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51 Pioneer Scientists of India
51 Pioneer Scientists of India
51 Pioneer Scientists of India
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51 Pioneer Scientists of India

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Like religion and spirituality, India has also been a top country in mathematics and science. And today again it is marking a different identity on the map of the whole world. There is amazing achievement in IT i.e. Information Technology and today India has become a superpower in the world in this field.
In ancient times India's physicians like Charaka, Sushruta, Jivaka and amazing alchemists like Nagarjuna were world famous and scientists like Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya made astonishing discoveries in science as well as mathematics. Today everyone accepts India's great contribution in this direction. Similarly, the invention of 'zero' is a discovery of India, which opened the door to the latest discoveries in science and mathematics.
In this book, well-known litterateur and science-thinker Prakash Manu has told about the life and great contribution of such epoch-making scientists of India, by reading which child and adolescent readers will know about the great scientific tradition of their country. At the same time, a dream and a new courage Will arise within them to come forward and do something new in this field.
PublisherDiamond Books
Release dateDec 21, 2023
51 Pioneer Scientists of India

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    51 Pioneer Scientists of India - Prakash Manu



    The pinnacle of ancient science (1500 BC)

    Medhatithi’s name is taken with great respect among the oldest scientific thinkers of India. Medhatithi was an ancient sage, whose hymns are found in Rigveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. Thus, in these Vedic hymns, God and the deities have been praised. But the main thing is that many of the verses of Medhatithi are such that they show that he had a lot of knowledge of arithmetic.

    In ancient India, these are the amazing verses of arithmetic, which shows how much India was ahead in the field of knowledge-science even in that period. Today, the Indian method of writing from one to ten trillion, Medhatithi was not only using it beautifully in the Vedic period, but was also able to compose beautiful poetry on its basis. In this context, Medhatithi can be called ‘the first discoverer of Indian mathematics or numbers’.

    In Yajurveda, a shloka has been given in the name of Medhatithi, in which counting has been done through bricks. The joy of playing with numbers or counting is unique in this verse. Climbing up step by step with the help of numbers, that is, this verse can definitely be called unique because of this count or table with the product of ten. The meaning of this beautiful verse of prayer is-

    O Lord of Fire, these bricks are like my milch cow. Let another ten become, Hundred (100), One thousand (1000), Ten thousand (10000), One lakh (100000), Ten lakh (1000000), One crore (10000000) Ten Crore (100000000), a sea (1000000000), a middle (10000000000) and an end (100000000000) and prarardha (1000000000000). May these bricks be my own milch cows in this world and the next world.

    This shows that Medhatithi had knowledge about zero. He knew very well that by increasing one zero the value of the number increases. Increasingly, he had taken the number up to ten billion, which means one prayer in scientific terminology. If written then one prarardha would mean, 10 to the power of 12, i.e. 1012. Nowhere in the world were people familiar with such a large count at that time. They could count up to a thousand, ten thousand or a lakh, but not more than that. That is, up to 105 the mathematicians of the world were familiar, while Medhatithi, Vedic sage and mathematician of India, was counting very well till 1012.

    Yes, there is definitely a limit to Medhatithi and his time that the method of writing such large numbers in numbers did not come into vogue at that time. Small numbers were written down by lines or some other signs, but large numbers were still written in words. Yet Medhatithi has used numbers so correctly and precisely in his verses that it would not be wrong to call him the inventor of Indian mathematics and numbers. Thousands of years ago, Medhatithi is the most ancient glory of the extraordinary perfection India achieved in arithmetic.



    Great Master of Yoga Vidya (200 BC)

    Patanjali was the great inventor of Yoga Vidya. In this form his fame is immortal and keeps on increasing. Even before Patanjali, discussions or sources about Yoga are found in the Vedas and Upanishads, but Patanjali did the unprecedented work of bringing out the essence of the entire Indian thought and knowledge about Yoga in one place. Not only this, Patanjali gave such completeness to his Yoga Book by bringing out the sources scattered here and there in the Upanishads and other ancient texts about Yoga, that even as some twenty-two centuries have passed but its relevance has not diminished even today.

    Patanjali’s most important discovery regarding yoga is that the peace of mind of a man is directly related to his breathing. We often see that when a person is calm, his breathing is moving at an even pace. But in moments of anger or passion, the speed of breath also changes and intensity, imbalance and irritation start appearing in that too. Therefore, the most important establishment of Patanjali’s yoga-philosophy is that if a man’s breath is controlled, it can change his state of mind. And if the state of mind becomes good, then it also has a good effect on the health of a person. That is, through yoga, a person can get health benefits even without any external medicine or medicine. Not only this, but by controlling the rate of breathing through yoga, one gradually rises to higher and higher states of consciousness and ultimately attains God or true spiritual realization.

    According to Patanjali, this condition of the human mind or brain can be explained with the example of a pond. Like the wind playing with the water of the pond, in the same way many unnecessary thoughts arise in the mind. Then, from the ambush of those thoughts, new thoughts are born one after the other. If the powers of the mind are concentrated in meditation by stopping these unnecessary thoughts, then like a pearl lying in the calm water at the bottom of the pond, we can find God and true divine

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