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"I Am Not Your Black, America!"
"I Am Not Your Black, America!"
"I Am Not Your Black, America!"
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"I Am Not Your Black, America!"

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Forget Every "Black" book you ever read; this Book is NOT "your black" book!This is the story of a first time author, who calls himself "Uncle Meshorn", as he debunks every label by which "uncle sam" has branded him with, including "uncle tom"!

If MeShorn is NOT "your black", America, then who is he?As soon as you think you can "box" MeShorn into "one of yours", you will have to embarrassingly pull him out, as you read the next chapter!

Yet, this book is not just about who he is, rather who you are.His story will force you to, grudgingly "pull yourself" out of boxes or labels, America has imprisoned you inside, in the name of culture, diversity, community and patriotism!

This book is intelligent but is not written by an intellectual.At heart, it is the cry of a child who severely doubted his identity, after being dragged through the muddy life of his gods: his parents, foster parents, and uncles.

As an adult, Meshorn had to wake up to the reality of the community he was raised in, "...The search for identity has alienated them from their true selves; the search for roots has UPROOTED them; the search for a 'colored' God has made them GODLESS."

As a US Army Officer, in his travels, he discovered that America in search of an identity, likewise, has sold its soul, in exchange for nostalgia of a supposed greatness in the past.

He does not believe that America was great or is great, but he can see clearly now that it can become as great as it wants to be.And the only way to become great is to never reply as Cain did when he was asked, "Where is your brother? ... "Am I my brother's keeper?!"

PublisherTrient Press
Release dateSep 26, 2023
"I Am Not Your Black, America!"

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    "I Am Not Your Black, America!" - MeShorn T. Floyd-Daniels

    MeShorn T. Floyd-Daniels

    Uncle MeShorn

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    Floyd-Daniels, MeShorn T.

    A title of a book : I Am Not Your Black, America!


    I have a dream: That one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.



    I begin with all humbleness, deeply grateful to many people that I’d like to acknowledge. Before all else, I would like to be clear on this point: I intend to be as honest and transparent as possible regarding this project, as it would be totally irresponsible, reckless, and fraudulent of me not to express thanks and appreciation where due.

    Thus, firstly, I want to acknowledge my writers and the entire Urban Publishing team connected to this project. They absolutely and astutely understood and embraced the entire truth of Uncle Me’Shorn; not once did they raise any objection to my ideas, nor did they attempt to manipulate or push me away from being my authentic self. Instead of trying to change my truth, they embodied it – they listened and drew inspiration from the same wellspring of divine principles my own thoughts came from. They also countered any limitations present in my own prose, as it presented unique challenges due to theuse of Ebonics; sometimes, they would require phone conferences to decode my written literature since it was certainly written in an unorthodox style, one perhaps even unintelligible to many others. Yet, they always tried to maintain my voice and perspectives in the text, especially with regard to my personal history and plights.

    I believe they actually felt my heart as I attempted to reach a new level of strength to overcome the hurdles in our path. Conversing with the writers, my confidence in the project grew; even though there was certainly a generational and linguistic gap between us, we overcame these barriers to understanding. Had we simply accepted these hurdles as fact, this project would perhaps never have come about.

    In this book, I have unapologetically represented a clear identity of myself as a proud descendant of African American slaves. Yet, my narrative is not racial; it is the narrative of humanism and humanity itself, written from the perspective of a man who is a member of the Baby Boomer generation, born between in mid-1960 to 1964. Conversing with my writers, I was undoubtedly their Elder; nonetheless, we relatively understood and shared a certain sameness of identity and character, having been born in America in a similar epoch, one that has stretched from 1960 to the present moment of the 21st century

    I am convinced that there was perhaps no way to have received some keen insights had it not been for the keen interest shown by the writers, who did their best to listen, understand, encourage, and support the thoughts I wanted to put to paper. Ultimately, I would say the team as a whole was a big part of bringing this project to completion.


    I would also like to give homage and acknowledgment to my ancestors, to whom I owe my present life. Ye (Kanye West) said slavery in America was a choice; in response, the American Black persecuted him as a sellout, labeled him as crazy, and claimed that he needed help. But if

    today’s generation of the American Black has never seen the movie Amistad, they are basically ignorant of the Africans who chose not to be Slaves. It was these folk who were freed by legendary former president of the United States of America, John Adams – he defended them and allowed them to return home to Africa. They were cleared of all charges despite killing almost everyone on that ship that had captured and enslaved them.

