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Technology for a Sustainable Environment
Technology for a Sustainable Environment
Technology for a Sustainable Environment
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Technology for a Sustainable Environment

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Environmental issues such as overexploitation, pollution and degradation of natural resources have prompted us to look for ways to devise sustainable practices across industrial and public service sectors. Researchers and scientists all over the world are involved in developing strategies and techniques that help us achieve a sustainable environment. Technology for a Sustainable Environment presents an overview of various methods and techniques that can be adapted to sustain the environment. Chapters focus on techniques such as bioremediation, nanotechnology and biotechnology that can play a very important role in achieving environmental sustainability goals. The chapters also provide a detailed account about use of biotechnology, nanotechnology and other techniques in achieving environmental sustainability. Additionally, the book includes a discussion about emerging technologies that promote environmental sustainability like green technologies, biodegradable polymers and plastics. Readers will be able to understand how modern technologies can help in monitoring environmental pollutants, remediation of environmental pollution and prevention of environmental degradation.

The book is suitable for readers, professionals and scholars at all levels who require an understanding of the technology in environmental science, environmental engineering and environmental biotechnology.


Researchers, scholars and professionals in the field of environmental science, environmental engineering and environmental biotechnology.
Release dateSep 25, 2023
Technology for a Sustainable Environment

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    Technology for a Sustainable Environment - Bhu pinder Dhir

    Non-renewable Resources and Environmental Sustainability

    Sonu Sharma¹, Monu Sharma¹, Joginder Singh², Bhupinder Dhir³, Raman Kumar¹, *

    ¹ Department of Biotechnology, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala 133207, India

    ² Department of Chemistry, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala 133207, India

    ³ School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India


    Growing need for energy for sustaining increasing population has resulted in overexploitation of natural resources and over use of fossil fuel-based energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The consumption of non–renewable resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas has increased tremendously resulting in environmental problems and climatic changes. Emission of greenhouse gases and other environmental concerns have increased. The decline in the quantity of non-renewable resources has generated the search of alternate energy sources. Switch to alternate sources of energy and fuel can be a sustainable option to this problem. Solar, tidal, geothermal, wind are some of the renewable sources of energy that are being focused to curtail the energy crisis and ensure sustainability for environment. A framework based on fulfilling the SDGs need to be developed which can contribute for more profitable, responsible path of economic growth and development.

    Keywords: Carbon emission, Economic growth, Environmental quality, Non- renewable resources.

    * Corresponding author Raman Kumar: Department of Biotechnology, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala 133207, India; E-mail: [email protected]


    Pollution, soil degradation, climatic changes, depletion of natural resources are some of the major environmental problems the world is facing today. The main cause of all these alterations is rapid increase in population, industrialization, burning of fossil fuels and many other anthropogenic activities. Ecosystems irrespective terrestrial, aquatic (freshwater, marine) are get affecting by the rapid

    change in the environmental conditions and the rate of degradation is anticipated to speed up in the coming decades.

    CO2 emissions coming from industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion, power stations, cement producing units and refineries has increased at an alarming rate. Increase in emissions of greenhouse gases has contributed to increase in global mean temperature by about 1.09°C in the last few decades. Wildfires across many regions of the world have also contributed to increase in global temperature. Loss in the forest covers at a rapid rate to meet the demand for more food, shelter and cloth for the growing population and other anthropogenic activities has resulted in increase in levels of carbon dioxide. Events such as La Niña altered rainfall seasons creating drought like conditions in many areas and floods in the other ones world. Drought over large parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America due to heat waves, severe storms, cyclones and hurricanes in other parts of the world are the some of the major changes noted during the last decade. This has affected the agricultural sector to a great extent. The change in climatic conditions exerts diverse impact on the fauna and flora throughout the globe. The change in temperature has resulted in melting of glaciers and associated increase in the water level in seas and oceans. Ocean warming via thermal expansion of sea water has increased threat to aquatic life. Global warming has also lead to decrease in pH of ocean water.

