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I walk among you: I am an alien
I walk among you: I am an alien
I walk among you: I am an alien
Ebook182 pages4 hours

I walk among you: I am an alien

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My name is "Petit Ami". I thought I was a human being like the others. But one morning some very special visitors came to tell me about their strange lives. And who I was, one of their twins. An extraterrestrial.Observer, warrior, secretary, I help human beings. Ajueris, Jis, Moon-Pisces, or "We are you".They showed me their skills as pilots; and I was able to film and photograph them.They asked me to testify about their existence, and to tell the story of the interstellar war that takes place in space and time.If you've ever wanted to understand what those strange naves are that light up the night sky, this book will tell you about them.They will begin to land from 2023, humans will soon leave, and it is time to understand what will happen.The Earth needs love, and we must take care of it. Help us help you.
Release dateApr 5, 2023
I walk among you: I am an alien

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    I walk among you - PETIT AMI

    Little Friend

    I walk among you

    I am an alien

    Je suis une Extraterrestre

    Little Friend, write; tell the truth to human beings.

    Talk about our arrival, talk about the flight of the two rectangular ships, the life of the Judges, the Jis…

    Warning to the reader

    This is a testimony, I tell in this book how, while I thought I was just a human being like the others, I discovered my true nature.

    I, Petit Ami, Little Friend, as they call me, am an Ajueri, an alien, who lives on Earth. I will tell you about my family's actions, an alien ethnic group of the Alliance.

    Because my alien family wants me to speak the truth about them.

    It is not an easy task, because what I am going to tell you about, astonished me, stunned me, and yet, with time, the facts corroborating, and crossing, I ended up admitting that it was the truth.

    They told me:

    So they invited me to speak clearly, but this is a perilous exercise.

    It would have been easier to write a novel. Many of those contacted preferred to speak under the guise of fiction.

    But my family does not want this to be distorted, but to be made clear. And this implies reversals of ideas and shocks of thought. The contact with them is always of this order. They are not human, and surprise us every time.

    All their witnesses, all the people contacted, are surprised, and I don't think I can avoid this phenomenon. This is what we call the ontological shock. That is to say, they force the human being to revisit his vision of the world. And so it remains problematic.

    But if you are looking for real answers about them, this book will give you some.

    I have my head firmly on my shoulders, and I will take advantage of this quality to try to talk about them.

    So, "Amis lecteurs qui ce livre lisez !", "Friends who read this book, as Maître François Rabelais used to say, open your mind, approach things with serenity, and I suggest you be surprised as I was : it is to a revolution of thought that I invite you.

    If there is a mystery that fascinates, and intrigues, and around which humans turn without being able to grasp it, it is indeed this mystery of the aliens.

    I will try, as the ancient Egyptians used to say, to be Fair of voice. Their civilization was very close to the Ajueris, they understood them, and I will often refer to them. I associated what my extraterrestrial family told me about, with the ancient myths. There is a permanent entanglement throughout time between human beings and extraterrestrials, and mythology can help to understand it. For they did not arrive yesterday on earth, as many believe. It is an intuition of a reality that is difficult to grasp.

    Indeed, it is widely accepted that extraterrestrials have been seen throughout history, and accounts of shields and flying ships abound since the Romans, even since Sumer.

    After the stage of astonishment, the eyes of the mind are opened. The process of understanding goes through questioning. I just hope that my testimony makes you think, friend reader, about your place in the Universe.

    TITLE I : Like a flower revealing your pride

    Like a flower revealing your pride...

    Their phrase unfolds in my mind, it has wings, it rises, material, alive, it acts on reality. The Ajueri, my family, have an innate gift for poetry, and their language is pictorial and magnificent.

    Isn't it said that Poetry is the language of the Gods?

    It makes the material vibrate and transforms it.

    Who said that aliens have no emotions or feelings?

    Some of them may not be, but my family vibrates with all the colors of the rainbow. Their favorite colors of emotions are white and blue. Blue, they love this color which is the color of goodness and Peace for them.

    That of the sky where they sail. Perhaps you yourself have seen them there. And you wonder. Perhaps you have already crossed a sphere resembling a moon on a forest path. Seen a strange cloud that seemed to give you a sign...

    They are inside, they sing, they laugh, they argue, they make war, they love, like humans, but above all they dream.

    I'm not the only one talking; others are looking at their visions, scrutinizing their lives, and their encounters, and finally talking about those secret moments of connection.

    It is the disclosure, the revelation of the true nature of extraterrestrials, which can help the bewildered human beings of the 21st century to find their bearings.

    So, I, Petit Ami, live on Earth, in three dimensions, like a human, but I am the child of an Ajueri, the Falcon.

    I am an extraterrestrial, unwittingly involved in intergalactic events.

    An ordinary human being. Your neighbor, your mother, the electrician. A baby in your arms. A teenager. Maybe you.

