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That's Life - Deal With It: A Guide
That's Life - Deal With It: A Guide
That's Life - Deal With It: A Guide
Ebook84 pages1 hour

That's Life - Deal With It: A Guide

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About this ebook

While most people eventually learn to be socially adept and economically responsible, our training rarely prepares us for the series of difficult and life-changing events we all eventually will face.
That's Life -- Deal With It is intended to make you more aware of the personal challenges that are a part of everyday living and to provide suggestions for managing them so you can Deal With It!
Release dateApr 20, 2009
That's Life - Deal With It: A Guide

Dr. Gil Anderson

Dr. Gilbert W. Anderson is a board-certified clinical psychologist with  years of public and private practice experience.  He is also a graduate of a theological seminary, which enables him to combine theology and psychology in his work. Dr. Anderson  brings years of experience as a psychologist, pastor, teacher, counselor, and administrator in mental health services  and higher education.   He consults with  educational institutions, religious organizations, industry, and hospitals  and has a  unique   insight into human needs and behaviors. He is well-known as a knowledgeable and  entertaining seminar presenter and speaker. He continues to council and lecture in his home on the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

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    That's Life - Deal With It - Dr. Gil Anderson

    © 2009 Dr. Gil Anderson. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/24/2024

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-5066-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-4418-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2009901421

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    About the Author

    Dr. Gilbert W. Anderson is a board-certified clinical psychologist with years of public and private practice experience. He is also a graduate of a theological seminary, which enables him to combine theology and psychology in his work. Dr. Anderson brings years of experience as a psychologist, pastor, teacher, counselor, and administrator in mental health services and higher education. He consults with educational institutions, religious organizations, industry, and hospitals and has a unique insight into human needs and behaviors. He is well-known as a knowledgeable and entertaining seminar presenter and speaker. He continues to council and lecture in his home on the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

    Welcome to That’s Life, Deal with It. I hope my coping recommendations help you; however, as a graduate of Faith Theological Seminary, I also recommend that you turn to God in prayer for guidance.


    I’m not prepared for this!

    How many times have you encountered a transition, trauma, or major life event and felt completely helpless – or worse, hopeless? You’ve heard the old saying, life is a journey but have you ever really thought about what those words actually mean?

    The road of life is different for each human being. For some it has a smooth, predictable course while others know constant struggle and sacrifice. Sometimes an easy road can take a wicked turn. Out of the blue some unexpected and life-changing event occurs – a divorce, a death, a tragic illness or accident – and the path is forever altered. When this happens, one of the most common thoughts is: I’m not prepared for this!

    For decades social scientists have studied the stages of human development in an attempt to understand when and why we learn. It is now generally accepted that prenatal development prepares individuals to cope with the physical environment. Following birth, the human body learns to adapt to light and changes in temperature and sound. An awareness of smell is acquired. As children grow they learn to eat, walk, talk, and become toilet trained. They learn to socialize with the immediate family, and, later, with less familiar people. This learning lasts far beyond traditional learning years. Well past high school people are expanding their socialization skills while learning to be emotionally and financially independent.

    While most people eventually learn to be socially adept and economically responsible, our training rarely prepares us for the series of difficult and life-changing events we all eventually will face.

    That’s Life – Deal With It is intended to make you more aware of the personal challenges that are a part of everyday living and to provide suggestions for managing them so you can Deal With It!

    Chapters In Brief

    It would be foolish to claim to address all of life’s challenges, but the ten presented in That’s Life – Deal With It arose out of a lifetime of counseling people. These were the challenges most often presented in counseling sessions. The following is a summary of these.

    Chapter 1

    The Strongest Human Drive evolved due to the large numbers of clients who felt totally helpless and were unable to identify their true needs. This chapter examines the strongest human drive.

    Chapter 2

    Establishing Life Priorities was a problem frequently presented by people who had no clear value system. They did not know how to decide what was really important to them.

    Chapter 3

    Managing Personal Relationships was a recurrent theme in therapy. Relating positively with other people, selecting and living happily with a mate are clearly challenging, since national statistics indicate that about half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce.

    Chapter 4

    Sexual Adjustments are serious concerns for most people. They often do not understand the changes encountered as sexual relationships progress and they frequently stumble through them.

    Chapter 5

    Children for a Lifetime addresses parenthood, which is a common theme in therapy for individuals and couples. Maintaining a marriage with children can be perplexing.

    Chapter 6

    His and Her Mid-Life Transitions presents the myriad of adjustments people experience in their middle years. The empty nest and living as husband and wife again after raising children is addressed.

    Chapter 7

    Aging Parents is an issue for an increasingly significant percentage of our population. Deciding what to do with parents who need help is a concern, as is coping with guilt.

    Chapter 8

    How Time Flies talks about helping people develop attitudes which help them adjust to their own aging.

    Chapter 9

    Coping With Grief covers a topic which will become a part of every person’s life. Most people just struggle with the pain of loss and grief. This chapter explains the process of and gives a timeline for grief, and offers guidelines for living through it.

    Chapter 10

    There Is Always Hope deals with the question, What do I do after I have tried everything I can think of, and it’s just not working? This chapter offers hope.

    Chapter 11

    Critical Personality Unhappy Legacy. The critical personality

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