    Natural resources are support to any civilization. They are beneficial to humans and were naturally classified as agricultural land, fisheries, mineral resources, fuels. Their classification into renewable and non-renewable resources came into existence quiet late and it was based on their existence. Natural resources have noted depletion at an unprecedented rate. The quality of soil, water, air has shown a significant change over the past few decades. Pollution has declined the quality of natural resources such as water, air or land. Erosion, overgrazing, pollution, monoculture planting, soil compaction, land-use conversion has affected the quality of soil and lead to its deterioration. Depletion in soil quality has affected its productivity thereby threatening the food security at global level. According to an estimate, about 12 million hectares of farmland are getting degraded each year. All these changes have severely affected the survival of the living beings.

    Non renewable resources are being utilized by humans in very high quantities resulting in their significant decrease. Environmental degradation is posing as a threat to survival of living beings and leading to extinction of species. A significant loss in biodiversity has been noted every corner of the globe. This has lead to the generation of the concept of sustainability.

    Non Renewable Resources

    Non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels mainly coal, petroleum, natural gas and oil are limited in amount. They contribute to bout 85% of the energy consumed all over the world. These resources are formed from organic material from plant and animal remains that existed millions of years ago. Since the materials took millions of years to form, they also require millions of years to replenish. They are highly combustible, hence a rich source of energy. Non-renewable resources are affordable as they are cost effective. These resources can be used to form various products. They provide a major source of energy and medium to carry out various anthropogenic activities. These are consumed faster sources and will eventually get depleted. Their amount has become limited to their misuse and over-utilization, therefore it becomes important that they are sustained for use of future generation. Changes in the status of non-renewable material affect the size of the economy [1, 2].

    Non-renewable resources are used as major source of energy. Many countries of the world use them for industrial, urban and anthropogenic activities which result to increase in pollution and global warming in the environment [3, 4]. The depletion of natural resources is supposed to increase energy crisis. Over use of fossil fuel results in the emission of greenhouse gases, this is primarily responsible for global warming and climate change. Use of non- renewable energy resources leads to environmental degradation and affect the economic growth of the world. A10% rise in consumption of non- renewable energy resources result in 2.11% rise in GDP [5]. The main reason of deviation from non- renewable resources to renewable energy resources is their environmental effects [6-10]. Utilization of energy has both governmental as well as environmental consequences [11-14]. With increase in non- renewable energy resources GDP rises.

    Non-renewable resources, especially metals, can be expanded by reprocessing. This process involves gathering and processing unused industrial and household products to recover renewable materials including metals and plastics. In oil producing countries, natural gas and petroleum and are the main drivers of economic growth [15, 16]. Non- renewable energy resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas cannot be replicated once exhausted [17, 18]. Industrial energy supplies are mostly based on the use of non- renewable resources. Use of fossil fuel releases certain amount of residue in the form of solid substances and gases. This residue causes environmental pollution.

    Around 300-360 fossil fuels were formed during the time of carboniferous period. About 10 feet of solid vegetation got flattened, heated and created foot of coal. Round about 50% electricity is produced from coal. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, the global transportation of crude oil is enough to meet human demand through the year 2050.

    Categories of Non-renewable Resources


    Pure elemental substances or mixture of numerous metals and non- metals have many uses Fig. (1). They can be used in industries are zinc, aluminum, chromium, iron, lead, manganese, uranium, mercury, nickel. Ore is obtained by mining and metal is extracted from ore containing oxygen and sulphur. If the metals have sulphide minerals, they are treated in presence of oxygen at high temperature. This releases gaseous sulphur leaving the metal behind.

    Fig. (1))

    Metal Mining and Use Source: Modified from Freedman [19].

    This diagram depicts major stages of the mining, manufacturing, use, re-use of metals, and associated emissions of waste gases, particulates to the environment. The diagram represents a flow-through system, with recycling to extent.

    Fossil Fuels

    Fossil fuel includes coal, natural gas, oil send and petroleum. These materials are obtained from the biomass of dead plants and microorganisms buried under ground hundreds of millions of years ago Fig. (2). Nowadays fossil fuels are manufactured by subjecting dead biomass to high temperature and pressure. Their reserves will get diminished when they are extracted from the environment.

