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Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness
Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness
Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness
Ebook388 pages5 hours

Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness

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In Mind Body Secrets - A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness Dr. Beatriz Olson unravels the "secrets" of our ancestral biology and survival mentality. This knowledge is crucial in

Release dateJul 18, 2023
Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness

Dr. Beatriz Olson

Dr. Beatriz Olson is a superbly trained endocrinologist who also has unique and extraordinary skills in mind body medicine and transformative health empowerment.Her training as an academic clinician focuses on holistic healing, experience running an integrative medicine community in Connecticut for 15 years, and 3-decades of experience and expertise caring for patients set her apart from others.Her approach to healthcare combines evidence-based science, mind-body-spirit aligning techniques, and integrative and functional medicine to provide comprehensive and effective healing. With expertise and compassion informed by being a Cuban immigrant, Dr. Olson has transformed the health and well-being of thousands of patients.Dr. Olson is board-certified in Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes, and Internal Medicine, and has certifications in Age Management Medicine and Feminine Power Transformational Leadership.Dr. Olson graduated from Barnard College, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and did her residency in internal medicine and research-clinical fellowship in Endocrinology at the University of Pittsburgh. She served as clinician-scientist at the National Institutes of Health and later as teaching-faculty at Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Olson has numerous first-authored publications in basic science and clinical peer-reviewed journals and contributed chapters to several textbooks. Mind Body Secrets: A Medical Doctor's Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness is the first integrative medicine book she has written for a general audience. Dr. Olson resides in Connecticut with her husband, Dr. Eric J. Olson.

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    Book preview

    Mind Body Secrets - Dr. Beatriz Olson


    © 2023 by Dr. Beatriz Olson

    Mind Body Secrets A Medical Doctor’s Spiritual and Scientific Guide to Wellness

    All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-958405-80-2

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-958405-79-6

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023910636

    Printed in the United States of America

    Interior Design: Marigold2k

    Cover Artistry: Amanda Wolf -

    Bio Headshot: Jonathan Henniger -

    Cover Headshot - Kris Kinsley Hancock -

    Cover Creation: Angela Ayala

    Editing: Write2Unite

    Published By: Spotlight Publishing House

    Disclaimer: The advice offered in this book is evidence-based science combined with the humanity-based experience we all share. This is not a prescription for your own unique needs in health care. None the less, regardless of your unique situation, learning and adjusting your habits and lifestyle to support your body’s needs will reward you in ways you cannot imagine until you go through this journey. This book will help you and your doctors be happier about being with each other. As a doctor and a patient, I offer this gift to patients and doctors alike so we may heal from the broken medical system we unfortunately share. My intention is to help, bring healing, and hope for developing new systems that empower each of us in our unique service spaces, and expand the health potential of mankind for future generations.


    Beatriz Olson, MD has written a book that is heartfelt, empathic, and inspirational — a book informed by her extensive personal and professional experiences that gives the reader a roadmap with guidance, tools, and knowledge to transform one’s life — mind, body, and spirit. Reading it has already given me new insights and perspectives to enrich my life.

    I highly recommend this excellent book for anyone desiring to live a life of fulfillment and joy.

    —Jill R. Baron MD

    Integrative and Functional Medicine physician and author of Don’t Mess with Stress

    Our highly refined genome, a gift from all who have come before us, provides our bodies with an incredibly resilient physiology. But this is ancestral biology, optimized for the environment of our forebears. And it is the mismatch between our evolution and our current environment that is central to so many of the diseases of our modern world. In Mind Body Secrets, Dr. Olson provides the reader the evidence-based tools for revitalization of body, mind and spirit and reconnection to the life enhancing and health sustaining messaging that is our gift from all who have come before.

    —David Perlmutter, MD

    #1 New York Times bestselling author Grain Brain

    A person smiling for the camera Description automatically generated with low confidence

    There are many books about how to heal the body, many about how best to eat and many about the advantages of a strong spiritual life. But there is only one I have seen, that combines the knowledge of all three areas, it’s this one.

