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Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book
Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book
Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book
Ebook1,169 pages7 hours

Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book

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About this ebook

The Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book is the 5th edition of our series on Autodesk Revit. This book is designed to help beginners in understanding the workflow in Revit and how simple BIM models are created. The book follows a step-by-step methodology. In this book, we have tried to give real-world examples with real challenges in designing. We have tried to reduce the gap between educational use of Autodesk Revit and industrial use of Autodesk Revit. The book covers almost all the information required by a beginner to master Autodesk Revit. The book covers Architectural Design, Structural Design, Project Management, Revit Family Components, MEP, Mass and Site Creation, Drafting, Data Management and Collaboration, Macros, Visual Scripting, and Precast. A residential building project is given in this book which revises major topics discussed throughout the book. Some of the salient features of this book are:


In-Depth explanation of concepts

Every new topic of this book starts with the explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with real world.


Topics Covered

Every chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that chapter. In this way, the user can easily find the topic of his/her interest easily.


Instruction through illustration

The instructions to perform any action are provided by maximum number of illustrations so that the user can perform the actions discussed in the book easily and effectively. There are about 1080 small and large illustrations that make the learning process effective.


Tutorial point of view

At the end of concept's explanation, the tutorial makes the understanding of user firm and long lasting. Major topics of the book have tutorials that are real world projects. Also, most of the tools in this book are discussed in the form of tutorials.


For Faculty

If you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topic, exercise, tutorial, or concept. As faculty, you can register on our website to get electronic desk copies of our latest books, self-assessment, and solution of practical. Faculty resources are available in the Faculty Member page of our website once you login. Note that faculty registration approval is manual and it may take two days for approval before you can access the faculty website.

Release dateMay 7, 2023
Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book

Gaurav Verma

Gaurav Verma is currently a Full Professor at the Panjab University, Chandigarh, India (Dr. SS Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, and Adjunct Faculty at the Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology). He is a former CV Raman Post-Doctoral fellow from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. His research focuses on the areas of applied nanoscience and nanostructured materials.

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    Book preview

    Autodesk Revit 2024 Black Book - Gaurav Verma

    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Revit

    The major topics covered in this chapter are:

    •Introduction to BIM

    •Role of Revit in BIM

    •Installing Autodesk Revit

    •Starting Projects and Families in Revit

    •File Menu Options

    Introduction to BIM

    Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a concept and process used to represent the data related to construction and maintenance of a building in organized manner. In BIM concept, a 3D model of the building is designed with all the design information embedded to related component of building. For example, if a beam/column is created using BIM concept then all the parameters like material, size, weight, shape, time taken for construction, cost, and so on are embedded to beam/column in model and can be retrieved whenever required. BIM is not a new thing as it was started in 1980s. Now a days, the software using BIM technology are becoming cheaper and hence the BIM software are finding greater uses in common building design applications too.

    Introduction to Autodesk Revit

    You may ask why I am talking so much about BIM in a book of Revit! This is because Autodesk Revit is a BIM software. Figure-1 shows the broad spectrum of functions which Revit is capable of doing. Autodesk Revit is a parametric software which means everything you create in the software will have specific parameters so that the same object/structure can be created in real-world. One benefit of parametric software is that you can modify any object of Revit by modifying the related parameters at any time during designing.

    Revit also maintains bidirectional associativity between various objects generated by 3D Building model which means if an object (door, window etc.) is changed in one view then that change will propagate in all the connected views.

    Downloading and Installing Autodesk Revit Student Version

    •Reach the link : from your web browser.

    •Sign in with your student account using the Sign in button next to Already have educational access text in the web page; refer to Figure-2. If you do not have the one then create it by using the GET STARTED button.

    •After signing in, move down on the web page and click on the Get product link button for Revit; refer to Figure-3. Select the version, platform and language of software from the drop-downs; refer to Figure-3. The INSTALL button will be active.

    •Click on the INSTALL button. The software will download and install. Follow the instructions as displayed while installing.

    •On running the software first time after installation, a dialog box will be displayed for licensing if user account is not setup with educational access earlier; refer to Figure-4. Click on the Already have a License button from the bottom right corner of the dialog box. The License type page will be displayed in the dialog box as shown in Figure-4.

    •Select the Switch user button from the dialog box and click on the Continue button from the next page in dialog box. The application will close. On restarting the application, Sign in with your Autodesk ID button will be displayed. Select this button and enter your autodesk ID information. If information is valid then application will start.

