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The Seed of Life
The Seed of Life
The Seed of Life
Ebook107 pages1 hour

The Seed of Life

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You will discover eternal life once you live in alignment with the intent of a higher force of will. By cultivating an affectionate state of being where you unconditionally love all beings, you will find that you no longer need to experiment to find your meaning and purpose. You no longer insanely cycle in and out of your imagination, pressured with the daily concerns of life. You no longer agree with collective groups' assumptions, such as religion, culture, or a political system. The moment your life begins to complement a higher influence, you will cease to be a part of a deep collective sleep. As a result, your newfound state of being contributes to the process of life. You see, life does not push or force its offspring. Life happens because of many natural events aligning harmoniously. For example, fruit is pulled out of a tree when the genetic laws placed within the seed matures and finds harmony with external influences. In other words, the laws of nature decide when the fruit is mature, attractive, nutritious, ripe, and ready to give its love. Life's potential to reproduce itself is inherent in all lifeforms; therefore, life emerges from preexisting instructions. Hereditary traits also influence the giving and receiving ability of each new occurrence of life. The characteristics determine the way love is expressed. It is nourishing sweet fruit, the fragrance of an orange blossom, the beauty of a colorful flower, the sound of a songbird, or the unconditional love of a human being for all other lifeforms.

PublisherWayne Roberts
Release dateMay 7, 2023
The Seed of Life

Wayne Roberts

Wayne Roberts is a father of three who studies philosophy, religion, politics, and spirituality. Wayne is not aligned with any religious, political, group or movement. After experiencing many failed ideologies, religions, politics, and the normal suffering that life can cause, he decided to write a book that introduces a new way to think about God, Religion, and life's purpose.

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    The Seed of Life - Wayne Roberts




    Copyright © 2021, Wayne Roberts

    ISBN: 798215751602

    Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.

    United States of America

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    First Edition, July 2021

    Published in the United States of America

    This book remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their copy from their favorite authorized retailer.

    Table of Contents


    The First Seed


    The Great Destruction

    A Grand Design

    The Seed of Life


    Is there life out there?

    Artificial Selection

    Experience Presence

    Two Trees

    Let There Be Light


    Giving and Receiving

    The Fruit

    Suggested Reading

    Works Cited


    Of the billions of humans on this planet, many will never establish a foundation of thought. As a result of ineffectual or downright harmful religious and political ideologies and traditions, a person may not develop the courage to explore how they honestly think or feel about their life’s purpose. A person may not know that they can discover on their own who they are and why they are here. All people need to be loved and accepted; therefore, they align themselves with traditions, beliefs, and movements that give them a sense of acceptance. Many institutions cleverly exploit the essential need to be loved, and many do so by offering a misleading solution to the numerous human fears. The deceptive answers provided by collective institutions are for a doubt that they implant to maintain power and control. If a person attempts to get love and acceptance by subscribing to the falsehoods, they will only give more life to the deceptive beliefs. Their life’s meaning will be a strong and unshakable delusion.

    Your life, both as a spiritual being and a living form, flows from an uninterrupted stream of consciousness. You are physically, emotionally, and spiritually connected to your parents, your grandparents, and many great-grandparents. This magnificent relationship links you to the origin of all life. The force that brought you here breathed life through the epoch with no gaps or pauses directly into the present moment where you exist right now. Despite nature’s variations, trials, accidents, contradictions, and events that are disruptive to the process of life, you are here at this moment. You know that you exist, but you may not know why. You may want to find out who you are and why you are here at some point in your life. Beyond any doubt, you are more than just another offspring of the stream of life that will simply live and die.

    This book will explore the reality of life using the combined efforts and the incredible work of many individuals from the past three thousand years. Like many people, I want to understand why we think the way we do and how we can change the way we think to live a better life. The way we view life affects our ability to be productive as a human and to live free of fear, worry, bitterness, and regret. We have an essential purpose for being here, but we must give up the self-identity and align with a higher force of will to understand this possibility.

    The purpose of this book is to reorient a person toward a higher source so it can guide them to understand their unique meaning and purpose. By choosing to reassess your beliefs, you can unleash the power of surrender, learning, understanding, and renewal in your life. Reality is under no obligation to make sense to you, but this should not cause you to cling to beliefs for comfort and safety. It is possible to courageously open your mind to new ideas, possibilities, and a better way of life. I urge you to work through each chapter as we explore a new way to think about your life’s meaning and purpose.

    The First Seed

    In the beginning, a mysterious source of energy violently broke free from total darkness and emptiness. This event was the origin of all life as we know it. Although this cosmic awakening began billions of years ago, it is still active within you at this moment. Sadly, due to our constant stream of thoughts, we are estranged from this higher source of life, a source that desires our alignment with a conscious state of being. You can represent a pure state of consciousness, but you must awaken from a deep sleep to unleash this power. The source of life is trying to motivate your life into a higher state of being. Right now, you can harness this energy field and realize an understanding of life’s meaning that is truly alive.

    If you pause for a moment and look out into space on a clear night, you will be reminded that there is something much more magnificent and extraordinarily greater than you and your life. This sense of something higher in consciousness often influences you, although you may not recognize it. While looking into deep space or deep within yourself, you will not realize the essence or intent of your life unless your mind is free of all agreements, beliefs, and opinions about what life is. If you want to understand life, especially your life’s meaning, you must be willing to challenge your conditioned mind.

    Despite many compelling ideas, theories, and beliefs about the beginning of life, no one truly knows how we came to be. Many religious and scientific institutions claim to know for sure, but this often exposes their righteous indignation for the other theories or beliefs. In the most straightforward explanation, leaving out all religious beliefs, superstitions, and assumptions, we know something spectacular happened a long time ago, which allowed us to be. For me, this basic understanding of human origins is enough to motivate my search for meaning. For others, more evidence may be required.


    The best evidence of life’s beginning is found in the astronomical phenomenon known as the Doppler Effect and Redshift. With a telescope, we can see that light from celestial objects is moving away from us because its light is shifted to red in the color spectrum. The redshift of the objects tells us they are moving outward and away from their source. Because objects in the Universe are moving away from a source, we can imagine a reversal of the events back to a single event. This original point of origin is responsible for the form-based reality in which we live. This orchestrated dispersal of matter created everything, including the fantastic process of life. Life’s energy is observable in the galaxies, stars, planets, and all matter down to the atomic level. This event, known as The Singularity, was responsible for an incomprehensible process that formed a galaxy and the majestic rhythms of organic life. Throughout this period of expansion, lifeforms continue to be born, changed, and then destroyed. The process has never ceased producing more life.

    The energy field responsible for life has flowed from a single event as if it is searching for something. The expansive energy of the Cosmos produced new creations, including the seemingly irrelevant, vulnerable, and powerless objects of life here on Earth. The vigor of

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