    With simple, compelling and insightful words, Dr. Beatriz Olson not only illustrates the incredible advantages of mind, spirit and the body working together, she also shows you in very practical ways how you can start by doing this right now.

    Mind Body Secrets is a wonderfully uplifting book, written with passion and compassion for the author herself, who uses her own example (and those of many of her patients) to illustrate what she means by each step she proposes.

    —Pedro Simko

    Former Head of Western Europe, Publicis Communications and author of Happy at Work and The River

    A person smiling at the camera Description automatically generated with low confidence

    Mind Body Secrets not only helped me get to know my body, but it also showed me how to listen to my body, understand my body and heal my body. In that process my body became my sacred partner in life.

    Thank you for this gift, Dr. Beatriz!

    —Philip Nicholas,

    Chief Creative Officer for Choice Point

    Master Coach for the Stress Reset.

    A close-up of a person smiling Description automatically generated

    Mind Body Secrets is a must read for every woman interested in improving her health, happiness, and overall wellbeing. Dr. Olson’s inspiring personal story is expertly interwoven with her years of medical experience and expertise. As she shares her insight and knowledge of mind-body-medicine you will be taken on an empowering transformational journey.

    —Joann Burnham

    Founder and Director Dharma Yoga Nantucket, Founder Nantucket Yoga Festival

    Do you ever wish that your doctor had more experience with fully integrated health strategies of mind-body medicine? And even more so, that they have time to discuss them with you? Dr. Beatriz Olson has spent over three decades studying the secrets of mind-body medicine and wellness and has written this book to share them with you! Reading this book will give your insight and understanding as well as help you get the most out of your visits with your own health care providers."

    —Donnica L. Moore MD

    President Sapphire Women’s Health Group & Editor-in-Chief, Women’s Health for Life

    A picture containing human face, person, clothing, smile Description automatically generated

    In her book, Beatriz Olson, M.D., has gifted us with the brilliance of over 40 years of medical practice and the humanity and inspiration of her entire life. Mind Body Secrets is one of the most comprehensive books available on the wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Olson provides the integrative and holistic steps that can help all of us forge sustainable and lasting transformation. Who knew how much our ancestral wiring plays a role in our efforts to deal with excess weight, stress, and relationship challenges? Who knew what we might learn in a psychologist’s office or at a spiritual retreat could be expanded on and incorporated into our daily efforts to enhance our vitality? Dr. Olson brings various modalities of healing together into this one priceless book that contains realistic approaches to our wellness, not gimmicks or empty promises. Dr. Olson connects with her readers as she does with her own patients. She is vulnerable and shares her personal stories, making her accessible and relatable. She is a connector, not an aloof knower. She is compassionate and caring and the kind of inspirational example that sets a higher bar for the entire field of medicine. I’m recommending this gem of a book to everyone I know.

    —Kim Douglas

    Educator, Writer & Editor,

    Founder & CEO, Write2Unite

    A person wearing a suit and tie Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Knowledge is power. This concept permeates Dr. Olson’s book, Mind Body Secrets, and a search of the book reveals that the word knowledge appears 25 times. Knowing Dr. Olson as I do, this is not surprising.

    As an accomplished scientist, researcher and endocrinologist, she has always demanded that our clinical recommendations to our patients are consistent with the best available knowledge, even when they are not yet fully evidence-based. In this book, Dr. Olson explains how knowledge about the evolutionary origins of our physiology and behavior can help us understand how this has become counter-productive in our current environment. By explaining complex body physiology in terms that are understandable to everyone, regardless of their scientific background, this empowers everyone to use this knowledge to understand what drives us to do things that adversely affect our health, and longevity. But knowledge alone is not sufficient to enable us to change our trajectory to a healthier life.