    Human beings are also involved, but they don't know it.

    Yet, they must become aware of what is happening. The issue is blue and turns in the space of the cosmic night, their beautiful Earth.

    When I discovered my nature, I was overwhelmed; it took me months to recover. I felt like I was being overwhelmed by a tsunami, the overwhelming sensation of being double. I had spent years living two lives at the same time, up and down. Years of knowing without knowing, of living a human life and a stellar life.

    « Ce qui est en bas est comme ce qui est en haut, et ce qui est en haut est comme ce qui est en bas ». Or, What is above is below, say the alchemists, says Hermes Trismegiste, that's right.

    Since the Second World War, they multiply openly in the skies they cross. Without the governments making any clear information about them. The newspapers don't care, the order has been given, and it's the best way to ignore them, and prevent humans from thinking.

    It is up to each one of us to take charge, trust each other, and search, look, read, listen, to understand.

    I spoke with them, my family, and the sentences in italic are theirs.

    1 Oblivion and elusiveness, the mark of UFOs

    1. Oblivion

    Why do we forget our appointments with extraterrestrials?

    Jacques Vallée, the famous French ufologist, who lives in the USA, believes that we have a double memory, compartmentalized and separated. A daytime memory, when we are conscious. And another, which, like that of dreams, is reserved for this second place when we go there.

    So I had two lives and two memory stores.

    During the day, in an modified state of consciousness, we find the content of the dream or any activity done in this zone. We access higher consciousness.

    Awake, we forget and find the other memory stock remaining in the 3rd dimension and attached to the day consciousness, normal, we could say.

    From time to time, information is hard to get through in both directions. It is valuable.

    Psychologists speak of the division between the daytime conscious and the nighttime unconscious. The unconscious sends messages to the conscious.

    For me, it was the opposite, my truth, my reality, and my consciousness are on the other side.

    I put on a human costume out of necessity, a jacket, and a suit, and lived on Earth like a sleepwalker, forgetting my JI family.

    There is indeed a wall, a separation between life in three dimensions, earthly life, and another area that has more dimensions.

    It is a Brane, a cosmic skin, a bubble that encloses the energy, concentrating it in its volume of Universe, around the Earth.

    I knew many things unconsciously, thoughts, images, and ideas passed through this wall and invaded my days.

    But after I officially found them, after I found my family one night in June 2021, I had to make an acrobatic passage of consciousness between their domain and human reality. It was very difficult.

    Although I was fascinated by fantasy, I was not interested in flying saucers. The ships were reported by Kenneth Arnold. UFOs, UAPs, NAPs, so many names for one reality.

    As if that would change anything...

    They are the mystery itself, and this mystery is being revealed right now.

    Around 3D, and space-time, there is a barrier that obviously affects memory, and this is evident in the UFO phenomenon, as in paranormal phenomena.

    The term elusiveness is used to refer to this slippery side characteristic of UFOs. This term was coined by Bertrand Meheust, a philosopher.

    They are elusive. It is necessarily a problem of Physics.

    The three-dimensional system of the Earth seems to block the slightest recollection that something else exists. All that is left is reminiscences that confuse us.

    There are beautiful mythical images for this phenomenon : the Lethe of the Greeks, the Chinese Tea of amnesia, in particular in connection with the reincarnation of humans which supposes to go back and forth.

    Forgetting, when one is reincarnated, or when one returns to the body after an astral journey, or a dream, is of the same nature as the elusiveness linked to UFOs.

    I will talk again about the link between reincarnation and UFOs.

    Elusiveness is not only forgetfulness but also the fact that humans are circling the UFO problem, curiously without getting past the stage of noticing that they pass through the sky. They count them, and spend their time asking: Is it true?, "Yes, there is evidence, and But is it true?"…

    This goes round and round as if faced with an insurmountable obstacle.

    2. Dénial

    In addition to oblivion, there is another phenomenon, denial. Despite a phenomenal amount of testimony, photographic evidence, and film, They don't exist.

    Some observers can't believe their eyes, even if they see them.

    There is therefore a lack of understanding of obvious facts.

    Even if one admits them, one does not understand them. No explanation satisfies.

    Concerning the elusiveness, this slippery side of the UFO phenomenon, there is another possibility of explanation, undoubtedly complementary, which is that it is a protective system.

    UFOs, and extraterrestrials, are like those animals that melt into their environment and disappear in plain sight. Becoming leaves, rocks, sand, or branches. The Ajueris become stars, moons, and planets. Fake planes. Fake hot air balloons.

    I will come back to this, but the aliens also need to protect themselves from the humans, who are a very aggressive ethnic group.

    And also they are in the context of a war.

    They are shot at, by soldiers.

    One of the hallmarks of human-extraterrestrial encounters is the bewildering nature of some alien behavior.

    Why do they act wackily at times? Why does an ET steal a stocking from a lady or a rabbit from a peasant, why does

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