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False Flag & Headhunters
False Flag & Headhunters
False Flag & Headhunters
Ebook221 pages6 hours

False Flag & Headhunters

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To most people 9/11 is a terrible event that took place in the past which they have little or no interest in discussing today. But to an ever-growing multitude of earth’s vigilant citizens it’s much more than that. It was, and remains, a revelatory exposure of ongoing malign forces that continue to threaten the whole world, with mass shootings, chemtrails and the gamut of deep state atrocities and mayhem that the mainstream media has conspired to cover up.

Thanks to the Internet and an increasing number of enterprising and courageous individuals, the information now available on a 9/11 cover-up is voluminous and convincing. But my perception is that the world’s understanding of this wealth of evidence, or willingness even to consider it, is a small fraction of what it could and needs to be for the good of the planet and the people who inhabit it. The choir is being preached to with brilliance and passion, but it’s time to enlarge the congregation. Exponentially.

All this evidential intelligence needs to be presented in such a way that it permeates the cultural equivalent of the blood-brain barrier. How can we bypass that impregnable human defense system that is denial? Story-telling, fiction, is certainly one way. As I state near the end of this 32,000-word novella – fiction based on fact – “Although its central characters are fictional, the story you have just read is based on the tragedy we all know so well – or, more correctly for too many of us, not so well.”

FRANK lost his 26-year-old daughter LISA. ANNA lost her husband ARTURO, a cook anticipating promotion to sous-chef at Windows on the World. ANITA’s husband ALEX was one of the 658 employees of Cantor Fitzgerald who lost their lives in the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers. Through the eyes and the stories of these and other fictional characters, we gain new compassion for the victims, and new perspective on the events, of 9/11.

When Frank learns that Anna, a young new employee in his office, is a 9/11 survivor, he takes her under his wing. As she is able, and asks, to learn more, he and Anita painstakingly fill her in on the details of the 9/11 cover-up. Following her gradual, excruciating awakening from denial of how her husband Arturo was murdered is a way for readers to overcome and cope with their own denial.

I think people need someone like Anna to take them by the hand and lead them on the same painful journey that she takes in my story, from her assumption that the 9/11 Commission settled the question of who was involved in the atrocity, to finally learning, and accepting, who the real perpetrators were.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 8, 2023
False Flag & Headhunters

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    Book preview

    False Flag & Headhunters - Dick Croy

    False Flag

    Dick Croy

    Copyright © 2023 by Dick Croy.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 01/17/2023







    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,

    committed citizens can change the world.

    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

    Margaret Mead

    Dedicated to those with the moral courage

    to face and speak out against the monstrous

    crimes against humanity and the planet

    perpetrated by malign forces of the

    Deep State, whoever and whatever they are.

    And to Joy, my loving partner in this

    adventure called life


    It didn’t occur to me until 4 or 5 years after 9/11 that the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers might have been a false flag operation carried out by rogue elements of the U.S. and Israeli governments, with perhaps others as well. What started me down that rabbit hole was a telephone call from Sharon Ackerman, a good friend from Los Angeles, telling me that 9/11 was an inside job and introducing me to Loose Change, a 2005 video written and directed by Dylan Avery, who with the help of others has since revised the original version several times.

    The late David Ray Griffin, a retired professor of philosophy at the Claremont School of Theology, was a script consultant on one of the Loose Change revisions and wrote several books about 9/11, including The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. I consulted Dr. Griffin about an early draft of my screenplay False Flag, which preceded this novella and included him in the story as a real-life character, using his scathing remarks about the scientific miracles that would have had to occur for the official version of 9/11 to be true.

    In False Flag I include Dr. Griffin as part of a critical Triumvirate of the hundreds of 9/11 Truthers on a mission to tell the truth about this monstrous crime against humanity. Another is Richard Gage, a San Francisco Bay-area architect who founded Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in 2006 and has arguably done more to bring 9/11 truth to members of these and other professions than anyone else.

    The third crucial Truther is Christopher Bollyn, an erudite world traveler and author of many articles and the controversial, meticulously documented best-seller Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World. Bollyn, who lived for a time on an Israeli kibbutz, pins the planning and execution of 9/11 on Israel’s national intelligence agency Mossad, with the assistance of Zionist neocons and rogue elements of the U.S. government, military, intelligence services and corporatocracy. Like anyone daring to connect Israel with 9/11, Bollyn has been slandered as an anti-Semite, but his extensive body of historical research has no quarrel with Judaism or the Jewish people. Zionism and Israeli crimes against humanity are the subjects he inveighs against.