    Thorough compelling clinical examples and practical recommendations, Dr. Olson provides blueprints that everyone can follow to improve their lives, but equally importantly to me, the happiness of their lives, by asking critical introspective questions about why we continue to pursue unhealthy lifestyle habits. The critically important message of this book is that if we understand the physiological evolutionary knowledge underlying the unconscientious decisions we all make every day, then we can be empowered to change what we do in response to these drives in order to lead healthier, longer lives.

    —Joseph Verbalis MD,

    Professor of Medicine

    Chief, Endocrinology and Metabolism at Georgetown University

    Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science Washington, DC

    Medium shot of a person smiling Description automatically generated

    Bravo Dr. Beatriz Olson! You created an informative and practical guide to transform our ancestral Mind and Body to optimal 21st century wellness.

    You scientifically validate the nuances of how our bodies are designed to benefit from a holistic care approach. Your melding of science and spirituality will captivate and catapult readers.

    —Rev. Maggie Mongan,

    CEO Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

    Creator of #1 Bestselling Book Series:

    Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner

    To my entelechy,

    my matriarchal line,

    our daughters,

    and future generations.


    Foreword by Claire Zammit, Ph.D.

    Preface by Eric Olson, M.D.


    Mind Body Secrets Map

    Part I. Care of The Mind

    Chapter 1: Envision Your Healthy Future

    Transformation is Possible

    My Story

    Transformation & Helpful Terms

    The Challenges of Transformation

    An Individual & Integrative Approach to Transformation

    The Steps to Transformation Wheel

    The Eight Steps to Transformation

    Case Study: Barbara’s Story

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Chapter 2: Your Inner Family

    Mind-Body Systems & the Internal Family

    What Are the Internal and Inner Family Systems?

    My Story

    Mind-Body Interactions

    An Integrative & Inner Family Systems Approach to Managing Weight

    Steps to Transform Old Beliefs to New Beliefs

    Case Study: Teresa’s Story

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Chapter 3: Emotions, Habits & Stress

    The Secret Language of Mind-Body Interactions

    My Story

    Emotions, Stress & the Nervous System

    What Happens to Our Mind and Body When We Are Stressed?

    Transform Patterned Reactions to Empowered Responses

    Additional Stress Reduction Techniques

    My Go-To Meditation Method

    Trauma and the Freeze Stress Response

    Change Begins Now

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Part II. Care of The Body

    Chapter 4: What to Eat, When & Why

    Food as Medicine

    My Story

    The Ancestral Brain & Food Cravings

    Energy Produced by Our Cell’s Mitochondria

    What Damages Mitochondria & Accelerates Aging

    Nutrition Facts Essential for Good Health

    Why Calories Are Not Just Calories & the Reasons Women Gain Weight

    Choose Good-For-You Carbohydrates

    Reverse Cravings, High Insulin & Diabetes

    Environmental Chemicals, Processed Oils & Artificial Sugars

    A Few Words About Meat & Plants

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Chapter 5: Digestion & Gut Bacteria

    Our Miraculous Digestive System

    Case Study: Ricky’s Story

    Essential Components of the Digestive System

    The Calming Vagus Nerve & Digestion

    Benefits of Sensual & Slow Eating

    Functions of Stomach Acids, Juices, Mucus, & Bugs

    More on the Magnificent Microbiome

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Chapter 6: Getting a Handle on Fat Cells & Weight

    The Heavy Price of Obesity

    Case Study: Jennifer’s Story

    How Do We Know We Have a Weight Problem?

    Why Do We Gain Weight?

    Lose Weight & Keep it Off: Challenges & Solutions

    Why Diseases Happen When We are Overweight or Obese

    How Much Weight Loss is Necessary to Improve Our Health?

    My Story

    Conventional Medicine: Obesity & Solutions

    Diets, Diets & More Diets: What I Recommend

    Recommendations for Patients with High Insulin, Prediabetes & Diabetes

    How to Sustain Weight Loss

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Chapter 7: Life Saving Practices

    Why Do Some of Us Age Faster?