    Fig. (2))

    An oil pump in southeastern Saskatchewan. Source: B. Freedman [20].


    Coal contains carbon and hydrocarbon matter. Coal is extracted by digging up the ground and processed for energy. Coal is one of the one of the inexpensive sources of fuel used for generating electric energy and many other uses. Coal occurs in various forms such as anthracite, lignite, bituminous, and sub-bituminous. Bituminous contains 45% to 86% of carbon. It has high heat content and is used in generating energy and in making steel and iron. It is the energy resource and used in electric power plants to generate electricity. Bituminous coal reserves are found in good amount in Illinois, U.S.A. Total amount of coal reserve in Illinois base is 104.2 billion tons [21]. Generally it contains high sulphur content as it releases gases that harm the environment. The curable reserve i.e. amount of coal that can be recovered from existing coal reserves is approximately 1.24 billion tons [22]. According to an estimate that the reserves of coal are likely to last till 2170.


    Petroleum is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons with some contamination such as organic compound that contain nitrogen, sulphur and vanadium. Petroleum must be heated to form an extremely light liquid that immediately volatizes into the atmosphere. 49.29 million barrels of distillate fuel oils, 29.75 million barrel of jet fuels, 21.1 million barrels of liquefied petroleum gas and 1033,000 barrels of residual fuel oils and other (includes asphalt and road oil, aviation, kerosene) [23]. The fragment may be used as a fluid fuels, or they can be assembled into many useful materials such as plastics and other pigments. It occurs in various forms with different uses. A light hydrocarbon combination known as Gasoline is used to fuel automobile. Moderate weight fraction, includes diesel which is used as a fuel by trucks, trains and homes. Kerosene, another form of petroleum is used for cooking and as a fuel for airplanes. Thick residual oil, is used a fuel that used in oil- fired power plants and large ships. Semi-solid form is used to pave roads and manufacture roofing products.

    Reserves of petroleum had been decreasing over the last 20 year period. Its cost has been increasing making it non-viable economic resources [24]. Fossil fuels are used at a large scale mainly in advanced and rapidly developing economies.


    Oil is the third amongst the fuel used for power generation in whole world. Around 50% of oil i.e. crude oil in the world is turned into gasoline. Oil and natural gas also have a more limited availability and are estimated to last until 2041 and 2071.

    Use of non- renewable resources exerts bad effect on environment by the way they processed, used and disposed off. Burning of fossil fuel produces high amount of carbon dioxide which is a major cause of global warming [25, 26]. Most of the countries fulfil their energy needs from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas and consumption of energy increases, emission of carbon is increasing as well [27]. About 66% of energy in the world is obtained from fossil fuels, while 8% is generated from nuclear energy [28-32]. Boontome et al. [33] used ECM Granger causality technique to indicate that expenditure of non- renewable energy expand carbon emission but had trivial collision on economic growth. According to GMM and pooled mean group estimates, fossil fuel utilization enhanced carbon dioxide emission but delayed economic growth in advanced economies.

    A possible approach to decrease emission from coal- fired power plant is through enhanced energy efficiency and conservation program [34]. One procedure to restraint emission from coal-fired power plants is through a request response program, which needs consumers to use minimum amount of energy and consequently construction of fewer coal- fired power plants.

    Nuclear Fuels

    Nuclear fuels are obtained through mining and refining of uranium ore. Nuclear fuels mostly include unstable isotopes of heavy elements such as Uranium and Plutonium. In nuclear reactions atoms combine into dissimilar compounds without changing their internal structure. Nuclear fission liberates energy in the form of heat. Numerous environmental problems are associated with nuclear power generation. An unrestrained chain reaction can result in a devastating nuclear explosion [35]. It generates power through a process known as nuclear fusion. It is used for running turbines and generates nuclear power.

    Apart from fossil fuel other classes of non- renewable resources include metals, minerals such as potash and gypsum. Limestone, glass sand, peat, copper, gold are other non renewable resources. The stocks of these resources can be maintained if managed properly.

