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Rahu and Ketu in Houses: Vedic Astrology
Rahu and Ketu in Houses: Vedic Astrology
Rahu and Ketu in Houses: Vedic Astrology
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Rahu and Ketu in Houses: Vedic Astrology

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This is one of my best presentation on Rahu and Ketu in Houses in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with any astrologer in this world. I am trying my best to explain 12 signs of Rahu and ketu position and their Nature or behavior. The purpose of writing this book is not to make money but to share this secret knowledge with entire world. In this book you will learn in depth details about the Ascendant and their in-depth studies. I can guarantee after reading this book your opinion on astrology and the way you look at horoscope will completely change. Keep patience and read this book thoroughly and learn the method of understanding Rahu and ketu in houses.
I am giving my lifetime astrology experience in this book. This is not a copy paste material. It took me lot of pain and hard work to write this knowledge. I request everyone not to copy this content and respect my hard work because my emotions are attached with this book. This book is a result of my lifetime work.
The way this book is written you will be amazed and mesmerized and dive deep into astrology. English is not My mother tongue so if I make any grammatical mistakes then please forgive me. By profession I am an IT professional, Trader, investor and an Astrologer. I did multiple roles in my life and I am trying my best to share this divine knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology) to the world.
Release dateAug 22, 2023
Rahu and Ketu in Houses: Vedic Astrology

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    Book preview

    Rahu and Ketu in Houses - Saket Shah

    Saket Shah

    Rahu and ketu in houses

    UUID: 73110b06-6951-42a6-a0ee-430e1b4b7472

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    Table of contents

    Rahu and ketu in houses

    Rahu and Ketu in Houses

    Rahu in 1st House / Ketu in 7th House

    Rahu in 2nd House / Ketu in 8th House

    Rahu in 3rd House / Ketu in 9th House

    Rahu in 4th House / Ketu in 10th House

    Rahu in 5th House / Ketu in 11th House

    Rahu in 6th House / Ketu in 12th House

    Rahu in 7th House / Ketu in 1st House

    Rahu in 8th House / Ketu in 2nd House

    Rahu in 9th House / Ketu in 3rd House

    Rahu in 10th House / Ketu in 4th House

    Rahu in 11th House / Ketu in 5th House

    Rahu in 12th House / Ketu in 6th House

    Rahu and ketu in houses

    Vedic Astrology

    Rahu and Ketu in Houses

    Dear Reader,

    This is one of my best presentation on Rahu and Ketu in Houses in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with any astrologer in this world. I am trying my best to explain 12 signs of Rahu and ketu position and their Nature or behavior. The purpose of writing this book is not to make money but to share this secret knowledge with entire world. In this book you will learn in depth details about the Ascendant and their in-depth studies. I can guarantee after reading this book your opinion on astrology and the way you look at horoscope will completely change. Keep patience and read this book thoroughly and learn the method of understanding Rahu and ketu in houses.

    I am giving my lifetime astrology experience in this book. This is not a copy paste material. It took me lot of pain and hard work to write this knowledge. I request everyone not to copy this content and respect my hard work because my emotions are attached with this book. This book is a result of my lifetime work.

    The way this book is written you will be amazed and mesmerized and dive deep into astrology. English is not My mother tongue so if I make any grammatical mistakes then please forgive me. By profession I am an IT professional, Trader, investor and an Astrologer. I did multiple roles in my life and I am trying my best to share this divine knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology) to the world.

    Rahu in 1st House / Ketu in 7th House

    The Rahu in the First House is good for the native; it brings him a measure of support which will enable him to succeed in life. It is also a sign of wealth from the intellectual standpoint: a practical imagination, an inventive and fruitful mind. This position is good for the health.

    The Ketu, being in the Seventh House, signifies worries and troubles regarding partners. It often indicates a very material union, so that if the planets are well-placed in the Horoscope this position will be fortunate for money and material things, but where marriage is concerned, not for the emotions.

    Person must develop his/her own initiative and their own personal power. They would have relied too much on other people in the past, and have been dependent on or dominated by others. Now they must work and carve out their own destiny. Through their own efforts and own actions, they will gain the confidence and self-reliance they need.

    This person tends to learn to do things for himself/herself, to rely on their own initiative. Life seems to force them constantly into situations where they will have to act under their own volition. He/she should develop a personality that the public identifies as being individual; and he/she needs to take a personal stand on things. Rahu in the first is forced constantly to project himself, depending upon the sign position. The sign would indicate the reason for the projection of self. He/she will need to accomplish things through the power of his personality, and to develop self-sufficiency.

    Ketu in the seventh is self-negation. There is danger here that the individual will try to indulge in all kinds of relationships. His/her partnerships can become so involved that he/she may lose his/her individuality in other. This gives the probability that the person will marry successfully later in life. There is always a secret fear of losing the marriage partner. It gives innate knowledge and talent of how to be a good partner. Along with this comes dissatisfaction because of the Ketu person’s overly idealistic image of a partner. Marriage in this ideal sense may be tried many times and many times denied. He/she is not rational where partnerships are concerned, especially when Ketu is in the sign of Libra. Ketu in Scorpio in the seventh is troubled with sexual idealism and / or the partner’s financial status. The person is capable of councelling others despite his own personal problems, or more probably because of them.

    This condition signifies that the personal values are more important than general public or partnership(s). Individuality is self-propelled; and this person may or may not take heavy partnership responsibility. In reality, the partnership activities are often a drag for them in many ways, but they have to learn to cope with that. Strong aggressive tendencies are displayed, and the personality can be action-oriented. Other people or partnerships become a medium of learning experiences with or without choice. In their recent past life, they have been too much marriage-oriented or in deeper public involvement.

