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A Glimpse of God's Magnificent Plans For His Children
A Glimpse of God's Magnificent Plans For His Children
A Glimpse of God's Magnificent Plans For His Children
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A Glimpse of God's Magnificent Plans For His Children

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About this ebook

WILLIAM DENNIS HOLMES was born on September 27, 1963, to Floyd and

Lizzie Mae Holmes in Greensville County, Virginia. He attended Greensville County

Public Schools and graduated in June 1982. He grew up in a Christian home with

a praying mother and father. They went to a powerful sanctified Holy Ghost-

filled church calle

Release dateMay 5, 2023
A Glimpse of God's Magnificent Plans For His Children

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    Book preview

    A Glimpse of God's Magnificent Plans For His Children - Elder William D. Holmes


    ISBN 978-1-959895-68-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-959895-67-1 (eBook)

    Copyright © 2023 by Elder William D. Holmes

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Printed in the United States of America



    1. This World is Not Our Eternal Home

    2. Eternity

    A. Third Heaven

    B. Throne of God

    C. God’s Name

    3. Meeting Around the Throne

    A. Children

    B. Testimony in Heaven

    4. Daily Activities

    A. Visiting with The Almighty

    B. The Mind of God

    5. Three Levels of Heaven

    A. Level One

    B. Second Level

    C. Third Level

    6. The Mysteries of God

    7. Eternity of God

    8. Two places for a Soul to Go

    9. Walk Around Heaven All Day

    10. The GodHead

    The Holy Ghost

    11. Confusion

    12. The Marriage of the Lamb

    A. Marriage

    B. Millennium

    C. Battle of Armageddon

    D. Resurrection

    13. Spending A Vacation In Heaven

    A. First Level

    B. Second Level

    C. Third Level

    D. The New Jerusalem

    E. Types of Angels

    14. The New Heaven and Earth

    A. The New Earth

    B. The New Heaven

    C. The Cold Planet

    15. The Truth of the Matter


    Note from the Author


    About the Author


    In our world people live for today and very few prepare for the world to come. They are concerned for now in this world to get education, work careers, sleep, exercise, eat food, to be entertained, enjoy sex, get married, have children, grandchildren, build houses and travel. People are into having cookouts, picnics, laying on the sand at the beach, going to ballgames, races, gambling, card playing, drinking alcohol, smoking plants, going to amusement parks, and theaters. They say live your life to the fullness. So much emphasis is placed on living in this world. Very little attention is placed on worship a true and living God. Some people feel God is not real because they cannot physically see Him. Everyone wants to do their thing as long as it doesn’t bother others. Almost anything goes! Live your life being prosperous in houses, money, land, vehicles and good careers. Celebrating birthdays, graduations and other parties! Others are drinking alcohol or using drugs trying to get that so call "high." There are some people who get involved in premarital sex which led to teen pregnancies and deadbeat dads! Young people focus on being highly educated in many college and doctorate degrees doing their thing with little or no reference to God or thinking about eternity.

    When it comes to death people don’t want to talk about it, feel at death they don’t know anything because they are looking at the graveyard. Others say there is no life beyond the grave. They don’t believe in Heaven or Hell. Life ends at the grave, the people say. That is why there is so much weeping, mourning at funerals for their love ones. It appears there is no more hope! It is a hopeless case. They believe the saying, "The dead knows nothing." They based it looking at the tombstones and quiet graves in the cemetery.

    In the midst of all of this, God has plans for His children. We as born again; Holy Ghost Filled Christians have a hope when it comes to death. In this book we are going to get a glimpse of His magnificent wonders for His children. I say a glimpse because the Scripture states in I Corinthians 2:9-10

    But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. ¹⁰But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit:

    God has given me a vision of His magnificent wonders. Take a sneak view of Heaven, look at the wonderful mysteries of God throughout His Kingdom. We will talk about the world to come and take a tour into the mighty works of God. How you like living in a world with a multitude of people with no sin or negative thought? There is no sickness or death! I will talk about worlds which dwells righteousness and no negativity whatsoever! Worlds where death and sickness does not exist! Just love, joy and peace! God is good! Good is not a big enough word to describe the glory of God. God’s glory will leave all on Earth speechless! This book will give you a glimpse into this wonderful, wonderful world. May you be blessed, inspired and encourage to live for Jesus after you read this book. I am writing by the leading of the Holy Ghost.

    Chapter 1

    This World is Not Our Eternal Home

    We are blessed to live in world with so much beauty. The seasons of the year are so wonderful. Springtime is when flowers buds, Butterflies and Bumblebees does their pollination process, trees began to develop leaves, birds, cats, dogs, other creatures have their young. It is time to plant for to grow new life.

    Photo by Beth Twist from FreeImages

    Summer is when the sun shine hot and it is time for people to do outside activities. Fishing, riding bicycle, running, swimming, camping, vacations, working out at the gym. Some go to the mountains and others go to the beach.