    Effect of Non- renewable Resources on Environment

    Fossil fuels burn to produce carbon dioxide which results in greenhouse effect [36]. Apart from greenhouse effect, coal-fired plants are the highest source of mercury emission which lead to neurological and neurobehavioral effect in embryo and young children. Increase in release of carbon impels the central authorities make effort towards execution and unification of energy strategies to stimulate the utilization of cleaner and renewable energy to minimize the consequence of carbon [37].

    Burning of fossil fuels release pollutants that enter the atmosphere and sulphur and other chemicals get back earth in the form of acid rain. This rain proves harmful to fish and aquatic animals and also causes damage to tree as well as forest ecosystem.

    Mining waste dumped into soil and other location results in poor soil quality and enters into food chain. Oil producing companies involved in natural gas and petroleum production are not able to regulate the carbon dioxide emissions. The carbon balance needs to be maintained otherwise it can result in decline in economic growth [38, 39].

    Energy Use

    In the earlier times, wood was collected and plant biomasses collected were used as the source of fuel or as a source of energy. Biomass fuels are the renewable resource of energy because the rate at which they were being harvested is much smaller than that rate at which new biomass was being produced by vegetation. The energy is used to run industrial operations, machines, to keep cozy in winter, cool in summer and to produce food.

    High amount of energy is mainly used in advanced countries such as Canada and USA. Energy consumption is linked with gross domestic product GDP [40].

    Protection of Non- renewable Resources

    Most of the people in the world totally depend on non-renewable resources. It is very essential to encourage alternative energy resources such as renewable resources like solar and wind power. Decreasing our dependency on non-renewable resources and increasing usage of renewable energy is one of the solutions to a sustainable future [41]. Efforts are made to shift to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, biogas and geothermal energy. Use of renewable energy may implicit a dilemma between growth and environmental quality.

    Action like driving electric and hybrid vehicle, installing solar panels and appositely insulating home and business and using energy efficient appliances are all smaller- scale changes to reduce usage of non-renewable resources. Enhanced response means encouraging consumers to reduce usage of electricity at their place, as consequences of comprehensive prices of electricity. Electricity is very important and useful type of energy used in industrial societies, extensively administered to industries and homes. Solar energy can also produce electricity directly, via photovoltaic technology.

    Renewables are projected to be the fastest-growing energy source and nuclear power is expected to be the world’s second fastest-growing source of energy. Renewable fuels are expected to grow faster than fossil fuels by the year 2040 [42]. Natural gas is expected to be the fastest-growing fossil fuel in the future because it is abundant natural gas resources and increased production includes supplies of tight gas, shale gas, and coal bed methane. The rise in oil price is expected to make consumers opt for more energy-efficient technologies and move away from liquid fuels.


    World commission on Environment and development of the United Nation defined sustainability development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generous to meet their own needs. Sustainability is defined as the development relates to three interconnecting goals: environmental, economic and social. Sustainability requires protection of environment, economic growth and responsibility towards social life. The abstraction of sustainability has been more commonly associated with planet earth. The concept of sustainability growth development was non-segregated into various disciplines.

    The consumption of nonrenewable resources may only be sustainable if the existing supply of the resource does not decline in the future. This can only be possible if technological advancement allows for a meaningful increase in the efficiency of the consumption of these resources in the future and the increased development of renewable sources.

    Environmental sustainability is very biggest matter faced by the human being at present. Growing population together with enormous growth in anthropogenic activities has increased the matter of sustainability of natural resources on our planet. It has become important to cover the ever growing energy need in deposition to achieve sustainable development and reduce the pollution of resources used [43]. The implementation of environmental sustainability assists to make sure that the needs of today’s population are encountered without threatening the ability of future generations to meet their needs Fig. (3). Many countries are implementing strategies for development of superior environmental quality by decreasing further worsening of situation. Such strategies are established both by the government’s direct and indirect monitoring interferences. The consciousness for more aware environmental living can be spread among the society by means such as environmental education, behavior and moral preaching [44]. Production using energy inputs that increase pollution can be administered by enforcing taxes and fines [45-48]. Our environmental strategy focus to reduce the construction of waste, exclude practices that involve the use of dangerous chemicals, with an aim to clean environmental set up.