    Starting Autodesk Revit

    There are various ways to start Autodesk Revit after installation like using Desktop Icon, using Start Menu, using Cortana in Windows 10 etc. We will discuss the standard method which is by using the Start Menu. The procedure is discussed next.

    •Click on the Start button at the bottom left in the Taskbar and type Revit 2024 in the search box. The options will be displayed as shown in Figure-5.

    •Click on the Revit 2024 option from the list. The start page of application will be displayed; refer to Figure-6. Note that the introductory help options are available in Learn drop-down of first page.

    User Interface

    The first thing you need to know while learning a software is to understand various components of the user interface of the software. Various components of the Autodesk Revit User Interface after opening a sample project are annotated in Figure-7.

    Various options of user interface after starting a project are discussed next.


    Ribbon is a toolbox below the Title Bar in which tools are placed under different tabs. These tabs are further divided into panels. Each panel has a number of tools which perform function of same genre. Figure-7 shows the locations of Ribbon, Tabs, and Panels in the user interface.

    Title Bar

    Title bar is the top strip containing quick access tools, name of the document, and connectivity options; refer to Figure-8.

    •Quick Access Toolbar contains tools that are common for file handling. The Quick Access Toolbar contains tools for creating new file, saving current file, printing the file, and so on. You can add desired tools in the Quick Access Toolbar by using customizing options.

    •The center of the title bar shows the name of the drawing. If you are using the Student Edition then STUDENT VERSION will also be displayed here.

    •Search Box is used to search desired topic in the Revit Help. To use this option, type the keyword for which you want the information in the text box adjacent to Search button and press ENTER from the keyboard.

    •Sign In button is used to sign into the Autodesk account. If you are not having an Autodesk account then you can create one from Autodesk website. If you have an Autodesk account then you can save and share your files through Autodesk cloud and you can render on cloud. To sign into your Autodesk account, click on the Sign In button. As a result, a drop-down will display; refer to Figure-9. Click on Sign In to Autodesk account option. As a result, the Autodesk - Sign In dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-10. Enter your ID & password and click on the Sign In button to login.

    •Autodesk App Store button in the Title Bar is used to install or share apps for Autodesk products. Click on the Autodesk App Store button. The Autodesk APP STORE web page will open in the browser where you can buy or try various apps as needed; refer to Figure-11 (Apps shown in figure might be different in your case).

    •The Help button is used to display online help of Autodesk Revit on the Autodesk server. If you click on the down arrow next to Help button then a list of options will be displayed; refer to Figure-12. Select desired option to check related information.

    Properties Palette

    The options in the Properties Palette are used to modify properties of the components selected from the view port. For example, Figure-13 shows the Properties Palette displayed on selecting a viewport.

    Project Browser

    Project Browser is used to switch between various views, sheets, and objects in the current revit project. By default, the Project Browser is available below Properties Palette; refer to Figure-14. You can drag and place it at desired location in interface.

    Status Bar

    Various options of the Status Bar are annotated in Figure-15. The left area of the Status Bar shows tips or hints on what to do after you have selected a tool. When you highlight an element or component, the status bar displays the name of the family and family type.

    •Select desired workset from the Worksets drop-down that you want to share with your team member for simultaneously working. You will learn more about these options later in this book.

    •Click on the Editing request option from the Status Bar to check the requests sent by your team members for editing.

    •Select the Design Options button from the Status Bar to create different design sets. Design sets are used to represent different possibilities of design like one design set will have Revolving door at entrance and other design set will have double door at entrance. Select desired option from the Active Design Option to selected desired design set. You will learn more about design sets later.

    •Select the Exclude Options check box to exclude all the components from selection which are not part of design options.

    •Select the Editable Only check box to exclude all the components from selection which are not available for editing.

    •Click on desired button from the Selection Filter area to toggle activation or de-activation of selection of related objects.

    View Control Bar

    There are various toggle and switch options to change the view of model available in the View Control Bar below the graphics area; refer to Figure-16.

    •Click on the Scale option from the View Control Bar to change the scale of drawing unit and real size of building.

    •Click on the Detail View option and select desired option to specify the level of details, you want to see in the graphics area. There are three options to define level of detail viz. Coarse, Medium, and Fine.

    •Select desired option from the Visual Style to define the display style. You can display objects as shaded, realistic, wireframe, and so on.