    They were enslaved, but they chose not to be slaves.

    Slavery is a choice. Many made the decision to commit suicide and die; others decided to live, to create a social lineage. Consequently, their lives mattered to the blood generation that came after them. I am descended from this lineage.

    I am honored to be a seedling from my Grandfather, a King on my Mother’s side, and my Grandmother, who was a Queen on my Father’s side. To my Mother, Hattie Laura Conley Floyd Daniels, I am thankful for these four specific things: Life. Name. Shelter from

    black Churches. A place in the Army


    I would also like to acknowledge the Queen to my status as King: my Wife, Jacqueline E Daniels. She is the Queen who showed her importance to me spectacularly through her actions after our marriage. She took the great revelation given unto her about the man she had married and gave me a perspective regarding how naïve and ignorant I was about white and black Christianity. There were astonishing challenges to overcome in the year 2006 during the Louisville Peace Festival, but she stood by me resolutely. She served a key role in my life as a most vulnerable figure who helped me realize the fullest potential of my Self, helping me become Who I Am. I am sincerely blessed and fortunate to have selected this angel of a woman placed by God at the Crossroads of my self- discovery.

    To her, I can only say a phrase from a song by George Huff:

    I Can Count On You.


    I am also appreciative of the opportunities to Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn provided by my Family members, who endured me, even if they didn’t have any clue regarding the role they played in the completion of this project.

    The blood Family members I would first thank are Charles E. Daniels, Melissa Floyd, and their Children – my nieces and nephews. Thank you, all.

    But there is more to family. After a startling discovery through, I was able to reconnect with my 102-year-old Grandma in Miami, Florida: Lilly Bell Floyd. I was separated fifty-five years ago from her when I was just a five- year-old. Also reconnecting with me are my little brother, Trevor Floyd, and his wife – this concluding my Family on the side of my Father, Clyde Me’Shorn Floyd. But there are multiple other blood Family members to mention, such as my cousins Hope, Contrell, Keisha, and many more, too numerous to mention.


    But then, there are the many adopted Family members. Though they and I share no bond of blood, I could not have achieved as much as I have without their support.

    First among my adopted Family is the US Army – where I became myself, and developed my natural roots and Manhood. The Army is what led to me becoming a surgical technologist. The pathways in my life were perhaps decided by the drilled sergeants of Fort Jackson and the men in South Carolina – SFC Fry and 1st Sgt. Hunter.

    Back at the 98th General Hospital, West Germany, thanks to my roommate Robert Edwards, my section manager SFC Zeb Wilmington and Sergeant Major Jefferson, who set on my promotion board to becoming a Sergeant First Class / SFC.

    And I’ve not forgotten Terry Miner, WHAS Radio 840 AM. He is my Brother, a man who gave me airwave times in Louisville, Kentucky, over twenty or more times... Call it an epiphany, but if I had to guess and place money on it, Terry had to

    very carefully choose how to navigate the situation whenever my name came up!

    Terry is a classy individual – he’d never admit it, but he openly, unapologetically, and publicly introduced me to this city as if we were Brothers from different Mothers.

    Finally, thanks to High School homeboys and classmates Alvin Breedlove, and K C Anderson.

    They were clueless of the childhood horrors I lived with, but nonetheless allowed me to follow in their footsteps.


    I would also like to acknowledge the many members of the nursing staff, the physicians, and all those working in the Surgical Service University of Louisville Hospital that I owe so much to.

    Here are just a few professional colleagues who have left a lasting impression on me: firstly, Dr.

    James, chief surgery, Ft Hood Texas. The University of Louisville medical community served me the greatest initially; Dr. Greg Nazar, Dr.

