Career: Salary, Remuneration, Positions And Functions
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Career - Joaquim Carlos Lourenço
Salary, Remuneration, Positions and Functions
Author's Edition
Copyright © Joaquim Carlos Lourenço
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Professional success is not just the achievement of a great salary, but the sum of multiple personal, interpersonal and professional achievements, in addition to mastering new personal skills and competences.
Joaquim Carlos Lourenço
Joaquim Carlos Lourenço holds a Bachelor's Degree in Administration (2009-2006) and Specialist in Municipal Public Management (2011-2010) from the Federal University of Paraíba. Doctor and Master (2011-2018) from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). He served as a professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - (UFRPE/UAST) in undergraduate courses in Administration and Information System. He taught in the undergraduate course in Public Administration at the State University of Paraíba (UEPB). Has experience in Administration, Information System and Environmental Sciences. Author of some books, as well as author of several book chapters. Has articles published in national and international events, as well as in national and international periodicals (magazines). He is a reviewer for national scientific journals. Currently, he works as a freelance writer.
Career is all the trajectory that a professional has during the work time. In general terms, it is the work history that the professional has in the exercise of their profession, in a chronological order of evolution in the position and jobs, whether through promotion or new occupations. In a broad sense, the term is more associated with the ascents and progressions that a professional has during his/her active working life.
The execution of the work can be by production unit, hours, days, weeks, fortnights, a month or months, and/or for an indefinite period, provided that the parties, employee and employer agree. Pay for work involves a combination of varied entitlements, which form part of the composition of salary and remuneration.
The salary is the price offered by the employer to the employee for their work, whether for carrying out activities that require the use of physical force, manipulation of manufactures, scientific knowledge, artistic gift, intellectual notoriety, among other skills, for a period of time determined and agreed in advance between the parties involved.
From this perspective, this work presents the main types of wages and salaries existing in Brazil, according to the country's labor laws, the main types of positions and functions, socioeconomic and demographic aspects of the labor market, in addition to the factors that are used and/ or that they can help set the salary value of a job or role.
The conceptual aspects of the types of wages, the requirements for the wage to be transformed and/or to be considered as remuneration, the difference between remuneration and salary, types of remuneration and modalities are presented in a contextualized way.
It is expected, therefore, to contribute with an original focus on the subject, updated based on the recent labor reforms of 2017 (Law No. 13,419/17 and Law No. 13,429/17), as well as the changes and trends that are taking place in the labor market. Brazilian work currently.
Corroborating this, there is a brief overview of the profile of professionals and skills that companies are looking for in the labor market, the hot professions at the moment and careers with growth prospects in the coming years in Brazil, in addition to the trends that the market of work may demand in the future.
The book is an updated version of an already published edition, but well summarized, which originated from an article developed in the graduation course in Administration in 2009. The idea of publishing an updated version of the book is a result of the positive impact of the first edition, in addition to the need to update some rights that have undergone changes in the country's labor legislation. Furthermore, new concepts in the administration area were introduced to facilitate readers' understanding.
The content of this book is designed to complement the knowledge of corporate executives, human resources managers, labor analysts, administrators, accountants, CEOs, entrepreneurs, foreign labor analysts, law graduates, academics in general, sectorial associations and unions, various entities and other readers interested in knowing about careers and discovering aspects of labor law in Brazil, especially regarding salary and remuneration.
In this sense, the purpose of this book is to present the basic concepts necessary for understanding what the career comprises and the importance of its management, the salary, the types of salaries, the remuneration and differences of these for the salary, based on the legislation of the I work in Brazil.
The content covered was divided into seven chapters, to facilitate the discussion of the subject. In chapter 1, a contextualization of career and its management is presented. Chapter 2 brings concepts of salary and types of salaries practiced in Brazil. In chapter 3, the definition of remuneration and the types of remuneration that exist are discussed. In chapter 4, a distinction is made between the types of remuneration. In chapter 5, technical aspects used to define the value of a salary are discussed. In chapter 6, the concepts of positions and functions are discussed. In chapter 7, socioeconomic indicators of the labor market in Brazil are presented.
Career planning 14
Career development 18
Career growth 20
Exchange abroad 23
Public tenders: career option? 27
Entrepreneurship: what can I do? 30
Career or Profession Management 33
Types of wages 53
Base salary 54
Minimum wage 54
Minimum wage 55
Professional salary 55
Normative salary 55
Net salary 55
Gross salary 56
Fixed salary 56
Variable salary 56
Existing types of remuneration 63
Functional remuneration 64
Indirect salary 64
Skill pay 64
Compensation for skills 65
Variable salary 66
Equity interest 66
Creative alternatives 66
Compensation in the public sector 67
Awards 75
In natura salary or utility salary 76
Tips 76
Art cover 77
Allowances 78
Gratification 78
Subsistence allowance 79
Weekly paid rest 80
Comprehensive or supplemental salary 80
Hazard pay 80
Additional for hazardous work 81
Nighttime Additional 81
Types of working hours 82
The sectors that pay the best salaries 89
Missing professions in the labor market 94
Job satisfaction 97
Qualities of life at work 103
Accumulation of positions 109
The most coveted positions in the public sector 111
Position x profession 116
Professions 120
Administrative reform in the public sector 125
Socioeconomic aspects 128
The best jobs 131
The courses with the highest number of vacancies 133
Job creation 135
A career is every path that a professional takes during their studies, working time and positions in the positions held. Developing a successful career is not an easy task, as it does not only depend on who you want, but above all on the company, which in this process has a decisive role, since for career development to take place, the company must offer the professional the necessary support, such as promotion programs to change level, class and/or position.
To have a successful career, first of all, you need to make good choices, as long as the course you are taking, choosing the most suitable company for the profile you want to work, as well as the performance of personal work developed in the companies in which you work. Therefore, good planning is essential, in addition to dedicating yourself to where you want to go, which in most cases requires constant investment in knowledge and new skills to improve the intellect and enrich the curriculum.
According to Panelli (2003), choosing a career is a fundamental point in a person's life project. It is more than identifying a vocation, based on sensations, information, desires, influences, etc., it actually defines in which area of knowledge and human relations it will act, aiming at optimizing personal happiness (satisfaction, success, self-confidence, high self-esteem, etc.), associated with maximum applicability of intellectual and cultural potential.
It is in this scenario that the concept of employability arises, which in essence represents a modern view of the individual's ability to manage the maintenance of their professional occupation, that is, manage their own career, through the continuous development of new skills and acquisition of knowledge.
Career success begins with the right choice of profession to follow, it is not new that thousands of young people are indecisive when it comes to choosing the course they will enroll in university. Choosing a profession is not an easy decision to make, after all, when it comes to an undergraduate course that can range from 4 to 6 years in length, and a professional activity that we have to carry out for life, making a mistake in the choice can delay the career, frustrate, demotivate or even make a professional have an unsuccessful career.
The old jargon indicates that we should always do what we like and what we identify with, but after all, are these factors alone enough to guide the decision of an inexperienced young person with no practical knowledge of the profession he wants to pursue? Being immature and without any prior burden of responsibility?
The answer is quite simple: no! Even more today, that the labor market increasingly demands professionals to occupy positions that do not have specific training and/or the training available do not meet their specificities, in addition to requiring multiple skills, which, therefore, the old professions still not implemented in their courses.
From this perspective, making the correct choice of a profession these days is to get it right and/or predict the demand of companies in the future, without forgetting that the professions on the rise now does not mean that they will be there in five or ten years, as well as the foreseen ones will in fact be the demanded ones. Everything is an indication of a trend, so having a good sense is essential.
The job market