    •Toggle the Sun Path On or Off to include or exclude the effect on Sun on the building by using the Sun Path On/Off option. The Sun Path is activated to study the effect of Sun light and shadow on the building.

    •Click on the Shadows On/Off toggle option from the View Control Bar to display or hide shadows of building and surrounding.

    •Click on the Crop View button in the View Control Bar to crop the view using sketch boundary. If your view is not cropped yet then Do Not Crop View is displayed on hovering the cursor over this button. On clicking this button, the crop view will be displayed; refer to Figure-17. To edit the crop boundary, double-click on it. The modify sketch mode will be activated. Click on the lines and drag the key points to modify shape. You can also use the sketching tools to create desired crop boundary; refer to Figure-18. Click on the OK button from the Modify|Edit Sketch contextual tab to create crop.

    •Click on the Show/Hide Crop Region button from the View Control Bar to display or hide crop region.

    •Select the objects to be isolated or hid and then click on desired option from the Temporary Isolate/Hide flyout; refer to Figure-19.

    •Click on the Reveal Hidden Elements option from the View Control Bar to display all the hidden elements.

    •Select the Worksharing Display Off option from the View Control Bar to define parameters related to worksharing; refer to Figure-20. Select the Worksharing Display Off option from the flyout to hide highlighting shared objects. Select the Worksets, Model Updates, Owners, or Checkout Status options from the shortcut menu to use respective worksharing display modes. Click on the Worksharing Display Settings option from the flyout to set color codes for components based on selected display mode. On selecting this option, the Worksharing Display Settings dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-21. Set desired color codes in various tabs of dialog box to define how objects will be distinguished. Click on the OK button from the dialog box to apply settings.

    •Click on the Temporary View Properties option from the View Control Bar to manage and enable temporary views. The Temporary View Properties flyout will be displayed; refer to Figure-22. Click on the Temporarily Apply Template Properties option from the flyout. The Temporarily Apply Template Properties dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-23. Set desired parameters in the dialog box and click on the OK button. Click on the Enable Temporary View Properties option from the flyout to enable the applied properties.

    •Click on the Show/Hide Analytical Model option from the View Control Bar to display or hide analytical model created after performing analyses.

    •Click on the Reveal Constraints option from the View Control Bar to display constraints applied to the model.

    File Menu

    The options in the File menu are used to manage functions related to files like opening a file, creating a new file, exporting a file, and so on. The File menu is displayed on clicking File button from the left in the Ribbon; refer to Figure-24. Various options of the File menu are discussed next.

    Creating a New Project

    In Autodesk Revit, a project is a systematic collection of drawings that describes every aspect of construction project. A project may have architectural, structural, and system drawings arranged systematically. The procedure to create a new project is given next.

    •Click on the Project tool from the New cascading menu in the File menu (File->New->Project). The New Project dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-25.

    •Select desired template from the Template file drop-down. A project template provides a base for new project which includes view templates, loaded families, settings (such as units, fill patterns, line styles), and geometry, if desired.

    •By default, the Project radio button is selected in the dialog box and hence a new project file is created. If you want to create a project template then select the Project template radio button. Note that the file extension for Revit project file is *.rvt and file extension for Revit project template is *.rte.

    •After selecting desired parameters, click on the OK button from the dialog box. A new project will be created and displayed in the Application window.

    Creating a New Family

    Here, Family is not Mummy-Papa-Son!! In Revit, Family means the architectural/structural/MEP blocks used in creating construction project. For example, Door, Duct, Column, TV Stand, Wire, and so on are different families. The procedure to create a new family is given next.

    •Click on the Family tool from the New cascading menu in the File menu (File-> New-> Family). The New Family - Select Template File dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-26.

    •Select desired template and click on the Open button. The environment to create family will be displayed; refer to Figure-27. You will learn about family creation and editing in the Chapter 5.

    Creating New Conceptual Mass

    The Conceptual Mass is a conceptual representation of various elements of construction to explore earlier design ideas and perform initial analyses. The procedure to create a new conceptual mass is given next.

    •Click on the Conceptual Mass tool from the New cascading menu in the File menu (File->New->Conceptual Mass). The New Conceptual Mass-Select Template File dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-28.

    •Select desired template from the dialog box and click on the Open button. The environment to edit/create conceptual mass will be displayed; refer to Figure-29. We will discuss about conceptual mass creation later in this book.

