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Given a Buckley's Chance
Given a Buckley's Chance
Given a Buckley's Chance
Ebook353 pages3 hours

Given a Buckley's Chance

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About this ebook


The Buckley cousins are heading back to the old family ranch, years after a disastrous night of hide and seek that left one of them maimed for life.

But the games aren't over. There's a high stakes scavenger hunt at play.

Keri Buckley needs that prize money. Her ex has shattered her reputation and left her with a massive debt. Winning this prize is the answer to her problems.

What she doesn't need is the added complication of Linc, her disastous attempt at a one night stand - and now their tour guide - who she's pretty sure hates her.

What happened on the family ranch 25 years ago? And who's fault was it?

Zach might only be eleven, but he thinks he can crack the case.

But is eveyone telling the truth? Are they even all who they say they are?

Join the Buckley family as they travel through the Australian Outback on. ajourny that stirs up forgotten memories, hidden secrets and maybe the chance to win at love.

Release dateOct 1, 2023
Given a Buckley's Chance

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    Book preview

    Given a Buckley's Chance - Nikki Perry


    To: Kevin; Charlie; Phil; Darren; Niall; Suzanne; Naomi; Joni; Keri; Eddie

    Cc: linc@toddlincolntours


    Hey Buckley family,

    It’s been way too long!

    Uncle Peter sent me this old photo (attached) of us all at the SA/ NT border and it got me thinking of the old days when we all hung out as kids.

    Remember the drive from Adelaide to the ranch? When Grandpa would make us do a scavenger hunt along the way, and the best find won a prize?

    Well, since my fortieth is coming up in a few months, I thought it might be fun to do it again.

    So, I’ve hired a bus to bring you all up to Canyon Moon Station.

    All costs included, accommodation, food and drinks, transport etc and some fun stuff on the way.

    It leaves from Todd Lincoln Tours on June 26th at 11.00am, and will get to the ranch in time for my party on the 8th of July.

    So, the scavenger hunt.

    Bring me the best gift, and the prize, since I’m a rich bastard now, will be 100k.

    Remember the rules:

    •  No bringing it from home.

    •  No money can change hands.

    •  No stealing.

    Hope you can all make it. It would be great to get together again like old times and reminisce.



    your cousin Stephen

    Buckley family tree

    m = married d = deceased

    Chapter 1

    Generally, Keri wasn’t someone who picked up men in bars. Hadn’t done it before, in fact. Not even when she was con- siderably younger and arguably more likely to succeed. Not that she had anything against people who did. No judgment there.

    In fact, her cousin Charlie had left with a guy she’d been flirting with for most of the night, which meant that her flat, where Keri had been sleeping on the sofa for the past couple of weeks, was possibly a no-go area.

    They’d come into the bar a few times since Keri had ar- rived in Adelaide as it was Charlie’s local when she was home from her army job. Keri could see why. It was often packed and Charlie, being a single lady, liked a bit of ‘R ’n’ R’ when she was on leave.

    She’d be lying if she said the bartender hadn’t caught her eye on the first night. In fact, to avoid staring at his rug- gedly handsome face she’d watched his muscular arms as he’d poured the tonic into the gin that she’d ordered, before

    realising that staring at his arms was probably even more pervy. Which seemed more like a twenty-something Keri thing to do, not a respectable Keri in her forties. Although, she guessed the bartender looked roughly the same age as her, so surely that made it a bit less creepy?

    The bar guy’s hot, Charlie had shouted as Keri placed their drinks on the slightly sticky table.

    Is he? Keri had feigned indifference. She’d barely looked at him for the rest of the night — at least she’d tried her best not to. But he was there when they’d returned a few nights later.

    And now tonight, there he was again. After Keri made her way to the table with her round, Charlie said; I think the bar guy was checking you out. You should ask him what time he finishes, offer to buy him a drink or something.

    He wasn’t. He’s doing his job. I’m sure he’s friendly to everyone.

    They looked towards the bar where the hot bartender was currently scowling at a man who was propped up on one arm, waving the other and spilling beer as he spun a rather involved story.

    When Charlie left, with barely a wave in Keri’s direction, she hadn’t bothered to mention whether Keri was still wel- come to sleep on the sofa. She didn’t want to go back to Char- lie’s and interrupt whatever she would find her crazy cousin

    doing. So, surprising even herself, Keri had taken a seat at the bar and ordered another drink from the hot bartender.