    My Story



    Our Circadian Rhythm Matters

    Protect the Brain with Sleep

    Case Study: JP’s Story

    Exercise Heals & Transforms

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Part III. Care of The Soul

    Chapter 8: The Outer Family, Friends & Culture

    Navigating Obstacles

    My Story

    The Value of Generative Conversations

    Obstacles: Misunderstandings, Faulty Assumptions & Resistance

    Case Study: Mary, Louise & Jean’s Stories

    Helping Others Accept Our Changes

    Managing Our Reactions

    Dealing with Our Inner Critic

    Asking for Help & Accepting It

    Case Study: Maggie’s Story

    Dealing with Cultural Traditions & Older Family Members

    Case Study: Marion’s Story

    Always Remember:

    The Influence of Our Social Network

    Dealing with Setbacks & Disappointments

    Boundaries: What’s Okay, What’s Not Okay

    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    Chapter 9: Spirituality for a Healthy Lifespan & Soul-Satisfying Life

    Spirit, Spirit-Energy & Spirituality

    The Soul

    The Soul as Our House of Reflection

    The Soul as a Companion & Resource

    The Soul is the Keeper of Our Mythology

    Nurturing the Soul: Finding Dignity & Meaning in Our Work

    Relationships, Longevity & Soulfulness

    Developing the Qualities of the Soul

    The Role of the Soul During Dark Times

    What Happens to the Soul?



    My Loving-Kindness Wish for You

    Meditation to Enhance Your Journaling

    Journaling for Transformation

    List of Figures

    Figure 1 Mind Body Secrets Map

    Figure 2 The Steps to Transformation

    Figure 3 Transforming Old Beliefs into New Beliefs

    Figure 4 Triggers and How Habit Can Be Made

    Figure 5 Nurturing ways to Transform Old Habits into New Habits

    Figure 6 Digestive System

    Figure 7 Components of Vibrant Health and Lifespan


    Resources for Mind Body Secrets

    About the Author


    I am delighted to introduce you to Mind Body Secrets, Dr. Beatriz Olson’s remarkable book on optimal wellness. As the founder of The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership, I have had the privilege of working with countless women on their journeys toward self-discovery and empowerment and can honestly say the issues Dr. Olson addresses in this book affect each and every one of us.

    Having had the privilege of witnessing Dr. Olson’s visionary leadership, energy and remarkable insights firsthand in our programs and community for many years, I can attest to her experience, expertise, and the authenticity of her calling. Her dedication to sharing her understanding of the root cause of our world’s current health crisis with as many people as possible is palpable.

    In her 40-year career as a highly regarded integrative medical practitioner and an expert in endocrinology, she has helped thousands of individual patients to overcome illness and disease, excess weight, and the various stresses of our contemporary world. Her extensive research, combined with the wisdom gleaned from Jungian psychotherapy, Buddhist philosophy, and meditation practice, creates a powerful synthesis of knowledge and insight.

    In the pages of this book, you will embark on a transformative journey—one that resonates deeply with our shared experiences of living in our fast-paced, rapidly changing world. She sees that we are disconnected from the needs of our bodies, living in our heads, absorbing the relentless persuasive messaging and information bombarding us to do, achieve, and have more. Thus, we no longer feel we can take care of ourselves, and this lack of self-care leads to sickness and distress at multiple levels of our being.

    Her book is unique, as it provides a remarkable blueprint for lifelong health that honors the essential interactions between mind, body and spirit founded on evidence-based science, with complimentary medicine approaches, mindfulness, and spirituality, her stories and those of her patients, all held and informed by woman-centered transformation skills.

    Dr. Olson’s timeless manual has the potential to ignite a quiet revolution for millions—one which supports and enhances Feminine Power principles, enabling women and people everywhere to reclaim their health, step into their power, and create lives of fulfillment and purpose. May the pages of this book inspire you to embark on a path of self-discovery and transformation, radiating wellness and empowerment in every aspect of your life.

