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Psychology for beginners: The basics of psychology explained simply - understanding and manipulating people
Psychology for beginners: The basics of psychology explained simply - understanding and manipulating people
Psychology for beginners: The basics of psychology explained simply - understanding and manipulating people
Ebook142 pages1 hour

Psychology for beginners: The basics of psychology explained simply - understanding and manipulating people

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About this ebook

Psychology is a subject with wide and partially unexplored horizons. The psychological well-being of an individual is in fact dependent on every single influence. Beginning in the womb, continuing with the upbringing, with hobbies, views, knowledge, feelings and learned values. These influences provide namely for positive or also for negative development. The opposites of the positive and negative development describe thereby roughly finally the psychology. The task of psychology is to explain behaviors of an individual. In doing so, it offers the possibility of overcoming problems, such as fears.
In order to better understand psychology, with all its topics and areas, the following listed contents are helpful. Psychology is very complex: with the help of this guide, the basics of psychology, step by step, will be served to you on a silver platter.

Release dateApr 5, 2023

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    Book preview

    Psychology for beginners - Claudia Sonnenbeck

    Psychology for beginners

    The basics of psychology explained simply - understanding and manipulating people


    Claudia Sonnenbeck

    All advice in this book has been carefully considered and checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given. Liability for any personal injury, property damage or financial loss is therefore excluded. The use of this book and the implementation of the information contained therein is expressly at your own risk.

    All rights reserved, in particular the right to reproduce and distribute the translation. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by photocopy, microfilm or any other process) or stored, processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without written permission.


    Introduction to psychology

    The history of psychology

    Self-test: What is my mental state?

    Scientific psychology vs. lay psychology

    Areas of psychology

    Currents of psychology

    Physiological psychology


    Perceptual Psychology

    Perception theory

    Gestalt Psychology

    Sensory perception

    Figure-Ground-Perception (Example Ruby Cup by Wellhöger 1990)

    Personality Psychology

    The Big Five Personality Model

    Big-Five Self-Test: What personality do I have?

    How can you change your character / personality structures?

    Developmental Psychology

    Social Psychology

    Advertising Psychology

    Sports Psychology

    Positive psychology

    10 useful affirmations

    Learn positive thinking exercises

    Motivational Psychology

    Experimental psychology

    Clinical psychology

    The psychology of our pets

    The Freudian iceberg model

    40 incredible psychological effects

    The Spotlight Effect

    Self-efficacy expectation

    Blemish effect


    Pygmalion effect

    Halo effect

    Swimmer Body Illusion

    Social Loafing

    Socrates irony

    The Authority Bias

    The Confirmation Bias

    The self-serving bias

    The Outcome Bias

    The action bias

    The Liking Bias

    The Survivorship Bias

    The contrast effect

    The hedonistic treadmill

    The availability error

    The possession effect

    The selection paradox

    The Sunk Cost Fallacy Effect

    The Priming Effect

    The illusion of control

    The reciprocity

    The player fallacy

    The scarcity fallacy

    The Westermarck Effect

    The Dunning-Kruger Effect

    The placebo effect

    The nocebo effect

    The Bystander Effect

    The Barnum Effect

    The superstar effect

    The Hawthorne Effect

    The reverse psychology

    Effective manipulation and NLP techniques

    Manipulate through pleasant atmosphere

    Manipulation with the help of strong emotions



    Manipulation through rewarding

    Manipulation by means of criticism

    Change numbers

    Foot in the door technique

    Rhetorical means

    Rapport (Neurolinguistic Programming)

    Mirroring (Neurolinguistic Programming)

    Leading (Neurolinguistic Programming)

    Reframing (Neurolinguistic Programming)

    Change habits

    Visualization as an aid to achieving goals


    Introduction to psychology

    Psychology is a subject with wide and partially unexplored horizons. The psychological well-being of an individual is in fact dependent on every single influence. Starting in the womb, continuing with education, hobbies, views, knowledge, feelings and learned values. These influences provide namely for positive development or also for negative development. These opposites of the positive and negative development describe thereby roughly seen finally the psychology. This tries to explain behaviors of an individual and offers the possibility to overcome fears, for example.

    To ensure a good introduction to the subject, it is important to mention that one groups the generic term of psychology into many detailed aspects and subtopics. In this context, new findings regularly contribute to the development and progress of psychology. For example, new methods and new therapies are developed through advanced brain research and behavioral observations by compiling statistics.

    The term psychology comes from the ancient Greek and means - if translated literally - as much as psychology or the study of the soul. The human senses, i.e. seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and tasting, are particularly important in this so-called psychology, because these senses help with almost every mental disorder or are one of the first construction sites.

    To better understand psychology, with all the topics and areas, the following listed content is helpful. Psychology is very complex, but herewith psychology is explained simply for beginners.

    The history of psychology

    The history of psychology provides one with an important background knowledge to understand psychology, because many of our therapies today are based on thinking at that time. First of all, psychology can be traced back to the 19th century. At that time, the official establishment of psychology as an independent and scientifically respected field of research happened through the joining of research groups. However, this field of research actually existed before Christ. A Greek scholar named Aristotle, who was a philosopher and natural scientist by profession, wrote a book called De anima - On the Soul - in which he talks about the soul of man, discusses and conjectures. This book and the discussions of that

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