    Fig. (3))

    Flow chart showing various steps leading to environmental sustainability.

    Around 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which included 169 targets were proposed by The United Nations General Assembly at the UN in New York by the Open Working Group. The 17 (SDGs) can transform the world as they aim at reducing poverty, hunger, promoting good health and well-being, providing quality education, maintain gender equality, provision of clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy and economic growth. The SDGs add great value and simultaneously demand to the scientific community. The set of global SDGs were set with the aim that climate change and its impacts will be combated, and a sustainable future is ensured for future generations. In addition to climate change, focuss has also been given on renewable energy, food, health and water provision through a coordinated global monitoring and modelling of socially, economically and environmentally oriented factors.

    The replacement of fossil fuel-based energy sources with renewable energy sources such as solar energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, wind and ocean energy (tide and wave) will help in achieving sustainability. The role of governments, intergovernmental agencies, parties and individuals need to be ensured for achieving a sustainable future. It is noted that implementation of renewable energy technologies will generate about 2.3 million jobs all over the world. These will be in the sectors such health, education, energy and environmental safety. Seventh SDG ensures affordable and clean energy to all which can be achieved by using renewable energy source since they are generally distributed across the globe.

    Improvement in education, awareness, and human institutional capacity environmental issues is required. Countries need to incorporate decarbonization policies and strategies into various sectors such as energy, forest, health, agriculture, water resource, and many other sectors. Partnership between developed, developing and least developed countries will help in promoting the distribution and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies, innovations and will help in achieving sustainability in a shorter possible time.

    Five key steps to environmental sustainability:

    Environmental compliance

    Establishing legal environmental compliance.

    Environmental strategy and commitment register.

    Environmental Management

    Recognition and Execution as Best Practice.

    Sectoral Benchmark (Working towards ISO 14001)

    Environmental management system (ISO14001)

    Aligance and Planning

    Execution and Management

    Quantitative and Qualitative indicators of performance

    Ongoing review and upgrade improvement

    Environmental Performance

    Environmental Performance Evaluation

    Basic life cycle assessment

    Environmental reporting

    Environmental Sustainability

    Back- casting and Ecological foot printing

    Emission and Impact Reduction strategies

    Change of reasonable and Innovation

    The term Sustainable Development was first popularized in report given by the World Commission on Development and environment, an agency of United Nation. According to an estimate, about 5-to-10 fold expands in the human economy could be sustained. The solution of sustainable development is possible only by means conventional and economic policies so that sustainable human economy is ascertained.

    The concept of Sustainable development modified total economy [49-52]. Consequently, the modified net economy (savings) variable is used as the sustainable development variable Fig. (4). Environmental economies help in detecting the costs of following kinds of impairment.

    Fig. (4))

    Diagram showing the integration of Environment and Economics in the society.

    The expenditure of natural resources, involve its longer term inference for the continuation of future generation.

    Disruption that cause harm to natural ecosystems.

    Impairment and destruction of species.

    Ecological and pollution and human health effect.

    Environmental destruction is though recognized as essential but its advantages are only partly captured by conventional economies.


    Non-renewable resources decline at an alarming rate because of their tremendous use as source of energy and fuel. Non-renewable resources can be used at very large extant to achieve the economic growth but are not the basis of sustainable economy. Non- renewable resources cause harm to environment to a greater extent. The life of fossil fuels is only few hundred years. Hence use of non- renewable resources need to be restricted to save environment and secure future of coming generations. Besides this alternate sources of energy and fuel need to be explored. Renewable sources of energy provide a viable option to this problem. Use of renewable energy sources and other strategies for minimal use of non-renewable resource can help in achieving the SDGs and secure a better environment top live in.


    All authors have equally contributed to this chapter.