    Rafeal Cruz, Dr. Timir Banerjee, Dr. John Sansbury, Dr Smith Chairman of Surgical Services, Dr. Franklin chief of trauma, Dr. Miller, Dr. David Seligson, Dr Hartley, Dr. Cho, Dr Bozeman, Dr Harbrecht, Dr Roberts the Chairman orthopedic services at University of Louisville Orthopedic, and countless more...The University of Louisville Hospital Surgery Nursing Staff but, more specifically Debbie Judd, Kathy Robinson, Chase, Josie, Corey, Kathy, Angie, Nolan, Josh, Jamie, Bro. Sam, Jenny, Mike one & two, Marty Pam, Raven and Patty, Shayla, John, Jeremy, Megan, The Irish orthopedic nurse Sioban Victory, Faithia Cain, Julie Lamount, Sherry, Celeste, Melissa Johnson, Donna, Donnie, Abraham Donald, The orthopedic reps: Logan, Connor , and memory of Phil,The Jenny &, Allen, My friends Lee Wilson, Reyonna Gill from Norton’s, Kim B (OR girlfriend), laVerne (My cougar), Ian, Debbie Whitening, Elaine Strong and Sue Ann Carrillo (My work Wife Queen)

    The above were all, perhaps, the most significant peoples who help in my development in Louisville, Ky.


    I would also like to reach out with the deepest gratitude to all the organizations, authors, movements, and individuals listed here:



    Mike and Jenny, Wallace and Gillia, Rick and Carol, and Patrica and Nita


    Adolph Thompson, Ray Barker, Martin Smith, Steve Petrey, Rick Holland, Jeremiah Morton, and Mike Craven.



    Leonard Walker, Peter Hayes, and Shahram Sedehi – who has now become my Sergeant major in finishing the publishing of this book.


    Marcus Ray Joe Trapper, Ray Ali God’s Lives Matter

    Frank Porter, Charles E. Daniels, Gidget Muhammad (Queen), and Mertus Strong, – and if it wasn’t for my Daughter Andrea Denise Daniels, is the inspiration for  God’s Lives Matter GLM.

    I didn’t know the plan’s but I’m glad God knew.

    Vanessa Simagan is my special big Sister and a feminine spiritual friend. She was much needed by me and seemed to stand with me in all my endeavors, even when she didn’t agree with or share my politics. Yet I salute Vanessa’s willingness to give me her ear and her patience to travel with me on the journey of writing this book!

    To Pastor Bob Rogers (Evangel World Church):

    Sir, you are truly a man of God.You never once put any restrictions on our relationship. As part of the 2006 Louisville Peace Festival, you kept your word to support me when I invited my guest, George Huff from American Idol, to be interviewed by WJIE Radio and your congregation showed up on the Waterfront to make the event happen.

    To Rev. Sun Myung Moon ( Heavenly Parents Holy Community):

    "Immediately after my 2006 Peace Festival and after reading Dr Norris Shelton's America's Little Black Book, I met you in Washington, DC. Even though married for ten years, I still had so much to learn about what is the purpose of marriage and life. Then, you blessed my marriage as you ministered to us, that God’s original intention for this world has been to raise healthy and happy families.The memory of our encounter never fades! Thank you!


    America’s Little Black Book - ALBB

    This book and its author provided language and literature that was foundational to my own endeavors; its guidance helped me understand my own prior struggles and battles with mischaracterized emotions and the depression that domesticated black folks

    My thanks to Dr. Norris Shelton, James Elliott, and Carl Hamilton.


    American Slavery

    Dr. Gerald Higginbotham was invited to come from St Louis, MO, into my life. When I was about to walk away, he anchored me to the understanding that there was, indeed, a purpose as to why ALBB was written.


    At the end of this acknowledgment, it is important to me that I show the depth of my gratitude. It is hard to imagine the level of discipline, strength, and compassion needed to be my core through thick and thin. There were times when I found myself in some rough emotional spots – there were dark and painful times, times when I was screwed over, abused, and cheated by the hands of others....

    It was a great, comforting relief – and indeed, comfort and relief – to hear the all-encompassing message of God’s love that visited me in my car.

    When I spoke in tongues, the utterance gave me solace in a moment of loneliness and desolation; it was then that I gained my wit, acquiring all the acronyms you’ll find throughout my book.

    One acronym you won’t find anywhere else but here is L.OV.E; it is the very first emotion I felt when I received Him. L.OV.E stands for Love Overcomes Everything – and that

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