dignitary protection details, special training on self-defense and firearms and crowd control. Obtaining a position in Metropolitan Division within the LAPD is an accomplishment. They take the best of the best and make them better.

    I then promoted to Sergeant where I supervised patrol officers, supervised homicide scenes, approved all arrest and crime reports and ensured that all Department policies were met during handling calls for service. This position makes you a problem solver. You respond to calls that are complex or the officer just needs verification that the decision he needs to make is the best one. You are called upon to make tough decisions in life and death situations.

    I then promoted to Sergeant II where I supervised a vice unit. My responsibilities included supervising all vice investigations, planned all undercover investigations, approved all arrest reports, planned all surveillance investigations, and testified at City Council hearings regarding ABC applications. This position is where the surveillance experience is fine tuned. Most vice related investigations require intelligence gathering which is obtained mostly by surveillance. Impromptu vice sting operations are done frequently. This requires planning and personnel selection that is best for the job.

    I was then moved from the vice position after the maximum 18-month tour and was a Watch Commander of a watch at a division. This responsibility is to monitor all field operations from the station and coordinate field sergeants to oversee tactical matters and personnel issues. This position teaches how to coordinate individuals to special needs that arise and to be a problem solver on a much higher level.

    I then went to Internal Affairs where my responsibilities included conducted administrative hearing on internal affairs cases, interviewed police officers regarding misconduct, subpoenaed witnesses on cases and questioned witnesses during proceedings. I also completed final dispositions reports on investigations for the Chief of Police. Being a Los Angeles Police Officer comes with a lot of responsibility. There are policies and procedures in place that protect the citizens and the officers within the organization. Same is true running a PI business.

    I also worked Management Services Division (MSD) where I wrote Department policies that needed changing due to an event or identified department changes. Working MSD educated me on how important policies are and the need to change certain policies regarding an event that occurred, etc. Investigation work is a fluid operation that sometimes

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