    Similarly, you can use the Title Block and Annotation Symbol tools in the New cascading menu of the File menu to create new title block template and annotation symbols, respectively.

    Opening a Project File

    You can open an earlier created revit project for editing or review by using the Project tool from the Open cascading menu in the File menu. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Project tool from the Open cascading menu of the File menu (File->Open->Project). The Open dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-30.

    •Select the file of project that you want to open and click on the Open button from the dialog box. The file will be displayed.

    Note that you can open the other files in the same way by using the respective tools in the Open cascading menu of File menu.

    Opening File in Revit

    You can open any supported file in Revit by using a single tool named Open. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Open button from the File menu. The Open dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-31.

    •Select desired type of file from the Files of type drop-down. The files of selected type will be displayed in the dialog box.

    •Double-click on the file to open it or select the file and click on the Open button from the dialog box. The selected file will open.

    Opening a Cloud Model

    The Cloud Model tool in Open cascading menu of File menu is used to open model saved on cloud using BIM 360 and Autodesk Docs. BIM 360 is currently not available for educational version. This tool works in the same way as Google drive or any other software works.

    Saving a File

    There are two tools to save a file created in Revit; Save and Save As. If you are saving a file for the first time then Save and Save As tools work in the same way. The procedure to save a file is given next.

    •Click on the Save button from the File menu. If you have earlier saved the file then the copy of file will be updated. If you are saving the file for the first time then the Save As dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-32. Note that the same dialog box is displayed on selecting the Project button from the Save As cascading menu in the File menu.

    •Specify desired name of the file in File name edit box.

    •Click on the Options button from the dialog box to modify the options related to maximum number of backups and work sharing parameters. The File Save Options dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-33.

    •In the Maximum edit box, specify the maximum number of backups to be created for the current file.

    •In the Worksharing area, set desired parameters to share the saved file with other team members.

    •Select desired option from the Source drop-down in the Thumbnail Preview area to select the source for preview of the project. Click on the OK button to apply the file save options.

    •After setting all desired parameters, click on the Save button from the dialog box to save the file.

    Note that in the same way, you can save a project, family, template, or library using respective options from the Save As cascading menu.

    Exporting Files

    The export options in Revit are used to export selected file/project/object for other software. There are various tools in the Export cascading menu of the File menu to export file in different formats; refer to Figure-34.

    Various options in the Export cascading menu are discussed next.

    Exporting File in DWG, DXF, DGN, SAT, or STL format

    •Click on the DWG, DXF, DGN, ACIS(SAT), or STL tool from the Export->CAD Formats cascading menu in the File menu. The respective Export dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-35.

    •Select the option from the Export drop-down in the Select Views And Sheets To Export area of the dialog box. The Show in List drop-down will become available in the dialog box.

    •Select the All views and sheets in the Model option from the Show in List drop-down. All the views and sheets will be displayed in the list box.

    •Select the check boxes for views and sheets that you want to include in exported file.

    •Click on the Next button from the dialog box. The Export CAD Formats - Save to Target Folder dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-36.

    •Specify desired name for dxf and click on the OK button.

    You can use the options in the Export cascading menu in the same way.

    Printing Views and Sheets

    The tools in the Print cascading menu are used to prepare and print the views and sheets of model. Various tools of this cascading menu are discussed next.

    Print Setup

    The Print Setup tool is used to set the parameters for printing model. If you want to create a printout different from default settings then this is the tool to be used. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Print Setup tool from the Print cascading menu of the File menu. The Print Setup dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-37.

    •Select desired profile from the Name drop-down. The respective options will be set in the dialog box.

    •Set desired paper size in the Size drop-down. There are some common page sizes available in this drop-down like A3, A4, Legal and so on. If you want to specify a custom size then select the Custom option from the Size drop-down.

    •Set the orientation and other parameters as desired.

    •Click on the Save As button from the dialog box and specify new name for the profile in Name edit box displayed. After specifying name, click on the OK button from the New dialog box.

    •Click on OK button from the dialog box.

    Print Preview

    The Print Preview tool is used to check the preview of print before taking the physical printout. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Print Preview tool from the Print cascading menu of the File menu. The preview window will be displayed; refer to Figure-38.

    •Click on the Next Page and Prev Page buttons to check previews of different pages to be printed.

    •Click on the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to enlarge or diminish the view.

    •Click on the Close button to exit the window. If you want to print the documents during preview then click on the Print button from the preview window. The options for printing are discussed in next topic.