    Fuck it. She was in a city far enough from home where she knew basically nobody and she hadn’t got laid in over a year. This guy had lovely hazel eyes, interesting tattoos and a vibe that might be saying ‘I’m interested’, if Charlie was to be believed. She was also a day out from a road trip with a bunch of cousins she mostly hadn’t seen in years. Into the outback where men like this could well be few and far between. Which was probably why Charlie was getting what- ever she could now. There was no reason Keri couldn’t do the same. She took the plunge.

    Can I buy you a drink? she asked him. Not the most orig- inal pick-up line, especially in a bar. Where was her game?

    The owner of the bar is pretty casual about the staff drinking but I don’t drink while I’m working, Even when it’s quiet like this. He took a cloth and wiped up a few drops of spilled soda. But I finish up in about half an hour so if you want to hang around, I’d be happy to take you up on your offer then.

    I’ve got nowhere to go, she grinned.

    He gave an easy smile and turned to put back a bottle of bourbon on the shelf. Keri swiftly tugged her sweater down, hoping to nonchalantly and casually show off a bit of cleav- age and the lacy bra she’d put on that evening.

    A short time later, hot bar guy said something to the other bartender and poured himself a beer. What can I get you?

    I thought I was buying? Perk of the job.

    Right, of course. Then I guess I’ll have another G&T, thanks.

    He poured her drink, slid it over, then came round to the other side of the counter. There were only a dozen or so peo- ple left in the bar by now. The arm-waving guy from earlier was drunkenly trying to put a casino token into the jukebox. "Let’s grab a seat by the window. It’s the furthest away from the music and if I have to hear ‘Beds Are Burning’ one more time tonight, I won’t be held responsible for the


    Keri followed, possibly checking out his denim-clad arse as she did so. If she was, in fact, checking it out, she’d have said it was a pretty nice one.

    So you like working here? she asked once they’d slid into their seats, cringing internally at her lack of anything intelligent or flirty to say. She was rusty. All of her. Outside faced a garden bar which was empty, umbrellas tucked away for the night and beyond that a car park. An engine started and headlights came on. They were bathed in light for a mo- ment and then the car pulled out onto the road.

    It pays the bills. I know the owner so I work here casually when she needs extra help. Happens quite often. Bar staff are always taking off without notice.

    Keri tucked that away into her memory bank. She’d be needing a job when she got back, and after everything that

    had happened over the past year she didn’t think she’d be going back to sales in a hurry.

    I might keep that in mind, she said.

    It seemed as though he was about to say something but at that moment their knees brushed under the table and Keri stopped thinking about future job possibilities.

    You have nice hands. Her voice came out all low and breathy.

    You have nice lips, he said.

    They stared intently at each other for a bit. He was half smiling and Keri hoped she wasn’t grinning like an idiot. She wondered how he’d got the scar on the edge of his eyebrow and what it would be like to kiss him. She was thinking that she’d really like to find out, when he reached over and tucked one of her curls behind her ear.

    Sorry, it was about to go in your drink.

    Thanks. It’s always a mess. The joys of curly hair.

    He took a sip of his drink. It’s nice. I like it. He looked down into his beer for a bit, his large hands curved around the glass. They were indeed very nice hands, the kind that looked like they’d not shy away from putting up a bookshelf or opening a tricky jar of pickles. Or other things she could think of.

    Look, when I said before I had nowhere to go, I meant it. I literally have nowhere to go tonight. I’m sleeping on my cousin’s sofa and she’s gone home with some random guy. I don’t normally do this, but if you were up for it ...?

    He looked up from where he’d been contemplating his beer and studied Keri silently for what was probably only a few seconds, but stretched into eternity.

    I’m up for it. He drained his drink in two large gulps.

    If Keri had imagined they’d throw themselves at each other the moment they walked through the door like sex-starved characters from a romcom, she’d have been disappointed.

    They parked in the driveway of a small but neat one-level brick house. It was a squat rectangular block, like a child’s drawing, sitting towards the front of a small section. The front yard was fairly bare from what she could see from the dim porch light, but inside it was modern and tidy, an open plan kitchen and living area with wooden floors and large doors opening onto a deck at the back. There were loom- ing shadows of trees outside, possibly eucalyptus, but she couldn’t see much more than that. The room was on the small side, and it was overly warm, even though it was win- ter. It was definitely the room temperature, although Keri felt more like the heat was happening to her internally, like a built-in combustion heater. As though reading her mind, he crossed to the window and threw it open letting the cool night air waft inside, then switched on some music. It was sultry and jazzy. Definitely not bar jukebox music.

    Can I get you a coffee? Or another drink?

    Whatever you’re having, she managed to say, her throat

    gone dry with nerves. While he made drinks in the kitchen, she took a seat on one end of a puffy brown sofa.

