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The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson
The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson
The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson
Ebook143 pages1 hour

The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson

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About this ebook

Another from Jackie Beere's 'Perfect' stable, this simple but effective little book is designed to help bring the best out of all English departments during that all-important Ofsted visit. It is written by David Didau, a highly effective and innovative head of English at a school where Independent Thinking is a trustee. He has been instrumental in overseeing an enviable rise in A* to C results over the last few years to 84% in 2011. Packed full of ideas, strategies and simple yet effective innovations, this book is an essential tool in the toolkit of every English department - and not just for the inspection either! With topics including assessment for learning, progress, the learning environment and planning outstanding lessons, this is the book for every English teacher's desk drawer.
Release dateJun 29, 2012
The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson

David Didau

David Didau is Senior Lead Practitioner for English at Ormiston Academies Trust and a freelance writer, blogger, speaker, trainer and author. He started his award-winning blog, The Learning Spy, in 2011 to express the constraints and irritations of ordinary teachers, detail the successes and failures within his own classroom, and synthesise his years of teaching experience through the lens of educational research and cognitive psychology. Since then he has spoken at various national conferences, has directly influenced Ofsted and has worked with the Department for Education to consider ways in which teachers' workload could be reduced.

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    Book preview

    The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson - David Didau


    Is there such a thing as the perfect English lesson?

    I passionately believe that by understanding a few simple principles and working hard to follow them, you can deliver the perfect English lesson. The very best English lessons provide engagement, motivation and genuine progress in the crucial skills of communication. I aim to lay out before you a smorgasbord of proven and successful titbits which you can mix together and use as and where you see fit.

    If you’re reading this book looking for tips to slot into a looming lesson observation you’ll find plenty. But beware: there are no silver bullets that can turn you into an amazing teacher overnight. The perfect English lesson is not a matter of one-off charismatic delivery; it’s about hard work and effort. It depends on thorough planning based on sound assessment for learning. And it’s about consistently being there and having high expectations of, and a passionate belief in, the children in front of

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