    With heartfelt gratitude and unwavering belief in your potential,

    A close-up of a person smiling Description automatically generated

    —Dr. Claire Zammit

    Founder, The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership


    I met and was drawn to Beatriz the first day of medical school when I helped her carry her bags into our dorm, Bard Hall, at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. About eight months later, my best friend, Brad, was visiting from law school. Brad asked me whether we should invite her to come with us to see a movie when dance rehearsal for Pippin, the play Beatriz and I were in together, was canceled. Don’t even try to ask her, I responded. There are always six or more guys after her. You’re just going to get shut down. But Brad didn’t think we had anything to lose since he was going back to law school. He figured if she said no, we could both still see the movie.

    Fortunately, Beatriz said yes and off we went to see the movie Breaker Morant, a fine Australian film. Afterwards, we headed to a bar to discuss the movie and really enjoyed sharing ideas together. Later that night, Brad asked me, Why don’t you ask Beatriz out? I didn’t want to be one of the guys who were annoying her, I explained, like another gnat around a lightbulb.

    Later that Spring during another play rehearsal, I overheard Beatriz mention her upcoming birthday. As the date approached, I learned that she had scheduled a series of commitments throughout the day. Finally, I saw my chance! I wrote her a note, inviting her to join me to celebrate her birthday in my room in Bard Hall at 11pm with some, alas domestic, champagne? Happily for me, she said yes. Those early yesses led to marriage, raising a family and continuing to keep our love alive through continuing to date for more than 42 years. I continue to be inspired by and learn from Beatriz every day.

    I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the gestation and birth of Mind Body Secrets. The book is a culmination of both Beatriz’s personal and professional journey over many years. This is not a book filled with gimmicks, exaggerations or lies. Instead, you are receiving the authentic evolution of both Beatriz as a woman and a physician. If you seek wellness, as she did when she was an overweight and depressed teenager, then this book includes Beatriz’s personal struggles and triumphs and her professional insights and discoveries. If you seek a road map, then this book will take you along a true, evidence-based, and expansive path. The book is a user manual to aid all of us to comprehend the significance of our shared ancestral biological adaptations when many of us in the developed world live with food abundance.

    Beatriz is an outstanding scientist, and, as a fellow physician and scientist, I have shared in the joy of her original scientific discoveries. She wrote the definitive paper on low sodium levels in the blood following pituitary gland surgery. She helped characterize the water channel in the kidney that became the basis for a new class of medication. I was fortunate to travel to Paris with her while we were pregnant with our first child. There, she presented her original work on appetite and satiety, proving pathways between the vagus nerve and the brain, at the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior. That work on oxytocin, decades later, again became the basis for a new use of a hormone to help regulate appetite. In another study, she discovered how the brain changes hormonal pulse releases when women are thin to decrease ovarian follicle growth. This evolutionary adaptation helps humans not get pregnant when there is a famine.

    Beatriz’s ability to absorb science has helped her when she reads basic science articles and uses this knowledge to anticipate new approaches for taking care of her patients. For example, she used metformin and weight loss to help reverse diabetes a decade before this became standard care. Her mind allows her to peer into the future. Among her many talents, she is also a world-class thyroidologist.

    Beatriz came to the United States with a good education, a strong family, and a powerful attitude. People who meet Beatriz usually don’t know that when she first arrived in this country as a Cuban immigrant, she was not treated well at all. The American foods she ate upon arrival did not help her go through puberty well. Instead, she gained weight and became obese. She also became less physically active because her family wanted to protect her from the people who might further mistreat her and cause her harm. This combination of eating the Standard American Diet and less activity resulted in weight gain.

    Beatriz struggled to learn English, fit in and feel a sense of belonging, and lose the weight she had gained. Her curiosity, determination, drive, and grit allowed her to begin her own journey of transformation. She explored and uncovered the root causes and solutions to overcome

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