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The Business of Belief
The Business of Belief
The Business of Belief
Ebook88 pages1 hour

The Business of Belief

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Pastor Rashawn Bey acknowledges the challenges of the business world, from overspending on mentors. seminars, false promises to struggling with growing your team and high turnovers. He shows, through his own journey, how a lot can happen in 30 days with the right belief, systems, tools, and way of thinking.

He shares strategies

Release dateJun 9, 2023
The Business of Belief

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    Book preview

    The Business of Belief - PASTOR RASHAWN BEY

    The Business of Belief

    How Your Faith, Willpower, and Habits Shape Your Success.


    The Business of Belief


    Interior Design by One Faith Publishing

    Richmond, VA – Port Huron, MI [email protected]

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms by any means -

    electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise written.

    without written permission of the author, PASTOR RASHAWN BEY except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Unless otherwise, noted all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) used by permission of public domain.




    I dedicate this book to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for being by my side and shaping me into the person I am today. He has given me the vision to write this book and inspire entrepreneurs, people of different backgrounds, those seeking a second chance, or a mentor. I dedicate this book to all of you.

    Secondly, I want to dedicate this book to my lovely mother, Sheila Herrin. She gave birth to me and allowed me to exist in this world. Her tough love and honest conversations molded me, giving me the strength to face the struggles of life.

    I also dedicate this book to my father, Joseph Ford. Many of my habits and traits come from him, and his spirit of exploration and willingness to try new things inspired me to write this book.

    Next, I want to express my gratitude to my best friend, Calvin Ramsey. He was there for me during my lowest points, when I felt like there was no turning back. I am thankful to Pastor Ramsey for giving me a chance in ministry and allowing me to learn from my mistakes.

    I dedicate this book to my children, Paris and Noah Bey. The love and support you show me every day inspire me to keep fighting and providing for our family. I hope this book becomes a part of our family legacy.

    Lastly, I want to acknowledge my wife, Wanda Bey, for standing by my side during the tough times and helping me overcome struggles.

    Together, we have proven that if we can endure hardships, we can overcome them.

    To all those mentioned above, I dedicate this book with heartfelt appreciation and gratitude.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: From Struggle to Success

    Chapter 2: Why People Fail in Business

    Chapter 3: Recreating Yourself

    Chapter 4: So, You Think You're Not A Salesperson?

    Chapter 5: Social Media Presence

    Chapter 6: A lot can happen in 30 days

    Chapter 7: It Takes Culture to Build an Empire

    Chapter 8: Treat it like a Business!

    Chapter 9: Tracking your data

    Chapter 10: Powerful Online Tools

    Chapter 11: Credit is Power

    Chapter 12: Establish Your Why?

    Chapter 13: Faith-Based Business with Profit

    Chapter 14: Habits to Break

    Chapter 15: Will Power over Skill

    Chapter 16: Five Questions Gets All the Answers

    Chapter 17: Work on Your Next

    Chapter 18: Never Forget what it's like making $8hr

    Chapter 19: Don't Forget to Give Honor

    Daily Affirmation

    Chapter 1: From Struggle to Success

    Growing up in Oakland, California, statistics say I wasn't supposed to make it. Oakland was declared the murder capital of America. I was a C-average student and dropped out of college. I had terrible handwriting throughout elementary and junior high school. I was made fun of and picked on, and I had acne all over my face. I was always the last at everything and never played sports or won anything. When I did apply for sports, I wasn't picked for the team.

    I grew up with my grandmother as a child, and it was a very sheltered upbringing. She kept me in the house all the time and was very strict. She raised me from a little boy until my teens.

    My first year of high school was devastating, my grandmother passed away, and that was the beginning of my growing up. I moved in with my mother in my freshman year of high school, and that's when the transformation began.

    I had to unlearn everything that I was taught growing up and I was forced to learn how to be a man and get a real job. My mother told me that I couldn't sit around and not work, so she searched for me a job working for the state of California.

    I had no idea how to do an interview or anything else. I was going to show up for the interview with baggy jeans, Nike shoes, and a big T-shirt. My mom asked me what I was doing. She then dressed me up in a suit and tie and went over how to do an interview and answer the questions correctly.

    The next day, I went to the interview and nailed it. I became the youngest person to work in that position for the state at the time. I was only 15 years old, and that's where my professionalism began.

    When I started the job, I didn't know where to start and I was scared to death. That's when I ran into Aaron Ortiz, who changed my life with one piece of advice. He said, Whatever you do, wherever you go in your job, in business, and in life, learn everything beyond your title. Master your skills and become a valuable resource. By doing so, you'll always be in demand and have job security.

    That advice stuck with me till this day, at 38 years old. From that point on, I mastered

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