    Photo by Anissa Thompson from FreeImages

    Autumn is time for trees to shed leaves they look so beautiful. School and College starts with students getting back to their studies. Summers birds all fly away doing autumn.

    Photo by Beth Twist from FreeImages

    Then come winter with Christmas time, beautiful snow, ice, cold weather.

    Photo by Jan Zabroda from FreeImages

    All forces of nature are the handiwork of God.

    You may wonder why would God allow us to have violent storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, dust storms, droughts, volcanoes, earthquakes? It seems so cruel for people lives to suffer or perish in such tragedies. The answer to your question is God allow these tragedies to happen because of the curse of sin that fell on the Earth through the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3 Chapter It was God’s original plan to have a World with no sin, sickness, animals be gentle one to another all vegetarians. The lion, bear, shark, crocodile, wolf and such like will not be predators but they will all eat plants, fruits and nuts. There will be no death! All animals, plants and even man will live forever! That is right! Adam, Eve and all who were born into this world were to live forever!

    Question is what will happen when the Earth fills up with people? Answer why do you think those planets in the Solar System are rotating around the Sun? They are not just there taking up space. They were part of God magnificent plan to populate the Earth and all through the Solar System. God is magnificent and He is far beyond Scientist, Doctors’ knowledge here on Earth. Our little knowledge is no match to God magnificent intelligence! Man can boast big things; when God wave His powerful hand, man is helpless. Just look how helpless man becomes during a natural disaster such as a tornado, earthquake, hurricane strikes it cause great destruction and man can do nothing to stop it! Just look at the wild fires in California USA and in other parts of the world. They can throw water on it but it is only a drop in the bucket for the fire is so big. Only God can put out a mass fire by sending a good soaking rain. Man is helpless! The best they can do is to try to rescue and move people out of harm’s way.

    God is Almighty and there is nobody that can match Him! Look how children are taught to bow down doing a Tornado drill at their school. There are adults who go into underground shelters trying to hold on to dear life! Look at how helpless man is doing a great flood. So much water that covers houses, cars, roads, yards. In order to get around people have to travel by boat or plane.

    Truly Wild Fires, Tornadoes, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Violent Thunderstorms are God’s way of reminding man He is Almighty and besides Him there is no other! Every since Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden our world has changed. The curse of sin fell on the entire Solar System. All the planets Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto changed into what they are today. Pluto is too cold for life; Mercury is too hot toward the Sun and the other side is too cold away from the sun. Jupiter the largest planet is full of poisonous gases. Mars, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are not fit due to their distance and rotation from the Sun for human life.

    Although before Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden. The Earth was pleasant with the Greenhouse effect by not being too hot or too cold. There was no snow, ice, violent storms, floods or even rain. God watered the Earth by sending up a mist from the deep. The Planets in the Solar System were all pleasant ready to sustain human life! The Greenhouse effect was in place throughout the Solar System.

    The solar system. As far as life is only proven on Earth. The other planets are empty. Do you wonder why are they there? God only knows.

    The planets were NOT too hot, too cold, or there were no poisonous gases! God’s magnificent wisdom empowered each planet to create its own heat or have its own shield to protect themselves from the dangerous rays of the Sun. All their rotations were perfect to sustain human life.

    It was God’s magnificent plan to populate the Earth with human life and when the Earth fills up transfer people to the other planets throughout the Solar System. All living Holy before the Lord God. No evil, sin, sickness, accidents or even death! This may sound crazy to you, because all you know is our Universe as it is today. The Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden cause the curse of sin to change the whole Universe under Heaven.

    Just imagine our world where there is NO sin. NO war! NO coronavirus or any sickness! NO violence! There will be no police, jails, prisons, courts, judges, lawyers, doctors, hospitals, funeral homes, graveyards. People marry for life being faithful to their spouse. No adultery or divorce! Male and Female just like God commanded. There will be no homosexuality or lesbianism. Common law marriage or fornication will not exist. No stealing or burglaries. No dance halls, clubs or casinos. There will be no type of gambling. No type of witchcraft in any form.

    Everyone loves one another regardless of their race, gender or nationality. Oh, what a beautiful time that would be! The creatures will all love each other. The lion will lay down by the lamb. All birds of the air will be vegetarians and will sing praises unto God of the Heaven. All of this sounds really good to true believers in Christ. Although in the minds of some Christians and Sinners this sounds crazy!

    What they want is a world control by the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Some people want to play a little with evil or sin. Others want to be a homosexual, lesbian, transgender, witch or warlock and serve God too! Some people want to commit fornication or adultery and be a Christian too! There are those who love to gamble, play cards, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco or other plants. People love boxing to see the person get bruises or bleeds from their wounds, shooting people with guns, stabbing them with swords or knives and fighting until they see blackeyes, blood coming out of someone.

    People are hungry to see blood or someone beat the life out of someone!