    Printing Documents

    The Print tool is used to take print out of drawing created in Revit. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Print tool from the Print cascading menu of the File menu. The Print dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-39.

    •Select desired radio button from the Print Range area of the dialog box. Select the Current Window radio button if you want to print objects displayed in current window only. Select the Visible portion of current window radio button to print the objects that are visible in current window. Select the Selected views/sheets radio button if you want to print only selected sheets and views. The Select button below the radio button will become active. Click on the Select button. The View/Sheet Set dialog box will be displayed. Select the sheets/views that need to be printed and click on the OK button.

    •Set the number of copies to be printed using the Number of copies spinner in the Options area of the dialog box.

    •Click on the OK button from the dialog box to take the printouts.

    Batch Printing

    The Batch Print tool is used to print multiple drawings of current project. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Open the project you want to print and make sure it is saved with latest changes. Click on the Batch Print tool from the Print cascading menu of the File menu. The Batch Print dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-40.

    •Select check boxes for views, sheets, and sheet sets from the Select tab in the dialog box to define the drawings and views to be printed.

    •Click on the Reorder tab in the dialog box to rearrange the sequence of drawings to be printed.

    •Click on the Print button from dialog box to print the drawings.

    Closing Project

    The Close tool in File menu is used to close the current active project displayed in graphics area. You can also use the shortcut CTRL+W keys to close the current project.

    Revit Options

    The Options tool of File menu is used to manage various general parameters of the software. The procedure to use this tool is given next.

    •Click on the Options button from the File menu. The Options dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-41.

    General Page

    •By default, the General page of dialog box is displayed. If not displayed by default, select the General option from the left area in the dialog box.

    •Select desired option from the Save reminder interval drop-down to define the time after which a save reminder will be displayed if you have not saved your current open model after modifications. Select the No reminders option from drop-down if you do not want to display a save reminder.

    •Select desired option from the Synchronize with Central reminder interval drop-down to set synchronization for save reminders when worksharing.

    •Set desired values in the When number of journals exceeds edit box to define number of journals after which cleanup will begin. Click in the Delete journals older than (days) edit box and specify desired value to define how much older files will be deleted.

    •Using the Worksharing update frequency slider, you can define the time (in seconds) after which the model you are sharing with others will be updated.

    •Select desired option from the Default view discipline drop-down to define which discipline of software will be displayed by default after starting the software.

    User Interface Page

    •Select desired check boxes from the Tools and analyses area to define which tools will be displayed in the default user interface of software.

    Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

    •Click on the Customize button for Keyboard shortcuts option to customize general shortcuts. The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-42. Select desired option from the Assignments area of dialog box and press desired shortcut keys to be assigned to that option. After pressing keys, click on the Assign button. If you have pressed unique shortcut keys for the option then they will be assigned but if the shortcut keys are not unique then the Duplicate Shortcut dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-43. Click on the OK button if you want to allow duplicate assignment of shortcut keys. You need to press the shortcut keys and while holding the keys, press Arrow keys to cycle between options bound to shortcut keys. Press SPACEBAR to execute the option. You can use the Import and Export buttons in the dialog box to import and export shortcut keys data in XML format. After setting desired parameters, click on the OK button from the dialog box.

    Customizing Double-Click Actions

    •Click on the Customize button for Double-click Options in the dialog box to define what functions will it do when double-clicked on a specific object. On clicking this button, the Customize Double-click Settings dialog box will be displayed; refer to Figure-44. Click in the Double-click action field for desired element from the table in the dialog box and select desired option. After setting desired parameters, click on the OK button from the dialog box.

    •Select desired option from the Tooltip assistance drop-down to define the level up to which tooltip information will be displayed when you hover the cursor on any tool or option in the interface.

    •Select the Enable Recent Files List at Home check box to display recently used files in the home screen after starting software.

    •Select desired option from the Project Environment drop-down of Ribbon tab switching area to define whether you will return to previous tab after exiting modification mode or you will stay on the Modify tab.

    •Similarly, select desired option from the Family Editor drop-down to define how you will exit the modification mode for family objects.

    •Select the Display the contextual tab on selection check box to display related modification contextual tab when you select an object.

    •Select desired option from the drop-down of View switching area to define how views will be switched when using shortcut keys.

    Colors Page

    •Select desired option from the Active theme drop-down to define the theme in which interface of software will be displayed. Select the Dark option from the drop-down to

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