    There are many organizations and websites dedicated to telling the truth about 9/11, among them Jews for 9/11 Truth, and I wish to acknowledge all 9/11 Truthers, including my good friend Jim Luken.

    Peter Dale Scott, a Canadian poet, former diplomat and English professor widely recognized for his conceptualization of deep politics, theorizes that in every culture and society there are facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so.

    I know now that the mainstream media has betrayed Americans and the people of the world at the behest of their corporate owners. It’s to reliable alternative news sites that I turn for truthful information about what’s really going on – while trying to discern truth from all the fantasy and deliberate disinformation found on the internet. As I began my rather haphazard online research into what really happened on 9/11, one of the first sources I came across was the newsletter From the Wilderness published from 1998 to 2006 by the late Michael Ruppert, an LAPD narcotics officer who resigned after discoveries that led him to believe the U.S. military and LAPD were involved in narcotics trafficking.

    Veterans Today was another website I consulted regularly for a while, but currently the bellwether sites from which I’ve drawn information for False Flag and Headhunters, are Information Clearing House, Prepare for Change, Forbidden Knowledge TV, and Stillness in the Storm, whose self-description an Agent of Conscious Evolution I believe is accurate.

    Over the years a number of people have provided information that I’ve incorporated in False Flag. I’ve often credited or named them and won’t cite them here. One person whose name I regretfully have forgotten suggested that I point out the invaluable distinction between Judaism and Zionism. I added characters and a scene to do so.

    Finally, I’d like to thank Fred Burks, executive director of Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service (PEERS), deeply committed to cultivating community and transformation through inspiration and education, who assisted me in listing False Flag on, where as of the date of publication it had received more than 44,000 views.

    Cover by Valdis Garoza.

    Only puny secrets need protection. Big secrets are protected by public incredulity.

    Marshall McLuhan


    When a good friend contacted me three or four years after 9/11 to tell me the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were an inside job, aided and abetted by elements within our own government, I was furious.

    I’ve never known Sharon to read a newspaper in her life, I fumed to my wife when she asked why I was so angry. And she expects me to believe her hare-brained story about 9/11?

    Joy had never met Sharon but had heard enough of my L.A. stories to know who she is. Both of us are expats now, Sharon in Portland and me back in my hometown in the Midwest. We’d kept in touch fairly regularly, but this conviction of hers about 9/11 made me wonder how well I knew her after all.

    I’ll send you a video, she said. Just watch it with an open mind, okay?

    It arrived a few days later: a documentary of poor production quality and implausible conjectures appropriately titled Loose Change. I did try to watch it with an open mind but heard myself muttering expletives and invoking the names of the Lord and his only begotten son as if I were overhearing someone else. Someone who sounded as if he was about to lose it at any moment. Thanks in part to my dismissive if not entirely negative critique, my wife had no interest in watching it.

    It did get me thinking though. Mostly about why such a horrific event had ceased to oppress my thoughts as it once had, until being reintroduced by Sharon with her long distance call and this amateurish but indeed rather thought-provoking video. How had 9/11 faded so completely from my mental radar screen?

    My much younger cousin Lisa had been one of the nearly 3,000 victims on that terrible day. I wasn’t particularly close to that side of the family but sent condolences after learning of her death, then obsessed for days about how it might have occurred. I didn’t know the details and wasn’t about to probe. After a while, Lisa’s untimely end became submerged in the enormity of the metastasizing tragedy, for our own country, then for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and for the world at large.

    Two years ago I learned that her parents had divorced and wondered what role Lisa’s death might have played in the breakup of their marriage; a substantial one, I guessed. She’d been their only child. My uncle Frank was an executive engineer with a major construction company in Kansas City. I knew little about Lisa’s mother Linda.

    Loose Change and its reverberations reawakened my interest in 9/11. It seemed almost as if a film of some kind, like condensation on a mirror, had been wiped from my mind. This didn’t happen all at once. At the computer I’d find myself idly Googling 9/11-related subjects, at first out of curiosity, then as one hyperlink led to another, more like our little dog Riley on the scent of a fresh animal trail in the backyard. After a few days, or maybe it was a couple of weeks of this kind of exploration, it became obvious that I had broken through into the vast, what was then still subterranean world of Conspiracy theories. And suddenly I felt paranoid, as if I could be observed somehow. As if my online presence in forbidden realms could be detected by Big Brother.

    It was my good fortune, however, to come across a posting by Peter Dale Scott, a Canadian poet, former diplomat and English professor widely recognized for his conceptualization of deep politics, which theorizes that in every culture and society there are facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so. Scott managed to reassure me that my sudden fear was normal, to be expected. I shouldn’t allow it to keep me from learning what I could about the real world we live in.