    He returned with two glasses of water with ice and lemon and sat down near her. They picked up their glasses in unison and took a sip, then laughed awkwardly. When they’d both put their glasses back down again, on wooden coasters, he turned towards Keri, put both hands up to her face and kissed her gently. His hands were warm and slightly calloused. His lips were firm but gentle. He tasted of malt and lemon and heat surged through her, quickening her pulse. Maybe it had been too long but she struggled to remember the last time she’d had such a good kiss. As the intensity increased, Keri found her arms coming up around his shoulders, pulling him towards her as though she wanted to climb into him. She did want to climb into him, she realised. There was the feeling, right there, that she’d clearly been repressing when they’d first got inside of wanting to rip her clothes off, and his along with them. She let out an embarrassing sort of a moan and he stood pulling her to her feet. They kept kissing for a bit, light kisses and then deeper, their bodies pressed together and his hands sliding to just above her bum but frustratingly not straying any further.

    Hot bar guy pulled away to look at her. "Do you want to

    ...?" He indicated towards the hallway, and Keri took it as meaning there was a bedroom back there and they should retire to it immediately.

    She gave him a nod. He took her by the hand and led her

    the short distance into the bedroom.

    He was quick to whip off his shirt, discarding it neatly on a chair beside the window, and Keri found her eyes straying. A light dusting of hair and a nice chest, not too perfectly chis- elled to be intimidating but firm looking and tanned. She felt the prickle of anticipation. But also nerves.

    Ah, can I quickly use your bathroom?

    Sure, out the door and further down the hallway, first door on the right.

    Keri closed the door behind her and made her way swiftly down the hall. There was a large picture of some sort on the wall, the bathroom doorway opposite. Not wanting to linger too long, Keri entered and quickly peed. She stared at herself in the mirror while she washed her hands; she was flushed and a bit dishevelled but didn’t look as much of a wreck as she thought she might have after all the kissing. In fact, she thought she almost looked sexy — in the dim light. There was no towel, so she opened the cupboard under the sink. The first thing she noticed was a pack of pink lady shavers. And a half full box of tampons.

    There hadn’t been any other signs of a girlfriend or part- ner that she’d noticed but then again, it was a minimalist decor and she’d been extremely distracted. Was it an old girlfriend? Or a current one? Did she live here with him? Was she out of town? More aware now, Keri noticed a floral print kimono-style gown hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

    If there was one thing she hated, it was a cheater. She also hated confrontation, but perhaps there was a logical expla- nation. Probably an ex-girlfriend. Although if someone was an ex, wouldn’t he get rid of their stuff? He was clearly not a slob, from what she’d seen of the rest of the house. She cracked open the door. Right opposite was the framed pic- ture she’d vaguely noticed but hadn’t looked at before. Now she did. Hot bar guy and a woman. A much younger woman. She was in a pair of skimpy denim shorts and a bikini top. His hair was slightly shorter but it looked recent-ish, maybe taken the previous summer. He was behind the woman with his arms around her waist, and her face was twisted up to his. They were smiling and looking deeply into each other’s eyes. Definitely not something you’d keep if this was an ex. The door to the bedroom was still shut, and with a confusing mixture of disappointment and repulsion, Keri snuck back into the lounge where she’d left her bag. She took a deep breath and told herself not to panic, but also that she wasn’t overreacting. She cursed her impulsiveness as well. This was why she never did this kind of thing. This was why you didn’t dive wantonly into bed with someone without getting to know them a little bit, or at least asking them about their current relationship status.

    Luckily her phone still had some charge to order an Uber. She’d finally found her shoes, nestled under the comfy brown sofa, when she was startled by a sudden loud squawk. The window was still open from earlier and something

    was now perched on it. A large white bird with a yellow crest. It squawked again, its beady black eyes glinting at her in the dim light, clearly not happy with Keri’s presence or maybe wanting to be fed.

    Shhh, she hissed. The bird let out an even louder caw, followed by something that sounded suspiciously like ‘hussy’.

    Stop it.

    It squawked again.

    Terrified that she was going to be caught sneaking out, Keri picked up a shoe and heaved it in the direction of the noisy bird. There was a thud and a faint flutter and it disap- peared, along with the shoe, out of the window.

    All was silent again, aside from the background music still playing. Keri stealthily made her way to the door, as much as she could, hobbling on her one shoe, but the lock looked complicated and possibly noisy. She looked at the open window. It wasn’t huge but probably big enough for her to squeeze through and hopefully not a huge

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