    Role of Biotechnology in Treatment of Solid Waste

    Bhupinder Dhir¹, *

    ¹ School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India


    Waste management has become a major global concern. The rapid rise in the rate of population has increased the generation of waste at a tremendous pace. Improper disposal of agricultural, household, municipal and industrial wastes can pose a threat to the health of living beings and the environment. Industrial waste, in particular, is highly hazardous as it contains toxic chemicals and metals. Many methods of waste disposal have been adopted, but most of them produce various kinds of after-effects, therefore, biological methods have been adopted because of their eco-friendly and sustainable nature. Sustainable waste management aims to minimize the amount of waste generation. Waste is treated in a proper way, involving the steps such as segregation, recycling and reuse. Biotechnological methods such as composting, biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds and bioremediation have been tried. These methods have proved useful in treating waste in an eco-friendly way. More research studies need to be carried out to standardize the method for the proper treatment of waste so that environmental sustainability can be achieved.

    Keywords: Anaerobic degradation, Biogas, Bioremediation, Combustion, Composting, Fermentation, Incineration, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Xenobiotic.

    * Corresponding author Bhupinder Dhir: School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India; E-mail: [email protected]


    Waste released from municipal, domestic and industrial processes is becoming a problem worldwide. Solid waste includes wastes obtained from household, commercial and demolition activities. In the present era, e-waste (electronic) has also become an issue of concern. Besides these, medical waste, radioactive waste and many other forms of waste are generated. Globally, municipal, domestic, industrial, plastic and electronic waste has been discarded at an alarming rate by people worldwide. It is becoming difficult to manage waste generated in huge quantities. Increasing waste is proving a threat to the environment. The main reason for this is rapid industrialization and urbanization-change in the lifestyle of individuals. Recent reports indicated that the rate of waste generation at present is estimated to be about 0.25 to 0.66 kg/person/day [1]. Studies suggest that the rate of disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) all over the world is around one billion metric tons. The amount of waste disposal is expected to reach 2.2 billion by the year 2025. Plastic is one of the major components of MSW. The wastes are both biodegradable (organic waste) and non-biodegradable (Table 1).

    Table 1 Different types of wastes.

    The wastes are generally disposed of in open dumps, landfills, or subjected to incineration or composting. The practices of disposal of waste in open dumps or incineration affect the various components of the environment, such as soil, land and affect public health via the outbreak of diseases. Waste treatment is important before it is released into the environment to prevent ecological imbalance. There is a need to develop technologies so that waste is treated in a manner that does not bring any harm to the environment. Generally direct combustion or crushing of the waste (such as agricultural, household, municipal and certain biomass materials) after sorting has been followed, but these activities release gases such as CO and CO2 into the atmosphere. If wastes are not treated properly, it emits gases like methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), which cause air and water pollution [2]. The problem can be mitigated if wastes are treated and processed by adopting environment-friendly technologies before disposal.

    Many waste management policies and technologies have been developed, and efforts have been made to tackle waste in an effective manner by public and private agencies. Waste management is an activity that helps in organizing waste from its production to the process of final treatment. Waste management includes processes such as collection, sorting, treatment and recycling of waste materials. Each and every kind of waste needs to be managed in an efficient manner (Fig. 1). Sustainable waste management strategies aim to reduce the production of waste or follow activities that engross the reuse of waste materials in some or the other way. Less amount of waste generation will prevent contamination and the spread of diseases. Waste management is considered a key element for a sustainable environment [3, 4]. Sustainable waste management reduces the number of products such as plastic along with an increase in means of their recycling at the same time.

    Fig. (1))

    Various ways in which organic waste can be treated.

    Besides the physcio chemical methods, biowaste treatment technologies, including direct land application, animal feed, combustion, physical and chemical treatment processes, temperature treatment (such as pyrolysis, liquefaction, gasification) and biological treatment (composting, vermicomposting, anaerobic digestion, fermentation) have also shown promising results with an aim for achieving waste management [5, 6]. Biowaste treatment reduces threats to human health and environmental deterioration [7. 8]. Conversion

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