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Diary of a Hoglin Book 3: Dragons versus Humans
Diary of a Hoglin Book 3: Dragons versus Humans
Diary of a Hoglin Book 3: Dragons versus Humans
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Diary of a Hoglin Book 3: Dragons versus Humans

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With this recent turn of events, D'zort has become the new Original Dragon after D'tort went missing for over 10 days. In order to take over the role of The One, D'zort had to undergo a special ritual, which would turn him into a Nether Dragon again and grant him special powers exclusive to the Original Dragon.

However, the rit

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateDec 31, 2023
Diary of a Hoglin Book 3: Dragons versus Humans

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    Book preview

    Diary of a Hoglin Book 3 - Mark Mulle

    Diary of a Hoglin

    Book 3: Dragons versus Humans

    Mark Mulle


    Mark Mulle

    Copyright © 2021


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    Day 1

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    Day 1

    The Nether Dragon leader disappeared from the palace. No one knew where he was taken. Now, the Nether Dragons did not have a dragon in charge to make decisions during one of the most important and vulnerable moments of Nether Dragon history.

    Humans and Nether Dragons were not getting along very well and the battles near the Nether Portals were only proof of that. Humans entered the Nether and would guard the portal, preventing any dragons from getting near it.

    In the meantime, I tried to defuse the situation by talking to the humans who I considered to be my closest friends. The good villagers of the Woodpick village, led by Borovir, Berevir and Pierson, they refused to listen to reason.

    They decided it was best for their village to join the other humans in the fray and fight for the Overworld’s protection. Now, it is up to me to locate the leader of the Nether Dragons and beg him to make the right decision.

    At the moment, there is but only one action to be made: we must bring the Nether Dragons back to the Nether Farlands as soon as possible. Otherwise, we are in for some catastrophic results on both sides. Humans and Dragons will be harmed by this war, and there is nothing to gain out of it.

    At the palace, D’leia and I searched around for any clues that could lead us to the location of D’tort.

    Strange… why would Endermen storm the palace and take our leader out of all places and all creatures? D’leia wondered.

    Beats me. I can’t help but think that there is something off about all this… I said.

    What do you mean?

    It’s strange. Nether Dragons are fearless and scary creatures in the Minecraft world. I can’t think of any other creatures who would mess around with us. Humans are the sole exception to that rule since they often fight dragons, as we can see from the battles near the portals. Despite this, there is no reason for the Endermen to attack us out of nowhere. Don’t you think it’s strange, to say the least? I asked D’leia.

    You are asking me if the Endermen siding against the Nether Dragons is strange. Well, I will give you that, it’s absolutely strange. Where could they have teleported D’tort?

    They could have taken D’tort anywhere in the Nether.

    If only we could get into the throne room and look for clues as to what really happened, but those guards won’t let anyone come near there.

    Do you think we can do a better job at locating D’tort than the Royal Guards of the palace?

    I do.

    Really? I looked at my own body. Take a look at me, D’leia, what can I do in this form? I can barely move freely by myself without you assisting me along the way. I reckon we let the guards deal with this, and we will see if we can help them in other ways.

    If you say so. D’leia replied. Personally, I would rather take over this investigation and start searching for D’tort. Those guards couldn’t care less about our leader.

    How can you say that? D’tort was our leader. All Nether Dragons cherish and love him.

    Yeah, right… I think you are living in a different world, D’zort. D’leia told me. Things have been changing around here.

    What? I was stuck with the Hoglins for two weeks, but things couldn’t have changed that much in such a short period of time, right?

    Well… they did. I didn’t want to tell you because you are in a fragile position right now, and all you want to do is regain your Nether Dragon form. But honestly, I was expecting something like this to happen to D’tort.

    Someone kidnapping him?

    Maybe. I never thought it would be the Endermen to do it, but I figured someone ought to do it at one point.

    I don’t understand. Please tell me what happened during my absence, D’leia. Why are the Nether Dragons plotting to kidnap D’tort?

    Sure. Let’s go to a private area first. I don’t want any of the guards hearing this. Hop on my back, and we will go talk someplace else.

    I hopped on D’leia’s back and she took me outside the palace. We landed on a small lava island and I got off her back.

    Please tell me everything, now I am so curious. I asked her.

    Ever since you disappeared, D’tort started focusing more on his plan to attack the humans. Eventually, he put a halt on the attack and waited a bit longer. You already know that much.

    Yes, I know he sent the Nether Dragons to scout the portals, and the humans did the same. As of now, they are all keeping each other away from the portals, avoiding a bigger fight. But that fight is coming… I can feel it.

    We all know that unless D’tort tells all Nether Dragons to retreat, the battle between humans and Nether Dragons is inevitable. However, many of the Nether Dragons refused to listen to his orders. Some of them said it was crazy to take on the humans and fight them. Others refused to join the fray, going as far as renouncing D’tort as their leader. In other words, a rebellion has been brewing among the Nether Dragons since you’ve left.

    Why did you avoid telling me all this?

    I didn’t want to scare you. Like I said, I just wanted to help you get your body back. I was going to tell you everything afterwards, but…

    But then, D’tort disappeared. I replied.

    Precisely, D’tort disappeared and your chance of being transformed back into a Nether Dragon also went away. Now, we must find him somehow. That’s why I am telling you everything I know.

    I see. I replied. The Endermen kidnapping D’tort still doesn’t make sense, but everything else does. The fact that he could be kidnapped by Nether Dragons is possible.

    Exactly, D’tort upped his personal army, hired more guards and placed more defenses around the palace. That’s why I do not trust those guards to do the investigation. We don’t know if they are involved in this!

    Oh, interesting. Are you implying that one of the guards could have something to do with the kidnapping?


    Wait D’leia, that would mean that the Nether Dragon guards are partnering with the Endermen. How is that even possible? I didn’t even know that the Endermen spoke our language to being with.

    I know D’zort, but we must consider any and all options right now. The guards could be behind it, or maybe I am exaggerating. Still, it’s never a bad idea to be cautious.

    I agree. You have made the right decision, my friend. I replied.

    Now, the big question is who can we trust in the palace, and where was D’tort taken? D’leia wondered.

    I don’t know yet, but we should find out somehow. We can’t let D’tort stay under the clutches of those pesky Endermen. He must return at once, not only to help me get my body back, but to avoid the impending war. I said.

    Day 2

    D’leia and I talked a bit more about D’tort’s possible whereabouts, but we had to return to the palace at some point.

    Anyway, what should we do next? Do you have any ideas? I asked her.

    "As of now, I only have one plan: return to the palace and find out as much as we can from the guards. We may be able to extract some information from them. You are the second in charge, and I am the third in command after all.

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