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God and Jesus: The Identity Crisis
God and Jesus: The Identity Crisis
God and Jesus: The Identity Crisis
Ebook310 pages6 hours

God and Jesus: The Identity Crisis

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Are you tired of the confusion surrounding the identity of God and Jesus? Are you ready to break free from the chains of Orthodox Christian theology and rediscover the true nature of God and Jesus? Look no further than "God And Jesus: The Identity Crisis."

In this eye-opening book, author Edward G. Palmer boldly challenges the traditional belief that Jesus is God, citing evidence from scripture that contradicts this claim. Jesus claimed to be a man in John 8:40 and to have a God in John 20:17. Jesus also taught that his God was our God, and we are to worship only his God, the Father. How can that be true if Jesus is God? There is an identity crisis, and Christians have been misled for centuries by theologians abusing the Gospel of John to teach against Jesus. What are the implications for our relationship with God and our prospect of eternal life in heaven? Yes, they're some.

Through careful analysis of biblical passages and a review of the original Hebrew and Greek texts, the author presents a powerful argument for re-evaluating our understanding of the nature and identities of God and Jesus. With insightful commentary and thought-provoking insights, "God And Jesus: The Identity Crisis" is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their faith.

Don't settle for a watered-down version of Christianity. Discover the truth about God and Jesus. Christians need to reclaim their First Love, which many have lost, according to Jesus in Revelation 2:4. The Orthodox Church did not just corrupt the identity of God and Jesus. The very nature of salvation has been lied about. In what will become a must-have reference book for all faiths, author Edward G. Palmer discloses the true nature of Jesus, who God is, and what God's salvation is. Order your copy of the soul-saving "God And Jesus: The Identity Crisis" today!

PublisherEdward Palmer
Release dateMay 20, 2023
God and Jesus: The Identity Crisis

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    Book preview

    God and Jesus - Edward Palmer

    God And Jesus

    The Identity Crisis!

    Edward G. Palmer

    God And Jesus: The Identity Crisis!

    Copyright © 2023

    Published by JVED Publishing at Smashwords

    SMASHWORDS Edition

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission of the publisher.

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    All Rights Reserved

    Bible Translations: All Scriptures are from the New King James Bible (NKJV) unless otherwise noted.

    Disclaimer: This book is the sole opinion of the author based on his research, knowledge, and understanding. Scriptures may have bracketed words like [Jesus] which are the author's method of enhancing the clarity of the verse. They may also have the following capitalization protocol used to clarify the identities of Jesus and God or YAHWEH.

    Capitalization Protocol

    On all Bible citations, regardless of the translation used and where the context clearly points to God ALMIGHTY or to Jesus Christ, this book distinguishes between the two. This is done by using either small-cap characters or lowercase characters.

    For God Almighty, a small capitalized style protocol is followed and reflected in the format: CREATOR, FATHER, ALMIGHTY, GIVER, HE, HIS, HIM, HIMSELF, YOU, YOUR, ME, MINE, MOST HIGH, MY, MYSELF, LORD AND SAVIOR, ETC.

    For Jesus Christ, a lowercase protocol is used except for Lord and Son. Hence, when these pronouns are used for Jesus, they show up as: he, his, him, himself, you, your, me, my, myself, savior, Lord, or Son.

    This has generally been followed throughout the book but is not the case with every cited verse. It is used for those verses in which the context cannot be easily disputed, or in the case of citing, a quality or attribute which belongs solely to God.

    For those interested in the original translation capitalization, the author refers them to the actual Bible version used for the cited text. A list of Bible translations is shown on the next page. In other cases, capital letters used within the mentioned sentence structure were also changed on common words for ease of reading or modern grammar. In other cases, the capitalized letters were left as shown in the original translation. Hence the original Bible phrase ; Because might appear as ; because. In all instances, the author maintains complete integrity of translation, and the writings herein can be traced back to the original Bibles to confirm the accuracy of presentation. While not perfect, the capitalization protocol is reasonably consistent and enhances the reading and value of the author's writings.

    Bible Translations

    For everyone who wants to understand God

    and His Holy Bible. It starts with your heart!

    A special thanks to my wife Becky

    for her creative thoughts, editorial

    inputs, and encouragement.


    Our First Love

    "Nevertheless I have this against you,

    that you have left your FIRST love." Revelation 2:4

    "You shall love the LORD your God with all

    your heart, with all your soul, and with all

    your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

    The warning in Revelation 2:4 is to the church at Ephesus, often referred to in the Bible as the loveless church. However, this church does seem to be doing many things right.

    They could not bear those who were evil.

    They tested people claiming to be apostles.

    They've persevered and have patience.

    They labored hard for Jesus' name's sake.

    They haven't become weary in their labors.

    They hated the practices of the Nicolaitans.¹

    Still, Jesus says there is something against them. They've forsaken² their FIRST love. Have you? We don't have to wonder who our FIRST love is supposed to be as the Bible tells it is to love God ALMIGHTY, in both the Old and New Testaments. Yet, many Christians and churches seem to have supplanted God [aka YAHWEH] with their love for another, a God-man named Jesus. Consider the lyrics in the popular Gospel song, Jesus On The Mainline.

    Jesus On The Mainline³

    Jesus on the mainline, tell Him

    what you want.

    Jesus on the mainline, tell Him

    what you want.

    Jesus on the mainline, tell Him

    what you want,

    Just call Him up and tell Him

    what you want.

    If you want your body healed, tell Him

    what you want.

    If you want your body healed, tell Him

    what you want.