    What, I wondered, did my uncle think about 9/11, and all the conspiracy theories growing up around the collapsed towers like thorns in an animated fairy tale? Did I dare ask him? From what little I knew about him Frank was a conservative, level-headed person, an engineer and executive after all, from the heart of the Midwest. But no one in the family seemed to know much about Frank these days, even how to contact him. He no longer worked for the company where he’d built his successful career. Apparently didn’t even live in Kansas City nor did my Aunt Linda, his ex. I began discreetly to look for him on the Internet. Didn’t find him on Facebook or LinkedIn or by Googling his name.

    Finally one day after I’d pretty much quit looking for him, I came across the name Frank Nolan in a 9/11 survivors group listing. Contacted a guy on their website, convinced him I was the nephew of a Frank Nolan who’d lost his daughter, and gave him my phone number and email address. Frank emailed me the next day to confirm that his colleague had given him the right information, then gave me his own cell number, in New Jersey, and a good time to call.

    I called.

    A week later we were sitting in a booth across from each other in a restaurant in Somerville. Just an hour from New York City but with a downtown that, aside from the prevalence of good restaurants, has the ambience of a small town in the Midwest. Frank had done some homework and was aware that I’d published a few things; in fact he spoke favorably about two pieces he’d found on the Internet.

    That’s why we’re having this meeting, he said. I’d like you to tell the story of how and why my daughter died.

    In that first hour we spent together Frank proceeded to lay out the short version of what I would come to learn was a much larger body of work, representing not only his own research but that of hundreds of others, many of them scientists and engineers like himself but also including military and intelligence personnel, first responders to 9/11from police and fire departments, professionals in all walks of life who just don’t believe the accepted version of what happened that day and what had led up to it.

    It was way too much to absorb. To say that I left our introductory meeting reluctant even to consider the undertaking he’d proposed would be an understatement. Despite my own tentative forays into the 9/11 conspiracy forest, there was just too much about what my uncle had told me that I frankly couldn’t believe.

    I had business to take care of in the city – which had made meeting Frank feasible in the first place – then planned to return home. I told him I’d think about what he’d said and get back to him in a week or so. Frank said he knew he’d overwhelmed me, that he really hadn’t expected an immediate answer. He would email me information he considered particularly relevant; after I’d digested all of it, however long that took, I’d be better prepared to make a decision. He’d provide additional info and leads at my request.

    I want you to tell the story your own way, he said. Otherwise it’s going to get lost in all the other information that’s available to anyone willing to look for it. The choir’s being preached to with brilliance and passion, but it’s time to enlarge the congregation. Exponentially.

    Those aren’t Frank’s words exactly but they’re the gist of his instructions. In the weeks that followed, as I continued my own independent and fairly skeptical Internet search, I became more and more aware of the extraordinary amount of research he’d conducted, on his own and with the help of the survivors group he’d joined. As he told me, the information’s out there, you just have to look for it. Spend the time necessary to sort out all the garbage and disinformation from what’s worth considering. Not only do most people not have the time, their minds aren’t open enough to consider spending even a minute examining alternatives to the government’s version of the events of 9/11. I hadn’t been willing to. For the first few years after it happened I wasn’t even aware there was a controversy. But what I learned has changed my mind.

    *     *     *     *     *

    Society’s collective suppression of facts that are too hot to handle, which Peter Dale Scott connects with deep politics, appears to me similar, if not identical, to the psychological response cognitive dissonance I can’t buy into that, it would undermine my whole sense of reality, – often cited in 9/11 conspiracy theories as the basis for mass denial of what Truthers believe to be self-evident. The prime example is the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings. Truthers and many demolition experts claim it was an obvious case of controlled demolition. The media and average citizens not only accept the government’s explanation that burning jet fuel weakened the buildings’ steel support columns, launching a cascade of collapsing floors, but are dead set against considering alternatives.

    This drives Frank crazy. Denial’s a societal autoimmune disease, he had ranted at our initial restaurant meeting. "The immune system is necessary to protect the body of course, but it can over-react and end up wreaking havoc on it. The kind of denial that conspires with greed and corruption to bring about the collapse of civilizations turns the permeable membrane of shared beliefs that define a culture into a solid crust that ends up suffocating it.

    Here’s an example, he said. "I actually overheard this at breakfast one morning, in the booth behind me. Two guys, probably in their late 20s, early 30s. I didn’t see them come in, had my nose in the paper.

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