    People are hungry to see blood! They call that excitement. All of this evil in the eyes of God. That is the reason God permitted the angel of death to put an end to sin. That is the Only reason for the angel of death! In God there is NO such thing as Death! When Adam sin in the Garden of Eden death passed upon the human race, animal kingdom, plants the Earth itself and the Solar System. God spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden that dust thou art and dust thou shalt return. Genesis 3:19 The moment Adam ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil his blood cells begin to die and the marrow in the bone began to manufacture more blood cells to replace them. This will cause the body to continue to grow older and older. It was God’s original plan for man to grow until they reach thirty-three years old. Once they reach thirty-three years old, they level off. You know this is the age of Jesus thirty-three years old. God wants all His children to be energetic. Full of youth ready to go!

    Senior Citizens getting old with grey hairs, stoop over walking with canes, walkers. Those who sit around sleeping, suffering with memory, hearing or seeing loss. The natural body getting old is a reminder of God’s powerful Words to Adam in the Garden of Eden. "Dust thou art and dust thou shalt return!"

    Senior Citizens traveling getting old is a result of Adam’s Disobedience unto God. Photo by Anissa Thompson from FreeImages

    So, we live now looking forward to check off this planet.

    This world is NOT our home! People call it home, because that is all they know! Some people have no clue what is beyond death. So, they concentrate on this world here fearing what is beyond that river of death! There are church people and clergy who preach sermons, sing songs not about the world to come or Heaven but about life here on Earth. The Saints of God would sing songs and Holiness Preachers preach sermons getting people ready for Heaven. Today Christians are concentrating on living here on this Earth fearing about the hereafter. Live in this world now with plenty money, raising children, working your job careers, celebrating holidays, shopping, going on vacation, to the beach, camping, to the mountains, to amusement parks. Live your life to the fullness they say. When tragedy strikes and a love one dies, they grieve like there is no hope!

    It bothers me how some people grieve, cry and faints at funerals, vigils, gravesite or homegoing services. This again is the results of sin. I want to know where were they while the love one was alive? Give them their flowers now while they can smell them! Don’t you know if you speak kind words and do nice things for people while they are alive it will cause them to live longer? One cause people to leave this world is they feel nobody loves them or they are just in the way! Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21

    Again this was NOT God’s original plan for man due to Adam’s Sin brought this curse upon man!

    When you see graveyards, funeral homes and morgues those are results how Satan lied to man!

    Evidence how Satan lied to man! Death and the Grave is the result of Sin. This was NOT God’s original plan for man!

    Why mess with Satan anymore! He will mislead you down the Broadway into Hell Fire! Satan will offer this world in its glory: love of money, power, glory, houses, land, vehicles, sex, wonderful careers all for sixty, fifty, forty or so years! I want to say eternity is a longer time compared to forty, fifty, sixty or so years of pleasure here on this Earth. Satan uses this tactic to fool a lot of people from giving their life to Jesus. He will fool people into believing Eternity is NOT important. The Bible is a fairy tale! We need to live in this world NOW! Enjoy yourself for you are young. God place all these things in this world for you to enjoy. Jesus is just for the poor people to give them false hope! Don’t fall for that trick. What Satan don’t show you is the consequences to live in sin. There is no guarantee you will live all those forty, fifty, sixty or more years!

    People can suddenly go off into eternity any time of day or night. Regardless to how old, young, how healthy or athletic you are it does not matter. I have heard of healthy, young man who suddenly collapse on the basketball court or Gym floor! Doctors are baffled! I was at the emergency room at a hospital and the paramedics brought in a sixty-five-year-old man who was in cardiac arrest. They brought him in on the air pump. The medical people worked on him to see they could get a pulse but after several negative attempts they declared him dead. Another life gone off into eternity! That is why Jesus told us to be Ready for the hour you think not the Son of man cometh. St Matthew 24:44

    Your education, bachelors, masters or doctorate degrees does not matter. When it comes time to leave this planet people exit leaving all these material things behind. There are many times family members will fight over items a deceased love one has left behind such as cars, houses, land, money in bank accounts, whatever assets the love owned doing their life. Greed and the Love of money will cause family members to break long time relationships. Don’t allow Satan to cause you to fall out with family members over the material things of this world. It is not worth it! Jesus said in St Matthew 16:29, For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

    It is important to get Jesus in your soul and be filled with the blessed gift of the Holy Ghost. That is the only thing we can take with us when we take off from this planet. We brought nothing into this world and we certainly cannot take anything away. I Timothy 6:7

    Having Jesus in your soul being Sanctified through the blood of Jesus and Baptized and Filled with the Holy Ghost and Fire is so important to have above all the money, education, houses, sex, silver, gold or whatever this world can afford. This takes me to the next chapter talking about God’s plans for His children who love Him with all their heart and to walk each day here on Earth in the Word of God.

    Chapter 2


    We must understand once we leave this planet, we enter into a whole

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