    This individual is here to go through experiences which challenge the self. In former incarnations, he/she fell into the trap of depending upon undependable people.

    Spending too much time trying to help others understand themselves, he/she never stopped to reflect on how their same situations and circumstances played an important role in his/her own identity. As a result of putting the accent outside the self, it now becomes difficult for him/her to see who he/she really is.

    These Nodes indicate past incarnations in which the individual submerged his identity in the affairs of others. Marriage and partnerships are so deeply rooted in his/her way of doing things that his quest of self is constantly viewed through other people’s eyes. He/she therefore allows their thoughts and opinions of him to influence his own sense of identity.

    Ultimately he/she must come out of the bondage of trying to be all things to all people, and, in the light of his own singular vibration, establish who he/she really is. He/she must escape from living in the shadow of other people’s lives.

    His/her soul memories of co-operation and teamwork are so strong that every time he/she falls back on them, he/she actually extinguishes himself/herself in the causes of others.

    His/her first house Rahu now brings to him/her the awareness that somehow he/she has lost his identity. Submerged in the desire to please, he/she has made himself a reflection of an ideal peculiarly opposite to his own basic nature. This causes him much current-life pain as he/she desires to come out of himself/herself while at the same time not inflict hurt upon those near him/her.

    He/she must ultimately learn how to assume gracefully the role of leadership. This is extremely difficult, because he/she has had so much prior-life experience in being submissive. He/she has sacrificed himself/herself so that others could achieve their goals.

    All of his important experiences revolved around docile acquiescence. Now the highest growth potential is to establish a sense of self without shutting off completely the benefits of marriage and partnerships. Too often when he/she becomes aware of all he/she has sacrificed through his Ketu, he/she becomes an extremist, feeling that one state of existence inhibits the other. He/she starts focusing every part of the life energy around the desire to lead rather than to be led. Through an instinctive knowledge that his/her Achilles heel or weak spot is in the ways that he/she can allow himself to be put into the position of being taken advantage of in marriage, he/she develops the tendency to become too over-assertive. He/she tries too hard to make up for what he/she feels he/she has lost.

    To achieve happiness in the current life, he/she must learn how to balance equally his/her own needs with those around him. He/she must deliberately try not to rush his/her own growth and independence, with the understanding that the most beautiful flower takes time to blossom, while only the weed grows quickly!

    The sign which contains the Ketu indicates the ways in which the individual during former incarnations submerged himself/herself in others. The sign which contains the Rahu shows the ways in which he/she can now establish his own sense of identity.

    Good self-projection in terms of being true to self vs. good projection in terms of appealing to others. Excessive worry about partner’s well-being vs. attention to your own well-being. Self-generated vitality vs. dependency on others for stimulating vitality.

    Possible results of sacrificing Rahu: You become dependent on the co-operation of others. You lose awareness of your own feelings about things. You lose your identity. You sacrifice yourself so that others can achieve their goals.

    Possible ways to integrate Rahu: Learn to accept leadership roles occasionally. Remain sensitive to your environment, but try to avoid being overly influenced by it. Travel - preferably on your own. Seek direct, honest contact with others. Seek out new experiences.

    In the first house, there’s a hang-up about leadership. This person is inherently strong and probably highly motivated, but often lacks moderation in his/her attempts to fulfill a leadership role. There’s a fluctuation between playing the dictator - which invariably proves unsuccessful - and a strong lack of confidence in your abilities. You feel if you can’t be the ultimate leader you may as well just put your life in other people’s hands. Either extreme produces clashes with others, since neither the dictator nor the pawn proves to be a totally comfortable role.

    A less common tendency is to not care about how you look. This person, rightly or wrongly, wants to be accepted on the basis of his or her inner qualities. However, again rightly or wrongly, in our society relationships are often initiated on the basis of an attractive appearance. For this reason, those who neglect to develop this facet of their personality quite often don’t get to first base when it comes to forming relationships.

    It’s interesting to note that in the process of balancing the first / seventh nodal axis, the person may for a time develop an almost narcissistic preoccupation with grooming and appearance.

    Rahu in the first house wants to be thought of as ambitious, energetic, and lucky. In contrast, ambitions may have been thwarted by an early marriage or an unfortunate marriage that was based more on transitory romantic feelings than real love. Feelings about relationships and life in general are changeable, and often make a drain on energy, so that when opportunities arise, motivation to act on them is lacking. Sometimes there are problems from laziness or passivity.

    Your focus for personal development will concern identity and relationship issues. You may become dependent on others and, in so doing, submerge your identity in the process, perhaps by displaying a passivity to their will, desires, and needs. You may lack self-esteem, as your self-image often reflects others’ perceptions and evaluations of you. This can be misleading, perhaps creating a distorted self-perception, particularly since you allow others’ views and opinions to influence your actions and behavior. Yet relationships will be important, and you can devote much time trying to satisfy these partnership needs.

    You need freedom from dependency on others. Learn how to be more independent and forge a unique identity, instead of relying on others to define it for you. Through self-understanding, you can live by your own light. But, until this is achieved, you probably will remain too influenced by another’s persuasion. What may occur is that, through your desire to please others, you deny and repress your own identity, needs and desires; and through misplaced self-sacrifice, lose contact with your deeper being.

    While you recognize the value of relationship co-operation and harmony, being too passive and

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