    If you want your body healed, tell Him

    what you want,

    Just call Him up and tell Him

    what you want.

    If you want your soul revived, tell Him

    what you want.

    If you want your soul revived, tell Him

    what you want.

    If you want your soul revived, tell Him

    what you want,

    Just call Him up and tell Him

    what you want.

    Call Him up, call Him up, tell Him

    what you want.

    Call Him up, call Him up, tell Him

    what you want.

    Call Him up, call Him up, tell Him

    what you want,

    Just call Him up and tell Him

    what you want.

    I'll have to confess that I no doubt, at one time in the past, have danced around an alter to this song. I've also enjoyed it countless times when performed by one or more gospel choirs. It is a catchy tune and, like many Christian songs, misrepresents the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    So the first big question is whether or not you've forsaken your FIRST love. Did you, your church, or your denomination abandon its FIRST love for God ALMIGHTY? Do you worship Jesus instead of God HIMSELF? Do you pray to Jesus, asking him for answers to your prayers? What about this? Do you pray to Jesus in Jesus' name, asking him to answer your prayers?

    It might shock you that there is support for this false spiritual instruction in modern Bibles. So let's start here and examine if this behavior is following the actual teachings of Jesus. This review also leads to a discussion on how the New Testament is translated from Greek texts. Which Bibles, if any, are better than others? Is it okay to pray to Jesus in Jesus' name, or if this is you, is it time to repent and return to the FIRST love? After all, it was Jesus' himself warning to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:4 that they've forsaken their FIRST love, right?

    In Revelation 2:5, Jesus states: Consider [church] how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.

    Should we ask Jesus in Jesus' name?

    "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me [Jesus], the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my FATHER. And whatever you ask [or pray to the FATHER] in my [Jesus'] name, that I will do, that the FATHER may be glorified in the Son. If you ask [the FATHER] anything in my name, I will do it." John 14:12-14 (NKJV)

    Every believer must know who Jesus lifts and exalts in the New Testament. Jesus always raises, promotes, and points to God, the FATHER, in his teachings. In the above verse, Jesus states, If you ask the FATHER anything, and end your prayer with the words 'in Jesus' name' that he [Jesus] will do it for you, so that God, the FATHER, may be glorified in the Son. The Holy Spirit or Spirit of Truth always points to Jesus and reminds us of the teachings of Jesus. There is also a pre-crucifixion sense in this verse in John. Jesus reinforces his instruction for us to pray to and ask of the FATHER!

    We don't have to guess this because Jesus teaches a similar instruction in John 16:23. However, this verse has a post-crucifixion sense. Here, Jesus reminds the apostles of his impending death and that they will no longer ask him for anything. Instead, they will ask God, the FATHER, in Jesus' name.

    "Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. And in that day you will ask me [Jesus] nothing.

    Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the FATHER in my [Jesus'] name HE will give you.

    Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly about the FATHER. In that day you will ask in my [Jesus] name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the FATHER for you; for the FATHER HIMSELF loves you, because you have loved me, and have believed that I came forth from God. I came forth from the FATHER and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the FATHER." John 16:22-28 (NKJV)

    What has Jesus taught us?

    To pray to God, the FATHER.

    To pray to the FATHER in Jesus' name.

    To not ask anything of Jesus after his death.

    Given the above Scriptures, it seems clear that we are to pray to the FATHER in Jesus' name if we want our prayers answered. Yet, most modern Bibles have perverted John 14:14 to read anything you ask Jesus in Jesus' name, he will grant you. Consider this verse in the NIV or New International Version. The NIV is considered the number one most popular Bible.

    And I [Jesus] will do whatever you ask in my [Jesus'] name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14 (NIV)

    You may ask me [Jesus] for anything in my [Jesus'] name, and I [Jesus] will do it [for you].

    I interpret this verse as follows: You can ask anything of Jesus in Jesus' name, and Jesus will do it. Your prayer might look like this, "Dear Jesus [whatever you need], in your name [Jesus] we pray. What happened to God ALMIGHTY? The NIV and many other modern Bibles have forsaken God, the Christian's FIRST LOVE, in favor of a new God-man named Jesus. Is it any wonder; Why many Christians are confused about the relationship between God and HIS only begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth?

    Of course, the rationalization of the Orthodox Church is relatively straightforward. Why shouldn't Christians ask Jesus for whatever they want when all authority is given to Jesus? All authority? Yet, that isn't exactly what Jesus has taught. Doesn't this simple Orthodox rationalization lead us directly to this instruction from Jesus, where he calls out our lack of obedience? Isn't Revelation 2:4 telling us what Luke is in Luke 6:46?

    Jesus said: "But why do you call me

    'Lord, Lord' and do not do the things

    which I say?" Luke 6:46

    Jesus on the mainline,

    Tell Him want you want?

    Who should we worship?

    Before discussing how the New Testament Bible is created from Greek texts, let's address the issue of worshipping Jesus. It seems like many Christians are now worshipping Jesus and praying directly to Jesus. Do you think that Jesus taught us to worship him in the Scriptures? The answer, on the surface of your tongue, is probably the correct answer, which is certainly not. I discussed this issue in the last book I published, God And Understanding: A Spiritual Gift!⁶ It is worth repeating here.

    Worship Jesus?

    A Christian apologist⁷ practicing apologetics on YouTube created a video about what to say if a Muslim asks you, Where in the Bible did Jesus say, I am God, worship me? He cited the I am verses and several other Scriptures as proof that Jesus claimed he was God.

    The apologist then cited John 5:21-23 on the next page as why you need to worship Jesus. The person reasons from this verse that since you need

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